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 Walter's Test.

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Walter Ikani Sutor

Walter Ikani Sutor

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Walter's Test. Empty
PostSubject: Walter's Test.   Walter's Test. Icon_minitimeTue 02 Nov 2010, 7:26 pm

Walter walked around bored out of his mind. He had a ciggarett in his mouth. He breathed the smoke out of his mouth and had his hands in his pockets. His monical was shining in the light of the moon. Walter popped his neck a bit. "Ahh. Finaly. All day i've been trying to get that crank out of my neck." He said breathing out more smoke. He heared the sounds of wind blowing through the leaves and saw some falling off the trees. He could see the color of the leaves. Brown they were. Meaning it was fall. Walter was more of a spring man himself. But he was not mother nature. He can't make it spring all the time. So he'll have to put up with it. As the jounin walked more into the woods, he found himself running into a lake. He walked over to it placing his hand in the water. He took his glove off first though. He picked his hand up out of the water in a cup like form drinking some of the water. He looked at his mouth. "Damnit. There goes my last ciggarrett." He said spitting it into the water. He sat down next to the lake bored. Big open feild. Trees about ten feet away from him.

(it would be better. But on the phone.)
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Walter's Test. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Walter's Test.   Walter's Test. Icon_minitimeTue 02 Nov 2010, 7:46 pm

Ghost moved through the forest out on a training session to increase his strength and muscle mass to use his Taijutsu skills better. He looked around feeling the wind on his face as it blew around him Fall had come and in full blown gusts of nature. Ghost wore nothing but a kilt his body mass making it hard for him to wear real clothes so he went with the Kilt look from the north lands with heavy leather boots. Ghost walked through the leaves taking in his surroundings for any form of danger and would allow him to instantly be ready for a attack. Ghost came out of the woods and looked out over the planes examining the open terrain. This kind of terrain bothered him there were too many open areas to come at him by those problems always made him nervous.

Ghost moved forward spotting a lake but also a person by the lake deciding to not make a big problem out of it nor draw attention he picked a spot lower from the man and downwind to keep any chance of his sweat from the training he had been doing reaching the other man. Ghost washed his hands in the flowing stream getting the sweat and dirt off before splashing the water on his face and through his hair working the water over his body washing away they sticky sweat off his body. His hands slid down cupping the water rising it to his lips he took a good long drink to relax his muscles and body and his mind to focus once again. Ghost stood up and stretched the day had been long and eventful adding 20 pounds to his muscle having been out here for three days with intense training of running, lifting and martial arts exercise. Ghost looked down at the person sharing the lake wondering if he should strike up conversation or just turn and leave.
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Walter Ikani Sutor

Walter Ikani Sutor

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Walter's Test. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Walter's Test.   Walter's Test. Icon_minitimeTue 02 Nov 2010, 11:15 pm

Walter heard someone showing up and did not mind him. He was in pure darkness. The moon being blocked out by clouds. Nothing could be seen. All that could be seen was out lines of people and light from a town far from the other end of the woods. Lightning shot into the sky. Walter was still in his same spot. But something was different. There was a big smile on his face. The light faded way and rain started to fall. Lightning shot again and Walter was standing in front of the guy with that smile. The light from the lightning shinning on his monical. "Hello there." He said. The rain was loud from the ground. It was raining hard. He could hardly hear himself talk by how hard the rain was pooring and the thunder cracking in the sky. "Sometimes things change fast. You think something's one thing then the next. BAM! It's changed" He said knowing the man would hear the bam. He did shout that one. "How about a friendly match?" He The moon comming out of hiding from the clouds for a second. Everything could be seen for a second. Walter had a kunai in his hand and smiled.

As the light faded again, Walter still seeing the man by the light from the town shot the kunai at him from point blank range. He did not care about what the man wanted to do. A fight was going to happen. It was something about this weather. Or it could be the full moon. It's said that people tend to go mad under it. Walter just so happened to be one of the few. He jumpped back ten feet sliding in the muddy floors now He popped his shoulder. "GIVE ME A WORK OUT!" He said hoping the man would hear him from the rain. He made a crow clone in the darkness and the two of them grabbed hands and spun around really fast. They threw themselves at two different spots. When the lightning shined, they wer gone. The clone showed up from the mans left with a kunai in his hand charging. The real one was in a tree on the other side of the lake watching. The light faded again.

"My name is Walter Ikani Sutor. What is your name?" The clone asked. He wanted to get to know the guy at least. Walter however did not care knowing the guys name. For the clone would scream it for the real one. The clone pulled the kunai back and swung at the genin's neck hoping to cut it open. He was wanting to have fun. Walter looked at the place now. It would be hard for him to hear his opponent but his opponent would have a hard time hearing him as well. The lake looked like it was going to over flow by water. Lightning shined again. Yep. It was already over flowing. Guess that was going to happen. The lake was a bit full when he got there. Walter popped his neck again. He had to think of how he could use these things for the upper hand. So one thing or another, he would find a way to beat this guy.

