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ORPGF Hayashi vs Kato Icon_minitimeMon 29 Jul 2024, 3:32 pm by Hirokai Hondo

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ORPGF Hayashi vs Kato Icon_minitimeSun 21 Oct 2018, 3:13 am by Nocturne

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 ORPGF Hayashi vs Kato

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ORPGF Hayashi vs Kato Empty
PostSubject: ORPGF Hayashi vs Kato   ORPGF Hayashi vs Kato Icon_minitimeSat 12 Jun 2010, 12:29 am

Walking through the forest in between the two villages of the Leaf and the Mist, Hayashi was a tad bored out of his mind, as he wondered who would greet him. Holding a note in his hand, it was a letter, quickly scribbled down, as if it was a spur of the moment idea. Hayashi sighed as he had no idea who would even know his location, let alone challenge him to a match. Then again, Hayashi was out of practice quite a bit.

Looking down, Hayashi shivered at the sight of bugs and disgusting insects creeping around in the mulchy muck below his feet. He was getting tired of the weight on his shoulders, lugging around his puppets was bad enough. He groaned a bit, disgusted that he would even bother coming here.

Eventually he came to a halt. This was the clearing he was told to meet the mystery person at. He looked around and took another deep breath. There weren't any traps laid out, so he was obviously the first one here. With little to do, he sat on a stump. Whistling, he was slowly regaining his energy, knowing that whoever this was was either in his village or a powerful opponent...or maybe even both. He kept his guard up, not noticeably but his finger tapping was really all that was keeping him from falling asleep right now.

"Come out, come out, wherever you are!" he called into the emptiness, hoping that whoever he was to battle would respond, tension building up. He wasn't pleased with being kept waiting.
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PostSubject: Re: ORPGF Hayashi vs Kato   ORPGF Hayashi vs Kato Icon_minitimeSat 12 Jun 2010, 12:49 am

As Kato was ready to depart from the leaf village, He had hoped that his opponent had gotten his letter. It wasn't incredibly neat printing, but it was some what legible. He restocked all of his weapons, and made sure that he was at 100% before leaving the opened gates of Konoha.

Kato hated to wait, and he hated keeping people from there time, So as quick as a fox, he darted out of the gate, and went straight to the trees. "I better refill my Gourd of water" Kato remembered. So he stopped for a 5 minute break at a shallow pool filled with the water from the rain and filled his gourd. Eating the rest of his trail mix, and left over cup noodles he had prepared for the long journey, Kato was set and ready to fight at any time.

As he came close to the clearing of the promised place, he tensed up, and gripped the assassin styled katana he had across his back below his giant water filled gourd. He knelt down and picked up some soil, slowly turning the soil in his hand, he knew that there was the slight forecast of rainfall the night before, soaking the ground in rain and mildew. "I can use this to my advantage" thought in his mind.

"Come out, come out, wherever you are!" his opponent said.

Kato jumped to the sound of another humans voice , to his surprise there was someone in this random clearing, but not just someone, His opponent was waiting for him. Kato was still surprised that his opponent got here sooner then he had, so Kato was a little pissed off, but he assured himself that his opponent came earlier then expected.

"I'm here~!" Kato said while tensionly gripping his katana. This was an opponent that he had never faced before. "What are his abilities? What kind of chakra does he use? Is he strong?" Kato thought making himself a little more nervous. "Well now, We will soon find out, Won't we Heheheheh" Kato reminded himself in a mysteruious manner. Kato then hid himself in the shadow of the trees, waiting for his opponent to make the first move.
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ORPGF Hayashi vs Kato Empty
PostSubject: Re: ORPGF Hayashi vs Kato   ORPGF Hayashi vs Kato Icon_minitimeSat 12 Jun 2010, 1:02 am

Hayashi heard the other person's voice, coming from the same general direction he came from. "No use playing hide and seek...I'll find you," he said. He used his senses to try and detect any chakra patterns nearby. He turned and tried to figure out which tree it was. He sighed and decided to take a more brutal approach. He quickly dove underground with his puppets and dug about searching for his opponent while remaining invisible with his favorite earth style technique. He suddenly felt the presence above him and decided it was time to play out a plan.

