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Testing Limits (only kitsuke battling, non dm but open to wa Icon_minitimeMon 29 Jul 2024, 3:32 pm by Hirokai Hondo

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Testing Limits (only kitsuke battling, non dm but open to wa Icon_minitimeSun 21 Oct 2018, 3:13 am by Nocturne

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Testing Limits (only kitsuke battling, non dm but open to wa Icon_minitimeThu 04 Jun 2015, 4:10 pm by Kai Fuuma

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Testing Limits (only kitsuke battling, non dm but open to wa Icon_minitimeMon 15 Jul 2013, 10:32 pm by Kai Fuuma

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Testing Limits (only kitsuke battling, non dm but open to wa Icon_minitimeThu 16 May 2013, 6:37 pm by Naizu Nimakee

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Testing Limits (only kitsuke battling, non dm but open to wa Icon_minitimeTue 16 Oct 2012, 2:46 pm by Revy Izumi

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Testing Limits (only kitsuke battling, non dm but open to wa Icon_minitimeMon 15 Oct 2012, 8:04 pm by Revy Izumi

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Testing Limits (only kitsuke battling, non dm but open to wa Icon_minitimeTue 28 Aug 2012, 11:53 am by Hirokai Hondo

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Testing Limits (only kitsuke battling, non dm but open to wa Icon_minitimeSat 25 Aug 2012, 1:44 pm by Naizu Nimakee

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 Testing Limits (only kitsuke battling, non dm but open to wa

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Morbokai Nimakee
Morbokai Nimakee

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Testing Limits (only kitsuke battling, non dm but open to wa Empty
PostSubject: Testing Limits (only kitsuke battling, non dm but open to watch)   Testing Limits (only kitsuke battling, non dm but open to wa Icon_minitimeSat 28 Nov 2009, 9:12 am

Winds...nothing signifies a shinobi a well as the wind for it can be felt but is silent and is powerful yet gentle, and it signified the entrance to the land for a traveler. In the middle of the open, warm deserted area with few trees, even fewer grass and much dirt, rocks and space entered a man that acted with mere compulsive actions. Nothing was planned out, simply done on the go...nothing that is except plan for the day he brings his brother to his knees just to prove superiority. The man that entered was Morbokai Nimakee, brother of the Mizukage Naizu Nimakee and was looking to find a way to improve his skill set as well as increase his power to unfathomed heights. The young man traveled by way of the wind, so as a strong gust blew into the area, a body formed slowly as the eyes of a man with purpose came to last. Morbo never knew a battle he thought not to be able to win when entered, though he did know his limitations for he is smart and was often considered the second coming of his brother. Nobody knew the true mindset though of the younger Nimakee heir, only seeing what he showed them...fools. He chose to scour the areas to learn of shinobi's, their abilities, their strategies and mostly, it was to gain power from defeating them that always seemed to put a smile on his face. No more than a couple moments went by after he began a slow stroll though, did he begin to feel the presence of another and once again, a smile crept to his face. "Who is it this time?"
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Testing Limits (only kitsuke battling, non dm but open to wa Empty
PostSubject: Re: Testing Limits (only kitsuke battling, non dm but open to wa   Testing Limits (only kitsuke battling, non dm but open to wa Icon_minitimeSat 28 Nov 2009, 9:35 am

Sokkenai sits down, watching the battle with her steno notepad out from afar. Thanks to her keen eagle-eye vision, she should be able to spectate the whole battle, and copy down some key things to use in her advancement if she had ever happened to get into a fight with someone.
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Testing Limits (only kitsuke battling, non dm but open to wa Empty
PostSubject: Re: Testing Limits (only kitsuke battling, non dm but open to wa   Testing Limits (only kitsuke battling, non dm but open to wa Icon_minitimeMon 30 Nov 2009, 7:09 pm

