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» Memories
(Revy Izumi vs. Mr. Snuggles) Icon_minitimeMon 29 Jul 2024, 3:32 pm by Hirokai Hondo

» Revy is a faggot
(Revy Izumi vs. Mr. Snuggles) Icon_minitimeSun 21 Oct 2018, 3:13 am by Nocturne

» Anyone alive out there?
(Revy Izumi vs. Mr. Snuggles) Icon_minitimeThu 04 Jun 2015, 4:10 pm by Kai Fuuma

» Rebirth of Slumbering Fire
(Revy Izumi vs. Mr. Snuggles) Icon_minitimeMon 15 Jul 2013, 10:32 pm by Kai Fuuma

» Rebirthing a spirit
(Revy Izumi vs. Mr. Snuggles) Icon_minitimeThu 16 May 2013, 6:37 pm by Naizu Nimakee

» Naruto :: Shattered Dreams
(Revy Izumi vs. Mr. Snuggles) Icon_minitimeTue 16 Oct 2012, 2:46 pm by Revy Izumi

» Update regarding Naruto-X Sequel [8/10/12]
(Revy Izumi vs. Mr. Snuggles) Icon_minitimeMon 15 Oct 2012, 8:04 pm by Revy Izumi

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(Revy Izumi vs. Mr. Snuggles) Icon_minitimeTue 28 Aug 2012, 11:53 am by Hirokai Hondo

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(Revy Izumi vs. Mr. Snuggles) Icon_minitimeSat 25 Aug 2012, 1:44 pm by Naizu Nimakee

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 (Revy Izumi vs. Mr. Snuggles)

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(Revy Izumi vs. Mr. Snuggles) Empty
PostSubject: (Revy Izumi vs. Mr. Snuggles)   (Revy Izumi vs. Mr. Snuggles) Icon_minitimeFri 03 Jul 2009, 8:13 pm

Revy sits patiently on a tree branch, the area is coverd with grass, dirt and trees, it is a bright sunny day.

Last edited by Revy Izumi Seichuu on Fri 03 Jul 2009, 8:26 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Mr. Snuggles
Mr. Snuggles

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(Revy Izumi vs. Mr. Snuggles) Empty
PostSubject: Re: (Revy Izumi vs. Mr. Snuggles)   (Revy Izumi vs. Mr. Snuggles) Icon_minitimeFri 03 Jul 2009, 8:19 pm

ki sits on the grass with a teapot in one red glowing hand and a tea cup in one pale regular hand. he poured some tea and sipped it ritually. "ah... what a beutiful day for praying." he chuckled to himself. ignoring the man in the trees, though he knew what he wanted; he decided to fool around wih him a bit. he pulled out a gameboard and set it down on the grass. it was a game of parcheezy. it was weird. an old 8 foot man in an old orange monk robe with a burlap habit over it with a white staff strapped to his back with a white kitten, dangling beads, tea and a game of parcheezy was suposed to be the most powerful willow known to human eyes. what a disapointment.
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(Revy Izumi vs. Mr. Snuggles) Empty
PostSubject: Re: (Revy Izumi vs. Mr. Snuggles)   (Revy Izumi vs. Mr. Snuggles) Icon_minitimeFri 03 Jul 2009, 8:25 pm

2 Ninjas appeard on the branch next to Revy

Altier: Do you want help with this Revy?..

Kyubo: Damn he looks strong......

"No i got this dont worry, you 2 just sit back and watch" Revy said as she jumps down to the Willow and draws her sword.
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Mr. Snuggles
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PostSubject: Re: (Revy Izumi vs. Mr. Snuggles)   (Revy Izumi vs. Mr. Snuggles) Icon_minitimeFri 03 Jul 2009, 8:30 pm

ki let go of the pot, his glowing red hand hit the back of the sword. with him still in his lotus flower sitting position. he turned around with his squinted eyes, his eyes developing crows feet. " now what does a beutiful rose like yourself want with a bugger like me?" he smiled. his hand blocking the sword. he had been using it to heat his tea, which lay in his other arm now. the blade started to smoke as ki was about to turn up the heat on his hand to melt the sword.
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(Revy Izumi vs. Mr. Snuggles) Empty
PostSubject: Re: (Revy Izumi vs. Mr. Snuggles)   (Revy Izumi vs. Mr. Snuggles) Icon_minitimeFri 03 Jul 2009, 8:35 pm

Revy jumped back and put her hand up, she did a single hand sign and it began to rain, she stayed quiet the whole time. She did a few more hand signs, for about 3 seconds the rain stoped then began to rain again, a spear made of water started to form above the clouds un-seeable, it held in the air there waiting to be used.

