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» Memories
"Can we ever be together again?"; Saruno & Ryu . [P] [PM to Join] Icon_minitimeFri 30 Jul 2021, 12:05 am by Nocturne

» Revy is a faggot
"Can we ever be together again?"; Saruno & Ryu . [P] [PM to Join] Icon_minitimeSun 21 Oct 2018, 3:13 am by Nocturne

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"Can we ever be together again?"; Saruno & Ryu . [P] [PM to Join] Icon_minitimeThu 04 Jun 2015, 4:10 pm by Kai Fuuma

» Rebirth of Slumbering Fire
"Can we ever be together again?"; Saruno & Ryu . [P] [PM to Join] Icon_minitimeMon 15 Jul 2013, 10:32 pm by Kai Fuuma

» Rebirthing a spirit
"Can we ever be together again?"; Saruno & Ryu . [P] [PM to Join] Icon_minitimeThu 16 May 2013, 6:37 pm by Naizu Nimakee

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"Can we ever be together again?"; Saruno & Ryu . [P] [PM to Join] Icon_minitimeTue 16 Oct 2012, 2:46 pm by Revy Izumi

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"Can we ever be together again?"; Saruno & Ryu . [P] [PM to Join] Icon_minitimeMon 15 Oct 2012, 8:04 pm by Revy Izumi

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"Can we ever be together again?"; Saruno & Ryu . [P] [PM to Join] Icon_minitimeTue 28 Aug 2012, 11:53 am by Hirokai Hondo

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"Can we ever be together again?"; Saruno & Ryu . [P] [PM to Join] Icon_minitimeSat 25 Aug 2012, 1:44 pm by Naizu Nimakee

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 "Can we ever be together again?"; Saruno & Ryu . [P] [PM to Join]

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"Can we ever be together again?"; Saruno & Ryu . [P] [PM to Join] Empty
PostSubject: "Can we ever be together again?"; Saruno & Ryu . [P] [PM to Join]   "Can we ever be together again?"; Saruno & Ryu . [P] [PM to Join] Icon_minitimeWed 29 Jul 2009, 10:59 am

The large waterfall rushed downwards into a long river and into a large lake where all the fish had been living in pure, clean water, which showed a reflection of the round, silver moon that showed all it's beauty. The stars were shining brilliantly, and the night sky wasn't quite black, but a dark purple that showed gray clouds under it's colour. It was late at night, and all people in the Waterfall Village were sleeping. The guards still roamed around, watching the Hero's Water, and all the things they needed not to be stolen. Ryu slowly took the hood off her head, and kept it around her form, as she then sat by the lake, her legs on top of eachother and in front of her. She sat there, awaiting her most beloved memory to come back to her, the night when a sound ninja saved her life from people who were trying to kill them when they were younger then now, it was years back, but all of her memories were coming back to her.

Oshiroku. The man's name echoed in her head, he was a loyal human to her, before many in her life. Ryu slowly took her hand in her own, and began to hum a small rhythm from a song in her head from Kirigakure, her birth village, where she stayed for many years, and met Modorokie Lee, and Oshiroku. The woman slowly unfolded memories from years back, the way she was sinking in the sand, and Oshiroku pulled her out, but a kunai's blade stuck into her leg, and he took it out, too and healed her and got her out before anything else could happen.
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"Can we ever be together again?"; Saruno & Ryu . [P] [PM to Join] Empty
PostSubject: Re: "Can we ever be together again?"; Saruno & Ryu . [P] [PM to Join]   "Can we ever be together again?"; Saruno & Ryu . [P] [PM to Join] Icon_minitimeWed 29 Jul 2009, 11:18 am

