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Kevin Flarnex - Change of char!{A profile update!} Icon_minitimeFri 30 Jul 2021, 12:05 am by Nocturne

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Kevin Flarnex - Change of char!{A profile update!} Icon_minitimeSun 21 Oct 2018, 3:13 am by Nocturne

» Anyone alive out there?
Kevin Flarnex - Change of char!{A profile update!} Icon_minitimeThu 04 Jun 2015, 4:10 pm by Kai Fuuma

» Rebirth of Slumbering Fire
Kevin Flarnex - Change of char!{A profile update!} Icon_minitimeMon 15 Jul 2013, 10:32 pm by Kai Fuuma

» Rebirthing a spirit
Kevin Flarnex - Change of char!{A profile update!} Icon_minitimeThu 16 May 2013, 6:37 pm by Naizu Nimakee

» Naruto :: Shattered Dreams
Kevin Flarnex - Change of char!{A profile update!} Icon_minitimeTue 16 Oct 2012, 2:46 pm by Revy Izumi

» Update regarding Naruto-X Sequel [8/10/12]
Kevin Flarnex - Change of char!{A profile update!} Icon_minitimeMon 15 Oct 2012, 8:04 pm by Revy Izumi

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Kevin Flarnex - Change of char!{A profile update!} Icon_minitimeTue 28 Aug 2012, 11:53 am by Hirokai Hondo

» Searching Without a Trace
Kevin Flarnex - Change of char!{A profile update!} Icon_minitimeSat 25 Aug 2012, 1:44 pm by Naizu Nimakee

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 Kevin Flarnex - Change of char!{A profile update!}

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Kevin Flarnex - Change of char!{A profile update!} Empty
PostSubject: Kevin Flarnex - Change of char!{A profile update!}   Kevin Flarnex - Change of char!{A profile update!} Icon_minitimeSun 18 Jan 2009, 6:28 am

I needed a new start in this site....
The profile Update:

Name: Kevin Flarnex

Age: 20

Looks: avatar

Gender: Male

Village: Hidden Leaf Village,

Ninja Rank: Jounin

Clan: N/A

Kevin is your average normal ninja. But that sentence is incomplete because he is different.
He likes to help anyone who is in trouble and train them to become more stronger. His contribution in the akatsuki war has helped the village a lot which adds up to tis helping character. He loves friends and would like to be with them as he says “Friends are the best!”.
He convinces people to be good and tries to make the society pure from all evil.

Talking about his appearance, Kevin is one handsome ninja with a good flexible body.
He is seen attracted by a lot of teenage girls but his heart belongs to someone.

Special Characteristics:
:-Incredible speed and Ninjutsu expert

Element(s): Lightning, Fire

:-Main:Ninjutsu Sub:Taijutsu


Kage Bunshin no Jutsu
English: Shadow Clone Techniqe
Rank: B
Kage Buushin no Jutsu is the ability to replicate clone that have substance, meaning that it looks real, like a human. A clone is also able to perform any jutsu because it has substance. This is the advance technique of Buushin no Jutsu (Clone Technique). When the clones are destroy, they will disappear in smoke.

English: Release or dispell
Rank: Unknown
Performer: High Level Shinobi
Kai is the ability to dispell an sleep (unconsciou) illusionary technique. The user will perform the Tiger Hand Seal and say Kai or not to dispell the effect. The effect also work if the user touches other person using the Tiger Hand Seal.

Katon: Karyu Endan
English: Fire Release: Fire Dragon Flame Missile
Rank: B
Kevin will perform the needed Hand Seals then inhale a large amount of chakra into his mouth. He will then release a fire dragon from his mouth to attack his opponent. His is able to control the amount of fire being release and power. A dark red/orange is the normal attack. An added yellow/white to the red/orange is a larger attack.