Name: Kouuton • Jinkoukouu (Rain Release • Artificial Rain)
Rank: B
Element: Water
Description: Simply put, this jutsu makes it rain. The rain is normal and not
increased in any way. Thus, it costs an unnoticeable portion of chakra. Rains
for thirty Posts.

Name: Rain Spear
Rank: B
Element: Water
Description: By using chakra to condense a large amount of rainwater into one
place, the user creates a spear of water in the clouds. The spear can at any
time be called down to strike an opponent with only one hand-seal. The water
will stay in the form of spear for until it is sent down to attack. If the
spear is not used, it will fall uselessly as rain. The only warning this
technique gives is a pause in the rain for about 3 seconds.
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Mr. Snuggles
Mr. Snuggles

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(Revy Izumi vs. Mr. Snuggles) Empty
PostSubject: Re: (Revy Izumi vs. Mr. Snuggles)   (Revy Izumi vs. Mr. Snuggles) Icon_minitimeFri 03 Jul 2009, 8:43 pm

ki sighed as he looked up at the sky. " feels like when i was an anbu, bout....mizu. how long ago was it?" the kitten that tried to stay out of the water scoffed. " you pansy idiot, it was when you were 42. about 106 years ago. remember your own history you dolt!" the kitten replied climbing up kis jacket and in a pocket. ki chuckled, his mouth smiling past what a normal person can strech their face. "looks like no parcheezy today, eh?" ki took the pot of tea and the parcheeszy and they disapeard into thin air. only a slight poping sound left. "oo, you want to dance with blades? the foxtrot or walts? i prefer the tango." he laughed as he danced in place. horribly.
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(Revy Izumi vs. Mr. Snuggles) Empty
PostSubject: Re: (Revy Izumi vs. Mr. Snuggles)   (Revy Izumi vs. Mr. Snuggles) Icon_minitimeFri 03 Jul 2009, 8:46 pm

Revy simply watched them not knowing what to do, she had a slight confused look on her face.
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Mr. Snuggles
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(Revy Izumi vs. Mr. Snuggles) Empty
PostSubject: Re: (Revy Izumi vs. Mr. Snuggles)   (Revy Izumi vs. Mr. Snuggles) Icon_minitimeFri 03 Jul 2009, 8:51 pm

"no dance? you need to relax." ki pulled out acupunture needles and threw them directly at her, and around her i case she tried to dodge. ki had set his claw shavings in tere, so even if she dodged he would wait until the 3rd law of phisics was done and there would be another barrage. "see mizu, i knew the monestary would teach me something." mizu growled. " you wernt apart of the bloody monestary. you ate demons and were fed on crinimals. theres nothing holy about you. baka." the cat mumbled, curling up in the pocket and falling asleep. ki continued to smile as he scrunched up his eyesbrows in pain. "aw, mizu that hurt." (not)
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(Revy Izumi vs. Mr. Snuggles) Empty
PostSubject: Re: (Revy Izumi vs. Mr. Snuggles)   (Revy Izumi vs. Mr. Snuggles) Icon_minitimeFri 03 Jul 2009, 8:57 pm

Revy quickly created a Rain bomb from the rain falling she threw it at the needles infront of her and she dodged the ones comeing from behind, the rain bomb absorbed the needles infront of her and hit the ground explodeing into water. she dissapeard and apeard behind Ki activateing Rain Bullet directly at him.

