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Above the Forbidden Potential . [P] ~ [Saruno] ~ [PM to Join] Icon_minitimeFri 30 Jul 2021, 12:05 am by Nocturne

» Revy is a faggot
Above the Forbidden Potential . [P] ~ [Saruno] ~ [PM to Join] Icon_minitimeSun 21 Oct 2018, 3:13 am by Nocturne

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Above the Forbidden Potential . [P] ~ [Saruno] ~ [PM to Join] Icon_minitimeThu 04 Jun 2015, 4:10 pm by Kai Fuuma

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Above the Forbidden Potential . [P] ~ [Saruno] ~ [PM to Join] Icon_minitimeMon 15 Jul 2013, 10:32 pm by Kai Fuuma

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Above the Forbidden Potential . [P] ~ [Saruno] ~ [PM to Join] Icon_minitimeThu 16 May 2013, 6:37 pm by Naizu Nimakee

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Above the Forbidden Potential . [P] ~ [Saruno] ~ [PM to Join] Icon_minitimeTue 16 Oct 2012, 2:46 pm by Revy Izumi

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Above the Forbidden Potential . [P] ~ [Saruno] ~ [PM to Join] Icon_minitimeMon 15 Oct 2012, 8:04 pm by Revy Izumi

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Above the Forbidden Potential . [P] ~ [Saruno] ~ [PM to Join] Icon_minitimeTue 28 Aug 2012, 11:53 am by Hirokai Hondo

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Above the Forbidden Potential . [P] ~ [Saruno] ~ [PM to Join] Icon_minitimeSat 25 Aug 2012, 1:44 pm by Naizu Nimakee

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 Above the Forbidden Potential . [P] ~ [Saruno] ~ [PM to Join]

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Above the Forbidden Potential . [P] ~ [Saruno] ~ [PM to Join] Empty
PostSubject: Above the Forbidden Potential . [P] ~ [Saruno] ~ [PM to Join]   Above the Forbidden Potential . [P] ~ [Saruno] ~ [PM to Join] Icon_minitimeFri 04 Sep 2009, 6:59 pm

(Continued from "Can We Ever Be Together Again?")

The view was much more beautiful than the beauty of splendor's angel wings as they travelled through the lands as a large house in the distance was gloomed over with the mist of the waterfall nearby, the river flowing with clean, sparkling pure water rushing into a lake that was full of fish, carps, salmon, and even tuna. Smooth rocks guided the shorelines as a pack of human and canine souls continued to go further on into the beautiful surroundings. One was wounded, and the other human was slightly crying, the salt from her tears falling to the ground one by one as she looked back to her fiance, and looked back at the house in the distance -- her house to be exact. She put her hand to her other, and with enough force, a large snapping sound was made, as the wolves halted. Ryu turned from her spot, and quickly walked behind her fiance, and pushed him up from beneath his armpits, and wrapped her arms around him. She looked back to her pack, and nodded. "I can handle it from here, brothers," she spoke, and slowly walked off with Saruno in her arms, gaining speed to her home .
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Above the Forbidden Potential . [P] ~ [Saruno] ~ [PM to Join] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Above the Forbidden Potential . [P] ~ [Saruno] ~ [PM to Join]   Above the Forbidden Potential . [P] ~ [Saruno] ~ [PM to Join] Icon_minitimeFri 04 Sep 2009, 9:18 pm

Saruno was lightly sleeping in Ryu's arms, his eyes gently closed, with his body being lighter than at least 60-70lbs in his current state. The reason why his control over the chakra structure in his body when he was sleeping. He could be as light as a feather if he wanted to, which would of been better, but, he couldn't control anything right now. His dreams began to drift as his wings were tucked on his back, safe from anything.

Slowly watching the clouds pass fast over the horizon, Yuui in one hand, a large glimmering, purple crystal sheild in his right, he was slashing through the scourge of the undead shinobi that had been brought back to life by a puppet master shinobi, able to control the bodies of the Deceased. The bones and the rotten flesh burned and crackled from under the weight and power of both his sword and shield. Ryu was unconscious next to the Shinobi, tied up from all limbs. Roaring a war cry, his determination reaching it's max, he slashed through the army without so much as breath in between the slashing. Before the next wave of the undead, he quickly threw Yuui at the man, trying to make a Shunshin over to Ryu. But within that instant, Yuui just plain blackened, and vanished, along with his own shield. His chakra was draining fast, his wings burning as if they were on fire. Reaching out towards Ryu, he began to run to her, tripping over a large stone and a pile of bones and flesh, the ground swallowed up his torso down, leaving only his head showing. Struggling, he looked up to the puppet master. "What are you going to do?!" he shouted to him, his teeth baring. 'I'm going to torment you...' the man said, walking over to Saruno, holding a small knife. The man was also near Ryu, so his thoughts of pain began to make him shiver in fear.

Within reality, Saruno began to shiver in his arms, his wings tightening up some. Something that in his dream, made him feel uncomfortable.