Kitsuke was casually walking towards the shinobi who asked him to test limits with. He can run but he did not, he can jump from trees to tress but he did not, instead showing a very calm personality he walked right in the open fields seeing a man he knew as a member of the Nimakee clan. Although Kitsuke doesnt personally know the Mizukage, from the secret files of Sunagakure that he had red, Naizu Nimakee the current Mizukage is the brother of this guy. Nimakee's are feared because of their speed and very strong, powerful almost unescapable genjutsu. Kitsuke will see how will it match up against a jinchuuriki like him. He isnt a Sannin for nothing, his a bit well known in the lands, although not only being a Sannin, but being the current perfect host of Rokubi the 6th tail bijuu. HIs clan, the Maru are not quite known and is it believed that Kitsuke is the last remaining member of the clan. The clan are extremely good at wind element, being a member of the clan means your infervious to the wind element. He has the ability to kill, but he is not a murderer, he rarely kills an enemy, only with situations he couldnt control. His mission is not to search for power, but to find peace for this corrupted world of ninja's. He has been proved worthy to be a kage, but he all turned down the offers, the sole reason is he hates paperworks. Being a Kage level ninja, and a jinchuuriki, Kitsuke often finds himself in the battlefield, but rarely seen killing. Kitsuke saw how the Nimakee entranced the area, using wind. He showed the Nimakee his own wind control as they come face to face. At first the wind started only as a cold breeze, but later oon it blew so hard that the trees around the two shinobi almost bended into the ground, the tip of the trees almost touching the ground itself. Kitsuke's facial expression is very calm and not even bothered facing an opponent. Although having that facial expression, his eyes makes weak ninja's shiver. He will later own reveal the advantage of himself in this battle. The Nimakee asked who is he, Kitsuke answered softly spoken, " I am Kitsuke Maru, Sannin of Sunagakure and host of the 6th tail bijuu Rokubi... and as you have asked me I am here to train... but I do not guarantee you leaving the area alive... hopely the Mizukage your brother Naizu would like me to teach you a lesson... so we may start now, and you may attack first... attack remorsely... without hesitation " Kitsuke had a big smile on his face, hoping to have fun in this destined battle.
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Morbokai Nimakee
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Testing Limits (only kitsuke battling, non dm but open to wa Empty
PostSubject: Re: Testing Limits (only kitsuke battling, non dm but open to wa   Testing Limits (only kitsuke battling, non dm but open to wa Icon_minitimeWed 02 Dec 2009, 11:37 am

Morbo looked at the man and smirked for a moment, with the thoughts of this guys potential power and what he may have had the capability of doing. Not only was he the sannin of the sand, but he was also a wielder of the six tailed bijuu, something that most would usually turn away from battle simply from knowledge of him holding it. " wanna see what my skill is like? Or are you just trying to see what its like to deal with my family's power? Either way, I suppose I should be a little honored by your apperance here, problem is...I could really careless. Jinchuuriki or not, I have no fear of a man whom takes orders from someone else under thought of obligation to do so". Looking at the dude, with a smile on his face, Morbokai folded his arms and scanned over the shinobi, possibly searching for weapon or maybe thinking of strategy. He hadn't faced someone like this before but he knew that in order to reach his ultimate goal, he was going to have to fight foes with an extreme amount of skill...this was an opportunity though one that was not foreseen coming as quickly as it did. He stared the man and searched for emotions within the mans eyes, yet found nothing there...yet.
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Testing Limits (only kitsuke battling, non dm but open to wa Empty
PostSubject: Re: Testing Limits (only kitsuke battling, non dm but open to wa   Testing Limits (only kitsuke battling, non dm but open to wa Icon_minitimeFri 04 Dec 2009, 7:04 pm

Kitsuke replied from the nimakee's question, " wanna see what my skill is like? Or are you just trying to see what its like to deal with my family's power? Either way, I suppose I should be a little honored by your apperance here, problem is...I could really careless. Jinchuuriki or not, I have no fear of a man whom takes orders from someone else under thought of obligation to do so". " I'd like to see both... hahaha, you may not be scared right now but sooner or later you'll know why I am the perfect host of Rokubi (6th tailed bijuu)". Kitsuke is an intelligent man and can easily notice the actions of his opponent. The Nimakee is obviously observing him, looking for a weakness, some emotion... but that would only tire him looking for emotions. They say that the eyes are the windows of the soul, not to Kitsuke... only those who know him deeply can see what his current emotions are. " Well since your not starting, I'll start this fight already, but remember what I said a while ago, you may not leave this battlefield alive... " Kitsuke had a big grin on his face while talking. Being the strategist of all the past Kazekage's, he had the experience, he'll just have to wait till the Nimakee move so he can make a short but effective strategy. Kitsuke disappeared in a fast blur, the wind breeze still blew strong. Being a taijutsu master, he'd be faster than Morbokai can ever be. He reappeared in the air, his lungs full of air. A jutsu was utilized, a genin can make a couple of dagger sized air shards and launched it to a target and a note they're invisible due to their nature. But to a Sannin like Kitsuke, he was able to create sword sized shards and had a dozen of them. Although releasing them in different angle by flickering from his position, every wind shard only had one second lapse before hitting the target. So every second a wind shard is going to hit Morbokai from the dozen. His last position was already on the back of Morbokai, holding an orb of water, it looked normal really normal. At once he launched it to Morbokai, from his back allowing for a cover from Kitsuke. Having the very best wind element manipulation, he is able to fly in the air just by manipulating wind unto his heels. Kitsuke had done this in a mere half a minute.


