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PostSubject: training match of death   training match of death Icon_minitimeTue 05 Aug 2008, 11:45 pm

i was training on logs waiting on someone to train with me
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PostSubject: Re: training match of death   training match of death Icon_minitimeTue 05 Aug 2008, 11:47 pm

Kisho appeared on top of the log Screamo was training on and said "you're not going to get any better by beating up a log"
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PostSubject: Re: training match of death   training match of death Icon_minitimeTue 05 Aug 2008, 11:48 pm

then screamo said "come try me ur the training i will pass and over power"
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PostSubject: Re: training match of death   training match of death Icon_minitimeTue 05 Aug 2008, 11:50 pm

"listen you little cocky little kid, you think you can beat me" he jumped off the log and louded with a loud thud and sank an inch into the ground "bring it on" he pulled out a pair of metal gauntlets and put them on and took a boxing stance
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PostSubject: Re: training match of death   training match of death Icon_minitimeTue 05 Aug 2008, 11:52 pm

"yea i think i can"screamo jumped back and threw three bone shuriken at kisho then pulled a bone sword out of his arm and said"bring it"
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PostSubject: Re: training match of death   training match of death Icon_minitimeTue 05 Aug 2008, 11:53 pm

Kisho cought the shurekun and threw them into the ground "try a little harder this time" and took the same stance
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PostSubject: Re: training match of death   training match of death Icon_minitimeTue 05 Aug 2008, 11:56 pm

screamo said"just a trick and jumped in the air and did clematis dance:flower and threw his bone whip at kisho and threw three more bone shuriken at him and said "ill try my best".
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PostSubject: Re: training match of death   training match of death Icon_minitimeTue 05 Aug 2008, 11:58 pm

Kisho knocked the three shurekun away and grabbed the whip, activating his gauntlet, and sending an electric shock through the whip into screamo
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PostSubject: Re: training match of death   training match of death Icon_minitimeWed 06 Aug 2008, 12:00 am

screamo said"nice trick but my bones will obsorb it for now" then screamo pulled kisho close to him and jumped hehind him and stabbed him in the chest with the bone sword from his arm
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PostSubject: Re: training match of death   training match of death Icon_minitimeWed 06 Aug 2008, 12:03 am

The sword hit his cloak and made a loud metalic sound "it will ake more than that to get through my cloak" he spun around and kicked screamo in the ribs
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PostSubject: Re: training match of death   training match of death Icon_minitimeWed 06 Aug 2008, 12:06 am

then screamos bones popped and he said"i can obsorb the hit i can make my bones take the hit" and screamos bones graed his foot and screamo made a giant bone spike on his hand and he hit kisho in the face with ie then sent three more shuriken at him
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PostSubject: Re: training match of death   training match of death Icon_minitimeWed 06 Aug 2008, 12:11 am

he held up his gauntlet and blocked the shurekun than said "do you think it is such a good idea to get so close to a taijutsu master" he spun in midair, bringing his other foot upside screamo's head, and sending them both hurtleling to the ground, kisho landing on top of screamo with his massive amount ot weight
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PostSubject: Re: training match of death   training match of death Icon_minitimeWed 06 Aug 2008, 12:15 am

screamo said"i told i would obsorb ur electric hit but now im releaseing it back into u"then screamo made bone spikes come out of his body and hit kisho all over his body and before kisho knew it he fell off screamo and screamo kicked him in the side of the face and his him with the spine whip and grabbed him around the thoart with it and squesed the air out of kisho until he passed out
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PostSubject: Re: training match of death   training match of death Icon_minitimeWed 06 Aug 2008, 12:20 am

