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PostSubject: training in the water fall[any can join]   training in the water fall[any can join] Icon_minitimeFri 13 Feb 2009, 11:26 pm

rukon goes in the waterfall and makes a water sword and then makes a dome around himself and shoots water at random places. He lest all the water fall on him and then all the parts of his body are wet and then walks out of it and then starts making shapes with the water.
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Reiki Willow
Special Jounin
Special Jounin
Reiki Willow

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PostSubject: Re: training in the water fall[any can join]   training in the water fall[any can join] Icon_minitimeFri 13 Feb 2009, 11:29 pm

keiei sits upside down under a treebranch staring at the movements he made handling the water sword. "....." her face was was stoned in a happy expression.
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PostSubject: Re: training in the water fall[any can join]   training in the water fall[any can join] Icon_minitimeFri 13 Feb 2009, 11:40 pm

Rukon know s she is there he smiles but says nothing then his sword changes in to V2. He makes water creatures and then out of his shirt comes a little black cat and he pets her and the cat purrs then he makes more symbols and then says "so who are you im Rukon kaguya"
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Reiki Willow
Special Jounin
Special Jounin
Reiki Willow

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PostSubject: Re: training in the water fall[any can join]   training in the water fall[any can join] Icon_minitimeFri 13 Feb 2009, 11:45 pm

"im keiei willow. you probly know my brother." she smiled and pulled out a very old dried flower.
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PostSubject: Re: training in the water fall[any can join]   training in the water fall[any can join] Icon_minitimeFri 13 Feb 2009, 11:54 pm

"oh yes I know him"Rukon said. then looked at the flower optimistic then he continued with the water
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Reiki Willow
Special Jounin
Special Jounin
Reiki Willow

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PostSubject: Re: training in the water fall[any can join]   training in the water fall[any can join] Icon_minitimeSat 14 Feb 2009, 12:03 am

she watched him again. " i hate to butt in, but your holding it too tight."
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PostSubject: Re: training in the water fall[any can join]   training in the water fall[any can join] Icon_minitimeSat 14 Feb 2009, 4:51 pm

"rrg no im not you try contoling water with a sword it's not htta easy". then he make a big dome with thewater and then thinks uggg she takes after her brother
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Reiki Willow
Special Jounin
Special Jounin
Reiki Willow

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PostSubject: Re: training in the water fall[any can join]   training in the water fall[any can join] Icon_minitimeSat 14 Feb 2009, 7:45 pm

(( shes older than her brother. so he takes after her))

she just fumbles with her dried flower and pulls a petal off. she then puts the rest away. she puts in in a motar along with other herbs and then teleported some of rukons sword and mixed it in the motar with a pestle. she then walked over to him quietly and knocked on the dome like a door.
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PostSubject: Re: training in the water fall[any can join]   training in the water fall[any can join] Icon_minitime

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