[OOC: 'Italic' - Dream.]
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Above the Forbidden Potential . [P] ~ [Saruno] ~ [PM to Join] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Above the Forbidden Potential . [P] ~ [Saruno] ~ [PM to Join]   Above the Forbidden Potential . [P] ~ [Saruno] ~ [PM to Join] Icon_minitimeFri 04 Sep 2009, 9:44 pm

The feeling of her fiance shaking in her arms made her feel as if she had done something, but she kept her feet in front of her -- being alert. She looked around, making sure no criminal ninja were nearby, but something in the distance made her feel uncomfortable. Her head was kept close to Saruno's, and she could feel the lightness he put on himself when he slept. She took a kunai, and put the ring of the kunai onto her index finger, but holding onto Saruno still, so he wouldn't get wounded anymore then he already was. Slowly, her pace stopped as she layed Saruno onto the ground, and stood up and looked behind her, and there was an unfamiliar chakra, an essence of danger as she leapt to pick her fiance up again, a kunai came flying from the distance as she layed onto Saruno, though the kunai pierced the skin on her right arm, but her fiance wasn't hit from the aerial kunai. Quickly, she plunged her hand to the kunai, and pulled it out, and stared at the blood dripping from the kunai, and looked in the distance as many more kunai flew from the distance as Ryu quickly preformed a few handsigns, and closed her eyes, her chakra seeping from the wound as it got larger, her chakrazunas getting worse every few seconds. "Shiva's Crystal Dust no Jutsu!" she yelled, as a large ball of crystal formed and rolled it's way into the distance, and within a few moments, it broke into large pieces of shrapnel, and attacked the foe as his body rolled down the cliff. Ryu stood, shakily from her wounds, and slowly grabbed onto Saruno, but she couldn't use enough strength to pull him up as she fell on top of Saruno, still shaking as red chakra glided over her body.


Name: Shiva's Crystal Dust • Shouton no Jutsu
Rank: B
Element: Shouton
Type: Ninjutsu
Description: This jutsu is made of crystalized bacteria that forms together and mades a large ball of solid crystal that is unable to be broken. The big ball of crystal will then send itself right at the opponent, and break into sharp pieces, and will attack the opponent at their blind points, or weak points. This jutsu is very stable, making it hard to dodge. The only way out is to burn the crystal shrapnel.
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Above the Forbidden Potential . [P] ~ [Saruno] ~ [PM to Join] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Above the Forbidden Potential . [P] ~ [Saruno] ~ [PM to Join]   Above the Forbidden Potential . [P] ~ [Saruno] ~ [PM to Join] Icon_minitimeSun 06 Sep 2009, 6:46 pm

Hearing the noises from his sleep, the feeling of someone on top of him as he slept made him begin to slowly open his eyes, the crimson-red iris's slowly returning back into it's normal state. The feeling of her chakra ran over his senses as he look slightly down, as much as he could, seeing an open wound with her chakra flowing out of it. "Ryu-chan..." he said softly, pulling himself out from under her, crackling his shoulders, joints and limbs, seeing as he was asleep so long. The freedom of his movements allowed him to pick Ryu up, taking his cloak off from his back, and setting it on the ground. While doing this, he quickly set her down on his cloak, kneeling next to her. Letting down just a small sigh, he looked down at her expression, "Maybe i should of helped you...before we went off..." he let his voice trail down as he lay one of his hands on her open wound, ceasing her flow of chakra from it. He didn't really check to see if she was conscious or not, since she wasn't moving or talking when she fell on him, but, worth a try.

[Short, sorry. >>]
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Above the Forbidden Potential . [P] ~ [Saruno] ~ [PM to Join] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Above the Forbidden Potential . [P] ~ [Saruno] ~ [PM to Join]   Above the Forbidden Potential . [P] ~ [Saruno] ~ [PM to Join] Icon_minitimeSun 06 Sep 2009, 6:58 pm

Her eyes were closed, her body ceased to make a movement, but her heart beat very slowly, enough to keep her alive, and blood running through her body, some getting through the wound on her arm. Blood slowly leaked out from the corner of her soft lips, her slender body getting weaker each moment, becoming frail. And soon, she would be useless if Saruno didn't heal her enough. " I'm.. sorry.. I tried to.. protect you.. but I.. ended up in..juring myself.." she spoke weakly, living the blood off the corner of her lip. The feeling of his soft cloak underneath her kept her warm, though her body continued to become colder as she tried to rest. Her rememberence of her brother, Minato made her slightly smile, and many who helped her on her way, Eiichiro, Tenshin, Modorokie. More than half were dead, but seemed alive, to her.
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PostSubject: Re: Above the Forbidden Potential . [P] ~ [Saruno] ~ [PM to Join]   Above the Forbidden Potential . [P] ~ [Saruno] ~ [PM to Join] Icon_minitimeSun 06 Sep 2009, 7:50 pm

