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 The Akatsuki Arrive

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Sunari Hikura
Kamoku Willow
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The Akatsuki Arrive Empty
PostSubject: The Akatsuki Arrive   The Akatsuki Arrive Icon_minitimeTue 03 Mar 2009, 7:22 pm

Reikon appeared at the edge of the Leaf village only a short while after he had decided to raid it. He was bored that day, scoping out leaf ninja during their survival exercises. He had morphed a piece of rope into a leaf headband using a simple genjutsu, and now strode straight into the leaf village. He met no resistance, for he had morphed into a regular Leaf jounin he had seen out on his own a bit away from his village. However, ten feet into the gate, he noticed the jounin walk in after him. The guards jumped up, launching fireballs at Reikon. With a sigh, he made a single hand sign and released a blood-piercing screech. The flames went out instantly and the jounin were launched into a wall. Reikon disappeared, fading out of everyone's vision. While still invisible under the effects of the genjutsu, he cut the jounin he had transformed into in half. The two halves fell to the ground before he could cry out in pain. Reikon reappeared as his vanishing genjutsu stopped working. With a sigh, he turned on the nearest ninja to raise a finger against him. Flipping through a few handseals, he put the chuunin in a shadow prison genjutsu. The chuunin lay unconscious, and Reikon dispatched of him the same way he dispatched of every other genjutsu victim. He raised his scythe high, letting it fall upon the chuunin's sternum. He heard the satisfying crack, and felt the familiar squish as the scythe tore through muscle and tissue. With a laugh, Reikon headed toward the ninja academy. With a few flicks of the wrist, he had destroyed the east wall of the academy with explosive tags, the rest being lit on fire by the explosion. He laughed as he heard the cries of the young.
"I thought the leaf was supposed to be strong." He growled to himself, disappointed in the resistance he had met so far.
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Kamoku Willow

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PostSubject: Re: The Akatsuki Arrive   The Akatsuki Arrive Icon_minitimeTue 03 Mar 2009, 8:07 pm

kamoku teleported children out of the fire before they were fully engulfed into the fire and carried all of them (with help from his asisstants, his shadow capsules) to the hideout mountain. he then touched the voice receptor that kitsuke gace him. " kitsuke, the kids are safe."
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Sunari Hikura

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The Akatsuki Arrive Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Akatsuki Arrive   The Akatsuki Arrive Icon_minitimeTue 03 Mar 2009, 8:19 pm

Upon arriving on the scene Sunari saw Kamoku dealing with the children, so she'd take on the fire before anything well as setting up the field. A quick set of handseals allowed her to expel enough water to put out the worst of the fire, as well as wetting some of the surrounding area so that the fire couldn't spread much farther. While she did this Kumori was at her back, ears swiveling, eyes on the lookout, and nose ready to catch a whiff of whoever did this. It was either a missing-nin...or an Akatsuki member, as most of the countries were distracted by the tournament currently going on.
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The Akatsuki Arrive Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Akatsuki Arrive   The Akatsuki Arrive Icon_minitimeTue 03 Mar 2009, 8:26 pm

Reikon appeared behind the female, shaking his head to show his disappointment. With a flick of his wrist, he launched an explosive tag at a building behind him. The roof exploded in a massive cloud of rubble and dust, and the top floor of the building caught fire. This fire would not spread due to the soaked ground, but it was still fun to hear them scream. "I attack an entire village's academy, and all I get for resistance is a girl playing in water?" He asked in a mocking tone. His scythe was swinging above his head, attached to a ninja wire. Along the ninja wire was a long chain of kunai and explosive tags. The tags hung on thin, feeble wire, they would break off and attach to anything he attacked with this little addition he had fashioned for his scythe. With a thrust of his arm, the scythe flew toward the chuunin, blade first. With any luck, it would cleave through her side and keep going, allowing the chain to finish her off with an explosion or two.
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The Akatsuki Arrive Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Akatsuki Arrive   The Akatsuki Arrive Icon_minitimeTue 03 Mar 2009, 8:36 pm

A powerful surge of lightning rippled through the area as it attacked a home, only meters from Reikon. The building was completely shattered into rubble with just one blow of his lightning. Saruno, quietly lowering his hand from the sky as he appeared just under a small tree where the two ninja were. "Well well, not on my orders, but i like this..." he said with a small grin on his expression. His back was leaning quietly on the tree as he let out a small yawn. Attacking the leaf was something he wanted to do for a long, long time. Swaying his palm into a calming position, he let himself take a small breath of air. Letting himself just watch some of it, he awaited something to be spoken.