Kawarimi no Jutsu
English: Replacement Technique
Rank: E
Performer: All Shinobi
Kawarimi is the ability to quickly replace oneself with an object. The object will look like the person but it is really a replacement object. This technique is a quick way of escape.

Tajuu Kage Bunshin no Jutsu
English: Multiple Shadow Clone Technique
Rank: A
Tajuu Kage Bunshin no Jutsu is the advance form of Kage Buushin no jutsu. The user is able to create hundreds of clones according to the user's chakra and skill.

Magen: Jubaku Satsu
Demonic Illusion: Tree Binding Death
Rank: B
Magen: Jubaku Satsu allow Kevini to dissappear and approach an opponent without them noticing. When he is near his target, a tree will appear and the branches will bind the target making them unable to move. When the target is tightly bind, Kevini will appear and stab her target.

Cyclonic Wind Strike
Style: Taijutsu/Ninjutsu
Rank: S
Description: The user grasps the wrist of one of their hands as cyclone of wind forms around them, the user barely able to stand straight as the wind becomes compressed down into their hand and spiraling downwards further to envelope the users arm completely. With a constant spinning trajectory it begins so twist at a blinding speed as the user chakra forward and delivers a humongous amount of damage to the opponent.

Bunshin Taiatari
English: Clone Body Blow
Rank: A
Kevin will first use his Kage Buushin (Shadow Replication) to replicate into multiple Kevin. He will then send some clone to attack and other to stay behind with him. He will launch the remaining clone at his opponent. He will follow behind the clone and attack when the time is right.

Oxygen Deficiency
Style: Genjutsu
Description: The user by releasing their chakra out over the air currents traps their opponent in a minor Genjutsu, in which their opponent after some time believes themselves to be choking as the battle progresses, when in fact the chakra is interfering with their brain waves and making them not take as much air into their lungs as they usually would.

Eye of the Storm
Style: Ninjutsu
Description: Releasing a large amount of chakra all at once the user envelopes and seals the area in a 100-200 meter cyclone, this preventing the opponent escaping for if they tried to they would certainly die from the 400 mph winds.

Vacuume Space
Description: The user puts his hands together, and moves them forward in an extremely fast manner, then seperates them quickly, The air around the opponent will create a vacuume space, devoid of oxygen, and the opposing user will be unable to breathe.

Fireball Divination Storm
Rank : S- A
User : Kevin Flarnex
Description : Kevin first uses his great fireball Jutsu by blowing the big flame out off his mouth. The flame gets into a huge size with the help of the "Fireball Divination Storm" jutsu and suddenly spreads over the whole area of battle like a huge and violent storm or hurricane and this is what this jutsu does. If this torm of flames is spread over the whole area of battle, it burns everything and turns everything into ashes. The opponent would get so badly burned that in some cases it causes death. This jutsu, when it hits the opponent, makes him get so burned with humungous damage that will make the opponent unable to move for a month...and in some cases the opponent dies. Kevin wont get himself burned because when he does this jutsu, his body will be covered with a armor, that is made up chakra which will save him from the fire.

Defense falling mirror
Rank : A
User : Kevin Flarnex
Description : This jutsu is done with a lot of concentration. The effect of this jutsu is that, it will make the clones of the opponent poof (Water clones..Shadow clones..etc.) and bring the real Opponent (not the clone) in front of Kevin a few metres away. The opponent will be paralysed when Kevin does this jutsu.

Henge no Jutsu
English : Transformation Jutsu
Type: E-rank, Supplementary
This jutsu allows the user to assume the appearance of another person, animal, or object. This is one of the basic jutsu taught at the Konoha Ninja Academy. Fundamentally, all ninja know this jutsu. The transformation jutsu is considered to be among the more difficult E-ranked techniques, since it requires constant emission of chakra while mentally maintaining the form. On top of that, the user would be, most likely, interacting with the environment. This puts much mental strain on the inexperienced ninja.