Name:Crow Clone Technique
Description:Karasu Bunshin no Jutsu is a Ninjutsu technique used by Walter. This technique allows Itachi to create a clone composed of crows. The Walter clone can disperse into multiple crows, which still maintain his consciousness. This allows him to speak and react while in crow form.
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Walter's Test. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Walter's Test.   Walter's Test. Icon_minitimeTue 02 Nov 2010, 11:40 pm

Ghost looked up as lightning flashed across the sky and rain fell down in torrents with the wind pushing forward making the rain dance around. Ghost lowered his head as the other man appeared but it was just a illusion of lightning and quick movement. Ghost looked around the entire ground was soaked in water making Ghost smirk. The man had a Kunai in his hand which didn't go unnoticed to Ghost who's hand flashed out catching the Kunai just as it was released. Having read the mans shoulder and wrist he was able to locate the point of trajectory. Ghost watched the man jump back and clone up splitting off. He walked across the river his eyes flashing with the lightning in the sky as a bolt dropped not far from them smashing into the ground and filling the air with the smell of Ozone. Ghost crossed his arms watching his opponent but he knew this was the clone the real one would be off hiding somewhere clones were used for distraction and was only a point of there masters strength.

Ghost smiled and walked closer to his enemy his name would be given to the real person if they seemed like they were true warriors and not just cowards. " I hope you have come to give me a challenge and not just some hit and run crap. Ghost now was only 2 feet from the clone and with a flash of lightning that lit up the sky like day light a shuriken shot from Ghost's left hand infused with Chakra so it moved twice as fast as a normal Shuriken aiming for the midsection and at this range odds of missing were slim. Ghost jumped back 10 feet sliding into a stance now that introductions were passed it was time to get down to business. Taijutsu fighters didn't rely on ninja tricks and weapons they were honorable fighters of the fist not shadow stalkers they had pride and honor. "Come fight me like a warrior not some shadow stalker who uses fancy weapons. Ghost looked around opening his senses these where his Kyuubi senses but Ghost not knowing he was the vassal for the 9 tailed fox demon always thought it was just sharp senses.

Ghost looked over the area a few trees were nearby other than that it was a wide open area easy for two fighters to battle it out. Ghost noticed the wind beginning to slow it still poured but now it was no longer a sheet of rain making it hard to see. Thunder blasted across the world deafening the world to all other sounds, lightning bolts zigzagged across the sky marking there domain as the masters of there realm. ghost looked up lightning was his friend and now he would use what nature had given him. His hands filled with lightning chakra letting it float over his hands in sparks, This was power of the heavens true purified lightning. Ghost looked up still in his turtle shell stance as he awaited his opponents next move.
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Walter Ikani Sutor

Walter Ikani Sutor

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Walter's Test. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Walter's Test.   Walter's Test. Icon_minitimeWed 03 Nov 2010, 2:34 pm

Walter was looking at his clone get hit. The clone jumped back a bit and fell apart in crows flying around. Walter sighed and looked at the sparks in the mans hands. That made things a bit easier for Walter to find his opponent. He left his tree and jumpped over the lake. "A person using fancy weapons? You want to clame yourself as a worrior yet your using a fancy weapon yourself right now are you not?" He said pointing at the sparks going around the mans hands. Walter took his hands out of his pockets and pointed at him. "A worrior uses everything they have to get the upper hand. I'm just that kind. I use all kinds of weapons of my choice. But there is one weapon I have. One that is better then the rest. Boy! Pick your weapon of choice. I already have picked mine." He said bringing his left hand to his face pulling the glove back tightly over his fingers as off of the finger tips of his gloves shinned in the light of the lightning cracking in the sky. He moved his fingers around popping them and faint sounds could be heard from it. The sounds could be heard all around. To the right of Walter, over the kid, the middle of the two. Walter popped his neck and smiled.

"Let's get started." He said moving his hands down. The sounds were now going around the kids head and chest closing in. One more shine came off of Walter's gloves. Walter might not be the greatest fist worrior, but this person he was fighting was not going to play nice as well. Walter could not just site here letting the man get the drop on him by trying to have a 'fist fight' as the man would call it. Walter was not going to use tricks like that. He would just use his own powers. Walter ran at the man pulling out another kunai spining it around his thumb. He closed his hand grabbing the weapon and went to slash the kid in the arm. If the attack was to hit, then the kid would have blood gushing out of his arm from the deep cut.
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Walter's Test. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Walter's Test.   Walter's Test. Icon_minitimeWed 03 Nov 2010, 3:11 pm

Ghost stared at his new opponent turning his head as he awaited his opponents next move which came quickly in the form of noise. Ghost closed his eyes as he sensed the movement through the rain. the slit of a rain drop the pop of something sharp taking a rain drop from the earth. Ghost felt the unusual vibrations as something thin and wavy floated around him a weapon of some sort. He looked up a smile on his face as the glint shown off of Walters finger tips. Ghost's mind raced as he went over scenarios of thin and wavy but it always came back to the same thing. "Wire" That was the mans trick he used sharp wire in his battles and wrapped them around his enemies. Ghost sent electric Chakra up through his body as his opponent came forward waiting until he got close Ghost ducked down under the slash forcing his opponent to keep going, As Walters momentum would carry him forward Ghost struck out with a lighting fused fist that if connected would send his enemy flying back with electric chakra still attached. Ghost would grab the chakra and throw his enemy up before slamming him into the ground which being soaked by the rain would harness the lighting chakra and focus it in that area therefore shocking Walters body causing numbness.

