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 Testing a canidate

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Ryusaki Toketsu
Ryusaki Toketsu

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Testing a canidate Empty
PostSubject: Testing a canidate   Testing a canidate Icon_minitimeThu 24 Mar 2011, 7:01 pm

(short no real motivation atm)

Ryu cracked his neck as he stared out at his candidate. Usually he did no such thing as this. However in fact sometimes, things call for a slightly more direct approach. With recent events, Ryu liked to test out his possible personal guard himself. Which meant that he had to do it the hard way. How exactly did they stack up to him. If they could beat him, well they deserved his job, He'll be the guard, less paperwork for him to worry about anyway. If they did well, then somebody would be getting a nice real promotion. But since there was chuunin exams coming up soon and his intentions to go with his neglected genin. Yes he thought neglected, but hey that made you stronger people correct. Understanding that you don't have to depend on anybody else for the thing things that you needed, made life alot easier. However his intentions here would not be easy for this person. They would be hard, and hopefully end well. With both parties getting a nice bit of experience. "So I have no idea if you've ever been here before. But your under scope for a nice spot in the guard. However I like to test out who I'm working with here. Because of that we're going to have a little spar. Lets not kill each other but at the same time I'm not saying we're gonna pull punches I guess. Whenever your ready tell me, we'll get started then" Ryu looked at him, intent on seeing his potential.
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PostSubject: Re: Testing a canidate   Testing a canidate Icon_minitimeThu 24 Mar 2011, 7:11 pm

"So I have no idea if you've ever been here before. But your under scope for a nice spot in the guard. However I like to test out who I'm working with here. Because of that we're going to have a little spar. Lets not kill each other but at the same time I'm not saying we're gonna pull punches I guess. Whenever your ready tell me, we'll get started then" The Hokage's words rang out across the distance between them, and Tarnish nodded. This was what he had returned to the village for.

He smiled a bit, honored to even be considered for a position in the Hokage's personal guard. He had worked hard in the last few months, and it seemed as though it was finally paying off. He'd been promoted to Chuunin much sooner than he could have hoped, and on top of that he was now being given the opportunity to fight alongside the Hokage as his guard, a veritable right hand of the Hokage. Words could not express his feelings of servitude, and as he looked up at the sky, a single tear fell from his eye. Quickly wiping it away, his focus returned, and he began to mentally run scenarios through his head.

Talon had perched on his shoulder, and with a jerk of his head, Talon took to the air, circling above them in a slow loop. Drawing a Kunai, Tarnish gathered himself with a deep breath, before nodding to the Hokage. "I'm ready," he said, waiting for the signal of the Hokage to begin. He broke into a crouch, ready to spring to either side as soon as the Hokage gave the word.
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Ryusaki Toketsu
Ryusaki Toketsu

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Testing a canidate Empty
PostSubject: Re: Testing a canidate   Testing a canidate Icon_minitimeThu 24 Mar 2011, 7:38 pm

So it would seem they were ready for the fight. Meh, Ryu would give him a chance to catch his breathe in between strikes. Raising his hand, Ryu began to let the world begin slip out of his mouth. Slowly walking towards, Tarnish right before punching the ground. A wave of fire instantly left his arm, leading it's way in every direction around him. A creative use of his clans ability, forcing the fire to disperse in a single direction, by directing it through the ground. Care had to be taken though, if the force was too strong it would just slam into the ground. So it's concussive force was all lost in his initial punch towards the ground. However that would be made up for in speed, and flame intensity. Ryu controlling the flames the entire way, at the same time, keeping an eye on his target. There would be nearly no mercy, he had to give it all or get nothing in return.
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Testing a canidate Empty
PostSubject: Re: Testing a canidate   Testing a canidate Icon_minitimeThu 24 Mar 2011, 7:54 pm

Tarnish swore loudly, as the Hokage struck the ground, and flames errupted foreward. Initially, he thought the flames wouldn't reach, bit it quickly became clear that the Hokage had a means of controling the flames, as they came careening towards him with uncanny precision. "So that's how we're playing it, huh..." he muttered. He knew the Hokage wouldn't be a pushover, but to start with a move that was so strong, he would have to counter attack just as hard. "Let's see how strong your flames are..." he said out loud. He clapped his hands together, and quickly began to go through his hand signs. As he completed the last one, he began to generate a large gust of wind foreward, hopefully repeling the oncoming flame. He put a moderate amount of chakra into it, which he hoped would be enough to at least divert the oncoming cascade of fire. He whistled sharply, and Talon began to move into position above the Hokage. With a nod, Talon flared his wings above the Hokage, and with a mighty flap, send a small hailstorm of feathers careening towards his head. He would test the waters with this small confrontation