Shunshin no Jutsu
Body Flicker Technique
Rank: D
Shunshin no Jutsu is a basic Ninjutsu technique. The ninja will appear and disappear in an instant, allowing them to retreat or attack suddenly. To facilitate the movement the ninja will often use nearby elements such as mist, sand or leaves to mask their appearance or disappearance


Exploding Pouch
A variation on the exploding note, these small pouches can be attached to a target and then explode a few seconds later.
History : It was developed from the exploding note and are small which helps the user in attacking the opponent with good contact.It was developed in the fire country.It makes the opponent's health points go down.

Wire can be used in several situations. It can allow the ninja to create trip wire explosive traps, it can be used in rappeling, or as a method to tie down and restrict the movement of an opponent.

Swords (Normal Swords)
Most ninjas use these swords. They are a great offensive tool in a battle and is also a good defensive tool for wind jutsus.

Senbon Needles - Senbon needles, is mainly used for Acupuncture (a form of Chinese healing that includes sticking needles in strategic spots on your body, redirecting ki or your life force so that it balances out). However some ninja, properly trained, can use them as deadly weapons. One of the reasons it is not all that popular is it requires extreme accuracy and speed, fore these are only deadly if they hit a vital area of the body. Masters of the Senbon Needle combat are in a way, masters of illusion. With the right precision and timing, a ninja can throw a Senbon Needle seemingly at a vital target on an ally, but actually missing it by a few inches. This causes the ally to go into a death-like trance in which the ninja will appear dead. Even if the opponents were to take precautions to see if they are really dead.
Ointment - Ointments are simply used as a healing cream or used to relieve pain.
Smoke Grenades- Smoke grenades are simple battles items often used in a fight. To activate a smoke grenade, the top must be pulled off. Once it is pulled off, smokes starts coming out allowing a ninja to maneuver around unseen.
Kunai- The kunai is a kind of basic dagger that all ninjas use. It is all-purpose and can be used as a throwing knife or to stab at your opponents. It is extremely vital for all ninja to have.
Hand Guard - This is a simple metal plate attached to the ninja's gloves. It is very useful for blocking and deflecting attacks.

Hip Pouch - This is a larger pouch attached to the a ninja's belt area and positioned for easy access, usually the over the rear left hip. A ninja stores most of his or her equipment in this pouch. Common items include: kunai, shuriken, scrolls, trap wire, smoke/flash bombs, exploding tags, hand mirrors, and if you happen to be Chouji Akimichi, insane amounts of potato chips.

Kunai Holster - This small pouch strapped around the right leg, rarely on the left, is used for the storing of kunais. These holsters can also be placed in other hidden parts of the body as well.

Body Armor - The most common body armor consists of a small sheet of horizontal metal plates across the chest and back. They are typically worn under a ninja's clothing, however, it is not worn by all ninjas.

History/Background Story:
Birth and Beginning life :
Kevin was born with a speciality,he was born with his father dead,the reason of his father's death was because of the dragon,but the power of ninja was given to Kevin,The ninja's name was flarnex,and the power gives him extra power and voilet hair,the hair ressembles the color of the ninja's crown,
He believes that he can become the best,so he practises and practises,Things he likes is something that makes him happy,
Things he hate are all the other things that doesnt make him happy,especially when he's in battle,
Future Dreams are to face good ninja and to learn the best skills from them.His mother and his other relatives were killed by his cousin John krelen.John is an extremely powerful ninja with extraordinary powers.However he couldnt kill kevin because when he tried to kill him the flarnes power was released which made john realize that kevin was gifted,But john could kill him but he changed his mind cause he thought Kevin will join John.But the pain and feeling grew inside Kevin and now he searches for john to pay back for what he has done.About his passions,he loves to learn new things.About his activities,well he's always practising to have revenge on his cousin John.