[Short, Meh...]
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The Akatsuki Arrive Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Akatsuki Arrive   The Akatsuki Arrive Icon_minitimeTue 03 Mar 2009, 8:38 pm

((Haha. Hell yeh! I got Saru on my team^^ Your all gonna diiiiiiie
~:-Acts like a five year old with a 16 year old cousin to back him up-:~))
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The Akatsuki Arrive Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Akatsuki Arrive   The Akatsuki Arrive Icon_minitimeTue 03 Mar 2009, 8:47 pm

A tiger blew to the open area, running at a massive speed, it's claws were sharp as they dug through the hard ground, the tiger was as tall as her on it's four legs, and twice the size on it's hind. Snowy white locks blew from nowhere as a female stood beside her other teammates, the tiger on the other side of the three. "No way I'm letting you two have all the fun." Ryu said plainly, not an emotion to it. Her eyes pure red, no sharingan to a pure blink. It was all her. "Do whatever you'd like, I've made the king tiger able to listen to any commands from the Akatsuki, it was hard.. but it worked." she began to shrug as she took out her bladed tonfas, their shimmering appearence glazed with a blood-red.

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Kamoku Willow

Kamoku Willow

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The Akatsuki Arrive Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Akatsuki Arrive   The Akatsuki Arrive Icon_minitimeTue 03 Mar 2009, 9:17 pm

kamoku jumps infront of the blade. getting hit badly. " how about a doctor that plays with ice?" kamoku made a chi sheild around sunari and compressed the explosion tags and set them on fire. every one went of like a small fire cracker. but kamoku was still attached to the blade. " fuck."
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The Akatsuki Arrive Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Akatsuki Arrive   The Akatsuki Arrive Icon_minitimeTue 03 Mar 2009, 9:24 pm

Reikon smiled as all of the events happened without him reacting. The blade had attached itself to the willow, and he had set the tags on fire. With a few handseals, he caused a chain of explosions all down the wire. This caused multiple explosions both in and around the willow, as well as tons of metal shrapnel to go flying and attack all of the fleeing civilians around them. Reikon laughed as more victims fell, dying. With a nod toward the two Akatsuki, he smiled.
"Well, if it isn't the angels of life and death?" He asked in mock surprise. "I didn't think I'd need supervision. But there are enough for all of us to kill." He said, waving his open hand around the village which was now in chaos. The same motion that pointed this out set off explosive tags all around the village which had been set up in the chaos by Reikon earlier. The sky was now bright with fire, and clouded in smoke. The air was filled with the smell of blood, and the screams of dying. The only other sound was the laughter of the twisted man who had done all of this.
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Kamoku Willow

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The Akatsuki Arrive Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Akatsuki Arrive   The Akatsuki Arrive Icon_minitimeTue 03 Mar 2009, 9:27 pm

kamoku laughed. " well, i guess we all have our hobbies." kamoku said as the smoke cleared. kamoku had put on gloves while he was healing. but he was so slow and careful with his hands that his body had healed over the wound, making his body almost pernimantly attached to the sythe. " oh bloody hell!!!!!!! not dis again!!!" he exclaimed, slipping into his accent while he teleported sunari to a safehouse.
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Sunari Hikura

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The Akatsuki Arrive Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Akatsuki Arrive   The Akatsuki Arrive Icon_minitimeTue 03 Mar 2009, 9:29 pm