Suiton • Mizu Taman no Jutsu [Water Release • Water Ball]
- A technique utilizing Water Chakra and Orb
- Handseals: Rat, Serpent
- Rank: D
- Effect: A skill here the user causes water to come together and create a ball of water. The water ball has no real force behind it, however it has but one special purpose. When striking against the opponent, it releases this incredible veil of water blinding the opponent for a full turn.

Name: Wind Style: Air Shards Jutsu
Rank: C
Range: Long
Jutsu Type: Ninjutsu
Elemental Affinity: Wind
Using necessary handseals, user mixes air in their lungs with chakra, then shoots air/chakra mix out of mouth in the form of high intensity shards formed by air. Their useful because they can't be seen coming. Amount of chakra used would increase the size of the shards, which would increase the rank.
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Morbokai Nimakee
Morbokai Nimakee

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Testing Limits (only kitsuke battling, non dm but open to wa Empty
PostSubject: Re: Testing Limits (only kitsuke battling, non dm but open to wa   Testing Limits (only kitsuke battling, non dm but open to wa Icon_minitimeTue 08 Dec 2009, 9:49 am

"Hmmm....speedy little bugger aren't ya". Morbo's body shifted with the wind as he began to disapate quickly during the ending phase of the Sannin's attack. "This seems to me like a stupid way to test someones talent dude, think about it..". His body could not be seen, but his words could be heard around the area as he moved throughout the area with the wind. He thought of what was just done and assessed it for a moment or two, then proceeded with a plan accordingly. "You do realize my brother and I are ever so similar but yet so different, he can't use his eyes as I can, he simply hides from people. He's a coward and I am a man of pride, someone like you should know that but its doubtful you do." The young man seemed to have a reason behind staring the powerful dude in the eyes as he did, for he wasn't exactly looking for anything as much as looking to place something somewhere....his genjutsu, and as he progressed with making contact, he was already detained within it. As he would procee with his movements, he'd would feel a sharp slice from a kunai, directly through the jugular from the back and through the his mind atleast. "My oh my, that was quite careless of you, you have to pay attention to your surroundings"

Name: Shifting Winds (Battle Version)
Description: His wind affinity allows him to disapate any part or all of his body with the wind giving the impression he is gone else where though he's in the same spot though fused with the wind. He will resolidify in the area of 10 ft circumfrence wise from the original spot. His body takes about 2 seconds to do this and can only happen once every 5 post. he can sustain the state of semi nothingness for 2 post.

Name: Eternal Dying
Element: Doujutsu/Genjutsu
Description: This occurs when contact with Morbokai is made via his eyes or upper body. The foe is encased in an illusion of ones self dying a horrible death without its completion, hence having their throat cut and drowning in their own blood with no end of life to come, or being stabbed in vital areas unmercifully and being on the verge of death, only to stay alive the entire time. This can be broken via having a burst of chakra enforced to them, a genjutsu reflect, death or if Morbokai releases it.
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Testing Limits (only kitsuke battling, non dm but open to wa Empty
PostSubject: Re: Testing Limits (only kitsuke battling, non dm but open to wa   Testing Limits (only kitsuke battling, non dm but open to wa Icon_minitimeThu 10 Dec 2009, 8:51 am