Saruno was wandering around, the blood from his body running down his face and his arm, he had defeated such a high level opponent, that even gave him trouble. The god of thunder, true immortal. Lightning sparked on his arm as he wiped away some of the blood from his face, trying to hide any trace of it from his body. Something was making his ear twitch some, making it sense his own memories flooding back to him. His body was limping on the ground, small tads of burned clothing all around him, barely staying on. It was like 10 years ago. On the onslaught. His eyes opened wider as he fell onto his knees, his hands pushing against the ground. "Father....why did you make us leave..." he said only quietly to himself, his eyes closing a bit tightly. 'You made us all leave, but why? To protect us? To make sure we weren't in your way? why did you sacrifice yourself...' he thought to himself, his chakra levels beginning to rise. Memories were the worst 'Kypronite' saruno had. The memories of Ryu and many other people popped into his head. The hokage, the Mizukage, the Tsuchikage, everyone. His mother, father, sister, brothers, his sister's fiance. And just more. Veins began to pulse on his forehead as he let out a loud scream of terror. It rattled the trees around himself, and mainly throughout the entire forest, near the river and such. His wings burst out into a winged formation. Red chakra began to over course his body, making him bring in slight pain, but also standing. Blind rage and fear struck through him, maybe, this is when he finally lost control. Yuui took sight of this and quickly merged onto his right hand, making it almost fully metallic. 'You fool...'
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"Can we ever be together again?"; Saruno & Ryu . [P] [PM to Join] Empty
PostSubject: Re: "Can we ever be together again?"; Saruno & Ryu . [P] [PM to Join]   "Can we ever be together again?"; Saruno & Ryu . [P] [PM to Join] Icon_minitimeWed 29 Jul 2009, 11:37 am

A raging scream rang to her ears, making her jump slightly, and standing up, unfolding her hand to a necklace that Oshiroku gave her, she caught sight of it, and a tear ran down her cheek as she gripped her hand and put it in a box and into her cloak, she slowly let her curse fade from her as she quickly started to look for what had happened, what had caued this scream, and she saw her fiance gripping onto Yuui, and his chakra growing blood-red and his face filled with anger, and frightning memories. Ryu looked away for a second, only to relieve herself from the pain she had put herself through to do this to her loved one, and she looked back, her chakra growing ice blue, her cloak swerving in the wind, and her eyes growing ice blue as well, and she thought only for a second. What the hell is happening to me..., and a mark slowly started to embed on her cheek, but there was a quick snap into reality as she ran to Saruno, and quickly grasped him in her arms, trying to make him feel her in his mind, or wherever he was, and she slowly let her hand grasp the one that Yuui was in, and her hand grabbed onto where Saruno was wielding it, and she tried to remove his fingers from the grasp of the blade, only getting to a point where she stopped, her legs becoming embedded in crystal, the curse itself controlling her chakra, and soon, she fell into it, the curse making the sky flash, and the curse took over, her body still clinging to Saruno, but within a mere moment, she drew Yuui's opposite, Tanryoku, the bow of darkness.
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"Can we ever be together again?"; Saruno & Ryu . [P] [PM to Join] Empty
PostSubject: Re: "Can we ever be together again?"; Saruno & Ryu . [P] [PM to Join]   "Can we ever be together again?"; Saruno & Ryu . [P] [PM to Join] Icon_minitimeWed 29 Jul 2009, 7:38 pm

The feeling of Ryu's arms around him didn't change the fact that Saruno had totally gone berserk. Vanishing from his own spot, the crystal having absolutely no effect on his movement. Yuui was starting to control over his mind, the sword beginning to seep out it's chakra from all the time he had it. He appeared in the air, his eyes a full blood red, the white around it turning to a deep black, red marks all around it. His wings began to form into a new shape, but not with just two wings. The two wings he had split, having now Four wings at the total control. Black and white chakra bursted from his body as he held one hand to his chest, holding it some. He was having some sort of powerful thread broken from a long time, and it seemed to finally mend back. Yuui's control. His eyes spotted down to Ryu some as he let down a small bit of a calming wind pass over him, yet the berserk nature went on. There were very few things that could stop him. Very few things. 'Yuui! release me! Now!' he shouted in his mind, trying to break free of her control. 'No'
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"Can we ever be together again?"; Saruno & Ryu . [P] [PM to Join] Empty
PostSubject: Re: "Can we ever be together again?"; Saruno & Ryu . [P] [PM to Join]   "Can we ever be together again?"; Saruno & Ryu . [P] [PM to Join] Icon_minitimeWed 29 Jul 2009, 8:02 pm

