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 Albatross vs Naethyn Off Role Play Game Death Match

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Albatross vs Naethyn Off Role Play Game Death Match Empty
PostSubject: Albatross vs Naethyn Off Role Play Game Death Match   Albatross vs Naethyn Off Role Play Game Death Match Icon_minitimeTue 15 Jun 2010, 9:36 pm

Naethyn was at the battle field against a new genin that he challenged. He was pumped the Genin was odd, he wores hats, which Naethyn would wear if he didn't get hat hair. He was charged and his chakra was ready for action.

Naethyn had prepared a clone earlier and had it out on the battlefield. He was eager to have a strategy. His clone ran forth charging with incredible speed. He got to about 3 meters before the genin and then formed a handseal. "Wind Style: Flight Technique!" Soon his body was hurled into the air as if he was walking on air. He dived down towards the Genin aiming a punch.

The real Naethyn hiding in the shadows slowly walked out of the treesperforming another jutsu. "Lightning Style: Lightning Wolves!" He was eager to see the Genins approach.

Name: Lightning Style: Lightning Wolves
Rank: B
Element: Raiton
Description: This jutsu changes Raiton chakra into electrical current to create three wolves that are made from lightning the wolves can be killed off with a C rank Wind Jutsu but if not will not stop till they attack you. Once they strike once, anything, they disappear.

Name: Wind Style: Flight Technique
Rank: C
Element: Fuuton
Description: This technique is constantly manipulating the fuuton chakra to make it appear as though the castor is flying.
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Albatross vs Naethyn Off Role Play Game Death Match Empty
PostSubject: Re: Albatross vs Naethyn Off Role Play Game Death Match   Albatross vs Naethyn Off Role Play Game Death Match Icon_minitimeTue 15 Jun 2010, 9:53 pm

The genin Hachirou had been invited to fight against a Chuunin from another village. Of course he was going to accept! Suddenly, the Chuunin ran at him, calling out the name of a jutsu and flying into the air. Hachi watched the Chuunin moved, at a disappointingly slow rate. The air around his feet and legs was somehow disformed, warped if you will. It seemed the Chuunin was flying with the use of some weird jutsu. Either way, as the boy came down upon him with a punch, Hachi took a half-step to the right; the arm that was punching him, and grabbed at his opponent's head in an attempt to land a grapple and throw him. However, his hand went through air. It was then that he heard it, the call of a second jutsu.

Turning around he saw three wolves made of brilliant light coming at him. He leaped to the left, barrel rolling out of the way. The wolves moved past him, and he saw a stream of light coming off of all of them. He followed it to the Chuunin. Clever.. He thought to himself as he leapt up and hopped a few feet back. Let's test the range of this technique...


Name: Han Fu - Side step
Rank: E
Element: -
Description: This is a simple taijutsu technique which actually takes quite some skill to pull off. The user recognises an incoming attack, and takes one half step in the direction of the origin of the attack, essentially dodging any attack that comes at them.
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Albatross vs Naethyn Off Role Play Game Death Match Empty
PostSubject: Re: Albatross vs Naethyn Off Role Play Game Death Match   Albatross vs Naethyn Off Role Play Game Death Match Icon_minitimeTue 15 Jun 2010, 10:02 pm

Naethyn noticed the genin step back a few feet as he leaped into the air a few feet from his Wolves. He motioned for them to ensue. They ran at a Chuunin speed, they were locked dead on, however if something were to attack them, they would disappear like his clone. He wasn't sure what to do, but hell, he wasn't going to (splode) die trying. He quickly used his Donki Yobidasu and summoned his staff, in which it was two meters long and had some scuffs on its steel alloy base. He quickly used a jutsu to make a pseudo-chakra metal. "Lightning Style: Lightning Staff Technique" He muttered to himself as his staff was quickly enveloped in an electrical current. Naethyn stood there with his staff waiting for the perfect moment to strike. There was water nearby in a direction just twenty meters from the battle area and if he could force him over there he could use his unique Pool of Lightning jutsu.

He decided it would be a good idea to run behind his wolves, he trailed behind them and stopped about 7 meters from the opponent, tricking, sneaky, and defending.