Kitsuke's attacks all missed, as he landed on the ground Morbokai again started to talk. "You do realize my brother and I are ever so similar but yet so different, he can't use his eyes as I can, he simply hides from people. He's a coward and I am a man of pride, someone like you should know that but its doubtful you do." Kitsuke replied, " Actually you are really different at all aspects except both of you holds the Nimakee's prestigious eyes... but you know what? to others, he may be a coward but not to those people in this world who really understoods power... you are still a kid... you do not know what the ninja world is all about... talking like that to your brother and to me... gives me an impression that you are a disgrace to the Nimakee Clan... and wait till I show you wait kick-ass really means... your pride will cause you you're defeat..." After Kitsuke talked he again heard the voice of Morbokai, "My oh my, that was quite careless of you, you have to pay attention to your surroundings" ... Kitsuke just chuckled about that, he saw a kunai cut to his jugular... " A genjutsu... how amusing little Nimakee... I'm not like you.. I'm not a man of only power and abilities, I'm also wise and knowledgeble... and I know that Nimakee's specialize in genjutsu.. Too bad I'm also a genjutsu master.. but who care's I dont need that... I'm the Jinchuuriki of the 6th tailed bijuu.." With that Kitsuke continues to walk, " and genjutsu are useless against me.. " with Rokubi's ability to see through genjutsu and eventually break it, and no matter how strong the genjutsu is,... it doesnt matter its useless against Kitsuke. Within seconds, Kitsuke was released from a powerful genjutsu without even breaking a sweat. " Now you know why I am the perfect host,... " Kitsuke's eyes turned into a light blue color, after that the Maru clan's kekkai genkai was activated. Using its ability to detect chakra for a large area, and hide Kitsuke's own chakra, he was able to see Morbokai regardless of his wind form. " Now let us see how you fight against a jinchuuriki, you'll never forget this fight in your whole life..." After talking, chakra started to seep from his body it was colored white, it was Kitsuke's pre tailed form. In his normal form his 3x faster than Morbokai, but in his pre tailed form, his now 6x faster than he could ever be. With his new found speed, Kitsuke disappeared in a blur from his old position, leaving leaves swirling around that area. His extreme agility and speed allowed him to run towards Morbokai without leaving a trace. But while running, Kitsuke was focusing wind chakra on his left arm, and as soon as he was near Morbokai who is unaware of Kitsuke's presence, he jumped above him and made a slashing motion signifying an attack. As soon as he made a slashing motion, a large scream was heard on that very area, and a unseen danger was heading towards Morbokai who would hit him in the next few seconds without him even knowing. Kitsuke knew that Morbokai is in a wind form and the attack may not affect him, but surely if not damage that attack would disrupt his wind form returning him back to his real form,... the human body. Kitsuke landed not far from Morbokai, he knew that once you undergo such wind form, its hard to move considering you changed your body composition.


Jutsu used:

Name: Screaming Wind Jutsu
Rank: C
Range: Mid-Long
Jutsu Type: Ninjutsu
Elemental Affinity: Wind
User generates chakra around the arm. After creating a dense wind chakra mass, the user unleashes the chakra by moving their arm in a slashing motion. The attack could possibly be very damaging if they get a direct hit. The attack is very loud, the wind seems to scream as it travels through the air. This attack, if hit by fire, will instantly be negated if the fire jutsu is C rank or higher, without even slowing the fire jutsu down.


Special Abilities and Characteristics:

With Rokubi's wind and water element, Kitsuke can combine them and create a unique element, the Bubble Element. Various things can be used and performed using these bubbles. Another ability of Rokubi is to self-heal from even the largest and deepest wounds. As Kitsuke progresses in his tailed forms, the faster he can heal wounds. But in a normal form, Kitsuke can still heal wounds but not as good and fast as on his tailed forms. Because of this, Kitsuke is also able to use water and wind jutsus at freewill, without further problems. Plus having some ability to generate lightning. Rokubi being an adept bijuu, he has the innate ability to see through genjutsu no matter what the rank is, transferring the same ability to Kitsuke making him invulnerable to genjutsu, and of course release the whole genjutsu. Also the ability to somewhat control lightning easily and occasionally absorb 3 main elements of Rokubi, water wind and lightning.

* Pre-Tailed: The pre-tailed can be summon by Kitsuke personally, but it is still triggered by a couple of things. First, emotional burst, when Kitsuke sees something that might hurt his feelings or even awaken anger, he automatically undergoes the pre-tailed transformation slowly. Second, if Rokubi thinks that Kitsuke needs help, he would automatically lets out chakra that would make Kitsuke forcefully undergo the pre-tailed transformation.