Name: Kouuton • Kouudan (Rain Release • Rain Bomb)
Rank: A
Element: Water
Description: This is a dense, hard ball of collected humidity from around the
air. It can be used as a makeshift shield to absorb kunai and shuriken, or
utilized as an offensive weapon. Once it impacts upon a target, it explodes
into many droplets of water charged with chakra. Therefore, the raindrops are
akin to fragments of metal until the chakra is dispersed into the air. A lot
of water is drawn out of the air, especially if Kouudan is used consecutively,
and, as a result, more humidity techniques are difficult to use. If the jutsu
was used in a dry area, it would be even harder to do so.

Name: Kouuton • Kouudangan (Rain Release • Rain Bullet)
Rank: A
Element: Water
Description: Only usable while raining, this jutsu causes the raindrops around
it’s user to shoot at a designated target at high speed. Stops after a short
period of time.
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Mr. Snuggles
Mr. Snuggles

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PostSubject: Re: (Revy Izumi vs. Mr. Snuggles)   (Revy Izumi vs. Mr. Snuggles) Icon_minitimeFri 03 Jul 2009, 9:05 pm

ki smiled as he raised the needles and they apeard in his hand. he pocketed them and was hit by bullets of water. the holes in his clothes showed where they enterd and exited. though the skin under them began to heal easily. "eh... trying to send an old man to his grave early? tut tut tut. shame on you, young un." he laughed. his eyes glinting. he walked torwards her. " you shouldnt have picked water my friend." he said to her, his voice lowering into a growl like his cat mizu. "because my mizu-my water. is my soul." he laughed again. the cat came out. it was no bigger than revys hand.
the cat turned around, now drenched. " damnit you weak son ofa bitch! you could take her down without me! but no.... you just had to be fucking lazy." the cat changed into a white tiger, which was now eye to eye with revy. ki smiled. "yes but i do love a good game." he sat down with a squelch on the wet grass.
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(Revy Izumi vs. Mr. Snuggles) Empty
PostSubject: Re: (Revy Izumi vs. Mr. Snuggles)   (Revy Izumi vs. Mr. Snuggles) Icon_minitimeFri 03 Jul 2009, 9:08 pm

Revy jumps into the air activateing Rain Capture, she then did a single hand seal sending the water spear that was formed a while back above the clouds directly at the tiger.

Name: Rain Capture Technique
Rank: C
Element: Water
Description: This technique causes a target of the user's choice to "attract"
raindrops. The water in the rain drops will attach themselves over an
opponent. Once enough water has gathered over an enemy it will also attach to
the ground, holding the user's opponent to the ground. Opponent must
specialize in Taijutsu to break free, or posess incredible strength.
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Mr. Snuggles
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PostSubject: Re: (Revy Izumi vs. Mr. Snuggles)   (Revy Izumi vs. Mr. Snuggles) Icon_minitimeFri 03 Jul 2009, 9:14 pm

"great, more water." mizu griped. she then turned black into a smoke-like form. or more like black mist. eiter way the water didnt cling to her. it couldnt lock onto anything that wasnt there. " a water jounin trying to defeat anger. what a joke." the cat form growled. ki chuckled, making another pot of tea. using the same heated hand. " well she didnt know that you were my anger, mizu. give the water lily some credit. she has potential." he smiled, taking a sip of tea. it was mango.
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(Revy Izumi vs. Mr. Snuggles) Empty
PostSubject: Re: (Revy Izumi vs. Mr. Snuggles)   (Revy Izumi vs. Mr. Snuggles) Icon_minitimeFri 03 Jul 2009, 9:30 pm

Revy steped back as she watched the black mist, she reversed the rain so it was now raining in both directions, she then did the hand seals for Heavy Rain, knowing that the tiger had fur wich can absorb water as well, the tiger would be getting hit with water underneath him and above him if he lets out of the mist form, she then used raining clones. and had the clones stand back.

Name: Raining Clones
Rank: C
Element: Water
Description: A jutsu that creates false clones of the user around drops of
rain. Every clone is totally harmless and is destroyed by one hit or if they
collide with the ground or the enemy. This technique is used as more of a
distraction than anything.