He dug up just a bit and then popped his hand up, and attempted to grab his opponent by the ankles, and then if that succeeded, he would pull himself up, and give his opponent a rising upper cut while shooting up from the ground. He really hoped it would work because he was a little out of practice and too much stress led him to do things he hated to do... like work harder than he needs to.

Jutsu Used This Post:

Name: Earth Style: Underground Projection Lure
Rank: C
Element: Doton
Description: This jutsu allows Hayashi to go and stay underground for extended periods of time. It requires chakra to move around because the chakra allows him to dig around.

Name: Earth Style: Rising Barrage
Rank: C
Element: Doton
Description: This is used in conjunction with Underground Projection Lure. From underground, he will grab the opponents ankles and then pull himself up leading with his fist and knock the enemy flying with an upperut.
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PostSubject: Re: ORPGF Hayashi vs Kato   ORPGF Hayashi vs Kato Icon_minitimeSat 12 Jun 2010, 1:10 am

As Kato anxiously waited for the first attack, He heard something. "Whatever my opponent is...He isn't very quiet" Kato Looked around from where the noise was coming from, Up...Left....Right.Behind him..."Below!!!" Kato figured out and jumped as high as he could, Just barley dodging a scratch that his opponents middle and index finger would have given him. However, As Kato jumped up, He threw a Kunai with an explosion tag at the ground 15 millimeters from where the hand was and activated it, Embracing himself for the short distance impact.

Kato landed with a couple of burn marks on his skin, and some charred clothing. "This is nothing" he said, And waited for his opponent to make his appearance through the smoke. He took out his overly large katana and waited for the correct moment when the smoke would rise.
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ORPGF Hayashi vs Kato Empty
PostSubject: Re: ORPGF Hayashi vs Kato   ORPGF Hayashi vs Kato Icon_minitimeSat 12 Jun 2010, 1:20 am

As he saw the explosive tag flutter in the wind and catch fire, he know that he was in for a good match. He fell deeper into the ground and dodged the explosion completely. After the explosion smoke cleared out of the hole, he shot upwards and blasted up out of the hole, uninjured, and walked through the smoke as what seemed to be unharmed. "Wow, a little harsh man...Explosive Kunai? Really?" he complained. He was pretty much unarmed and didn't look to care too much about the fight.

"I suppose it was a good move on your part, but honestly, it was a little too harsh for my tastes..." he yawned with boredom. "I guess that introduces our combat skill then, I'm Hayashi Mishima, now tell me who you are," he demanded. He was still not looking very interested in the fight, though he was ready to go at any time, he just hoped that formalities would let him know who this mystery person was. He hated fighting people who he didn't know the name of, the honor of losing only goes to those who know the name of their better.
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PostSubject: Re: ORPGF Hayashi vs Kato   ORPGF Hayashi vs Kato Icon_minitimeSat 12 Jun 2010, 1:43 am

Kato, now holding his Katana ready to charge, Heard his opponent mutter something. Kato was too far away and unable to hear since the explosion made his ears ring. He did catch the last bit though, The opponent, No, Hayashi Mishima asked Kato for his name.

"What point is there telling a name to someone, when he won't remember it when hes dead? no?" Kato remarked, still a little surprised to find his opponent unscathed. Kato Charged at his opponent, when he was halfway there he used Shunshin no Jutsu and he used Mizu Kawarimi to halfway activate his kawarimi and appeared right in front of him to start a real fight. He took out his Katana and used Suiton Katana turning the entire blade water based, and started to slash at his opponent. "You may be fast, But how fast are you?"

Name: Suiton Katana
Rank: C
Element: Water
Description: By holding the katana in the right hand, Kato then does the concentration sign and gathers the chakra and the water from a nearby source. Kato then slides his left thumb and Slides it down the blade of the sword and that summons the water element to be attached to the sword. This sword can: Extinguish fire, Realease the water in a form of an attack and releases all evidence of one being killed.

Name: Shunshin no Jutsu
Rank: E
Element: Nijutsu
Description: The ninja will appear and disappear in an instant, allowing them to retreat or attack suddenly.

