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Duskae Bushido
Duskae Bushido

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Fatal Meeting Empty
PostSubject: Fatal Meeting   Fatal Meeting Icon_minitimeMon 04 Aug 2008, 3:00 pm

Duskae was walking up the road after his training with Kitaro. He had a fealing of death upon him.

(no one but the two Akatsuki that are attacking me and me may talk)
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Fatal Meeting Empty
PostSubject: Re: Fatal Meeting   Fatal Meeting Icon_minitimeMon 04 Aug 2008, 3:02 pm

a darkness dagger came wizzing past duskae's face then Koichi appeared and attacked from all sides with darkness clones
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Duskae Bushido
Duskae Bushido

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PostSubject: Re: Fatal Meeting   Fatal Meeting Icon_minitimeMon 04 Aug 2008, 3:04 pm

Duskae had been fearing this dae he melted and re fprmed behind the clones cricle
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Fatal Meeting Empty
PostSubject: Re: Fatal Meeting   Fatal Meeting Icon_minitimeMon 04 Aug 2008, 3:09 pm

The clones turned around and koichi was gone as the clones attacked with every weapon known
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Duskae Bushido
Duskae Bushido

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PostSubject: Re: Fatal Meeting   Fatal Meeting Icon_minitimeMon 04 Aug 2008, 3:17 pm

Dae made a wall of lava stoping the weapons from hitting him
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Fatal Meeting Empty
PostSubject: Re: Fatal Meeting   Fatal Meeting Icon_minitimeMon 04 Aug 2008, 10:31 pm

"It seems its time for me to join in" Jin said as he went in a flanking position. Jin planned on attacking Dae from a different angle, instead of head on. Jin started forming his hand seals really quickly, before releasing his attack. "
"Haton- Sangufuu ken (Triple tornado blades) ". Jin shouted as he formed his hand seals.

Haton- Sangufuu Ken (triple tornado blades)

Rank- B
Range- Mid/Far (5~10m) (10m+)
Type- Supplementary

Three pillars will rise from the ground with blades sticking out. They will start to spin really fast, as they attack the opponent. The pillars will move in a tornado like fashion. And on contact slicing the victim numerous times. With also a lot of force behind its movement, like a general tornado.

"Hopefully this will distract him". Jin said as he watch the triple tornado blades attacked Dae.
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Duskae Bushido
Duskae Bushido

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PostSubject: Re: Fatal Meeting   Fatal Meeting Icon_minitimeMon 04 Aug 2008, 10:36 pm

Dae made hand signs supprised at the arival of another akatsuki. Dae finshed his hand signs " Magma Tornado" Dae began spinning raplidly with his unique lava cotrol spewing out of his hand. Dae became a fast red blur.
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PostSubject: Re: Fatal Meeting   Fatal Meeting Icon_minitimeMon 04 Aug 2008, 10:47 pm

Jin watched as Dae managed to escape his attack. "Not bad...i should take a note of that" Jin said as he began forming his hand seals once more. He would use large amounts on water, to possible turn Dae's lava attacks into hardened crust. "Baku Suishouha - Bursting Water Collision Waves" Jin shouted as he released a large volume of water. flooding the area. "Lets see how you'll deal with this". Jin said as he looked on.

Baku Suishouha is a Ninjutsu technique utilizing the Water Element. After forming the needed handseals, Jin will expel water from his gullet. This will then expand into a large volume of water. He can control the water by riding on top of the waves.

Jin didn't waste anymore time attacking "Suiryuudan no Jutsu - Water Dragon Projectile Technique". Jin shouted as a column of water in the form of a dragon, aimed to struck Dae.

"That should coo him off" Jin said with a smirk on his face.
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Duskae Bushido
Duskae Bushido

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PostSubject: Re: Fatal Meeting   Fatal Meeting Icon_minitimeMon 04 Aug 2008, 10:52 pm

Dae thought fast macking hand signs "Earth wall flip" dae said has a wall of earth was formed to block the dragon

"you didnt pay attention to the war did you?" dae said has he spewed lava from his hands hardning ontop of the water
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PostSubject: Re: Fatal Meeting   Fatal Meeting Icon_minitimeMon 04 Aug 2008, 11:05 pm

"What a silly question shouldn't underestimate me. Jin said with a smirk on his face. "Kage bunshin no jutsu" He shouted as 3 kage bunshins appeared. The shadow clone began to surround Dae. They didn't get too close, as Jin was aware of Dae's magma abilities. "Now let me show you boy...bunshin bakuha- shadown clone explosion" Jin shouted as the bunshins started exploding. "Hopefully this will knock him around a bit". Jin looked at the crust that the lava created.