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Ryusaki Toketsu
Ryusaki Toketsu

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Testing a canidate Empty
PostSubject: Re: Testing a canidate   Testing a canidate Icon_minitimeThu 24 Mar 2011, 7:55 pm

Charged Attacks:: Members has been shown charging their attacks before releasing them, allowing them to create enormous blasts of fire.

Fire Augmentation:: Members can also control the size and intensity of any nearby flames and can draw them in and manipulate them at will. This can be used for Defense.

lame Intensity: Members can control the intensity of their Fire, reflected in the color of the flames. These blue flames are more efficient than the standard yellow and orange flames produced by lesser forms of Fire, channeling more energy into the attack and likely traveling further without dissipating. White flames, are the most hottest of all three types, which the most destructive force.

Name: Fire Bomb
Rank: C+
Element: Fire
Description: A more short range attack, a Firebender can create a flame at the end of a limb, and thrust the flame down in a explosive burst. Ryu can use a more powerful version to break through rock.

what was used in last post
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Ryusaki Toketsu
Ryusaki Toketsu

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Testing a canidate Empty
PostSubject: Re: Testing a canidate   Testing a canidate Icon_minitimeThu 24 Mar 2011, 8:08 pm

So it would seem that his little friend had a little hawk friend. Atleast thats what Ryu noted out of the corner of his eye when something flew out. But his mind was more focused on the person ahead. The bird could be dealt with in due time for now the actual person was his concern. That was until of course, that he felt the wind pick up. Why of all jutsu would he use a wind jutsu against Ryu's incoming, fire. It would only make it stronger, that in fact is just what it did. The flames jumped and flared when they came into contact with the wind. Something else was up, and when Ryu looked up he saw it, something flying towards him. However no worry he could figure this out in a split second. You didn't reach his point in life by being ignorant in fights. Keeping the fire towards, Tarnish on it's path he raised his hand into the air and from each finger came a fairly large blast of fire. Each one that would trap the hawk in it's place. His second hand would charge two fingers, but only one would fire and it flared in front of Ryu. The hawk having to move fast, it's attack would melt in the flames, and soon it would be trapped. But Ryu would not let it escape, however his actions were hidden my a second flame. Before it could so much as recede, a large booming sound could be heard throughout the area. Ryu appeared behind tarnish, not wasting a moment. Not disoriented fired the already charged blast of fire. Knowing when he moved would be impossible the heat of the flames would be a distraction, and the sound of roaring living fire was in the air. His options were also limited, his bird had to worry about itself, and with the circumference attack only getting hotter bigger and stronger. The options of side to side wasn't a great idea. The blast was aimed for his body as well..simple body movements wouldn't help.


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PostSubject: Re: Testing a canidate   Testing a canidate Icon_minitimeThu 24 Mar 2011, 8:39 pm

Tarnish raised an eyebrow, as the wind from his attack intensified the flames. In almost no time at all, the fire had engulfed the area, and he was finding it hard to see. He immediatly stopped his jutsu and began doing hand signs for a new one. He activated his Wind Spread, and he could feel himself becoming lighter. To his dismay, Talon had become trapped above the area in a veritable cage of fire. As he pondered how to get him free, a large boom resounded throughout the area. Before he could grasp what was happening, the Hokage was behind him and unleashed a massive inferno at his back. Flames at his front, a massive one at his back, he used his increased speed and plowed headlong through the flame in front of him. He felt the fire seering behind him, and his body was quickly swarmed with flames. He dove to the ground, rolling for a moment, before wripping his Chuunin jacket off. He tossed it aside, and set about putting out the flames on his legs. He panted heavily, watching his jacket smolder, before returning his attention to the Hokage.