Name:Mizu Kawarimi - Water Replacement
Description: Kato when activated will turn his body into water, Example: Kato is looking at John, Jhon seems powerful, Kato uses Mizu Kawarimi! --when kato is attacked he turns into water. Jhon attacks kato, Kato's Mizu Kawarimi activates!
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PostSubject: Re: ORPGF Hayashi vs Kato   ORPGF Hayashi vs Kato Icon_minitimeSat 12 Jun 2010, 8:18 am

As his opponent shot forward at a breakneck speed, Hayashi found himself with little to do but try to dodge. He stomped his foot on the ground and an earthen wall jutted up right under himself and he went flying up, totally avoiding the attack as it came. He wasted little time with coming up with his next move and he fell back to the ground as quickly as he could, as he landed, he sunk underground and was hidden once more, quickly planting an explosive wire trap as he sunk further, to make sure he wasn't followed.

He dug down so deep that nothing could be heard, while he thought up his next course of action. It would have to be big, like win the fight big. He took a bit of mud and placed it into his mouth and molded earthen needles to be spat out at the opponent if there was a security breach in his hole. Though there was no ways to get past that bomb trap without setting it off.

Jutsu Used this post...

Name: Earth Style: Minor Boulder Wall
Rank: D
Element: Doton
Description: This jutsu requires no handseals. Hayashi stomps his foot on the ground and 4 inch thick wall of rock juts up in front of him. This can block a projectile jutsu up to rank C.
~Used as a launch upwards to dodge~

Name: Earth Style: Underground Projection Lure
Rank: C
Element: Doton
Description: This jutsu allows Hayashi to go and stay underground for extended periods of time. It requires chakra to move around because the chakra allows him to dig around.

Name: Earth Style: Mud Needles
Rank: C+
Element: Doton
Description: Hayashi puts some mud into his mouth and molds it into the shape of needles, then spits them out skillfully. He uses chakra to expand it to how much he needs and the only danger is accidentally poking his tongue with it. The amount of needles able to be fired in one use will depend on his rank.

C: 25

Last edited by Hayashi on Sat 12 Jun 2010, 4:09 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostSubject: Re: ORPGF Hayashi vs Kato   ORPGF Hayashi vs Kato Icon_minitimeSat 12 Jun 2010, 11:34 am

Kato missed his opponent and watched him dig a hole in the ground. "OH boy, not again" Kato said. Although this time Kato took a different approach. He sheathed his katana, and walked over to the hole his opponent dove into and thought. "Hehe, what happens if I go like this?" Kato jumped up really high, and took 4 kunais and 2 shurinken out of his bag. He attached 2 paper explosions to 2 kunais, and threw them in the hole. Kato put a little drop of water on the tip of each his thrown projectiles, so he could guide them, and know when they reached the bottom.

When he felt the water presence on his projectiles disappear, he knew that they hit the bottom of the tunnel. "Let's see...Activate!" and the ground he stood before him shook a little, and a little cloud of smoke came out of the tunnel. The next thing that Kato did, because he knew that his opponent would find a way to dodge it was, he walked over to a little stream, and took all the water his chakra could hold, and flooded the tunnel as well as the floor. He then took off the top of his gourd, and used his Mizuame Nabara jutsu and did the handsigns. Even if the mole like genin, could dodge the explosion, he would drown, if he some how got out of that, then the sticky substance of starch would catch him and it would be over.

"Lets see how you deal with THIS" Kato said refilling his gourd with water.

Name: Explosion Tag: Activate
Rank: E
Type: Ninjutsu
Element:General Skill,ninjutsu
Description: The user will activate an explosion tag. Normally, the tag will be placed by them, so they know exactly where it is and can easily activate it.

Name:Mizuame Nabara - Starch Syrup Capture Field
Description:Suiton • Mizuame Nabara is a Ninjutsu technique utilizing the Water Element. After forming the needed handseals, Kato will expel a sticky liquid from his Gourd. This liquid can cover approximately 20 square meters. If the target runs on top of the liquid, their feet will become glued to its sticky surface. If the ninja focuses chakra to their feet before touching the surface, they can hover above and move over it without hndrance. This allows Kato to charge and attack without fear of becoming bogged down as well.

