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ORPGDM - Oshiroku vs. Kisho - Page 3 Icon_minitimeMon 29 Jul 2024, 3:32 pm by Hirokai Hondo

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ORPGDM - Oshiroku vs. Kisho - Page 3 Icon_minitimeSun 21 Oct 2018, 3:13 am by Nocturne

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ORPGDM - Oshiroku vs. Kisho - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: ORPGDM - Oshiroku vs. Kisho   ORPGDM - Oshiroku vs. Kisho - Page 3 Icon_minitimeFri 12 Sep 2008, 10:41 pm

The vibrations moved up Kisho's body reaching his head and then, to Kisho, everything was black as all around him Oshi's chuckling voice sounded.
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PostSubject: Re: ORPGDM - Oshiroku vs. Kisho   ORPGDM - Oshiroku vs. Kisho - Page 3 Icon_minitimeFri 12 Sep 2008, 10:45 pm

((nice try, but i'm already blind))

"throwing your voice won't work, i can hear you moving, i can hear your muscles tightening, you heart beating faster and faster, your breathing, you can't hide" he said as he stood up straight and waited for Oshi to make his move
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ORPGDM - Oshiroku vs. Kisho - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: ORPGDM - Oshiroku vs. Kisho   ORPGDM - Oshiroku vs. Kisho - Page 3 Icon_minitimeSun 14 Sep 2008, 9:05 am

((When did you lose your sight. I see nowhere that your trained to hear similar to me.))

Now sure that Kisho could not see him Oshi enacted the next part of his plan he and his 3 clones moving with him. A few seconds later three Oshi's slid out of the ground around Kisho about 15 yards away all doing hand signs. They all stopped their hand signs at once as from behind Kisho an explosion sounded as two of the Oshi's poofed the other quickly sliding back into the ground.
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PostSubject: Re: ORPGDM - Oshiroku vs. Kisho   ORPGDM - Oshiroku vs. Kisho - Page 3 Icon_minitimeSun 14 Sep 2008, 9:42 am


Kisho continued to stand there, the wind of the explosion causing is clothes to flap around him and his hair to fall into his face, tired of waiting for Oshi to show himself, he reached into his coat and withdrew his large war hammer, listening closely, he found the general area where oshi was hiding under ground, slamming the hammer into the ground above it
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PostSubject: Re: ORPGDM - Oshiroku vs. Kisho   ORPGDM - Oshiroku vs. Kisho - Page 3 Icon_minitimeSun 14 Sep 2008, 9:52 am

No wind was generated from the explosion as Kisho slammed his hammer into the ground hearing Oshi cry out under the water and then everything was quiet.
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PostSubject: Re: ORPGDM - Oshiroku vs. Kisho   ORPGDM - Oshiroku vs. Kisho - Page 3 Icon_minitimeSun 14 Sep 2008, 9:54 am

"come out, come out, where ever you are" he said, mocking oshi, resting the hammer over his shoulders waiting for oshi to come out of hiding "why don't you stop hiding and fight me like a man"
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ORPGDM - Oshiroku vs. Kisho - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: ORPGDM - Oshiroku vs. Kisho   ORPGDM - Oshiroku vs. Kisho - Page 3 Icon_minitimeSun 14 Sep 2008, 9:58 am

Kisho heard bubbles coming from Oshi's breathing tube as it sank into the water but these bubbles stopped gradually as no air came through the tube.
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PostSubject: Re: ORPGDM - Oshiroku vs. Kisho   ORPGDM - Oshiroku vs. Kisho - Page 3 Icon_minitimeSun 14 Sep 2008, 10:00 am

"still hiding underground" he listened and again found oshi's general location, walking a few steps, he again slammed the hammer int the ground, breaking the rock underneath
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ORPGDM - Oshiroku vs. Kisho - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: ORPGDM - Oshiroku vs. Kisho   ORPGDM - Oshiroku vs. Kisho - Page 3 Icon_minitimeSun 14 Sep 2008, 10:03 am

Kisho heard Oshi softly cry out but suddenly felt a sharp pain in his back and chest and then a warm liquid spread around the area.
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PostSubject: Re: ORPGDM - Oshiroku vs. Kisho   ORPGDM - Oshiroku vs. Kisho - Page 3 Icon_minitimeFri 19 Sep 2008, 11:17 pm

Kisho turned into a puddle as the water hit the ground with a splash, the real Kisho appearing behind Oshi, swinging down the hammer from over head
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ORPGDM - Oshiroku vs. Kisho - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: ORPGDM - Oshiroku vs. Kisho   ORPGDM - Oshiroku vs. Kisho - Page 3 Icon_minitimeSat 20 Sep 2008, 4:28 pm

