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Friendly Spar Empty
PostSubject: Friendly Spar   Friendly Spar Icon_minitimeMon 22 Jun 2009, 2:28 pm

Nagoyaka waits for her opponent in a empty grassy field as the wind mildly blows makeing nagos hair and cape blow around.
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Friendly Spar Empty
PostSubject: Re: Friendly Spar   Friendly Spar Icon_minitimeMon 22 Jun 2009, 3:03 pm

Utashi comes running to the women and he yells"Get down." All the sudden a paper bomb goes off.Utashi was being chased by five men.The paper bomb killed none of them.Utashi turns to the men and the men circle him. Utashi apperars behind one man and snaps his neck .The n the next one he slits his throat.The next one he puts a paper bomb on his back and blows up with the forth guy to.The last guys starts to run from him and he throw a kunai threw his throat and the guy lands in a lake.
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Friendly Spar Empty
PostSubject: Re: Friendly Spar   Friendly Spar Icon_minitimeMon 22 Jun 2009, 3:05 pm

Nagoyaka claps and grabs her sword from out of the ground and rests it on her shoulder going across the back of her head, waiting for Utashi to make a move
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Friendly Spar Empty
PostSubject: Re: Friendly Spar   Friendly Spar Icon_minitimeMon 22 Jun 2009, 3:15 pm

Utashi pushes his glasses up alittle to his face.Alright lets go.Utashi then makes some hand signs.And the plants grew as tall as forrest.Then he used his Earth destracution jutsu and made it flood.He jumped on branch about 40ft. up. And looked at her and said "ready to play?" and he smiled as then water rushed at her.

Name: Ninja Art: Fertilization Jutsu
Rank: C
Element: Earth/Plant
Description: Allows plants to grow enough to use to hide and make battle-field out of.

Name: Earth destraction jutsu
Rank: S
Element: Earth
Description: This jutsu makes earthquakes,tears open the ground which causes a flood,and makes tornadoes
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Friendly Spar Empty
PostSubject: Re: Friendly Spar   Friendly Spar Icon_minitimeMon 22 Jun 2009, 3:19 pm

Nagoyaka quickly dissapears then reapears in the air then apears behind Utashi and uses Mirion Kiritateru (Kontan - Million Slash Technique) on him and the branch hes standing on

Name: Mirion Kiritateru (Kontan - Million Slash Technique)


Element: Taijutsu


Nagoyaka will combine her abilites of speed and precision. This will allow her to swing her sword in a barrage of swings. Noone knows just how fast this will let her capable of swinging. It is obviously fast due to the quick movements of her hand. She swings 3-5 times quickly, but in all out seriousness; if seen cutting a tree, or a humanoid perhaps - It will slice them into pieces, leaving them a pile of blood and flesh.
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Friendly Spar Empty
PostSubject: Re: Friendly Spar   Friendly Spar Icon_minitimeMon 22 Jun 2009, 3:37 pm

Utashi turns quikly and stops the sword with his hands his hands start to bleed.And he says "you are fast just like me." and smiles then disapparers.The water below moves very fast and uprises neptune the god of water and on a earth disc above neptune is utashi and his hands were healed.The neptunes swings his big hands and trys to hit her off the branch.
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Friendly Spar Empty
PostSubject: Re: Friendly Spar   Friendly Spar Icon_minitimeMon 22 Jun 2009, 3:46 pm

Nagoyaka dissapears then reapears then reapears hovering in the air with her chakra in her feet "you have yet to see what i can do!" Nagoyaka quickly activates Chingon Hitoare Sono Kontan LV.2(Angered Souls Of The Kontan), her eyes turn red and she looks directly at Utashi "hehe......" Nagoyaka dissapears so fast it causes the water far beneath her to explode shooting upwards where she was standing, she then eppears infront of Utashi and starts runing around him so fast that theres 5 Nagoyakas runing around him in diffrent directions at the same time, "whats wrong, getting tired out already?" Nagoyaka sais with a Demonic voice

ame: Chingon Hitoare Sono Kontan LV.2(Angered Souls Of The Kontan)

Rank: A

Element: Ninjutsu, Taijutsu


Summons the angerd souls of the fallen Kontan members and absorbs them, increasing healing rate, speed of running, power and grants temporary chakra boosts. This is an underadvanced ability devised from 'Chingon Hotare Sono Kontan LV.1'.
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Friendly Spar Empty
PostSubject: Re: Friendly Spar   Friendly Spar Icon_minitimeMon 22 Jun 2009, 3:53 pm

Utashi says "You have yet to see what I can do to."He looks at her and picks out real one.Utashi then does hand signs and says "Mist Plam Jutsu!!!"And goes front of the circle line she was running in and his hand was 1 inch away from hiting her.She would not be able to excape this hit.

Name:Mist Palm
Description:The user places his/her hand on the opponent's chest. Afterward, a shot of water and mist fills the bloodstreams to the heart and causes it to explode. An instant kill.
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Friendly Spar Empty
PostSubject: Re: Friendly Spar   Friendly Spar Icon_minitimeMon 22 Jun 2009, 4:15 pm

all the Nagoyakas around Utashi suddently dissapear makeing everything quiet, Nagoyaka was never runing around utashi the whole time, she had used her hidden swords genjutsu like abilitys to confuse him and think that she was still runing around him, Nagoyaka apears behind Utashi activateing her chakra slinger jutsu then useing million stab right in Utashis direction, Nagoyaka then runs so fast she duplicates herself sorounding Utashi and even above and under him all doing million stab "i think this match is as good as over"

Name:Chakra Slinger
Type: Taijutsu

Description: User does a quick stance where they stand straight up and snap theyre fingers, doing so changes the flow of the direction of chakra in theyre body allowing them to chain cast eny sword skill jutsus they have without hand signs.

