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 You know you want to fight me^.^

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You know you want to fight me^.^ Empty
PostSubject: You know you want to fight me^.^   You know you want to fight me^.^ Icon_minitimeMon 03 Nov 2008, 7:47 pm

OverOurConfusions: Anyone, anyone at all!

InnerConflicts: Kugo sat, awaiting an a opponent as his spun a spear in-hand. He had his headband over his eyes, using his chakra sensor to sense when someone would come near. He had posted fliers all around the nearby villages, challenging any shinobi that thought he could take on the challenge. He waited in the area he had mapped out, a small valley full of dead trees and soil. This was an ideal place for him, because the soil was full of multiple minerals and other things he could utilize for his jutsu. The sun was directly overhead, leaving no shadows in the area.
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You know you want to fight me^.^ Empty
PostSubject: Re: You know you want to fight me^.^   You know you want to fight me^.^ Icon_minitimeMon 03 Nov 2008, 8:56 pm

Kisho entered the valley, a strong wind blowing in behind him, causing his jacket to flap in the breeze and his hair to fall forward, covering his eyes. not bothering to smooth back his hair, he walked forward until he stood before Kugo, silently watching him spin his spear, waiting for when he would notice he was being watched
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You know you want to fight me^.^ Empty
PostSubject: Re: You know you want to fight me^.^   You know you want to fight me^.^ Icon_minitimeMon 03 Nov 2008, 9:05 pm

"Ah, Kisho. My old teammate. You heard of my challenge then?" Kugo asked, stopping the spinning motion. The spear had become his favorite weapon, and he stood with it in an almost perfect stance. His body was aligned with the spear, his feet spread apart, and his shoulders squared. He stayed on the balls of his feet because he preferred speed to power and evasiveness to defense.
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You know you want to fight me^.^ Empty
PostSubject: Re: You know you want to fight me^.^   You know you want to fight me^.^ Icon_minitimeMon 03 Nov 2008, 9:09 pm

"of course, why else would i be here" he stood perfectly still as kugo stood and took up his stance, looking him over he thought to himself why don't i have a spear like that before taking up his normal boxing stance, bouncing from foot to foot
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You know you want to fight me^.^ Empty
PostSubject: Re: You know you want to fight me^.^   You know you want to fight me^.^ Icon_minitimeMon 03 Nov 2008, 9:13 pm

Kugo pounced forward, his blood pumping from the thrill of proving his worth to his old teammate. He jumped upward once he was five feet from Kisho, landing down with the spearhead aimed at his shoulder.
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You know you want to fight me^.^ Empty
PostSubject: Re: You know you want to fight me^.^   You know you want to fight me^.^ Icon_minitimeMon 03 Nov 2008, 9:16 pm

Kisho turned his body, grabbing the spear and thrusting it into the ground, burying the tip almost a foot into the dirt while swinging his knee upwards at a blinding pace to meet the falling kugo
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PostSubject: Re: You know you want to fight me^.^   You know you want to fight me^.^ Icon_minitimeMon 03 Nov 2008, 9:19 pm

Kugo spun himself along the shaft, dodging the kick narrowly. He chuckled a bit as he spun around, throwing both legs at the back of Kisho's knee.
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You know you want to fight me^.^ Empty
PostSubject: Re: You know you want to fight me^.^   You know you want to fight me^.^ Icon_minitimeTue 04 Nov 2008, 7:09 pm

kisho swung his other leg down, kicking kugo's legs to the side as he let go of the spear, bringing his fore arm down towards kugo's chest
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PostSubject: Re: You know you want to fight me^.^   You know you want to fight me^.^ Icon_minitimeTue 04 Nov 2008, 7:15 pm

Kugo tugged one finger in toward his palm. causing his metal spear to fly back into his hands. He used the spear to parry the arm as he rolled out of the way.
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You know you want to fight me^.^ Empty
PostSubject: Re: You know you want to fight me^.^   You know you want to fight me^.^ Icon_minitimeTue 04 Nov 2008, 7:20 pm