Effects: At the Pre-tailed transformation, the chakra of Rokubi starts to seep out of Kitsuke's body. It will slowly cover Kitsuke's body, after awhile it would look like his covered by a white transparent blanket of chakra. Also in this transformation, bubble jutsus become double on its productivity. Strengthening Kitsuke's wind,water and bubble jutsus. Plus improving his over-all abilities from speed, strength, agility etc. At this form, Kitsuke can heal slash and scratches from weapons for half a post.
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Morbokai Nimakee
Morbokai Nimakee

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Testing Limits (only kitsuke battling, non dm but open to wa Empty
PostSubject: Re: Testing Limits (only kitsuke battling, non dm but open to wa   Testing Limits (only kitsuke battling, non dm but open to wa Icon_minitimeMon 14 Dec 2009, 6:05 am

Morbokai took note of the mans change in chakra as he listened to him talk though still thinking to himself. "Man, this dudes chakras growing and I only have to assume its cus he's biting from the bijuu. I hate those things cus their a real pain in the ass, so I guess I'll have to take a closer look at him". His eyes switched to his second stage of his oakegan, for he didn't know what all the man was capable of in this new form, though he figured to find out. The man rushed him quickly though he ran directly through him which in Morbo's eyes, was obvious and seemed to be a waste of energy. The other portion of Morbo seemed to think better of Kitsuke's move for he had to have had some sort of agenda with it. He was well versed with wind jutsu himself so for him to make wasted efforts just seemed highly unlikely in his mind. Shortly after the Sannin made his move, Morbo returned to form as he looked at his opposition and formulated a plan. "I he knows of one of my affinities but at the current time, I highly doubt his knowledge of my other at this time. Also, I know that every state of form releasing a tailed state being a jinchurriki has its draw backs as well as its strengths. It just depends on how powerful the state and how in control of the bijuu one is, and he's been a weilder for a while so this is going to be interesting" he thought. Morbo did a couple of handseals, then stood with his arms crossed but weilding something in each hand...he had grasped kunai tightly inside his fist and shurriken in between each crease of knuckle of each hand. Seemingly nothing happend with the handseals, but should the man try to close the gap between himself and Morbokai, he'd be welcomed un heartedly.

Name: Oakegon
Rank: Ranges from B-S depending on stage (awakening sight:B Piercing Mind:A Heavens Vision:S)
Description: Oakegan: genjutsu(3 stages have been noted in the clans history but there is a legend that 2 more exist. The possessors genjutsu is based on fear and elemental nature) 1st: Awakening Sight 2nd: Piercing Mind and 3rd: Heavens Vision

Awakening Sight: The possesors genjutsu ustilzes smaller portion of chakra and is enhanced. But most notably is one is able to gain premanitions of the opositions moves though only 50% accurate at this stage.

Piercing Mind: The possesors genjutsu uses more a great deal more chakra but also inflicts bodily wounds through genjutsu. the prior preminitions are enhanced 25% more and time seems at a slowed pace

Heavens Vision: At this state, the possessor can cast genjutsu on up to a hundred enemies at once for 10 min intervals. Determining the number of targets and time duration, the chakra consumption varies. All attributes from the previous two stages are also aplied as well as the priminitons accuracy increasing to upwards of 90%.

Description: An unseen force field is created around the caster. Anything that approaches within 20ft will be hit with a wind the force of an f-2 tornado. This last for 5 post.
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Testing Limits (only kitsuke battling, non dm but open to wa Empty
PostSubject: Re: Testing Limits (only kitsuke battling, non dm but open to wa   Testing Limits (only kitsuke battling, non dm but open to wa Icon_minitimeThu 17 Dec 2009, 11:23 am

Kitsuke chuckled as he saw his attacks go to waste. He also so the changes in Morbokai's eyes, as from the books that he had red about the Nimakee Clan, and by its appearance, this stage is called " Heaven's Vision ". Where the Nimakee member in this state can cast jutsu to a battalion of Shinobi's, and have premonitions of the opponents attack to almost a hundred percent. And the ALMOST word there signifies that the premonition isnt perfect, it wont be correct all the time. Kitsuke started to talk again as he felt the chakra building up around Morbokai, again using the fuuton element, which is futile against Kitsuke. with Rokubi on his side, Kitsuke is able to absorb any fuuton attacks even if it is an S-Rank. Kitsuke had another great plan, but first it must be started. Kitsuke suddenly spit a high speed moving white colored substance from his mouth. The " Heaven's Vision " has the able to tell premonitions, but as he had said, it isnt perfect, he wont be lucky anytime. The target of the white colored substance is the body of Morbokai. After quickly starting the plan, Kitsuke proceeded into a couple of handseals. With Morbokai's attention directed to Kitsuke and to the white colored substance, he wont be able to detect that water is scrumbling below him and anytime it would burst out of the ground and cut Morbokai's body into different pieces. While Kitsuke himself disappeared in his current position, the Oakegan would have a hard time predicting his next moves due to its numbers and speed. Kitsuke appeared again this time above Morbokai, entering the twenty feet radius of his jutsu. But instead of being knocked out of that area, his body just absorb the Fuuton Element. Thus giving Kitsuke an edge on his next fuuton attack due to absorbing Fuuton Elemental attack. His chakra infused right hand ready to chop Morbokai in the neck, on the next few seconds incase he avoids all attacks.