A quick snap of her finger occured as the curse slowly covered her in complete control again, a single finger drawing an arrow and putting it near the hinges of Tanryoku, aiming, and letting go of Saruno, a single drop of fear occured from his body, as his eyes drew blood-red, and black and white chakra flowing through the area, and pushing his chakra back was ice blue chakra, and crystal slowly formed over the trees and area around the two, until it was only under them, and all of the area within a couple miles around, was pure, sparkling, smooth crystal. Except for one lake nearby, it had mist suddenly coming from it, and a soul eeriely creeped out behind the trees. It was in the form of Saruno's mother, reaching her hand out and whispering loud enough for Saruno, "Come, my sweet baby..." she whispered, coming closer to the edge of the lake, a crystal coat forming behind her as she roamed over the lake.


Name: Soul of the Dead • Shouton no Jutsu
Rank: A
Element: Shouton
Type: Genjutsu
Description: The user will preform this jutsu in the middle of the battle, making a nearby lake be covered in mist, and a dead man or woman will be reaching their hand out, whispering words to lure the opponent in, when the opponent gets nearer, the soul will talk louder, and when they grasp the soul's hand, the soul will take a real sword, and take off a liimb off the opponent.
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"Can we ever be together again?"; Saruno & Ryu . [P] [PM to Join] Empty
PostSubject: Re: "Can we ever be together again?"; Saruno & Ryu . [P] [PM to Join]   "Can we ever be together again?"; Saruno & Ryu . [P] [PM to Join] Icon_minitimeThu 30 Jul 2009, 4:32 pm

His eyes widened now as the chakra around him burst once, then vanished, his eyes beginning to feel weaker, his entire body beginning to fall from the sky, and slowly descending to the ground. "M-mother...i'm sorry..." he said all too quietly. Ryu was nearby, he could sense her chakra, and could tell from it earlier, but, it was hopefully going to work soon enough. Setting his feet lightly onto the ground, he began to let his chakra begin to die down from sight, his arms falling, along with Yuui, making it crash down onto the ground with a light 'thud'. Memories. The greatest downfall to Saruno. His greatest weakness. 'Ryu-chan..' he thought to himself, letting his eyes close.

[Short and rambly, sorry. ><]
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"Can we ever be together again?"; Saruno & Ryu . [P] [PM to Join] Empty
PostSubject: Re: "Can we ever be together again?"; Saruno & Ryu . [P] [PM to Join]   "Can we ever be together again?"; Saruno & Ryu . [P] [PM to Join] Icon_minitimeThu 30 Jul 2009, 10:13 pm

The light thud made the curse fade, Ryu's eyes fading do a dark gray, a stone gray as she fell to her knees, her chakra overpowering his as it faded away from his figure. Ryu layed a hand over his gentle being, running her hand against his back smoothly back and forth, pulling him up to his head would rest on her lap, facing the sky above. She slowly moved Yuui without touching the handle, feeling it burn her fingers with it's blade, her fingers covered in her own blood, her head resting against Saruno's gently, and putting her hands on his chest gently, and feeling tears run down her cheek. Each day she seemed to weaken. Each day she felt herself cry more. She felt as if she was going to die soon.