"come now, is that all you can think to do" he slid his arms into his coat, pulling them out with a metal gauntlet on each as he again took up his boxing stance
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PostSubject: Re: You know you want to fight me^.^   You know you want to fight me^.^ Icon_minitimeTue 04 Nov 2008, 7:22 pm

"The famous gloves I see." Kugo said, taking up his stance again. Direct attacks wouldn't work on him, and Kugo didn't know much ninjutsu, only one thing left....
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You know you want to fight me^.^ Empty
PostSubject: Re: You know you want to fight me^.^   You know you want to fight me^.^ Icon_minitimeTue 04 Nov 2008, 7:30 pm

"not all that famous" he took a shallow breath than took several short jumps from side to side as he got closer to kugo before he was right inf front of him, the shaft of the spear to his side at a point where it would make it nearly impossible to block with it as he twisted his upper body towards kugo, driving his armored fist towards his face
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PostSubject: Re: You know you want to fight me^.^   You know you want to fight me^.^ Icon_minitimeTue 04 Nov 2008, 7:33 pm

Kugo dropped to the ground, the spear pressed against his chest as he rolled around kisho a bit, jumping up at his side and throwing his weight into a stab at Kisho's side.
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PostSubject: Re: You know you want to fight me^.^   You know you want to fight me^.^ Icon_minitimeThu 06 Nov 2008, 8:59 pm

Kisho used the armor covering his forearm to black the spear, causing a small dent in the gauntlet and dulling the tip of the spear. wrapping his arm around the spear, he quickly pulled kugo towards him, twisting his lower body, swinging his knee towards kugo's head, throwing his weight into his knee to give it more force
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You know you want to fight me^.^ Empty
PostSubject: Re: You know you want to fight me^.^   You know you want to fight me^.^ Icon_minitimeThu 06 Nov 2008, 9:06 pm

The spear slipped directly out of Kugo's hand as Kisho tugged. Kugo shrugged, smiling as he pulled a second spear from his bag. He placed the spear in his left hand as his right fingers seemed to twitch. As the fingers made these small movements, crackles could be heard around the area. Suddenly, ten soil kunai charged Kisho from every direction, crackling with lightning chakra.

Jutsu Used~

Name- Tsumi Juden Suru - Soil Charge
Type- Puppetry/Supp.
Effect- This jutsu requires mastery of Puppetry, Lightning, and Soil jutsu. This technique first creates weapons out of the soil around them. Then, using their chakra they electrically charge the weapons. These weapons will now do extra damage, and possibly screw up their nervous system if hit in the spine.
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You know you want to fight me^.^ Empty
PostSubject: Re: You know you want to fight me^.^   You know you want to fight me^.^ Icon_minitimeThu 06 Nov 2008, 9:13 pm

using the spear he took from kugo, kisho spun slightly, knock down 7 of the kunai while knocking three of them towards kugo while at the same time throwing the spear, than lunging forwards towards him, shouting "konoha dai-senpu"

konoha dai-senpu- the user jumps towards his opponent, keeping relatively close to the ground, spinning the user will attempt two kicks, one with each leg, the first is a low sweeping kick, the second being aimed towards chest in case the opponent jumps to dodge the first kick
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PostSubject: Re: You know you want to fight me^.^   You know you want to fight me^.^ Icon_minitimeThu 06 Nov 2008, 9:16 pm

"Hmm...This isn't good is it? Good thing you use my weapons against me and not your own." Kugo muttered, moving his arms in swift motions. The kunai spun, aiming at Kisho as the spear smashed into the ground in his way, hoping to distract Kisho. In case that didn't work, Kugo took his other spear in hand, preparing to swipe for Kisho's chest. Hopefully, Kisho would give up the attack to defend himself.
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PostSubject: Re: You know you want to fight me^.^   You know you want to fight me^.^ Icon_minitimeThu 06 Nov 2008, 9:21 pm