Splitting Chop
- An attack where the user charges chakra into it to empower it, sending a powerful chop
- Rank: B

Suiton • Mizu Funsha Kasui [Water Release • Water Jet Stream]
- A technique utilizing Water Chakra, Spin, and Triple Burst
- Handseals: Boar, Dragon, Serpent
- Rank: A
- Effect: A skll where the user has water burst up from the ground, that swirls high up into the air. The waters come together, as they come bursting downwards as a powerful moving stream of water. Capable of tearing throgh rocks and the surrounding fairly easily
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Morbokai Nimakee
Morbokai Nimakee

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Testing Limits (only kitsuke battling, non dm but open to wa Empty
PostSubject: Re: Testing Limits (only kitsuke battling, non dm but open to wa   Testing Limits (only kitsuke battling, non dm but open to wa Icon_minitimeFri 18 Dec 2009, 7:26 pm

As the man continued his decent to Morbokai, the young man took an understanding of the current situation and took action immediately. He was already prepared for an attack of a taijutsu base but was now knowlegable of what the sannin could do against the attacks of wind base. As Kitsuke made handseals, Morbokai had already assessed the possibilities as an attack did not come right away. In addition, he realized he was absorbing the jutsu of protection he casted around himself because with winds at the speeds they were moving and Kituske to continue downward at his intended pace only had one meaning. With all this in mind, he launched the shurriken and kunai at the sannin as the speed of the projectiles would increase dramaticly with the help of his force jutsu already in effect, for it would be similar to slipstreaming. Just as he released the weapons, Morbo's body turned to dust and intertwined with the earth as shortly after, a set of jet streamed water shot around his former location. He arose from the ground a good couple meters away from the man as he struck the ground with his hand. Unbenounced however was the fact that Morbo had made a clone which sought its way to dust in its own right, reappearing about four feet from the sannin's location as it then exploded causining an uproar in the area. "So he's a jinchurriki, afinaties of water, wind and lightening from what I hear, he can absorb wind, and he's fast...nice".

Name:Rush explosion
Description:This is a detonation of the wind clone when its destroyed or at the command of the clone creater

Name:Wind Clone
Description:This is a clone made up of wind chakra that can use any of the creaters abilities up to B level.

Name: Dust
Description:Morbokai can turn his body to fine dust and use other dirt around him to reform his body anywhere with in 30 meters.
hand and making a powerful impact. At that moment, Morbokai
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Morbokai Nimakee

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Testing Limits (only kitsuke battling, non dm but open to wa Empty
PostSubject: Re: Testing Limits (only kitsuke battling, non dm but open to wa   Testing Limits (only kitsuke battling, non dm but open to wa Icon_minitimeTue 19 Jan 2010, 1:37 pm

((Bump, I gave you the extension Kit now please post or i will have this battle ruled as my victory))
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Testing Limits (only kitsuke battling, non dm but open to wa Empty
PostSubject: Re: Testing Limits (only kitsuke battling, non dm but open to wa   Testing Limits (only kitsuke battling, non dm but open to wa Icon_minitimeWed 20 Jan 2010, 7:54 am

OOC: I assume " the white substance " landed unto you because you didnt say anything about it in your last post.
And thanks for the time to post.


Kitsuke was amaze with the power of the Oakegan, for Morbokai was still able to escape the barrage of his jutsus. Yet what he wasnt able to evade was the white substance Kitsuke spitted awhile ago. That simple white substance is a product of his pre-tailed transformation. Its very simple looking, yet it has the sticky ability. Once it hits, the part that got covered would be so sticky it would be very hard to move. On Morbokai's case, the white substance perfectly landed upon his right hand before he was able to escape the water jutsu of Kitsuke. Meanwhile Kitsuke almost reached Morbokai with his chop, yet he disappeared using an unknown earth jutsu that allows you to blend it. But before he disappeared, he managed to attack Kitsuke with kunai's and shuriken's. It was very fast, yet it only has one direction, making it easier for Kitsuke to calculate the distance and evade it with such ease. But instead of evading it Kitsuke made a couple of fast handseals. Creating a Raiton clone beside him, with fast movements, the clone held unto Kitsuke's arms then swinging him forcefully. Launching him in the air, the clone quickly turned around to look at the incoming kunai's and shurikens, deflecting it with lightning bolts. Yet as he struck the ground just like original plan, surprisingly a clone appeared infront of him and exploded, quickly killing the Raiton Clone. Meanwhile the real Kitsuke landed just right behind Morbokai, he wouldnt have done those fast movements without the help of his pre-tailed form although this was just a small part of his true strength. " Your doing good..." Kitsuke murmured, strong enough to be heard by Morbokai. Just right after, Kitsuke extended his arm and opened his palm, then he released a small bubble, the bubble's true powers wont be revealed until it touches its target. Once it touches Morbokai, it would grow into a very huge bubble, imprisoning Morbokai inside. They were very close that evading the bubble would be quite impossible.