'There he is...and damn, certainly better than most missing-nin...' Though she listened to his words she chose not to get offended, and didn't bother to put out the other building. The damned people would have to save themselves right now as she was the one face to face with the rogue nin. Her eyes caught sight of the kunai and explosive tags on the wire...also not good. The moment she saw it coming towards her she dashed to the left, while Kumori raced to the right. Pulling out a scroll she slit her finger on the paper's edge and spread the blood, one of her favorite weapons, her kusarigama, appearing. Each hand flew up to latch onto a blade handle. Unfortunately another opponent appeared...just great, but at least Kumori was back at her side, using chakra to speed closer to her. Unfortunately two more Akatsuki this was just a complete death wish, and even she wasn't that stupid. Yet thankfully Kamoku appeared, although Sunari still wasn't sure about taking on all three. 'Fine, I'll fight for a bit but still I cannot die just yet,' plus if she stayed too long then Kumori would find a way to knock her out and get her out of there anyways. Biting her thumb she put her hand to the ground, she called out, "Kuchiyose no jutsu: Shadow Clan: Ryuken!"

Possibly one of the laziest, yet most graceful of the Shadows appeared, already inhaling before expelling a large wind, causing the fires to indeed worsen though create more smoke, and at the same time blowing the dust around harshly and drastically cut visibility, as well as making it hard for an animal to track them by smell due to the dust being picked up. To further aid in their escape Sunari concentrated on one of the darker chakras in her...and summoned Shukaku, the one-tailed demon. He stood around a foot taller than Sunari, though the others wouldn't see him until the cloud cleared, and he hid them from view while Kamoku had erected the shield. Cackling at his freedom, having some of the real one's personality, he inhaled and repeated Ryuken's technique, worsening the dust storm but stuck his large claws to the ground, fusing with it and causing his clawed hands to appear by Reikon to try and slam his body into the ground and begin applying pressure so he couldn't breathe. At the same time his tail fused into the ground, and appeared by the tiger, giving a great swing of strength towards its side to send it flying into a nearby building. Then Sunari felt herself teleported, taking at least Kumori and Ryuken with her as well so they wouldn't receive harm. Shukaku wasn't technically alive anyways, so he could fight until he was destroyed.

Kuchiyose no Jutsu (Summoning Technique)
Rank: C
A powerful jutsu, Ninpo Kuchiyose allows a ninja to summon animals, objects and the dead to fight on their behalf. The ninja normally signs a blood contract with the animal species, which allows him to summon different size and skill levels of creature

Name: Ryuken
Rank: B
Element: Wind
Ryuken send crescent wind blades at the foes, and manipulates the wind around himself and his caster (Sunari) to help them move faster. Will give her weapons a wind element advantage, so they too can send out wind strikes.

Sunabokori (Dust Cloud)
Rank: C
Is the same as Shima’s (female frog elder) technique, where Ryuken will build up wind mixed with chakra inside of him before expelling it to create a large dust storm. Can also be used to create a wave of water or kick up snow to distract the opponent.
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The Akatsuki Arrive Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Akatsuki Arrive   The Akatsuki Arrive Icon_minitimeTue 03 Mar 2009, 9:37 pm

Seeing the wolf race at her, and the other men on her sides still fighting, she decided to help grabbing a small petal from in behing her ear, crushing it in her hand, "Tanrei, get over here!" Ryu called, the huge feline who stood 41 feet on her hind legs, racing across the field, on all fours. "Tanrei, Masshiro Hananosei Hiaburi, White Flower Death, now!" Ryu commanded, the tiger used a ball of chakra, a large flower bud in the middle of the field, opening slowly, "Once this bud opens, you'll all scream for your lives to be saved, for this fire is almost inresistable, and it will attack anything within 500ft radius, so run, while you can, weaklings!"

Masshiro Hananosei Hiaburi- (White Flower Death)
Rank: S
Description: This jutsu is Tanrei’s most powerful and effective. When Tanrei first appears on the battle field, a white flower bud appears 25ft above her head. As the battle rages on, the petals slowly begin to open, one by one. When it has fully opened, a white flame appears in the middle. The flame begins to get bigger and bigger every second. The white flame then explodes in all directions, hitting all enemies within a 500ft radius. Because it is white fire, it's extremely hard to avoid.
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Kamoku Willow