He didn't realize it at first, but he had taken a large amount of damage from the fire. The adrenaline had kept the pain off for a moment, but after resting for a brief, he felt the pain all too clearly. Gritting his teeth, he fell to his knees, as he tried to ignore the burns all over his body and focus on the Hokage. With the field practically set ablaze, there was smoke everywhere, making it difficult for him to breath as well as see. He smiled slightly. Despite the bleak situation before him, he still had a small window of opportunity. Before the Kage could see him, he would take advantage of the smoke. He quickly slit his thumbs on his hands with the Kunai that he had been clutching up to this point, and smeared blood on both of his palms. "Summoning Jutsu!" he said, slamming both of his hands to the ground. In a puff of smoke, his feline friends Kabol and Striker appeared. Before either of them could speak, he said "I want both of you to use the smoke and flames as cover to attack the Hokage. No arguing. Go now." His tone forestalled any arguing, and they hastened to obey. In the blink of an eye, Kabol had split himself into three copies and each ran into the smoke, as Striker began to slink away, fading out of sight with her ability.

As the Hokage drew near, he wiped a smear of blood from his cheek. The roaring and crackling of the fire could be heard all around, but Tarnish knew that Kabol and Striker's hearing could easily make out everything that was happening amidst the Chaos. He broke into a crouch, and placed his fist by his side, preparing for a foreward punch. "Kabol. Now," he said. Two of Kabol's copies emerged from the smoke, one from either side of the Hokage's blind spot. He lauched his fist foreward, sending an imprint of it careening towards the Hokage. If the plan worked well, either the Hokage would dodge the wind blast and be attacked by Kabol, or he would focus too much on Kabol and be struck by the fist.

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Ryusaki Toketsu
Ryusaki Toketsu

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Testing a canidate Empty
PostSubject: Re: Testing a canidate   Testing a canidate Icon_minitimeThu 24 Mar 2011, 9:06 pm

So it would seem they took a rather unexpected way of evading Ryu. Running headfirst into one of his formed attacks taking the brunt of the damage. The move impressed him, not many would dare such a feat. Especially those that have fought with him, and knew full well that he could extend and intensify the flames as he saw fit. Most would fear the second they touched them that they would burn a white hot fiery death. But not this person and to be honest Ryu respected that quite a bit. He could spin it all he wanted, but his attack was fairly avoided. At quite the cost but fairly avoided non the less. All he could think was so far so good as his own attack continued onwards towards him. However the hokage didn't move he was focusing on other things. The cage the hawk was in exploded in an inferno, it would be badly injured, but alive and live to fight atleast.. He watched as the fire collided with his extended finger. Working its way onto his body. However his clan was born like this for a reason and with that he was immune to his own flames.

Thus dodging them wasn't an issue. The issue arose when he looked how he was gong to view Tarnish. The smoke was obscuring his view quite a bit. The roaring flames weren't making it too easy to hear either. But that was easily dealt with, even as he had looming threats creeping in on him. Biting his thumb blood leaked down it as Ryu acted fast and slammed his hand to the ground. A sign appeared beneath it as one of Ryu's dogs appeared. "Karyuudo you know what to do." "You need more control young man The dog inhaled and a surge and crash of water began to escape it's mouth. It was at this time the sound of movement drew Ryu's attention to behind him. Two cat like creatures were attacking. It seemed like they thought alike. Moving to the side and removing them from his blindspot a large blast of fire erupted from Ryu's open palm behind him. It was low enough for them to survive and go back if they wanted. But regardless they would burn as they charged into him. As for tarnish and his attacks, the wind was strong, but bursting through several metric tons of water aint easy in a soon to be flooded area. Not only that, but he had to worry about not drowning by it himself and Karyuudo, the dog was no fool. "Watch out Ryusaki, there are others." The values of a chakra sensing wolf, but regardless, eventually they would be easy to see, with all the smoke finally coming down.


Weight: 130

Height: 4 feet (on all fours)

Specialty: Hunter/sensing, Taijutsu/Trapping

Family: Wolf

Description: The wolf is a capable fighter and trapper, as well as a hunter ninja with this it is agile and fast as well. It's element is the water element, so that it can sniff out and find it's targets with ease. The wolf can also, expel water from body parts and pores for jutsu. It can also become, and break down into water, though this cannot be used to avoid attacks. The dog can also shoot powerful orbs of water out at opponents or condensed streams. He is also very fast.