Lightning Clone [Raikou Bunshin No Jutsu]
- A technique where a clone is made of electricity
- Handseals: Serpent, Ox
- Rank: B
- Effect: Creates a tangible clone out of electricity, that when struck delivers a massive shock to the system //

Suishou - Suishou Kangaku [ Bubble Prison ]
Type: Ninjutsu
Rank: B
Element: Bubble
Description: Kitsuke releases a small bubble which his opponent would dare to touch because of its very harmless appearance. But once it touches something, the bubble grows very large that it will cover the body of the target. Inclosing them in a huge bubble that prevents they're escape. Only an A rank fire and lightning jutsu can destroy this bubble prison.
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Morbokai Nimakee
Morbokai Nimakee

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Testing Limits (only kitsuke battling, non dm but open to wa Empty
PostSubject: Re: Testing Limits (only kitsuke battling, non dm but open to wa   Testing Limits (only kitsuke battling, non dm but open to wa Icon_minitimeSat 23 Jan 2010, 10:53 pm

"Sannin...hmmm....I guess you've earned that right to be called that for a reason huh? I guess we'll have to see what you've got huh? I mean everyone has there limits, and it'll take time but I'm pretty sure I can find yours" were Morokai's words as he returned to the ground once more and leaving the cast like object at the dudes feet, though this time, three of him emerged in separate areas. "I cant understand why you people care so much of these clones though I have my own personal use for them. Destruction seems to show chaos and chaos is usually limited and controlled, the thing is finding the way to control the chaos. I personally know how to, but those that don't will usually have themselves harmed in the process...wouldn't you say Kitsuke?" Morbo's words were spoken loudly but the visual of the Nimakee was disturbed massively in the process as during the time of him talking, a large dust storm began to pick up and drive itself towards the Sannin. At this time, the clones ran through the storm, along with Morbokai and making for a hectic form that could and probably would confuse or deter the plans and judgement of the six tailed jinchurriki. Morbokai's eyes had changed once again at that time, to his peak stage, the third and allowed him to make out all of the surroundings at a slowed pace as well as reseved a large share of chakra. The three began to form hand signs almost simultaneously, as holes...6 to be exact, were created in strategic areas. One in front and back of Kitsuke, approximately 5 feet away from him on each side as well one directly underneath him. Two more appeared 10 feet to the east and west of him and the last was about a foot south west of the one under him. Beyond that, two enourmous chunks of land were taken from the ground and lifted to the air, breaking of chunks that rained down upon the sannin, "What will he do now".

both clones jutsu
Name: Pot Hole
Description: The user makes mid size holes in the ground that are about 10 feet wide and deep by focusing on one area.The user can make up to three at once and can only use this once per 2 post.

morbo jutsu
Name: Earth Hail
Element:Wind and earth
Description: Two large boulder size chunks of the ground are snatched from the earth with wind and separated into baseball sized chunks of earth that are massively densified with chakra and hurled at the opponent.

Heavens Vision: At this state, the possessor can cast genjutsu on up to a hundred enemies at once for 10 min intervals. Determining the number of targets and time duration, the chakra consumption varies. All attributes from the previous two stages are also aplied as well as the priminitons accuracy increasing to upwards of 90%.

morbo jutsu
Element:Wind and Earth
Description:Harsh gusts with chunks of dirt,dust and rocks are hurled at an opponent consistantly for 5 post

Name:Wind Clone
Description:This is a clone made up of wind chakra that can use any of the creaters abilities up to B level.
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Morbokai Nimakee
Morbokai Nimakee

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PostSubject: Re: Testing Limits (only kitsuke battling, non dm but open to wa   Testing Limits (only kitsuke battling, non dm but open to wa Icon_minitimeTue 26 Jan 2010, 7:56 am