Name: Lightning Style: Lightning Staff Technique
Rank: C
Element: Raiton
Description: This changes the chakra into Electrical Current and wraps it around a staff or pole summoned through the Donki Yobidasu and applies a stun affect when hit with. A direct hit can stun the opponent for about two posts. Any other hit doesn't stun unless a weakness is already in that area.
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Albatross vs Naethyn Off Role Play Game Death Match Empty
PostSubject: Re: Albatross vs Naethyn Off Role Play Game Death Match   Albatross vs Naethyn Off Role Play Game Death Match Icon_minitimeTue 15 Jun 2010, 10:34 pm

It seemed that there was a limit to the range, as the Chuunin was following his pack. The wolves were fast, but not nearly nimble enough to keep up with him. He was an acrobat, as it stood. The Chuunin now held a sparkling staff in his hands, probably charged with electricity. Wind and Lightning... Odd combination.. He thought to himself as he did a back flip into the air. Three kunai appeared in the air, speeding toward the wolves like missiles. His back flip continued for several spins before he landed on the lowest branch of a nearby tree. From there he smiled and waved at the Chuunin, egging him on. If he could just get close enough to the Chuunin he could end it quickly.
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Albatross vs Naethyn Off Role Play Game Death Match Empty
PostSubject: Re: Albatross vs Naethyn Off Role Play Game Death Match   Albatross vs Naethyn Off Role Play Game Death Match Icon_minitimeTue 15 Jun 2010, 10:45 pm

Naethyn noticed that he was very acrobatic. "An acrobat eh?" He mumbled to himself as he quickly ran forth with his staff at full attention. He jumped into the air and quickly noticed his wolves dying. He could careless, his chakra was still high, the wolves and flight technique barely dented his chakra. He quickly decided that he needed to break out the hard jutsus. He need to trap him. "Lightning Style: Lightning Cage!" Naethyn shouted as a cage began to appear towards the Genin. Naethyn jumped back as he prepared to channel chakra into the cage like a genjutsu. However as soon as the cage leeched onto the Genin, or not. He would attack.

As Naethyn was channeling chakra he jumped back towards the shadows silently creating a clone. The clone went out pretending to channel chakra as the real Naethyn was prepared "Combination Jutsu: Wind and Lightning: Electric Whirlwind Jutsu."


Name: Combination Jutsu: Wind and Lightning: Electric Whirlwind Jutsu
Rank: B
Element: Fuuton/Raition
Description: This jutsu combines a electric current Raiton nature and a Wind Current fuuton nature and combines them to create an Electric Whirlwind that spins will delivering an electric shock. Similar to the Tornadoe, the Electric Whirlwind can be thrown from five meters away before deteriorating in power. After about ten meters the Electric Whirlwand disappears, however when at a higher rank or a stronger chakra level you can deliver longer lasting Electric Whirlands

Name: Lighting Style: Lightning Cage
Rank: C -- B
Element: Raiton
Description: This wraps lightning around someone representing a cage. This doesn't have the properties of electricity but it does produce a strong shock when hit, however this cage needs chakra being put into it at all times. So your chakra is always decreasing when this jutsu is in affect.
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Albatross vs Naethyn Off Role Play Game Death Match Empty
PostSubject: Re: Albatross vs Naethyn Off Role Play Game Death Match   Albatross vs Naethyn Off Role Play Game Death Match Icon_minitimeTue 15 Jun 2010, 10:57 pm

At this point Hachirou was mildly disappointed with his opponent. Besides having two elements the boy didn't seem to have much of anything in store for him that was anywhere above genin level. Hac flipped backward off of the branch as a cage of lightning skimmed past him, searing the park and carrying on past him into the forest. Hac let out a slight laugh as he disappeared into the shadows. A few feet to his left he saw a whirlwind charged with light sear through the woods, lighting them on fire. Hac instantly left the woods, only to avoid damaging them any further. A few rolls and jumps, and a good sprint, would bring him around and behind his opponent, to the left. He stood there, no apparent stance prepared, and waited for his opponent's next move. Anything that Hac could use against him.
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Albatross vs Naethyn Off Role Play Game Death Match Empty
PostSubject: Re: Albatross vs Naethyn Off Role Play Game Death Match   Albatross vs Naethyn Off Role Play Game Death Match Icon_minitimeTue 15 Jun 2010, 11:03 pm