"Saruno... Please, don't die... I need you... To protect Kumogakure and all it's people. We can help eachother! Please! Stay on Earth!" she yelled, her grip on his chest tightly, feeling the last bit of his chakra draining, making her bring her hand to his arm, and to her Ukiku clan tattoo, sending chakra to him from her arm, trying to help him live.
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"Can we ever be together again?"; Saruno & Ryu . [P] [PM to Join] Empty
PostSubject: Re: "Can we ever be together again?"; Saruno & Ryu . [P] [PM to Join]   "Can we ever be together again?"; Saruno & Ryu . [P] [PM to Join] Icon_minitimeFri 31 Jul 2009, 12:42 am

Saruno kept his eyes open all so lightly as he looked up at Ryu's soft expression, making him smile all so lightly, "I'm sorry Ryu-chan...I shouldn't of come here..." he said all so lightly, his own chakra setting itself stable once more, letting him have his regular heartbeat. He was breathing and feeling normal, and everything else seemed fine, all that was happening is that his limbs felt weak, along with the rest of his body. And he didn't even know why. Lifting his arm so lightly, towards her cheek, he lightly slid the back of it across her soft textured skin, smiling all so lightly. Yuui was slightly cooling down as she just sealed herself back in the blade, not going to come out anytime soon.

The faint glow that was on Yuui just vanished within just a moment, showing that it could be touched. By someone other than Saruno.

[Short, sorry.]
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"Can we ever be together again?"; Saruno & Ryu . [P] [PM to Join] Empty
PostSubject: Re: "Can we ever be together again?"; Saruno & Ryu . [P] [PM to Join]   "Can we ever be together again?"; Saruno & Ryu . [P] [PM to Join] Icon_minitimeFri 31 Jul 2009, 10:45 am

"Saruno.. If you want to go with me, then please do so. I'm growing weaker every day, and soon, I have a feeling that I won't see you ever again." Ryu kept her gentle grip on his chest, feeling his head move along her lap as he spoke to her quietly, raising an arm and touching her cheek, making her grab his hand and slowly moved it so it wouldn't hurt him, and gently placed it to her chest, making it so he could feel the pulse of her slow heartbeat. It wasn't anything sexual, but so he could understand. "Saruno, you have to understand, I've been on Earth for years, I don't age, but I am not immortal. I can't stay forever, and nor can you. I wish could stay with you forever, but I feel as I'm going to pass away in the next few days. Just in case, I can give you something to always help you remember me..." she took a smile to form on her gentle face, stuffing her hand in her pocket and pulling out a silver chain with a key design for at the chest. She wore it since she was a child, and ever since. She placed it around Saruno's neck, and clipped it on at the back. It was warm, it had been her treasure ever since she was born. Ryu let her legs rest, by unfolding her legs, and gently letting them rest at the sides of Saruno's gentle body as she pushed her head into his, gently pecking on his cheek as she stood, and layed down beside Saruno, and gently putting an arm on his back, pushing him towards her as she pulled his head into hers, and gently pushed her lips onto his, her hair and his over their beings, the night sky brightening the moment.
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"Can we ever be together again?"; Saruno & Ryu . [P] [PM to Join] Empty
PostSubject: Re: "Can we ever be together again?"; Saruno & Ryu . [P] [PM to Join]   "Can we ever be together again?"; Saruno & Ryu . [P] [PM to Join] Icon_minitimeSat 01 Aug 2009, 1:42 pm

Saruno just felt her lips against his now, pushing his lightly back to her's, even with the weakness in his muscles, he wrapped his arms lightly around her, his forehead touching against hers'. He was smiling all so softly as he was doing this, the moonlight shifting around them, brightening the moment all so beautifully. Within such light and beautify, it made his heart beat a bit more, his eyes closing all so lightly. After a couple moments of this, he let himself pull back a bit, kissing her lightly on the cheek, then smiling a bit more.

[Short, rambly, sorry... ><; ]
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"Can we ever be together again?"; Saruno & Ryu . [P] [PM to Join] Empty
PostSubject: Re: "Can we ever be together again?"; Saruno & Ryu . [P] [PM to Join]   "Can we ever be together again?"; Saruno & Ryu . [P] [PM to Join] Icon_minitimeSun 02 Aug 2009, 10:56 am