Ghost would then run forward with his eyes closed using only his senses he would wind his way passed the wires and into the vicinity of his opponent. He would then do a running slid kick aiming for Walters chest his own foot covered in chakra energy and therefore would add twice the damage sending Walter sliding through the ground for a good 10 feet. Ghost would then rise and slide back into his turtle stance and once again wait for his opponent to make his next move.
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Walter Ikani Sutor

Walter Ikani Sutor

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Walter's Test. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Walter's Test.   Walter's Test. Icon_minitimeWed 03 Nov 2010, 3:27 pm

Walter was smiling in his charge. The man seemed to have seen the attack comming. His wires. That was a first. "Time to do a bit more." He said as he looked at the man. Walter spun around as he attacked making him lose his footing and fall but not down. He fell to the right from spinning changing his momentom. Walter landed on the ground on both hands pushing himself back five feet and then looked at them man charge him. Walter smiled as the wires were soon covered in Walter's own chakra. "Got ya." He said smiling. The wires formed around the man. Because of him ducking down the wires were over the man. As Walter moved the the right he let the wires sit in place over the man. Once he charged Walter, the wires were once again around the man. But Walter moved the wires to box him in. Walter had this man in the trap he wanted. The chakra around the wires made them stronger so the lightning the person could make would not help him this time. and he could not doge. Walter had this man's end right now. Or maybe it was all in his head. This guy seemed to be full of things up his sleaves. Walter closed in the box with the chakra wires. This kid had about a 5% chance of getting out. He had a slim to none chance of getting out unharmed.

Name:Chakra Wires
Description:when Walter is waring his gloves, He can send Chakra inside the wires making them go faster to the opponent and become stronger. The wires will look thicker and can be seen easer then normal. The wires can slice through things easer then before.
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Walter's Test. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Walter's Test.   Walter's Test. Icon_minitimeWed 03 Nov 2010, 3:52 pm

Ghost looked up as glowing chakra began to surround him however the surprise his enemy had was now gone as the glowing chakra wires began to surround him trying to box him in. He grinned seeing a opening he ran forward making a X on his chest as his own chakra lit up and dived coming between the wires but it sliced up leaving long cuts but Ghost was out. The dive had closed the distance so now ghost was only a foot from his opponent. His left hand struck out aiming for the left side aiming for the kidneys before weaving around throwing a right hook for Walters jaw. Ghost then lit both hands up with lightning chakra and brought them straight down for his opponents shoulders, if the blow struck it would send a powerful shock through his enemy and numb his body. Ghost would then jump to the side away from the wires as his wounds would slowly heal closed.

Ghost would then pick up a rock the size of a bowling ball and wrap it in Chakra energy and throw it sending the rock twice as fast as a normal throw towards Walters head. the impact would be enough top break his enemies neck and the 4 foot distance at the range they were in he couldn't miss definitely if his lightning chakra had it's desired effect his opponents body would be numb and hard to move.
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Walter Ikani Sutor

Walter Ikani Sutor

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Walter's Test. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Walter's Test.   Walter's Test. Icon_minitimeWed 03 Nov 2010, 4:01 pm

Walter looked at him as he jumpped out of the opening before it closed. The man was hit bad. Walter quickly pulled his wires back. The man was going for a hook to the jaw and a hit to the side of his gut. Walter quickly benforward so the gut one would miss and for the jaw he flipped back. As he was in midair he grabbed the kid by the arm pulling out a kunai with his other hand. He flipped more which would send the kid spinning into the ground. Walter landed behind him. His hands were safe thanks to the chakra wires. The wires were on walters palm so if he tried to send lightning through the wires would stop it dead in it's tracks. Walter still had a hold of the mans arm with a tight grip. He had the kunai pointed at the back of the mans head where a small opening on the skull so one stab it was was lights out for the kid. Walter looked at him with a blank face. "I think that it's over. Don't you? A worrior never gives up. But a better one knows when he's lost." Walter said.
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Walter Ikani Sutor

Walter Ikani Sutor

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PostSubject: Re: Walter's Test.   Walter's Test. Icon_minitimeWed 03 Nov 2010, 4:13 pm

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PostSubject: Re: Walter's Test.   Walter's Test. Icon_minitimeThu 04 Nov 2010, 7:30 am

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