Naethyn was ready to attack he had no idea what to do, his moves were useless. "Wind Style: Tornadoe!" and soon a barrelling tunnel of wind was aimed at the Genin to his left. He wanted this over with, if he had to kill him with his hands. He quickly retook his staff in hand and charged it with intense Lightning Chakra running behind the Tornado as he was infuriated. Naethyn quickly threw a Lightning Wave at the man as it didn't require hand seals just charging of the chakra.

Name: Wind: Tornadoe
Rank: C
Element: Fuuton
Description: This utilizes a Change in Chakra Nature to change the Fuuton Chakra into Wind Current and circulates the wind current. This jutsu can be thrown from about fifteen meters away before losing power the more distance it travels. The Chakra that is built up into the Tornadoe will release it self when it strikes something.

Name: Lightning Style: Lightning Staff Technique
Rank: C
Element: Raiton
Description: This changes the chakra into Electrical Current and wraps it around a staff or pole summoned through the Donki Yobidasu and applies a stun affect when hit with. A direct hit can stun the opponent for about two posts. Any other hit doesn't stun unless a weakness is already in that area.

Name: Lightning Style: Lightning Wave Jutsu
Rank: C
Element: Raiton
Description: This uses a basic Change in Chakra Nature to change the Raiton chakra into electrical field and sends a small blast similar to an EMP at the opponent the wave can be easily dodge and is used when an opponent is usually backed into a corner or between a rock and the Lord Vizer...:P
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PostSubject: Re: Albatross vs Naethyn Off Role Play Game Death Match   Albatross vs Naethyn Off Role Play Game Death Match Icon_minitimeTue 15 Jun 2010, 11:24 pm

Dodging this man's attacks was like childsplay at this point. He didn't use diversions, or complex attacks. All Hac had to do was sidestep the tornado, like he had the punch before. The man had run along the other side of the tornado. He launched a lightning wave at Hac, which was eaten almost completely by the tornado. What was left was a small portion of the wave, something that Hac could work with. Hac raised his fist to meet the portion of raiton chakra, chakra coating his own hand. They impacted, and the lightning flashed a bit. It suddenly went spiralling back toward his opponent at twice the speed, point-blank range.

Name: Han Fu - Side step
Rank: E
Element: -
Description: This is a simple taijutsu technique which actually takes quite some skill to pull off. The user recognises an incoming attack, and takes one half step in the direction of the origin of the attack, essentially dodging any attack that comes at them.

Name: Baria no Kobushi - Barrier Fist
Rank: C
Element: -
Description: The most basic of Hac's specialized martial art. He is able to create a barrier of chakra around his flesh, instantly reflecting minor chakra-based attacks(Up to C-rank) in another direction. However, this technique would not work against anything with a diameter more than twice the size of his fist.
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Albatross vs Naethyn Off Role Play Game Death Match Empty
PostSubject: Re: Albatross vs Naethyn Off Role Play Game Death Match   Albatross vs Naethyn Off Role Play Game Death Match Icon_minitimeTue 15 Jun 2010, 11:26 pm

Naethyn was hit almost instantaneously. He fell backwards almost going unconscious as he lay there on the floor.
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Albatross vs Naethyn Off Role Play Game Death Match Empty
PostSubject: Re: Albatross vs Naethyn Off Role Play Game Death Match   Albatross vs Naethyn Off Role Play Game Death Match Icon_minitimeWed 16 Jun 2010, 11:13 am

Hachi stopped the movement of his fist as soon as he had landed a hit on the portion of Raiton chakra. Taking a step back, he took in a deep breath and then exhaled. Smiling, he bowed to the-seemingly unconcious- Chuunin, offering his respect. "Good show." He offered, before turning around and walking away from the man.


[[I think that's my win..?]]
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PostSubject: Re: Albatross vs Naethyn Off Role Play Game Death Match   Albatross vs Naethyn Off Role Play Game Death Match Icon_minitime

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