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ORPGDM - Oshiroku vs. Kisho Icon_minitimeMon 29 Jul 2024, 3:32 pm by Hirokai Hondo

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 ORPGDM - Oshiroku vs. Kisho

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ORPGDM - Oshiroku vs. Kisho Empty
PostSubject: ORPGDM - Oshiroku vs. Kisho   ORPGDM - Oshiroku vs. Kisho Icon_minitimeSat 06 Sep 2008, 6:26 pm

Oshi stood on a lake looking around him while waiting for Kisho to come. Around the lake was 100 yards of tall patchy grass that ended as tall trees sprouted from the ground. This clearing was a favorite spot of Oshiroku and he had used it as the battlefield for his battle with Kisho. Now all he needed was Kisho to show up.
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PostSubject: Re: ORPGDM - Oshiroku vs. Kisho   ORPGDM - Oshiroku vs. Kisho Icon_minitimeSat 06 Sep 2008, 6:35 pm

There was a blur above the center of the lake as the water began to ripple, and again several feet from the shore. A moment later Kisho appeared 100 ft. away from Oshiroku. Looking around he said "So beautiful out here. It would almost be a waste to ruin such an area." he turned and faced Oshiroku to say "It's been a while hasn't it. How have you been since the last time we meet"
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PostSubject: Re: ORPGDM - Oshiroku vs. Kisho   ORPGDM - Oshiroku vs. Kisho Icon_minitimeSat 06 Sep 2008, 6:38 pm

"I don't know a few months maybe" Oshi said smiling "It is a beautiful place...but there are others..." He stepped back into a stance "Are you ready?" he said
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PostSubject: Re: ORPGDM - Oshiroku vs. Kisho   ORPGDM - Oshiroku vs. Kisho Icon_minitimeSat 06 Sep 2008, 6:40 pm

"when ever you are" he lowered his body and moved his right hand over his katana's handle and waited for Oshi to make a move
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ORPGDM - Oshiroku vs. Kisho Empty
PostSubject: Re: ORPGDM - Oshiroku vs. Kisho   ORPGDM - Oshiroku vs. Kisho Icon_minitimeSat 06 Sep 2008, 6:42 pm

Oshi smiled "Ok I will count off...3...2...1...Go" on the G Oshi's body fell sinking into the lake.
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PostSubject: Re: ORPGDM - Oshiroku vs. Kisho   ORPGDM - Oshiroku vs. Kisho Icon_minitimeSat 06 Sep 2008, 6:45 pm

Kisho held his ground, waiting to see what kind of move Oshi was going to make
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ORPGDM - Oshiroku vs. Kisho Empty
PostSubject: Re: ORPGDM - Oshiroku vs. Kisho   ORPGDM - Oshiroku vs. Kisho Icon_minitimeSat 06 Sep 2008, 6:59 pm

The water below Kisho churned and swirled then suddenly exploded. At the bottom of the lake Oshi sat unable to see if his attack had worked sending his breathing tube to the surface near the side of the lake.
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PostSubject: Re: ORPGDM - Oshiroku vs. Kisho   ORPGDM - Oshiroku vs. Kisho Icon_minitimeSat 06 Sep 2008, 7:07 pm

The water exploded, sending kisho flying into the air. Soaking wet, he looked down, trying to find a silhouette of Oshi so he would know where to fall, and failing to do so, he maneuvered himself to fall into the middle of the lake, his hand on his sword's hilt, ready to act. A split-second before he hit the water, he took a deep breath. Hitting the surface, the water shot up around him. Plummeting to the bottom he noticed Oshi and a tube leading to the surface. Realizing he wouldn't be able to reach Oshi, he continued to swim down, reaching a depth close enough to slice to tube open.
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ORPGDM - Oshiroku vs. Kisho Empty
PostSubject: Re: ORPGDM - Oshiroku vs. Kisho   ORPGDM - Oshiroku vs. Kisho Icon_minitimeSat 06 Sep 2008, 8:59 pm

Oshi made a series of hand signs and summoned 118 clones. Circling Kisho 112 Oshi's readied themselves to fight as Oshi blended into the crowd making another series of signs acting out the next part of his plan. Its all about timing he thought if your to early it won't work and if your to late he will be able to hit you
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PostSubject: Re: ORPGDM - Oshiroku vs. Kisho   ORPGDM - Oshiroku vs. Kisho Icon_minitimeSat 06 Sep 2008, 9:18 pm

Kisho stopped his decent into the water and moved so that there were a considerable amount of clones in front of him. Moving his body into the same stance he would use on land, he twisted his upper body to the right as he drew his sword, moving it from it's scabard on his left hip to his right side in a fraction of a second, sending a powerful shock wave through the water towards the clones.
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PostSubject: Re: ORPGDM - Oshiroku vs. Kisho   ORPGDM - Oshiroku vs. Kisho Icon_minitimeSat 06 Sep 2008, 9:22 pm

Being but Haze Clones 30 clones poofed as 30 more sprung up swimming towards Kisho. The other 52 protected Oshi while he did hand sign after hand sign building power in his hand.
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PostSubject: Re: ORPGDM - Oshiroku vs. Kisho   ORPGDM - Oshiroku vs. Kisho Icon_minitimeSat 06 Sep 2008, 9:30 pm