He smiled as he turned into a puddle in Screamo's hand, and kisho appeared above Screamo, swinging down a large war hammer
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PostSubject: Re: training match of death   training match of death Icon_minitimeWed 06 Aug 2008, 12:26 am

screamo knew he couldnt doge the hit but he moved so he wouldnt get hurt bad so he turned and made his arm into a bone sheild and blocked the war hammer then he took a chance and jumped behind kisho and said"good match up ur an good oponnet i tried" then screamo took his spine whip and threw it around both of them and did clematis dance:flower but in curse mark form and said"its just the beginning" and hit kishowith the bone drill rite in the chest and screamo said "u cant survive this hit"
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PostSubject: Re: training match of death   training match of death Icon_minitimeWed 06 Aug 2008, 12:28 am

Kisho let go of the hammer and while wearing his gauntlets, he slammed his fist together on the drill before it could go in to far and said "you're lacking in strength and spped" and crushed the drill between his fists, that slammed his fist into Screamo's face
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PostSubject: Re: training match of death   training match of death Icon_minitimeWed 06 Aug 2008, 12:31 am

screamo fell and said"nice move but i set u up" there was paper bombs everywhere and screamo jumped in the tree then before kisho could follow him he set the bombs off and before kisho relived he was on the gronud the screamo used swarabi no mai and the ground made big sharp bones pop out the ground and stab inn kisho's body and came out the other side of it and screamo said"GAME"
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PostSubject: Re: training match of death   training match of death Icon_minitimeWed 06 Aug 2008, 12:34 am

Kisho appeared next to Screamo, missing his cloak and his shirt was torn up, holding the point of a three foot sword to the back of Screamo's neck and said "a little to early to go for the killing blow, don't you think"
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PostSubject: Re: training match of death   training match of death Icon_minitimeWed 06 Aug 2008, 12:38 am

screamo said "naw rite on time actully"then the clone had blew up rite next to kisho and the real screamo said"rite on time it was a clone now i have to play smart" and then threw six bone shurikens at him
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PostSubject: Re: training match of death   training match of death Icon_minitimeWed 06 Aug 2008, 12:40 am

Kisho sighed and knocked away the shurekuns, than threw the sword at screamo, piercing him in his left shoulder, away from any organs, but cutting the muscle, making it hard to use that arm
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PostSubject: Re: training match of death   training match of death Icon_minitimeWed 06 Aug 2008, 12:44 am

screamo"said well done" and kisho looked beside and seen paper boms all over the trees near him and relized no way to escape then screamo said"i told im trien to play smarter now"then he did swarabi no mai one more time and he did the spine whipe on a higher tree and swung hisself up while bleeding and holding his arm
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PostSubject: Re: training match of death   training match of death Icon_minitimeWed 06 Aug 2008, 12:47 am

he sighed again and appeared next to screamo "your attacks are to slow" he said as the bombs blew up underneath him, than before screamo could blink, Kisho thrust his arm into screamo's chest
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PostSubject: Re: training match of death   training match of death Icon_minitimeWed 06 Aug 2008, 12:50 am

screamo fell on a tree trunk and said "checkmate" before kisho knew it his body blew up because when kisho hit screamo he stuck a paper bomb on his back
then screamo smiled and fainted and said"thenks for the training
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PostSubject: Re: training match of death   training match of death Icon_minitimeWed 06 Aug 2008, 12:54 am

"sonofabitch" he stood up with a bloody and torn up back "thats it, now i'm pissed" he clapped his hands together and sid "level 7" and was covered in metal medieval armor, wielding a broadsword and shield "take this" he appeared in front of Screamo, and with a metalic clink, slid his sword across Screamo's gut, just beraly breaking the skin, but enough for the poison to seap in
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PostSubject: Re: training match of death   training match of death Icon_minitimeWed 06 Aug 2008, 1:01 am

then all of a sudden the person he put poison in went poof and dissapeared the screamo came out of nowhere and did charka steal jutsu and took all of kisho's chakra and made the ultimate bone jutsu "bone style killing earthquakeing shower" then screamo hit kisho with and ultimate bone sword that would penetraute anything and cannot be broken rite thorew his chest
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