"Its time to finish this" He would use the smoke from the explosion to mask his next move. Jin began forming hand seals silently "Haton- Sen hariken (Thousand Crystal blades)" he whispered as countless blades made from crystals were sent flying towards Dae. "Lets see him get away from this. Those blades can attack from any direction, and they are extremely sharp" . Jin was having a little moment to himself as the blades, found their way, through the smoke.
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Duskae Bushido
Duskae Bushido

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PostSubject: Re: Fatal Meeting   Fatal Meeting Icon_minitimeMon 04 Aug 2008, 11:08 pm

Dae melted and seeped into the ground to dodge all the attacks this guy isnt holding back no time to breathe this is nothing like my other battles i think its time to call the heaven soilders to fight by my side dae thought to him self has he was hdding deep in the ground
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PostSubject: Re: Fatal Meeting   Fatal Meeting Icon_minitimeMon 04 Aug 2008, 11:21 pm

"Your running i see then thats no big deal. I will just flush you out" Jin smiled as he began forming hand seals. "Haton Ryuu Nibai- Twin dragon drill". It seems Jin's intentions are to, flush Dae out from under the earth. The twin dragon drill techinque, started drilling holes into the ground. The traveled all over under the earth. And as they emerged, Jin started his next phase of his attack.

"Water dragon projectile technique" It seems Jin were thinking of, forcefully, flushing out Dae. "Come out, come out where ever you are" Jin had a sinister grin on his face. As he awaited the water dragon to flush out Dae.
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Duskae Bushido
Duskae Bushido

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PostSubject: Re: Fatal Meeting   Fatal Meeting Icon_minitimeMon 04 Aug 2008, 11:27 pm

Dae reformed out off the path in the bushes he made his hand signs. couple seconds later he had finshed with his hand signs "Heaven soilder summoning" dae screamed. wolfg a wear wolve type creature with deadly speed and streangth. It was charging at the Akatsuki.
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PostSubject: Re: Fatal Meeting   Fatal Meeting Icon_minitimeMon 04 Aug 2008, 11:35 pm

"He's gone into summonings now...he's interesting" Jin said with a smile on his face. Jin quickly slit his thumb and wipe the blood in the palm of his hand. "Kuchiyose no jutsu Komodo-shin". And with a poof of smoke, Jins trusted friend was summoned.

Komodo-shin is the lizard boss summoning exclusive to the Shinriyu clan. Komodo-shin is able to spew a liquid substance that contains acidic and toxic bacteria. And coming in contact with this particular bacteria is bad news for anyone. Komodo-shin’s bite also carries this bacteria. And in a scenario where it’s summon vs. summon. Shin may cause a lot of damage to the opposing enemy via its attacks. Shin is also able to use defensive maneuvers by creating a earth wall. By raising its two front legs and stomping the round.

"Why don't you share some of that toxic bacteria?". Jin said with a smile on his face. Kimodo-shin, opened its mouth and spewed out its deadly bacteria towards the opponent. "Lets see how he handles this one". Jin seems to be enjoying his little fight.
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Duskae Bushido
Duskae Bushido

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PostSubject: Re: Fatal Meeting   Fatal Meeting Icon_minitimeMon 04 Aug 2008, 11:42 pm

wolfg speed out of the way of theacid and stood in one plac waiting for Konso's response to this new comer to the battle. Dae in the bushes was furious he didnt want to move on to the other levels of his summoning with this creature out there. dae was going to try is realtivly new jutsu to hopfuly chop the lizard into three pieces. Dae made his hand signs "magma disks" dae formed two disks of lava and sent them on the heat signuture that was radating from the overgrown salamander over there.
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Fatal Meeting Empty
PostSubject: Re: Fatal Meeting   Fatal Meeting Icon_minitimeMon 04 Aug 2008, 11:58 pm

"He's not bad, he's still hiding though, i will have to flush him out". Jin said as Komodo shins attack missed its target. Jin sensed Dae attacks coming "He's not too bad is he Jin-san?" Komodo-shin said as Jin began forming a couple of hand seals. "Hey Boss, stomp the ground". Komodo-shin then caused a wall enclosure to surround. Himself and Jin "this brat is very annoying...Komodo dig deep". While in the wall enclosure, out of sight. Komodo began, digging, concealing him and Jin under ground.

The lava disks, that Dae sent out, crashed into the earth wall that Shin created. Jin then started forming a couple of hand seals. And with a swift movement, Jin and Komodo emerged from the ground. "Haton, Hara Kasui - field of spikes". I don't care where you are, you have to show yourself, or risk dieing.

Haton Hara kasui- After performing the necessary hand seals. Sharp spikes will rise from underground, covering a wide area. The spikes are able to cover, up to a mile long, in all directions. This particular jutsu could take out multiple enemies at once.