She felt his tender, weak arms wrap around her waist as he pushed back, waiting a few moments and pulling back, with a gentle peck on her cheek. Ryu slowly smiled, putting his hand to her cheek, and very gently, ran her fingers in between his, on the hand she placed to her cheek. She opened her eyes, and moved her body beside Saruno's, grabbing a small bag of stamina and chakra pills and handing them to him. "Stamina will be blue, and chakra will be yellow and beige. You feel so weak, Saruno, you should take two of each."
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"Can we ever be together again?"; Saruno & Ryu . [P] [PM to Join] Empty
PostSubject: Re: "Can we ever be together again?"; Saruno & Ryu . [P] [PM to Join]   "Can we ever be together again?"; Saruno & Ryu . [P] [PM to Join] Icon_minitimeSun 02 Aug 2009, 9:06 pm

Saruno simply looked up at Ryu as his eyes opened just a little more, grasping the bag of chakra and stamina pills, taking at least two of each color from the bag. "What are these for..?" he said all so quietly, getting himself up into a sitting position, his crimson eyes turning a bit to a light pink. He was a little embarrassed, and a little shy at this moment, kissing Ryu after such a long while, his shy nature kicking in once he was low on power. It was his being. His eyes drifting down to the pills, then back up at her, setting one of each color in his mouth, crunching down on them lightly. The flavors were 'bleh' but okay in the least.
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"Can we ever be together again?"; Saruno & Ryu . [P] [PM to Join] Empty
PostSubject: Re: "Can we ever be together again?"; Saruno & Ryu . [P] [PM to Join]   "Can we ever be together again?"; Saruno & Ryu . [P] [PM to Join] Icon_minitimeMon 03 Aug 2009, 1:00 pm

"It regains your stamina and chakra, to help you live." She gently smiled, brushing his hair out of his face, bringing her hand away from his face. She noticed his eyes turn a deep pink, knowing that he was embarrased. Her ice blue eyes moved slowly, looking down his body, making sure he wasn't hurt. Unnoticable from Saruno's range, a large cut on her shoulder let blood leak down her sweater, she tried to keep it away from Saruno, she didn't want him to be worried. "Do you want another kiss?"
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"Can we ever be together again?"; Saruno & Ryu . [P] [PM to Join] Empty
PostSubject: Re: "Can we ever be together again?"; Saruno & Ryu . [P] [PM to Join]   "Can we ever be together again?"; Saruno & Ryu . [P] [PM to Join] Icon_minitimeTue 04 Aug 2009, 1:38 am

Saruno had a large cut on his right leg, hidden from sight, bleeding, but still hidden. While his stamina and his chakra began to regain slowly in his body, he lifted himself up, brushing his lips up against her's, then back, he let up a little smile. "Shouldn't we wait a little longer?" he said a little shyly, but sarcastically all the same. Laughing a little under his breath, he clenched his muscles together, feeling immense pain in his body, but only some to hold back to make sure she didn't notice. Lightly moving his hand back up to her cheek, then down onto her side, he gently let his eyes stay it's normal pink.
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"Can we ever be together again?"; Saruno & Ryu . [P] [PM to Join] Empty
PostSubject: Re: "Can we ever be together again?"; Saruno & Ryu . [P] [PM to Join]   "Can we ever be together again?"; Saruno & Ryu . [P] [PM to Join] Icon_minitimeWed 05 Aug 2009, 10:39 am

Ryu gently smiled, but still, she thought of Oshiroku, once the Mizukage, and an Otokage. She still held on to the necklace as Saruno and her spoke. "Uhm.. Saruno..," she whispered, "have you ever met a man named Oshiroku?" she gently let her smile go into a straight, thinking look, but she loved Saruno all the same. "Or has your father?"

[Sorry it's short, I just woke up. I'll post what I can next post of mine.]
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"Can we ever be together again?"; Saruno & Ryu . [P] [PM to Join] Empty
PostSubject: Re: "Can we ever be together again?"; Saruno & Ryu . [P] [PM to Join]   "Can we ever be together again?"; Saruno & Ryu . [P] [PM to Join] Icon_minitimeWed 05 Aug 2009, 6:06 pm

"I think my father met him before.." He said a little quietly, looking to Ryu with his gentle smile, letting himself lean back, then into his sitting position. He was wondering why she had asked that question, but it was just a matter of time before she said something about Oshiroku. His father knew him, and was friends, maybe, he didn't know the details. But, something did happen.