Name: Mirion Senshi (Kontan - Million Stab Technique)
Rank : B
Type: Taijutsu

Description: Nagoyaka will use a combination of her speed and precision to send a barage of stabs in diffrent spots of your body, if you get cought in this technique it is impossible to move, when shes stabbing all you see from the side is her hand moveing back and forth realy fast, and blades being sent out all over the place with a small tornado swirling around the entire area shes stabbing. The tornado is sideways, the skinny part comeong from Nagoyakas hand where shes stabbing and the larger part at the enemy.
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Friendly Spar Empty
PostSubject: Re: Friendly Spar   Friendly Spar Icon_minitimeMon 22 Jun 2009, 4:42 pm

"i do not want to hurt you. id never do such a thing" i think you should give in now since your completly traped
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Friendly Spar Empty
PostSubject: Re: Friendly Spar   Friendly Spar Icon_minitimeMon 22 Jun 2009, 4:47 pm

Utashi says "would never hurt you to." he pauses......"I give up."he said......"It is a good thing this was friendly."Utashi truned and looked at her.
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Friendly Spar Empty
PostSubject: Re: Friendly Spar   Friendly Spar Icon_minitimeMon 22 Jun 2009, 4:49 pm

Nagoyaka stops moveing causeing her duplicates to dissapear, she drops her sword, her eyes turn back to normal and she starts breathing realy heavily, Nagoyaka passes out and falls out of the sky falling flat on the ground
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Friendly Spar Empty
PostSubject: Re: Friendly Spar   Friendly Spar Icon_minitimeMon 22 Jun 2009, 4:58 pm

Utashi runs to her and checks her pulse it had stoped "Oh shit." he said "It was maybe going to the stage 2.Utashi then did some hand signs.And used a jutsu that shocked the heart back to working.And her pules was was coming back but she was not breathing so he began CPR.

Hekirekite no Jutsu- (Thunder Hands Technique)
Rank: B
Description: A ninjutsu in which the user focuses the chakra in his hands so that they can create an electric shock able to give a sufficient shock to cause the heart to start beating again in case it stopped.
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Friendly Spar Empty
PostSubject: Re: Friendly Spar   Friendly Spar Icon_minitimeMon 22 Jun 2009, 5:07 pm

Nagoyaka has been through a lot in the past with the whole slaughter of her clan and best friends, she couldnt stand to see another one of her best friends in danger so the pain grew and grew inside her head, the instant Utashi gave up the pain released causeing her to pass out and shutting down her heart. that is only one of the known weaknesses of Nagoyaka Kontan, her friends being in danger. "*cough cough cough*" Nagoyaka stands up but gets dizzy and falls back down, she keeps trying to stand up but ends up falling back down.
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Friendly Spar Empty
PostSubject: Re: Friendly Spar   Friendly Spar Icon_minitimeMon 22 Jun 2009, 5:11 pm

When she falls again utashi grabs her and says "Shhh...just rest a little."Utashi layed her down beside him and he sat against a tree.He waited for her to wake up as he made tea.
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Friendly Spar Empty
PostSubject: Re: Friendly Spar   Friendly Spar Icon_minitimeMon 22 Jun 2009, 5:13 pm

Nagoyaka Continues to sleep peacefuly and quietly
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Friendly Spar Empty
PostSubject: Re: Friendly Spar   Friendly Spar Icon_minitimeMon 22 Jun 2009, 6:34 pm

Utashi then make some soup and then lays it right beside her and he puts the tea right beside her.
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Friendly Spar Empty
PostSubject: Re: Friendly Spar   Friendly Spar Icon_minitimeMon 22 Jun 2009, 6:36 pm

Nagoyaka stretches and yawns but falls back asleep with her arms above her head
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Friendly Spar Empty
PostSubject: Re: Friendly Spar   Friendly Spar Icon_minitimeMon 22 Jun 2009, 6:40 pm

Utashi sits and waits some more.
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Friendly Spar Empty
PostSubject: Re: Friendly Spar   Friendly Spar Icon_minitimeMon 22 Jun 2009, 6:40 pm

Nagoyaka turns from side to side enjoying her sleep
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Friendly Spar Empty
PostSubject: Re: Friendly Spar   Friendly Spar Icon_minitimeMon 22 Jun 2009, 6:42 pm

Utashi throws kunai's at some trees
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Friendly Spar Empty
PostSubject: Re: Friendly Spar   Friendly Spar Icon_minitimeMon 22 Jun 2009, 6:45 pm

Nagoyaka stretches all over the place breathing through her mouth as she sleeps, her blanket is at the bottom of her legs and shes face down stretched out
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Friendly Spar Empty
PostSubject: Re: Friendly Spar   Friendly Spar Icon_minitimeMon 22 Jun 2009, 6:47 pm

Utashi walks over and pulls her blanket up over her.
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Friendly Spar Empty
PostSubject: Re: Friendly Spar   Friendly Spar Icon_minitimeMon 22 Jun 2009, 6:49 pm

Nagoyaka leans up and grabs Utashi by the arm pulling him down next to her hugging his arm with her face right at his cheek
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Friendly Spar Empty
PostSubject: Re: Friendly Spar   Friendly Spar Icon_minitimeMon 22 Jun 2009, 6:53 pm

Utashi just lays there because he might wake her up if he moves.
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Friendly Spar Empty
PostSubject: Re: Friendly Spar   Friendly Spar Icon_minitime

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