Suiton: Bakusui Shōha -
Rank: C
Description: After spitting out a great volume of water from his mouth, the enemy is swallowed up by this advancing surge and crushed. The user can ride the wave, allowing them to move at high speed, and attack the enemy, now swept off their feet, without fear of counter-attacks, the amount of water created is proportional to the amount of chakra used. When used with Kisame's enormous chakra, even dry wastelands will turn into an ocean. Afterwards, the excess water can presumably be used for additional water release jutsu.[/spoiler

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Testing a canidate Empty
PostSubject: Re: Testing a canidate   Testing a canidate Icon_minitimeThu 24 Mar 2011, 9:22 pm

Tarnish sneered, lowering himself onto one knee, as he surveyed the situation. The increasing smoke had hurt the Hokage as much as it helped, as he summoned a dog to quickly kill the flames. He frowned, as the water easily stopped his Sonic Fist. His eyes darkened, as Kabol's copies were burned with ease by the Hokage. Unknown to him, the clones were a facade. Kabol jumped through the smoke and ashes of his fallen clones, aiming for the Hokage's chest. Even someone as experienced as the Hokage wouldn't be able to anticipate and react to such a trick without at least expanding some chakra.

He would have to take advantage of Kabol's attack as quickly as possible. "Well that's just fine with me," he said, struggling back to his feet with visible effort. "Let's see how well we play the speed game..." he muttered. His speed was still greatly increased thanks to the Wind Spread, and it would still take time to clear out the fire and smoke. Striker was still hidden, awaiting his signal to attack.

He focused on his hands, and smiled slightly as they were swarmed with wind, making his open hands sharper than kunai. Using his increased speed, he lunged foreward, zigzagging across the area. He dipped his hands into the water, and the miniature hurricanes surrounding his hands drew in the water, adding the water element to the attack. He could use it dampen any fire blows that the Hokage used. He propelled himself around the wolf in the blink of an eye, and lunged at the Hokage's side, striking foreward with his extended fingers.

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Ryusaki Toketsu
Ryusaki Toketsu

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Testing a canidate Empty
PostSubject: Re: Testing a canidate   Testing a canidate Icon_minitimeThu 24 Mar 2011, 10:22 pm

So it would seem that, his new recruits summon had an ability similar to Cerberus. A troublesome little friend that Ryu was somewhat fond of. When they weren't quite literally going at each others throats atleast. However, Ryu had moved for the strike. What the last thing he expected was a third clone. This thing had extreme replicating abilities that were just going to become troublesome if it wasn't dealt with immediately. However Ryu's hands were still on the move from his last defense. Neither were available for attack..but his mouth was. Exhaling quickly a stream of fire left Ryu's mouth at the cat. By the time it happened it was in fact pretty close. The shock factor was quite an annoying one, and the move had his heart pumping. The heat once more would be enough to knock the summon out of commission, but not kill it should it be hit. As for Tarnish who went on the move, Karyuudo was waiting. He was probably faster than her she wasn't extremely fast, that was no great secret. But all that meant is that she would have to time it. She could tell where the other summon was, and could easily keep an eye on it for Ryusaki. He was almost done with the cat anyway. As Tarnish began to come past, her chakra flared. An extremely large column of water flashed from in front of her. Heading in his direction, the force would be extreme, and cause some damage if he got hit. It had been timed so that it could be let off as close as possible while keeping her safe. Simply put, there was still about fifteen feet inbetween her and the target when the jutsu got released. With the speed he was moving, dodging would be quite the issue, and no matter what movement he took, she would be ready.

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Testing a canidate Empty
PostSubject: Re: Testing a canidate   Testing a canidate Icon_minitimeThu 24 Mar 2011, 10:44 pm

Tarnish smiled slightly, as the Hokage's summon made a move for him, launching a torrent of water towards him in an attempt to cut him off. The Hokage had underestimated his speed. With a short whistle, Striker revealed herself. She was moving low to the ground in a sprint, and turned visible right as she reached the point where she wanted to jump. She lept into the air, aiming for the wolf's exposed neck. Having turned it's attention toward Tarnish, the wolf seemed to be wide open for the oncoming blow. Taking the opportunity, Tarnish used his increased speed and simply leaped over the oncoming wave. He dipped his hands into it, procuring even more water to add to his Wind Daggers.