Realizing he couldn't hold his breath for much longer he looked around for a way out of the water. Looking down he realized how close to the bottom he was a quickly sheathed his sword and moved so that he was facing the bottom. Repeating the same technique he had a moment ago, he created a shock wave that as it hit the ground, generated a large upward current, allowing kisho to reach the surface. As he stood on top of the water took deep breaths and sheathed his sword again as he looked down, watching for a sign of an attack.
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ORPGDM - Oshiroku vs. Kisho Empty
PostSubject: Re: ORPGDM - Oshiroku vs. Kisho   ORPGDM - Oshiroku vs. Kisho Icon_minitimeSat 06 Sep 2008, 9:33 pm

I can't give him any time to timing has to be perfect or this won't work Oshi thought as the water underneath Kisho began to churn again then a second later exploding.
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PostSubject: Re: ORPGDM - Oshiroku vs. Kisho   ORPGDM - Oshiroku vs. Kisho Icon_minitimeSat 06 Sep 2008, 9:37 pm

Kisho didn't have time to get out of the way, but was able to use the explosion to launch him towards the open field. As he flew through the air he tried to maneuver so that he could soften the landing but didn't move fast enough, landing hard on his back. He staggered as he stood, breathing deep after having the wind knocked out of him, he turned to the water, expecting another attack.
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ORPGDM - Oshiroku vs. Kisho Empty
PostSubject: Re: ORPGDM - Oshiroku vs. Kisho   ORPGDM - Oshiroku vs. Kisho Icon_minitimeSat 06 Sep 2008, 9:42 pm

Kisho was surprised as instead of an attack from the water one came from the land as a hand gripped Kisho's leg pulling him down.

Name: Head Hunter
((I don't think you need anything but the name...your smart :P))
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PostSubject: Re: ORPGDM - Oshiroku vs. Kisho   ORPGDM - Oshiroku vs. Kisho Icon_minitimeSat 06 Sep 2008, 9:52 pm

still breathing deep from his fall, he balled up his right hand and placed his left hand over it, pushed his right elbow into the ground, breaking away the dirt, keeping him from being trapped. He reached down with his right hand and grabbed Oshi's wrist, twisting it to the point where it was about to break.
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PostSubject: Re: ORPGDM - Oshiroku vs. Kisho   ORPGDM - Oshiroku vs. Kisho Icon_minitimeSat 06 Sep 2008, 10:02 pm

The ground where Kisho was standing turned to mud and started to flow as the Oshi popped out of the ground spinning to free his hand as he and Kisho slid away.
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PostSubject: Re: ORPGDM - Oshiroku vs. Kisho   ORPGDM - Oshiroku vs. Kisho Icon_minitimeSat 06 Sep 2008, 10:03 pm

"moving mud, big deal" he stepped to the left out of the mud than lunged at the Oshi, drawing his sword mid air, attempting to slice across his midsection
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ORPGDM - Oshiroku vs. Kisho Empty
PostSubject: Re: ORPGDM - Oshiroku vs. Kisho   ORPGDM - Oshiroku vs. Kisho Icon_minitimeSat 06 Sep 2008, 10:07 pm

Oshi renched his hand away from Kisho making hand signs as a huge dragon sprouted from the mud shooting huge mud balls at Kisho as Oshi slide down the river of mud.

Mud Dragon Projectiles
((Hey as long as they are well know jutsu I'm just going to put the long as that is alright with you))
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PostSubject: Re: ORPGDM - Oshiroku vs. Kisho   ORPGDM - Oshiroku vs. Kisho Icon_minitimeSat 06 Sep 2008, 10:20 pm

Kisho used his sword to slice the mud balls down the middle, fling off to either side of him, chasing Oshi down the mud river as he did so.
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ORPGDM - Oshiroku vs. Kisho Empty
PostSubject: Re: ORPGDM - Oshiroku vs. Kisho   ORPGDM - Oshiroku vs. Kisho Icon_minitimeSun 07 Sep 2008, 6:25 pm

The Oshi reached the lake again blending into the crowed as 81 other Oshi's popped out of the water readying themselves to attack.
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PostSubject: Re: ORPGDM - Oshiroku vs. Kisho   ORPGDM - Oshiroku vs. Kisho Icon_minitimeSun 07 Sep 2008, 6:27 pm

Kisho slid to a stop several meters before the water's edge. sheathing his sword and taking his stance, waiting for the clones to attack
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PostSubject: Re: ORPGDM - Oshiroku vs. Kisho   ORPGDM - Oshiroku vs. Kisho Icon_minitimeSun 07 Sep 2008, 6:30 pm

12 of the clones sunk into the water as 12 more were shot at Kisho propelled by the water dragon that sprouted from the water beneath them.
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PostSubject: Re: ORPGDM - Oshiroku vs. Kisho   ORPGDM - Oshiroku vs. Kisho Icon_minitimeSun 07 Sep 2008, 6:35 pm

Kisho lunged forward, drawing his sword and following it with his scabard, using both to slice and bash his way through the twelve clones. Landing a few feet from the water he returned his sword to its scabard and moved it back to his left hip, taking his stance again.
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PostSubject: Re: ORPGDM - Oshiroku vs. Kisho   ORPGDM - Oshiroku vs. Kisho Icon_minitimeSun 07 Sep 2008, 6:42 pm

The dragon rushed forwards faking to charge Kisho and then peeling of and circling around him as 10 clones slide out of the ground outside the dragon firing 100 Sound Bullets a piece that went through the dragon gaining power as they went.

Sound Bullet Jutsu
Rank: C
Range: 100m
Description: By controlling sound waves Oshiroku fires bullet like objects at the target. These bullets can puncture steal when they are small and can be up to 3 feet in diameter.
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