Genin Arc :
Kevin passed the academy with flying colors which impressed the hokage. The hokage knew some secrets about Kevin which he himself didnt know. As he became a genin his teamates were tinis and Rock lee, and his sensei was the future legendary sannin, kitaro. He trained a lot with his sensei and his teamates to become worthy enough to take on the chunnin exams. What impressed the sannin, kitaro was that Kevin would never run out of chakra. His sensei doubted if anything like a bijuu spirit was trapped inside Kevin but found out that the never-run-out chakra was just his hard work and determination. As a young kid with 11 years old Kevin's dream was to beat his sensei in a fight.As he had finished training with his teamates and his sensei for a period of 3 months.The chunnin exams were close by. Kevin trained personally to pass the chunnin exams and be a chunnin. He also came to be knowned by the mizukage, Modorokie Lee. Modorokie was surprised on how Kevin fought and knew that Kevin would become great one day. He also knew the talented jounin, Ukon Sakon at that time and also had an intention to fight Ukon Sakon and beat him. But his mind was not about winning, he had a soul purpose and nobody knew what it was.

Chunnin Arc:
The chunnin exams had finally arived and Kevin was cool about it. He was paired up with tinins for the chunnin exams. He and his teamate, tinis, passed the first part of the chunnin exams which was a written test. They were proceeded to go to the forest of death. They recieved the earth scroll and searched the forest of death for a heaven scroll. Kevin had succeeded in getting the heaven scroll but tinins was kidnapped by someone and Kevin couldnt help her. He reached the forest of death tower and won a set of battles and got promoted to chunnin. He was one of the youngest chunnins at that time. His sensei kitaro was proud of him and Kevin travelled to many places.He got stronger and stronger and finally was worthy enough to become a jounin. Years passed by and he became 13 years old. Now he had grown up. Just then the war between the akatsuki had taken place and Kevin helped a lot in defeating the Akatsuki. His cute face now had grown more glamorous and serious and his personality had also changed a bit from good to extreme politeness and humble.

Jounin Arc:
As 1 month passed by, Kevin was till 13 years old. The hokage knew that Kevin had helped a lot in defeating the akatsuki in the war. So the hokage sent Kevin on a mission and then he got promoted to jounin. He was the youngest jounin at his time. Meanwhile his past sensei kitaro, got promoted to the sannin. It was known to some people that Kevin was the best jounin amoung the jounins even though he was too young to become one. His hard work had paved his way to a position he had dreamed of. His skills were similar to the hokage that the hard work and sweat had finally made its way. His personality changed as now he become more big. He didnt show off but was proud to become the youngest and one of the best jounins. He was training for his soul purpose, which nobody knew, except the mizukage. His face grew more handsome which attracted a lot of teenage girls. He also liked girls and went out with them but he wasnt a pervert. He thought about his future at times and there was only one thing to do...that is...his fate to be realized by everyone.
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Kevin Flarnex - Change of char!{A profile update!} Empty
PostSubject: Re: Kevin Flarnex - Change of char!{A profile update!}   Kevin Flarnex - Change of char!{A profile update!} Icon_minitimeSun 18 Jan 2009, 12:05 pm


Question: Is your history is the same as before?
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Kevin Flarnex - Change of char!{A profile update!} Empty
PostSubject: Re: Kevin Flarnex - Change of char!{A profile update!}   Kevin Flarnex - Change of char!{A profile update!} Icon_minitimeSun 18 Jan 2009, 12:15 pm

Hiro, your not a moderator.
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Kevin Flarnex - Change of char!{A profile update!} Empty
PostSubject: Re: Kevin Flarnex - Change of char!{A profile update!}   Kevin Flarnex - Change of char!{A profile update!} Icon_minitimeSun 18 Jan 2009, 12:25 pm

I know, but im the only one who cares about this, so I should be a mod.
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Kevin Flarnex - Change of char!{A profile update!} Empty
PostSubject: Re: Kevin Flarnex - Change of char!{A profile update!}   Kevin Flarnex - Change of char!{A profile update!} Icon_minitimeSun 18 Jan 2009, 1:09 pm

Stop discussing things in people's apps. Your modship was taken away for a reason.