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PostSubject: Re: Testing Limits (only kitsuke battling, non dm but open to wa   Testing Limits (only kitsuke battling, non dm but open to wa Icon_minitimeThu 28 Jan 2010, 6:27 am

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PostSubject: Re: Testing Limits (only kitsuke battling, non dm but open to wa   Testing Limits (only kitsuke battling, non dm but open to wa Icon_minitimeSun 31 Jan 2010, 9:09 am

Kitsuke observed how Morbokai formed to clones out of wind. Each of these clone had theyre job assigned by Morbokai. Not to mention the dust storm around them. although that would prove to be useful for Kitsuke in the next minutes that's going to pass. When Kitsuke saw two huge chunks of earth flew in the air, right towards him. He quickly made a set of handseals, then proceeding to spin gracefully in 360 degrees. A tornado acted as shield built up around Kitsuke, it caught the chunks of earth, and whipping/redirecting it unto another direction but Kitsuke himself can control the direction. He redirected the chunks right towards Morbokai again, its very hard for the Nimakee to see through the dust storm, while it was easy for Kitsuke to detect him inside the furious winds. With its nature, fuuton/wind the same as the dust storm. Kitsuke continued to spin gracefully, but after sometime, the tornado of Kitsuke's strength grew so large that it sucked up the dust storm itself, mixing it with Kitsuke's chakra allowed him to harness the dust storm itself. Now the whole area where Morbokai and his clone stood, became occupied by Kitsuke's powerful tornado. Staying inside those raging winds could ripped someone into shreds anytime. If Morbokai and his clone would stay inside that for a single moment, they would be instantly killed. He knew strategically, Morbokai would just allow the clones to get killed while he escaped himself. The dust storm itself who caused the hurling of dirt, dust, rock towards Kitsuke were stopped as soon as he was able to suck the dust storms power, ending whatever jutsu was used. Soon, Kitsuke stopped spinning, although he was still a little confused he still felt the presence of the building up of chakra below him and in areas nearby him. He quickly levitated himself along the weakening strength of the tornado, and jumped away from the area. The moment he sees Morbokai again, his going to ask him to stop the fight. Yet his not going to stop the fight because his already tired, but because he doesnt know what level his abilities can achieve, he cannot afford to kill Morbokai. And so he stood outside the dust storm, waiting for Morbokai to reappear again and end the fight. He has been preventing himself from unleashing any powerful jutsus since the start of the fight...


Jutsu Used:

Name: Tornado Deflection Jutsu
Rank: B
Range: 5ft radius around user
Type: Defensive Ninjutsu
Affinity: Wind
The user makes a series of handseals, then plants their foot, spinning gracefully on the spot. When the 360 is complete, winds stir around the user, then suddenly whip up. A large tornado type defense is set up around the user, whirling in fury. The user is hard to see past the furious wind that surround them, and it goes the same for the user; they cannot see the opponent well. While the outside of the tornado is vicious for anything that comes near it, the inside is calm, since a layer of chakra separates the user and the tornado. Any ninjutsu, excluding fire, of the same rank will be sucked in and thrown in a random direction. Fire jutsu of the same rank or higher will dissipate the tornado, while anything lower than B will slow the winds down, causing the fire to die, but not get whipped away. At jounin, the user can control where the attacks get whipped back to, and can send them back at the opponent. The user, so close to the whirling winds, may get dizzy during the jutsu.
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PostSubject: Re: Testing Limits (only kitsuke battling, non dm but open to wa   Testing Limits (only kitsuke battling, non dm but open to wa Icon_minitimeMon 01 Feb 2010, 5:05 am

Morbokai halted his run as he saw the man spin, noticing the winds picking up and causing a small version of one of natures natural disasters. In seeing this and knowing the distance between himself and the man, he decided to simply stand where he was and await the man to stop. The man was obviously going to be a bit disoriented from the circling at that rate though he knew that it wouldn't be for very long. Simply standing there and watching as the jutsu cancelled his, he saw the tornado stop and began to applaude in a mocking way." Very cute my friend, I must say that that was quite the peroette and the floating was a very graceful touch to finish everything off". Morbokai took a couple steps towards the man while placing his hands in his pocket and laughing a bit, "You have talent and I have to say that you have all the skills that I have heard about and more, especially while held back as I have. I'm not stupid dude, I know when someone is giving their all and when they aren't and I assume that you know the same with your oppoonents as well".
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