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The Akatsuki Arrive Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Akatsuki Arrive   The Akatsuki Arrive Icon_minitimeTue 03 Mar 2009, 9:40 pm

kamoku sighed. " relying on a flower?" kamoku closed his eyes and ryus hand felt warm....and then soon hot. the flower was on fire. " oh...we couldve made tea with that, but instead you wanted them to dye? you akatsukis are very weird..." kamoku said seriously, moving from one emotion to the next like a bi polar lunatic.
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The Akatsuki Arrive Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Akatsuki Arrive   The Akatsuki Arrive Icon_minitimeTue 03 Mar 2009, 9:43 pm

Reikon laughed as he pulled on the scythe. It tore itself from the willow's flesh, flying back and over Reikon's shoulder. It embedded itself into the shadow's paw and pushed the claw against a nearby wall. This caused the wall to crash inward, crushing the boy and his mother that had been hiding and hoping that they would be safe until it ended. Reikon wagged his finger at the shadow being.
"Your master wouldn't approve of you killing innocents, now would she?" He asked tauntingly.
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Kamoku Willow

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The Akatsuki Arrive Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Akatsuki Arrive   The Akatsuki Arrive Icon_minitimeTue 03 Mar 2009, 9:48 pm

kamoku yawned. " the leaf doesnt have a contract with the sand reikon, im on her on my own free will." kamoku made a few unknown jutsus and took out some charcoal and wrote down a seal on the concrete and slammed both his retracted hands into the seal. teleporting all civilians to a safehouse. kamoku coughed and shiverd for a second and then recoverd. he stood up and smiled, his red teeth gleaming in the sunlight. " so why not have a brawl on a good day like this?"
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Sunari Hikura

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The Akatsuki Arrive Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Akatsuki Arrive   The Akatsuki Arrive Icon_minitimeTue 03 Mar 2009, 9:50 pm

Shukaku erupted in laughter, "My 'master' is gone now, along with the two pesky dogs. I'm free to do as I like so long as I'm attacking you as well, others are not my concern. NOW DIE!" His voice gurgled and the dirt began shifting around the area until a fountain of sand began to spew from under Reikokn, specks of darkness mixed in and it moved to try and wrap around him. In the meanwhile Shukaku retracted his claws and tail from the ground, waving his tail in mild excitement. He'd already delighted himself in the blood of the two under the wall, some of the sand giving Reikon a whiff of the two victims.

Sunari, far away elsewhere, winced, teeth gritting as she felt the two die and the eye that still belonged to her let loose a tear while the Shukaku eye glinted in glee
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Kamoku Willow

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The Akatsuki Arrive Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Akatsuki Arrive   The Akatsuki Arrive Icon_minitimeTue 03 Mar 2009, 9:53 pm

kamoku sighed. he then orderd one of his smoke capsules to bring sunari back if shes willing. and the wolf capsule that he had was hers to have. (sunari, ill pm you their abilities)
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The Akatsuki Arrive Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Akatsuki Arrive   The Akatsuki Arrive Icon_minitimeTue 03 Mar 2009, 9:56 pm

Reikon shook his head, leaping high into the air. He landed a short distance away from the sand demon, cutting down upon his head with the scythe he held. The scythe held an explosive tag on it, so when it either hit the best, or the ground, the tag would fly off and attached to the nearest living thing, exploding on contact. Reikon had hoped he would fight living things, not shadow puppets.

((Sorry its short))
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Sunari Hikura

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The Akatsuki Arrive Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Akatsuki Arrive   The Akatsuki Arrive Icon_minitimeTue 03 Mar 2009, 10:13 pm

The moment the scythe came into contact with Shukaku's head he began to fuse with the earth, the chakra leaking down into it and his original body just becoming a pile of sand that was spread around by the blast. The chakra regathered it and reformed, behind Reikon as a wave of sand trying to engulf his form, though he hoped his mistress didn't reappear. He didn't want her to ruin his fun...

At the safe house Sunari turned to see the black wolf...a bit confused by it, yet it reminded her of the snake form the hospital. But...she wanted to go back still, she didn't want to leave Kamoku to his own there.