Sinking into the ground Kisho's hammer hit nothing but ground as Oshi's voice sounded in his ear again "Kisho you can't see me to hit do you expect to win??"
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PostSubject: Re: ORPGDM - Oshiroku vs. Kisho   ORPGDM - Oshiroku vs. Kisho - Page 3 Icon_minitimeMon 22 Sep 2008, 3:03 pm

"i expect to win by breaking you over my knee" he lifted the hammer and threw it to the side, clapping his hands together he took a deep breath and calmly said "eternal chaotic dance" his muscles slightly growing in size, his skin taking on a reddish hue, his veins pulsing as blood was pumped through his body. rolling his shoulder up, he slammed his fist into the ground below himself, destroying the ground in the area, exposing Oshi. appearing below him, kisho launched oshi into the air with a massive kick, following him into the air, he launched a lightning fast barrage of attacks, making it seem as if there were three Kishos attacking at once. flying down towards oshi, kisho spun mid air, slamming his leg across Oshi's mid-section, sending him hurtling towards the ground. again appearing on the ground below oshi, kisho jumped several inches off the ground, spinning his body slightly, bringing his knee up as hard as he could, slamming it into the middle of oshi's back, nearly bending him in two over his knee. throwing him off to the side, kisho's skin returned to its normal color, his muscles disappearing, leaving him the appearance of nothing more than skin and bone, unable to move or even support his own weight, kisho fell backwards, slipping into unconsciousness, unsure if his attack had worked or if it was all in vein.

*Eternal Chaotic Dance
After opening seven chakra gates, Lee punches the ground, creating an earthquake that launches his opponent into the air. He then attacks his foe many times at the speed of light, moving so fast that it seems as if there are three Lees attacking at once. To finish, Rock Lee punches the enemy from the sky three times, slamming them back to the ground
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PostSubject: Re: ORPGDM - Oshiroku vs. Kisho   ORPGDM - Oshiroku vs. Kisho - Page 3 Icon_minitimeMon 22 Sep 2008, 8:57 pm

As Kisho landed he heard Oshi's body lightly hit the ground and be still the attacks apparently having been to strong for him. A hand over his mouth to keep him from calling out and a sword sprouting from his chest, going right threw his heart, Kisho stood held up by Oshi while his final breaths were taken and a "poof" was heard from the replacement on the ground turning back into a log. "I'm sorry plays on my honor a little to have to trick you were a very worthy opponent...let me explain...I realized that I could not match you in power your Tai training so intensive...I decide to blind you thinking it would give me the advantage...when it didn't and you relied on sound your defeat was shown to me...I used Sound Control jutus on you making it so you only heard what I wanted you to hear and then your downfall was using a combination of Sound Clones and Sound Copy jutsu I made it so you would hear anything I wanted you to and nothing but that...leading you to think you were attacking me I took the final strike...I applaud you were a fine warrior". At this Oshi heard Kisho's heart stop and he layed him on the ground moving the earth to bury the fine ninja.

Name: The Coming of Darkness
Rank: S
Range: 0-10 yards
Effect: The user uses vibrations to stimulate the targets optic nerves making them temporarily blind. This blindness will fade away eventually but can not be countered. If the vibrations touch the eyes of the target the target is blinded.

Name: Hearing Control Jutsu
Rank: B
Range: 0-20 yards
Effect: The user makes the opponent hear only what they want them to hear by controlling the sound waves around their body.

Name: Sound Copy Jutsu
Rank: D
Range: -
Effect: The user copies a sound replaying it using their control over sound

Name: Sound Clone Jutsu
Rank: C
Range: -
Effect: The user creates a clone that can not be seen, smelled, tasted, or felt. It can only be heard. Although a Hyuuga could see the chakra signature of the clone.
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ORPGDM - Oshiroku vs. Kisho - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: ORPGDM - Oshiroku vs. Kisho   ORPGDM - Oshiroku vs. Kisho - Page 3 Icon_minitimeMon 22 Sep 2008, 9:08 pm

((i know when i am beaten and i know when to admit when a person is a better warrior than i am *bows graciously to Oshiroku*))
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PostSubject: Re: ORPGDM - Oshiroku vs. Kisho   ORPGDM - Oshiroku vs. Kisho - Page 3 Icon_minitimeTue 23 Sep 2008, 10:18 pm

((*Oshi bows back* are sadly mistaken Kisho...I am not a better warrior than you. Without question you are stronger. All I have to my name is an innate ability to strategize. Thats it and its not much. Thank you for giving me this great battle.))
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