Name: Heavy Rain
Rank: B
Element: Water
Description: A jutsu that actually uses the victim's clothing as a medium to
effect him or her. By filling the clothing with water, the user causes the
clothing to fully retain all water it comes in contact with which will
gradually cause the clothing to become heavier and heavier. Unfortunately,
this jutsu that does not create water, so it is only useful in a rainy or
otherwise wet environment. (Lasts as long as the rain does)

Name: Reverse Rain
Rank: C
Element: Water
Description: This can only be used when it is raining, when this is activated
each rain drop that hits the ground will then reverse and begin to go up,
rain will begin to go up and down, this makes it harder for the enemy to move
in. (lasts 15 posts, or until it is canceld by the user)
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Mr. Snuggles
Mr. Snuggles

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(Revy Izumi vs. Mr. Snuggles) Empty
PostSubject: Re: (Revy Izumi vs. Mr. Snuggles)   (Revy Izumi vs. Mr. Snuggles) Icon_minitimeFri 03 Jul 2009, 9:34 pm

ki sighed. " humans are so materialistic.mizu, change into something else so we wont confuse this sweet girl." he said. "i have to do something." he walked to the foot of the tree, searching for something while mizu turned into a 6 foot stork. though only te outline, it was still transparent, its eyes glowing blue. it ran up to her and stabbed at her with its beak.
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(Revy Izumi vs. Mr. Snuggles) Empty
PostSubject: Re: (Revy Izumi vs. Mr. Snuggles)   (Revy Izumi vs. Mr. Snuggles) Icon_minitimeFri 03 Jul 2009, 9:36 pm

The Revy that the stork stabbed instantly turned to water on contact, about 50 more Revys jumped at the stork completely soakeing him from head to toe, one of the revys put theyre hand on the ground sending out spikes all over the place from the water on the ground, everywhere but where she is at.
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Mr. Snuggles
Mr. Snuggles

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PostSubject: Re: (Revy Izumi vs. Mr. Snuggles)   (Revy Izumi vs. Mr. Snuggles) Icon_minitimeFri 03 Jul 2009, 9:42 pm

ki watched and jumped up, holding onto the edge of his robe like a skirt. "mizu, you need help with the clones? i can tell you which one." he said, his atom eyes spotting the real one. the one with organs and the main source chakra. mizu snorted. " no i dont need your help! i got this on my own!" she yelled over the water.stabbing at every revy the stork saw.
ki shook his head. " poor mizu, so stubborn." he turned to the sky and added nitrogen and oxygen particles along with pulling the partilces away. the sun showed brightly. ki then stopped the hydrogen from falling by adding heated oxygen to them. making a warm mist over the place, while the sun showed. he turned to the north and smiled as if he was talking to an auience. "and that people is how you play god. remember, this is all an act. dont try this at home r your preist will kill me."
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(Revy Izumi vs. Mr. Snuggles) Empty
PostSubject: Re: (Revy Izumi vs. Mr. Snuggles)   (Revy Izumi vs. Mr. Snuggles) Icon_minitimeFri 03 Jul 2009, 9:50 pm

One of the Revys forms a single hand sign makeing it rain again, but this time they also did a few more signs makeing it rain heavier and the raindrops became much more thicker, more rain clones apear and they all jump on the stork trying to hold him down, one of the Revys holds theyre hand in the air makeing a giant typhoon form in her hands, she then grabs it and swings it directly at the stork to trap him inside of it.

Name: Kouuton • Jinkoukouu (Rain Release • Artificial Rain)
Rank: B
Element: Water
Description: Simply put, this jutsu makes it rain. The rain is normal and not
increased in any way. Thus, it costs an unnoticeable portion of chakra. Rains
for thirty Posts.