Kisho spun in mid air, hitting to kunai with the back of his gauntlet, causing them to shatter while the third shot past him, putting a hole through his jacket. flying past the grounded spear, kisho quickly closed the gap between him and kugo, spinning ferociously he swung both of his legs around with a bone shattering force
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PostSubject: Re: You know you want to fight me^.^   You know you want to fight me^.^ Icon_minitimeThu 06 Nov 2008, 9:24 pm

Kugo smiled as he was thrown a distance away, tumbling and rolling. His skin began to crack, falling apart into pieces of soil. This gruesome scene seemed to have stripped Kugo of his skin, leaving a skeleton with a spear in black armor. It slowly moved, in rigid motions. Once it had popped it's joints into place, it spun around toward Kisho. The spear flew from it's hand as it swung his arm forward, aimed directly for Kisho's stomach.
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PostSubject: Re: You know you want to fight me^.^   You know you want to fight me^.^ Icon_minitimeThu 06 Nov 2008, 9:32 pm

kisho swung his left fist to meet the spear head, slightly denting the thick metal covering his hand while at the same time, splintering the shaft of the spear into tiny shards. he than jumped forward, appearing before the puppet in a fraction of a second, driving his armored fist through it's head
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PostSubject: Re: You know you want to fight me^.^   You know you want to fight me^.^ Icon_minitimeThu 06 Nov 2008, 9:36 pm

The puppet's head flew backward into the forest, as the puppet's chest began glowing. The spear he had shattered lay in a pile of spearheads. From the forest came a voice.
"Meet Tsumi and Batsu." It was Kugo's, but it came from two directions. The spearheads began floating, charging Kisho from behind.

Name-Tsumi & Batsu (Sin & Redemption)

Height-Both are 6' in length, sealed into two scrolls for easy carrying.

Weight-Lighter than would be expected. They are only 40 lbs. or so each.

Description- Tsumi & Batsu are twin spears. They are completely steel, even the handles. These two weapons have a special ability that make them perfect for weapon puppetry. They can shatter into hundreds of spearheads. These spearheads can conduct chakra to another spearhead, allowing them all to be controlled at once. However, this ability means that the spearheads move identically to their group(10 spearheads are one group, within one group they all have to move the same way.). This allows for overwhelming numbers.
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PostSubject: Re: You know you want to fight me^.^   You know you want to fight me^.^ Icon_minitimeThu 06 Nov 2008, 9:45 pm

kisho picked up the puppet and threw it at the oncoming spear heads, blocking most of them, pulling out Heaven and Hell he began to move them both in a circular motion, deflecting the rest of the spear heads downwards, causing them to bury themselves about an inch into the ground
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PostSubject: Re: You know you want to fight me^.^   You know you want to fight me^.^ Icon_minitimeThu 06 Nov 2008, 9:49 pm

The puppet crumpled to the ground for all of five seconds before jumping toward Kisho, swinging it's arms rapidly. From the ground around him, the spearheads began shooting up in a cone-like formation. Going up and in toward Kisho.
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PostSubject: Re: You know you want to fight me^.^   You know you want to fight me^.^ Icon_minitimeThu 06 Nov 2008, 10:05 pm

Kisho smiled faintly as he quietly said "now's as good a time as any, Naitoshakui" as his skin began to turn a shade of dull gray. the spear heads slammed against him, only a few were able to break the skin, and even those that did weren't able to draw more than a drop or two of blood. brushing off the attack, he lifted up his leg slightly, waiting for the puppet to get closer before quickly spinning, sending his leg straight through the puppets torso, reducing to to a pile of scrap as he said "are you ready to come out and face us yet, we no longer feel the need to play with your 'toys'" as if it were seven people saying the phrase at the same time

the jutsu i used
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PostSubject: Re: You know you want to fight me^.^   You know you want to fight me^.^ Icon_minitimeThu 06 Nov 2008, 10:08 pm

"Hmm....No. Gotta play the game!" Came the voice from more and more directions with each word that was said. Slowly, from the ground came Kugo. He raised a kunai and stabbed at Kisho.
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