Flarnex, if you are done you are APPROVED
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Duskae Bushido
Duskae Bushido

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Kevin Flarnex - Change of char!{A profile update!} Empty
PostSubject: Re: Kevin Flarnex - Change of char!{A profile update!}   Kevin Flarnex - Change of char!{A profile update!} Icon_minitimeSun 18 Jan 2009, 3:36 pm

NO he is not approved
there are jutsu with out ranks or elements and if theye did have elements they would not be his
Oxygen Deficiency
Style: Genjutsu
Description: The user by releasing their chakra out over the air currents traps their opponent in a minor Genjutsu, in which their opponent after some time believes themselves to be choking as the battle progresses, when in fact the chakra is interfering with their brain waves and making them not take as much air into their lungs as they usually would.

Eye of the Storm
Style: Ninjutsu
Description: Releasing a large amount of chakra all at once the user envelopes and seals the area in a 100-200 meter cyclone, this preventing the opponent escaping for if they tried to they would certainly die from the 400 mph winds.

Vacuume Space
Description: The user puts his hands together, and moves them forward in an extremely fast manner, then seperates them quickly, The air around the opponent will create a vacuume space, devoid of oxygen, and the opposing user will be unable to breathe.

the all have no rank the last two would be wind element which you dont have
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Kevin Flarnex - Change of char!{A profile update!} Empty
PostSubject: Re: Kevin Flarnex - Change of char!{A profile update!}   Kevin Flarnex - Change of char!{A profile update!} Icon_minitimeSun 18 Jan 2009, 3:40 pm

Those were approved a while ago.

But if you say so, put ranks.
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Duskae Bushido
Duskae Bushido

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Kevin Flarnex - Change of char!{A profile update!} Empty
PostSubject: Re: Kevin Flarnex - Change of char!{A profile update!}   Kevin Flarnex - Change of char!{A profile update!} Icon_minitimeSun 18 Jan 2009, 4:37 pm

yes because it like the relook on older apps we need to fix the mistakes of the old
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Kevin Flarnex - Change of char!{A profile update!} Empty
PostSubject: Re: Kevin Flarnex - Change of char!{A profile update!}   Kevin Flarnex - Change of char!{A profile update!} Icon_minitimeMon 19 Jan 2009, 11:48 pm

Right Wes we should relook on apps
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Titan Lee

Titan Lee

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Kevin Flarnex - Change of char!{A profile update!} Empty
PostSubject: Re: Kevin Flarnex - Change of char!{A profile update!}   Kevin Flarnex - Change of char!{A profile update!} Icon_minitimeTue 20 Jan 2009, 7:21 pm

Hey flarnex, what's up?? I'm the Tsuchikage now. haha's!!

Also, we need some shinobi in the other villiages. Plus, yeah, it's missing some ranks. I say we need some mist, sand, and stone shinobi.
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Kevin Flarnex - Change of char!{A profile update!} Empty
PostSubject: Re: Kevin Flarnex - Change of char!{A profile update!}   Kevin Flarnex - Change of char!{A profile update!} Icon_minitimeTue 20 Jan 2009, 7:23 pm

And Leaf. That is inactive as well. I say we bar off Cloud for nao.
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Titan Lee

Titan Lee

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Kevin Flarnex - Change of char!{A profile update!} Empty
PostSubject: Re: Kevin Flarnex - Change of char!{A profile update!}   Kevin Flarnex - Change of char!{A profile update!} Icon_minitimeTue 20 Jan 2009, 8:08 pm

I guess so, but we also need some genin, students, and chuunin. Choose either.
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PostSubject: Re: Kevin Flarnex - Change of char!{A profile update!}   Kevin Flarnex - Change of char!{A profile update!} Icon_minitime

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