Name: Rain Enlarge
Rank: C
Element: Water
Description: If it is raining, this jutsu will make big raindrops that fall
to the ground at a faster then normal rate. They aren't big or fast enough to
cause any real damage, but they are quite distracting. (Lasts 10 posts)

Name: Typhoon Whip
Rank: C
Element: Water
Description: Revy will hold her hands in the air, if there is some type of
mist or water around, a typhoon will begin to form in her hand and grow
bigger and bigger, she will then be able to grab ahold of the bottom of the
Typhoon and swing it around, if a enemy gets hit with this will be sucked
into a twisting tornado of water, unable to breath or swim theyre way out,
the longer Revy hold it the heavier it gets. The only way to get out of this
Jutsu is to wait for Revy to drop it, wich will cause it to stop spining and
splash on the floor, or to somehow get Revy to move her hand.
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Mr. Snuggles
Mr. Snuggles

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(Revy Izumi vs. Mr. Snuggles) Empty
PostSubject: Re: (Revy Izumi vs. Mr. Snuggles)   (Revy Izumi vs. Mr. Snuggles) Icon_minitimeFri 03 Jul 2009, 9:56 pm

the stork was still transparent, so rrevys hand went through her. (mizu is a girl) ki looked at the typhoon and mumbled. "fuck." under his breath. "mizu, come back. your not helping as much as i thought you would." ki opend his left eye and mizu turnd into smoke. he absorbed mizu back into his body with a shudder. his eyes turning black for a second, then turning back to his regular yellow/orange hue.
he turned and smiled, standing lightly on the ice spikes. since he had his 'anger' back. he was furiouse at revy. " you ruined my flower patch..." he said to her. licking his teeth and pointing at the waterlogged and iced flowers. "i was going to make tea with them, but you ruined them. their beuty." he said, his voice sightly strained.
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(Revy Izumi vs. Mr. Snuggles) Empty
PostSubject: Re: (Revy Izumi vs. Mr. Snuggles)   (Revy Izumi vs. Mr. Snuggles) Icon_minitimeFri 03 Jul 2009, 10:14 pm

Revy dopleganged herself a few times to make 8 diffrent Revys, 4 of the Revys surounded Ki, the other 4 jumped above him surounding him, another Revy that mysteriously apeard out of no where jumped directly above khim, the 4 revys on the ground all used Rain Bullet in Kis direction from all directions, the 4 above him summoned up Water bombs slameing them on him to, the revy directly above him summoned about 80 lightning darts and slamed them all on him with quick impace, the water bombs and bullets conducted the lightning from the darts and became even stronger, they all spead at Ki with un-imagionable power and speed, before they made contact another revy apeard outside of the area with all the Revys attacking, she ran around the area doing hand seals at a very quick speed sumoning thousands of lightning darts, the darts created a dome around Ki and the other Revys, the darts simply floated there waiting to move in on command.

Name: Kouuton • Kouudan (Rain Release • Rain Bomb)
Rank: A
Element: Water
Description: This is a dense, hard ball of collected humidity from around the
air. It can be used as a makeshift shield to absorb kunai and shuriken, or
utilized as an offensive weapon. Once it impacts upon a target, it explodes
into many droplets of water charged with chakra. Therefore, the raindrops are
akin to fragments of metal until the chakra is dispersed into the air. A lot
of water is drawn out of the air, especially if Kouudan is used
consecutively, and, as a result, more humidity techniques are difficult to
use. If the jutsu was used in a dry area, it would be even harder to do so.

Name: Kouu Bunshin no Jutsu (Rain Doppleganger Technique)
Rank: C
Element: Water
Description: Only usable while raining, this jutsu is a weaker version of the
Mizu Bunshin. It can attack, but is far weaker than its creator and
dissipates in one hit, or when the rain stops.

Name: Kouuton • Kouudangan (Rain Release • Rain Bullet)
Rank: A
Element: Water
Description: Only usable while raining, this jutsu causes the raindrops
around it’s user to shoot at a designated target at high speed. Stops after a
short period of time.