Last edited by Sunari Hikura on Tue 03 Mar 2009, 10:18 pm; edited 1 time in total
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The Akatsuki Arrive Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Akatsuki Arrive   The Akatsuki Arrive Icon_minitimeTue 03 Mar 2009, 10:17 pm

Reikon turned around, throwing three exploding tags toward the wave. The tags hit strategic points along the wave, exploding and disrupting the wave. This caused it to crash down around him. Before it could to anything more, Reikon threw out ten tags around him, causing them to explode again. This would send the grains in every direction, carried by the wind. With a smile, Reikon turned to the willow. He looked behind himself to see what the leader was doing.
"What do you say you start charging up a jutsu to take everything out? Not many people left to kill, but they'll be devastated to see their home in ruin." He called back, raising his scythe to his shoulders.
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Kamoku Willow

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The Akatsuki Arrive Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Akatsuki Arrive   The Akatsuki Arrive Icon_minitimeTue 03 Mar 2009, 10:21 pm

( okay sunari, im rping the smoke capsule this last time and you can take over from now.)

the black smoke shifted siliently into a black dog and padded torwards sunari. " good evening Hikura san. we must act quickly, the main body (kamoku) has orderd me to fetch you and stay by your side. things will be much easier if i can be absorbed, in order to teleport both you and the heavy dog"

kamoku laughed. more entergetic now that he shedded the capsule. " oh, i have friends in high places, the leaf will rebuild."
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The Akatsuki Arrive Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Akatsuki Arrive   The Akatsuki Arrive Icon_minitimeTue 03 Mar 2009, 10:34 pm

Woah woah people, Post order needed. >.>

Post Order: Kamoku - Sunari - Reikon - Saruno - Ryu

Watching as the fighting went on before him, it was seemed that he needed to step in before things got too ugly. Slowly swaying his right index finger towards the ground in between all the fighters, including Reikon and Ryu, he let out a powerful, more intense blast of lightning from his fingertip, letting it rip through the ground around him with such ease, it simply didn't affect Saruno one bit. The blast of lightning zigzagged through the area, dodging debree they caused, smashing through houses, leaving them in rubble, and completely obliterating anything in it's path, blasting in between the group, alerting them of Saruno's presence. "Now that i have your attention, it would be nice if someone gave me some fun..." he said within his dark, unrelenting sort of tone. He didn't like to be left out, not one bit.

((Too lazy to post the jutsu. xD))
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The Akatsuki Arrive Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Akatsuki Arrive   The Akatsuki Arrive Icon_minitimeWed 04 Mar 2009, 4:47 am

POST ORDER : Kitsuke - Ryu - Kamoku - Sunari - Reikon.

" Hello ...hmmm its looks like I've found my very match...and you said your looking for fun how about me and you..." Kitsuke was full of confidence since lightning doesn't affect him because of Raijuu. Kitsuke murmured on the recepter or radio to Kamoku..." Kamoku take care of the genjutsu master the guy one and take care of Sunari if this is my final battle it wouldn't be put in such a disgrace as I already made all the things I needed " ......after talking to Kamoku, Kitsuke looked at the akatsuki infront of him...and said " Before start killing them you may wan't to try me first ...aren't killing bother you even for a bit? ...don't you have families...? saying you don't have families would be such a big lie..." ...

(Sorry for the short one Saruno...)
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The Akatsuki Arrive Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Akatsuki Arrive   The Akatsuki Arrive Icon_minitimeWed 04 Mar 2009, 6:03 pm

((You left out Saru! POSTING ORDER:Kitsuke- Saruno- Ryu - Kamoku - Sunari - Reikon.
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The Akatsuki Arrive Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Akatsuki Arrive   The Akatsuki Arrive Icon_minitimeWed 04 Mar 2009, 7:10 pm

((Guess It's my turn again. xD))

Sliding his right palm over his mouth a bit, standing on some rubble in a small flash of wind, he looked down to the Jounin before him, tilting his head a bit. "I don't have a family, and that is no lie..." he began to say, lowering his eyes as he let down a small sigh, "Sadly, they're mostly all dead, and the ones who are alive, i would say they would just be nothing but an annoyance to me..." a small bit of a smirk arose on his expression, making him sway his palm before him. His Lightning was the strongest in the world, he had all the power of a god, yet it seemed he would have to use a different elemental jutsu. "By the look of your chakra, it seems you have help...A bijuu?" Saruno said, tilting his head as he read more of the chakra signature.
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