[It's okay, mine's short.]
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"Can we ever be together again?"; Saruno & Ryu . [P] [PM to Join] Empty
PostSubject: Re: "Can we ever be together again?"; Saruno & Ryu . [P] [PM to Join]   "Can we ever be together again?"; Saruno & Ryu . [P] [PM to Join] Icon_minitimeWed 05 Aug 2009, 7:30 pm

She saw his gentle smile, knowing he was caring for her. She gently held out her fist, and let the pendant fall out of her hand, but the chain still hanging on her ring finger. The pendant resembled a music note, from a Sound Ninja. Oshiroku. "This pendant was from Oshiroku," she said gently, lowering the chain enough for Saruno's eye level. "Oshiroku saved my life in Sunagakure, once."
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"Can we ever be together again?"; Saruno & Ryu . [P] [PM to Join] Empty
PostSubject: Re: "Can we ever be together again?"; Saruno & Ryu . [P] [PM to Join]   "Can we ever be together again?"; Saruno & Ryu . [P] [PM to Join] Icon_minitimeWed 05 Aug 2009, 9:24 pm

He smiled a little at her as she showed it, seeing as they seemed like close friends, for him to give her a pendant. Looking at the pendant some, he sensed something familiar with it's shape, it's texture. It has mysterious marks, and something near it's edge. But other than that, it was normal.

[Short, sorry.]
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"Can we ever be together again?"; Saruno & Ryu . [P] [PM to Join] Empty
PostSubject: Re: "Can we ever be together again?"; Saruno & Ryu . [P] [PM to Join]   "Can we ever be together again?"; Saruno & Ryu . [P] [PM to Join] Icon_minitimeSat 08 Aug 2009, 10:51 am

She smiled gently, lifting her head again from looking at the opposite side of the pendant. She slightly moved closer to Saruno, gently letting her head lay against his chest, her arms gently wrapped around Saruno, with her body not pushing all of her weight onto him. "But.. He's gone now. So it doesn't matter.. right?" Ryu whispered, pulling the pendant back into her hand, and letting her arms rest. "Are you tired? We could go to a hotel, or my house..."
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"Can we ever be together again?"; Saruno & Ryu . [P] [PM to Join] Empty
PostSubject: Re: "Can we ever be together again?"; Saruno & Ryu . [P] [PM to Join]   "Can we ever be together again?"; Saruno & Ryu . [P] [PM to Join] Icon_minitimeSat 08 Aug 2009, 4:27 pm

He smiled all so sweetly at her as he whispered lightly, "Maybe, your house..." smiling a little more, then a little nervously. It was a little embarrassing to him, but, he had to try and hide that some. Going to Ryu's house? It was a chance to get to know her a bit more, before something else happened. But at least, it would be time to see what she does at her house. Feeling her arms around him, he simply wrapped his arms around her as well, hugging her some.
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"Can we ever be together again?"; Saruno & Ryu . [P] [PM to Join] Empty
PostSubject: Re: "Can we ever be together again?"; Saruno & Ryu . [P] [PM to Join]   "Can we ever be together again?"; Saruno & Ryu . [P] [PM to Join] Icon_minitimeThu 13 Aug 2009, 1:51 pm

She smiled gently, letting her gentle, tender fingers slip in between Saruno's as she gently stood up, pulling him up with her the most tenderly she could, holding him so he couldn't fall any way. Ryu began to walk forward, hopefully with Saruno mimicking her gentle footsteps. She took out a kunai and sent it through the area, making sure no one was there, which someone was, but then they were killed by the impact of the slender kunai Ryu threw. Slowly, Ryu let her grip grow greater on Saruno, leaning forward, and giving him a peck on the lips as she drew her finger to his lips, "Be quiet, now." she spoke, and slowly held tighter onto him, as a couple of wolves neared the two as Ryu slowly placed Saruno near them, "Wolves, may I say? Well, Saruno. Can you ride the pack as I lead the many?" she smiled, awaiting Saruno's answer as her elegant body moved little by little towards him, "Or are you to injured, and I have to heal you?".
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"Can we ever be together again?"; Saruno & Ryu . [P] [PM to Join] Empty
PostSubject: Re: "Can we ever be together again?"; Saruno & Ryu . [P] [PM to Join]   "Can we ever be together again?"; Saruno & Ryu . [P] [PM to Join] Icon_minitimeFri 14 Aug 2009, 5:10 pm