Name: Chakra Manipulation
Rank: E
Element: Water
Description: Manipulates the chakra in order to do what I want it to do. Example: If i am carrying a water bottle or some other substance to carry water, I can take the lid off and control the water to do what ever i want. Wether its to fling at my enemy, or to cover there mouth and nose. Kato must first have water near him, and do the concentration hand sign and then he lets go of the hand sign and uses his guidance hand to move it.

Name: Suiton Walk
Description:The ability to walk on water, by concentrating the chakra to his feet.
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PostSubject: Re: ORPGF Hayashi vs Kato   ORPGF Hayashi vs Kato Icon_minitimeSat 12 Jun 2010, 5:27 pm

(Hmmm not bad... but dis ish mah house xD)

Suddenly he was forced to do something. While that guy was making his own attempt to blow him up... Hayashi, activated the seals that were up there. He then spat out 5 needles like a machine gun, perfectly accurate to prematurely detonate the opponent's bombs, with minor extra chakra (which CAN be done according to the games). He then stomped his foot on the tunnel wall to seal the opening to himself with another use of earth wall. as he smelled something gross, which usually meant something bad. He then dug down a little and then managed to dig his way out of that 'sticky' situation. He sighed with displeasure. He dug around a bit, silently as possible which from his depth was like nothing was going on and his oppenent had succeeded.

Soon Hayashi, silently, dug back up into his first tunnel from the begining of the fight and used earth wall to seal the tunnel again. He promptly went back up and snuck out from his little hole which would be just behind his enemy, he checked around... as soon as he saw his opponent, he promptly threw a kunai with an explosive tag on it, and detonated it a few feet from where his opponent was standing at the point of being thrown.

Justu used this post...

Earth Wall; twice
Mud Needles; 25-5=20 remaining.
Exploding Tag Detonation; You know what this does; twice
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PostSubject: Re: ORPGF Hayashi vs Kato   ORPGF Hayashi vs Kato Icon_minitimeSat 12 Jun 2010, 6:13 pm

Kato caught was relieved to see that his opponent fell into such an easy trap. However his opponent still attacked by throwing a explosion kunai. So, Kato used Suiton Suijinheki and blocked the explosion completely from hitting any part of him.

Amazed that his opponent would still attack, Kato thought that because he was a puppet user, all Kato needed to do was to seal his hands. "Mizuame Nabara" Kato said while doing the quick hand signs and popping off the top of his Gourd filled with water. He made the gooey and sticky liquid slide right onto his opponents hands, rendering them useless.

Kato then used his water walk and walked right over to his opponent, Unsheathed his Katana, pointed the tip of the blade to his neck, and said: "Kato, Kato Sasaki, Good Fight." And Kato left the battlefield, without undoing the jutsu.

Name: Suiton Suijinheki
Description:Kato Erects a wall of water to block fire type attacks or Thrown weapons that are malleable. however if the water is smaller then the amount of attacks the attacks will over power the water.

Name: Suiton Walk
Description:The ability to walk on water, by concentrating the chakra to his feet.
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ORPGF Hayashi vs Kato Empty
PostSubject: Re: ORPGF Hayashi vs Kato   ORPGF Hayashi vs Kato Icon_minitimeSat 12 Jun 2010, 6:26 pm

(PLZ NOTE: He had thrown the match, because he knew that he wasn't going to be able to land a killing blow on his opponent. I will not lose the fight without letting you know that I gave up, due to the arguements...)

He was blasted with another burst of liquid. "D...damn..." he muttered angrily. Finally the guy just walked off after a nice...yet demoralizing introduction. Hayashi was left in the liquid...tilting his head the best he could he spoke into the communicator. "You got that?" he said strained. A voice spoke out, "Yeah, we're coming to get you outta there hold tight."

Eventually the support got there and got him out of the syrupy material. He then left, making sure he kept this info with him forever. Kato wasn't going to make a fool of him like that again.

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