Name: Borudou • Daiboruken Odoroki (Bolt Shock • Great Bolt Dart Surprise)
Rank: S
Element: Lightning
Description: An advanced form of Raiton: Boruken. Instead of just forming a single dart before her palm, Revy will move his hands in any direction, and a trail of boruken will be formed and remain stationary. When Revy forms a single kata, the boruken will be launched in one of two directions; forward or backward. If the victim is hit with a large number of darts, the electricity will fry theyre brain, killing them. Revy can wait to use any boruken that have been formed.
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Mr. Snuggles
Mr. Snuggles

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PostSubject: Re: (Revy Izumi vs. Mr. Snuggles)   (Revy Izumi vs. Mr. Snuggles) Icon_minitimeFri 03 Jul 2009, 10:25 pm

ki took the bombarding. the bombs and bullets taking peices of him and made him kneel down from the weight. though the lighting passed through him since he was a base material. no metals, no acids on him. he stared with yellow eyes wide open, which made his jolly face seem inhuman and gaunt. he wasnt smiling anymore, unable to move muscles. they saw why. his lips were black like a lizards and full too. though they made him seem like he was hungry all the time. he looked up at a clone with burning hatred, enough to make them flee, though he knew they wouldnt. his anger fueled his healing. his skin and bones reconstructed, but his cloths remained raggy. he had no shirt anymore, and hardly a bottom. his muscled arms showing through the rags, though his ribs too. under the muscle was an empty stomach waiting for the flesh of this human. with anger-there is hunger.
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(Revy Izumi vs. Mr. Snuggles) Empty
PostSubject: Re: (Revy Izumi vs. Mr. Snuggles)   (Revy Izumi vs. Mr. Snuggles) Icon_minitimeFri 03 Jul 2009, 10:34 pm

Revy made it rain heavy drops again, she then did a few quick hand seals and it started to rain in sheets makeing Revy completly un-seeable, she then dissapeard along with the 2 other Ninjas standing on the tree branch, its practicly impossible to follow Revy with the rain comeing down at that speed and no scent to follow.

Name: Heavy Rain
Rank: B
Element: Water
Description: A jutsu that actually uses the victim's clothing as a medium to
effect him or her. By filling the clothing with water, the user causes the
clothing to fully retain all water it comes in contact with which will
gradually cause the clothing to become heavier and heavier. Unfortunately,
this jutsu that does not create water, so it is only useful in a rainy or
otherwise wet environment. (Lasts as long as the rain does)

Name: Kouuton • Kouu Buraindo (Rain Release • Rain Blind)
Rank: B
Element: Water
Description: Kouu Buraindo is a jutsu for a quick escape. Upon executing the
hand seals for this technique, a flash rain appears, coming down in sheets,
to blanket your getaway. Repeated users of this jutsu are fond of using
Kawarimi to replace them with a splash of water. The flash rain may catch you
off guard and daze you for a moment, even if you expect it.
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Mr. Snuggles
Mr. Snuggles

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(Revy Izumi vs. Mr. Snuggles) Empty
PostSubject: Re: (Revy Izumi vs. Mr. Snuggles)   (Revy Izumi vs. Mr. Snuggles) Icon_minitimeSat 04 Jul 2009, 7:17 pm

ki was pissed now. though she was right, he coldnt smell her through the sweet water. but his eyes were more advanced and could see atoms. he concentrated on her speeding heartbeat as she fled. his eyes misting up with anger now that mizu was once more within him. he retractd his claws to 3 inches and followed her with all of his speed to move his large body, ripping off his shoes to reveal claws and spurrs on his feet. making his legs bow forwards as he ran.
he then caught up with her, seeing her heartbeat but not smelling or hearing at then cut her off, blocking her path. "eh... since you have to do something for me." he said, remembering reiki. his anger slowing down and his eyes returning to normal. this woman was very distinguished in water based jutsus. " my neice is trying to learn how to control her chakra, and since she uses chakra i cannot teach her to use chi. so im asking to to teach her one of your water based jutsus. is that a deal?"
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(Revy Izumi vs. Mr. Snuggles) Empty
PostSubject: Re: (Revy Izumi vs. Mr. Snuggles)   (Revy Izumi vs. Mr. Snuggles) Icon_minitimeSat 04 Jul 2009, 7:53 pm

"This isnt over yet......" Revy jumps back, she increases the rain more, she starts to perform a few handsigns and activates Poison Element; Acid Rain, revy does a few more seals and summons a giant water bomb and holds it over her to stop the acid from touching her, she balances the water bomb on her head while she does a few more seals, the acid rain begins to turn sticky and grab Ki trying to hold him to the ground.