He had jumped hard to avoid the blow, and hung in the air for a moment, going over the Hokage. He had to double back to get his attack in, and he zigzagged towards him, trying to take advantage of the Hokage having to fend off Kabol. He used his speed to get in close, and he rained a string of blows towards the Hokage's chest, his hands a mass of wind and water, looking for all the world like small scale Tsunami's in the palm of his hand. The water had actually begun to splash wider than he had intended, and the normally small hurricane had quickly swallowed up his forearm almost up to the elbow in a large spiral of wind and water. He used these increased blows to attack directly, before putting on a final burst of speed into his legs. His speed went up even further, topping out at 170% his normal speed.

In an instant, he was behind the Hokage, and he curled his right hand into a fist. He released the control in his left hand, and the water and wind was quickly swallowed up by his right, and the hurricane engulfed his entire right arm. This was a gamble, an all out blow that would probably leave him defenseless. He wasn't worried about the Hokage dodging it, as his speed far outstripped his, but he was worried about how the Hokage would take the blow. If it was as devestating as he hoped, he could incapacitate him. If the Hokage managed to block the blow to an extent, than he might be in trouble. "All or nothing!" he proclaimed. "Cyclone Grenade!" he roared, as he twisted his arm with the punch. The resulting implosion of wind and water was enormous, as he punched with incredible speed and power towards the Hokage's exposed back.

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Ryusaki Toketsu
Ryusaki Toketsu

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Testing a canidate Empty
PostSubject: Re: Testing a canidate   Testing a canidate Icon_minitimeThu 24 Mar 2011, 11:13 pm

Ryu once again had to move his possible position. Watching out for another attack. It seemed like his friend had Tarnish, where he needed to be when he heard the water begin to rush. However what happened in the next few minutes would be all on Karyuudo. She was a sensing/tracking dog. She had known that there was a third summon lying in wait. She in fact had been keeping tabs on them the entire time. So when they lunged out, she almost didn't even have to look at them to complete what she was doing. The person sticking their hand in the water influenced already by her chakra was a mistake, a mistake they would pay form. Jumping to the left to avoid the neck, lunge one of her tails launched towards Tarnish and the other the underbelly of his summon while it was still in the air. At the same time, the water held onto Tarnish's hand coming over him and trapping him in an infamous jutsu that would stop movement. One more the booming sound could be heard throughout the area as water was kicked up. Ryu was already next to the summon, launching a devastating punch to Tarnish's remaining ally, packed with fire, intent on taking them down. If he wanted to stop now, he could just say so.

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PostSubject: Re: Testing a canidate   Testing a canidate Icon_minitimeThu 24 Mar 2011, 11:55 pm

Tarnish swore viciously, as he was quickly swallowed up by the water. It began at his left arm, and started to envelope him. He quickly released his Wind Daggers on his right hand, digging inside his pouch on his lower back, drawing several paper bombs. He released them just in time, as the water completely surrounded him. He smiled through the water, as the tags hung in front of him. He mouthed the word "Boom", as the tags exploded, sending him shooting backwards. He hit the ground hard on his back, skidding to a stop. He lay flat for a moment, before quickly rolling over onto his side and shakily standing to his feet. He saw Striker being captured, and heard the familiar boom of the Hokage, as he was next to Striker in an instant. He closed his eyes, before raising his voice.

"Lord Hokage. I request that you allow my comrade to leave. Further injury is pointless. I shall return her to Helion Prime," he said. Striker squirmed in protest, growling. "What kind of wimp do you take me for? I'm not afraid!" she spat between bared fangs. "You've done enough," he said. If the Hokage let her go, she would disappear in a plume of smoke. He took a step foreward, before falling to his knees. The explosion that had saved him before was taking it's toll. On top of that, the Wind Spread was starting to take it's toll on him as well. He didn't have much chakra left, and he was battered and beaten. He frowned, annoyed, before calling out again. "Lord Hokage. You have bested me. I surrender..."
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PostSubject: Re: Testing a canidate   Testing a canidate Icon_minitimeSat 26 Mar 2011, 10:41 am

(le bump)
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PostSubject: Re: Testing a canidate   Testing a canidate Icon_minitimeTue 29 Mar 2011, 4:38 pm

(and my heart goes bump bump bump!)
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