"Lets take out his summoning as well". Jin said with a smile on his face.
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Duskae Bushido
Duskae Bushido

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PostSubject: Re: Fatal Meeting   Fatal Meeting Icon_minitimeTue 05 Aug 2008, 12:06 am

duskae made lava shoot out of his feet macking a pillar that he hrdened so that the field would not effect him this reminds me of the sound 5 ninja kimmimaro Duskae thought to himself. Wolfg was implaled but than out of the loss came the next form helemen An angel looking creatur with wings made of pure chackra and a sword made out of the strongest material in the heavans one that dae couldnt melt. The beast was immune to all types of ninjutsu and and could seprate his limbs. Dae sent another five disks at the alligator only hotter so they would go through the earth.
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PostSubject: Re: Fatal Meeting   Fatal Meeting Icon_minitimeTue 05 Aug 2008, 12:26 am

Seeing Dae's new friend Komodo dug deep underground once more. Jin then used a telepathic communication with Komodo. "This is getting trouble some boss". Jin said to Komodo. Jin began forming a couple of hands seals. "Haton sunarashi-crystal sandstorm". Jin shouted, he was still underground at this point.

Forming the necessary hand seals, the user will create a powerful sandstorm made from the crystals. The Sand storm to meant to hinder the opponent (s) movement. While causing harm to the victim, due to the sands velocity at which it travels. The speed at which the travels makes him formidable. Since the sand can easily slice the opponent numerous time. And the amount of damage taken could be a lot.

"I will have to take out Dae" Jin knew that getting to Dae was his only option. "After this i need to rest" Jin said as he geared up for his other attack.
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Duskae Bushido
Duskae Bushido

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PostSubject: Re: Fatal Meeting   Fatal Meeting Icon_minitimeTue 05 Aug 2008, 12:34 am

Dae formed an orb onto of the pillar proventing the glass strom from hitting him but bliding him compltly. He had complete trust in demark and was hoping that he would be unafected he should sence it was uneffected by nin jutsu.

Demark was unafected seeing has he had no eyes he dould just sence where the others were
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PostSubject: Re: Fatal Meeting   Fatal Meeting Icon_minitimeTue 05 Aug 2008, 5:43 am

" Take This... " Minato said as he came from nowhere, attack Jin, tearing through his sand storm with the Raikiri, attacking him in the gut. " You don't stand a chance. I was once the 2nd Leader for Akatsuki, so i would advice you back of... or maybe i need to make you, or would you like to do it Dae ?" Minato asked the man with a ton of Lava next to him.
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Duskae Bushido
Duskae Bushido

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PostSubject: Re: Fatal Meeting   Fatal Meeting Icon_minitimeTue 05 Aug 2008, 8:29 am

((hey minatoi really apricate you coming but unless im gonna die can you not post i want it to be like any other attack on a jinchurkin))
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Fatal Meeting Empty
PostSubject: Re: Fatal Meeting   Fatal Meeting Icon_minitimeTue 05 Aug 2008, 9:14 am

(Hey Minato, i appreciate you joining in, My character is currently underground. Plus My wind storm is far too strong for someone to tear through it. Its like a desert storm, but capable of a lot more damage. I wouldn't going one on one with you later though).

"We need someone, on the surface, to help us out Boss". Jin then started forming hand seals, as he emerged for a a moment " Summoning Jutsu Ekibanta- Lizard summoning". It seems another summoning appeared. "hey boss, lets go to the surface, but used that barrier jutsu". Jin resurfaced as the sandstorm stopped.

"Ekibanta, flood this area, with your water pump". Ekibanta then began spewing out, high volumes of water. The area was soon flooded are several feet of water. "We will have to attack Dae, but remember to be careful". Eki banta's water abilities, should stop Dae in his tracks. This way Jin could counter the lava quickly. But he had to look out for the troublesome summoning, Dae summoned.
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Duskae Bushido
Duskae Bushido

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PostSubject: Re: Fatal Meeting   Fatal Meeting Icon_minitimeTue 05 Aug 2008, 9:20 am

Demark senced the immurgance of the first summoning and he slashed his sword at it
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PostSubject: Re: Fatal Meeting   Fatal Meeting Icon_minitimeTue 05 Aug 2008, 9:27 am

Ekibanta saw the sword slash coming towards him. He quickly hopped away from danger. "Hey Ekibanta, use your paralyzing scream. And Boss your your toxic acid on that thing up there". Ekibanta's scream should induce paralysis on the opponent. While its a possibility, that Komodo could do some damage as well.

But one will have to see how it turns out.
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Duskae Bushido
Duskae Bushido

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PostSubject: Re: Fatal Meeting   Fatal Meeting Icon_minitimeTue 05 Aug 2008, 9:34 am

Duskae could sence the movment down ther but not what was exactly going on he locked onto boses heat signture and sent 6 magma disks.He brought down the orb seeing has the storm was over.

Demark was unafected by the scream he has no ears. Demark lifted his sword and charged at Ekibanta in the procces he dodged the acid.

Dae hoped from above that these combined attacks would take out his two summonings
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