Name: Kouuton • Kouudan (Rain Release • Rain Bomb)
Rank: A
Element: Water
Description: This is a dense, hard ball of collected humidity from around the
air. It can be used as a makeshift shield to absorb kunai and shuriken, or
utilized as an offensive weapon. Once it impacts upon a target, it explodes
into many droplets of water charged with chakra. Therefore, the raindrops are
akin to fragments of metal until the chakra is dispersed into the air. A lot
of water is drawn out of the air, especially if Kouudan is used consecutively,
and, as a result, more humidity techniques are difficult to use. If the jutsu
was used in a dry area, it would be even harder to do so.

Name: Rain Enlarge
Rank: C
Element: Water
Description: If it is raining, this jutsu will make big raindrops that fall to
the ground at a faster then normal rate. They aren't big or fast enough to
cause any real damage, but they are quite distracting. (Lasts 10 posts)

Name: Poison Element; Acid Rain
Rank: A
Element: Water
Description: A powerful ninjutsu that laces the clouds with a large amount of poison elemental chakra to change the structure of the rain. The end result is a storm that does not rain water, but instead rains a powerful acid that can eat through eny material. (Lasts 5 posts)

Name: Rain Capture Technique
Rank: C
Element: Water
Description: This technique causes a target of the user's choice to "attract"
raindrops. The water in the rain drops will attach themselves over an
opponent. Once enough water has gathered over an enemy it will also attach to
the ground, holding the user's opponent to the ground. Opponent must
specialize in Taijutsu to break free, or posess incredible strength.
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Mr. Snuggles
Mr. Snuggles

Posts : 175
Points : 456
Join date : 2009-05-08
Age : 30
Location : anchorage, alaska

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(Revy Izumi vs. Mr. Snuggles) Empty
PostSubject: Re: (Revy Izumi vs. Mr. Snuggles)   (Revy Izumi vs. Mr. Snuggles) Icon_minitimeSat 04 Jul 2009, 7:59 pm

kis eyes widen. "damnit." ki held up one hand to sheild his body. revy didnt see this since it renderd her useless too. ki formed a dimond hard sheild about 2 feet thick around both revy and himself. he then looked down and brought up raised earth so their feet wont get wet. ki closed his eyes and sighed. "whew, you nearly got me. tea?" he asked, pulling out 2 thermals of mango tea. "i always keep a few batches with me." he laughed. though the acid rain was eating up the sheild, he would add more onto it, hoping the rain would stop.
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(Revy Izumi vs. Mr. Snuggles) Empty
PostSubject: Re: (Revy Izumi vs. Mr. Snuggles)   (Revy Izumi vs. Mr. Snuggles) Icon_minitimeSat 04 Jul 2009, 8:08 pm

".................." Revy simply looked at Ki, she did a few hand signs that clearly didnt do a thing, as if it wasnt even a jutsu, about 10 seconds later a giant spear of acid water came slameing through the shield with full force directly at Ki, Revy summoned up a rain shield to block eny acid water that got near her.

Name: Rain Spear
Rank: B
Element: Water
Description: By using chakra to condense a large amount of rainwater into one
place, the user creates a spear of water in the clouds. The spear can at any
time be called down to strike an opponent with only one hand-seal. The water
will stay in the form of spear for until it is sent down to attack. If the
spear is not used, it will fall uselessly as rain. The only warning this
technique gives is a pause in the rain for about 3 seconds.

Name: Shield of Rain
Rank: A
Element: Water
Description: User performs the necessary handseals and places their hands out
in front of them. Using chakra they gather up a large amount of rain and
create a wall of solid water. The water is dense and difficult to move
through, thus protecting the user from most taijutsu attack and fire attacks.
Earth based jutsu and Lighting jutsu are highly effective against this
technique. The user must keep her hands connected into the wall at all times
or the wall will return to its normal state. If struck by electricity it will
move through the water and strike the user as well.
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PostSubject: Re: (Revy Izumi vs. Mr. Snuggles)   (Revy Izumi vs. Mr. Snuggles) Icon_minitime

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