He gently blushed a little more as she pecked her lips against his own, with a finger to shush his lips for just a moment, while a couple wolves began to walk up to him, as he was now standing from her help. His legs felt so heavy and tired, but he could walk. He didn't want to turn down Ryu's offer, but, it was good all the same. Letting his smile show a little to her, he simply looked down at the wolves, then back at her, gently letting his arms lift a little, to stretch his limbs, till a small crack was heard, and another pop near his legs. He was feeling lightly better, but, still a little, in pain. "Wolves will be good for now, maybe some of the healing later..." He said a little, flirting some with his voice to her, his smile showing a little of that emotion as well. Kneeling down to the wolves, as he set one arm on his knee, he looked to the first wolf on the left, wondering how they were gonna carry him..
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"Can we ever be together again?"; Saruno & Ryu . [P] [PM to Join] Empty
PostSubject: Re: "Can we ever be together again?"; Saruno & Ryu . [P] [PM to Join]   "Can we ever be together again?"; Saruno & Ryu . [P] [PM to Join] Icon_minitimeFri 21 Aug 2009, 11:27 am

She smiled gently, taking back her hand as the wolves gently nuzzled Saruno, trying not to touch any of his wounds as Ryu slowly turned, mumbled something under her breath, then hushed herself, quickly remembering how her father got his cunning to carry one and other, and looked back to Saruno. "Don't worry, Saruno. I'll get you home as soon as I can. When we do, I'll heal you with some crystal, of my own chakra." she slowly took out a kunai, and quickly threw it down the trail they werre going down, and slowly hushed herself again, and began to run, the wolves nuzzling Saruno again, and pushing him up onto the circle of the ten wolves, as they began to hurry as well, but they ran slower than Ryu, they were only trying to help their leader's man not get any worse pain than he already was. "Rush!" she yelled.
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"Can we ever be together again?"; Saruno & Ryu . [P] [PM to Join] Empty
PostSubject: Re: "Can we ever be together again?"; Saruno & Ryu . [P] [PM to Join]   "Can we ever be together again?"; Saruno & Ryu . [P] [PM to Join] Icon_minitimeSat 22 Aug 2009, 1:36 pm

While he was nudged on the ten wolves holding him up, he was carried within just a slightly slow pace behind Ryu, his eyes only halfway shut. His chakra was beginning to return, but quickly being ex sponged out of the wounds that had been made in the burst. But, hearing her voice, was all that made things better. Chakra returned to him within just moments, and made him feel all safe. His smile was just hidden under the cover of the wolf fur under him, his back facing the sky, with his wings folded neatly against his back, making him lighter. Maybe this would be a nice trip. "I'll wait, take your time, Ryu-chan.." he said, while smiling just under his breath, trying to conserve his energy for future things he needed to do.

[Short, sorry. ><]
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Village: Thai Underworld .

"Can we ever be together again?"; Saruno & Ryu . [P] [PM to Join] Empty
PostSubject: Re: "Can we ever be together again?"; Saruno & Ryu . [P] [PM to Join]   "Can we ever be together again?"; Saruno & Ryu . [P] [PM to Join] Icon_minitimeTue 25 Aug 2009, 2:11 pm

[Why don't we continue this topic in the Rain Country?]
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PostSubject: Re: "Can we ever be together again?"; Saruno & Ryu . [P] [PM to Join]   "Can we ever be together again?"; Saruno & Ryu . [P] [PM to Join] Icon_minitime

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