He slowly began to smile a little softly down at her, moving both of his hands onto her wound on her arm, sealing it up with just a little dab of his chakra. "I'll fix you up, I'll make you all better...Ryu-chan..." he said a little softly. He wasn't much of a Medical ninja, but he could heal a little bit at a time. Moving his hands across her arm, he felt only slight pulses of her blood rushing in and out, towards her heart and back. She was getting weaker every second, but, he could try and heal her. Moving his chakra along her arm, he slowly began to help it's structure begin to gain chakra faster, and heal itself a little more. Moving his hands up to her shoulder, he began to do the same thing. Maybe a few other spots, and she should be good enough to stay alive. His chakra was flowing all over her, making sure nothing could touch her as he was healing. Not a rock, pebble, steel, or bugs. Snapping his fingers once, he let a small pouch set right beside him. It was full of food and drinks, ready to be eaten at any time. "I'll let you eat after, alright?"
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Above the Forbidden Potential . [P] ~ [Saruno] ~ [PM to Join] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Above the Forbidden Potential . [P] ~ [Saruno] ~ [PM to Join]   Above the Forbidden Potential . [P] ~ [Saruno] ~ [PM to Join] Icon_minitimeMon 07 Sep 2009, 8:31 am

She didn't move, only soft sounds of slight breathing from her nose could be heard. Her life draining behind her as she slept, her chakrazunas affecting her slightly, her cold self getting colder until a jolt of extreme pain came to her, blue aura surrounded her and dissappeared many times, more jolts affected her, as she breathed heavier each moment, the birds that were chirping flew away slightly, as the clouds moved together, black as can be, as wolves surrounded the area as the girl came to her slowest breaths, the feeling she couldn't move or breathe. Unfolding secrets in her inner mind as she rested, her gentle voice mixing in with her deep breaths. She didn't want Saruno to be worried. A scroll rolled from her pants, open, revealing a sign that meant Hope, in other words, Kibou, her puppet of her father, who would talk, walk. Everything a human could do, he could do, with a gentle touch, he could tell a tale, about her family from the past, her revenge.
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Above the Forbidden Potential . [P] ~ [Saruno] ~ [PM to Join] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Above the Forbidden Potential . [P] ~ [Saruno] ~ [PM to Join]   Above the Forbidden Potential . [P] ~ [Saruno] ~ [PM to Join] Icon_minitimeTue 08 Sep 2009, 9:08 pm

Using all of his healing abilities to their max potential, which, wasn't very to a S rank level, or anything close to it, as he wasn't a Medical Ninja. He could still heal, on a scale from slightly serious wounds. But the only thing he could cure, was Chakrazunas, the chakra disease that was spreading farther in her body then he had expected. He didn't know too much about it, all he knew, he could cure it, but it required a couple items, his own blood, and a full 24 hours in a Coma. It would be a risk, but it had to be done. Taking a kunai from his ninja pouch, and slightly slitting his left index fingers, blood beginning to drip down onto Ryu's expression, small amounts of white chakra beginning to flow from his open wound. White Chakra. His hidden brand of destructive, yet healing abilities, enabling him to do anything he wished, for a price. Clapping his hands together, beginning to chant a couple words under a muttered breath, a small amount of energy began to slowly rise up from the ground, encasing Ryu in a dome of a white brand of his chakra, using his own life energy as a medium for this technique. "Under the words of god, i heal thee of thine own pestilence, please rise from the depths of dreams, and awaken, renewed" his muttered breath was saying, in chanting words, the blood on her expression beginning to move across her face in a formation of a small, yet ninja-like transmutation circle. It was like, something new, yet, not. He had watched his father do it to his sister once, and she had recovered within a fast time of her illness, now, it was time, to pass it on, to Ryu.
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Above the Forbidden Potential . [P] ~ [Saruno] ~ [PM to Join] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Above the Forbidden Potential . [P] ~ [Saruno] ~ [PM to Join]   Above the Forbidden Potential . [P] ~ [Saruno] ~ [PM to Join] Icon_minitimeFri 11 Sep 2009, 5:44 pm

The simple clap of his hands awoke her, her face being bonded with the blood circling her face, as she watched Saruno, her arms extending to his. Her face soon became worried, her whole body being circled with deep fear. She pulled herself to him, her arms extending around him. Her body frail and weak for the time being. Her voice had been quiet for a while, her eyes closing, tears streaming down her gentle cheeks, her hands gripping his shirt tightly, her nails could be felt on his skin as she layed her head on his shoulder, her tears drenching his shirt as she cried, his cloak still under her.

"Saruno, don't die.. please. I want to start a family with you.." she spoke weakly, and with a light whisper.
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PostSubject: Re: Above the Forbidden Potential . [P] ~ [Saruno] ~ [PM to Join]   Above the Forbidden Potential . [P] ~ [Saruno] ~ [PM to Join] Icon_minitimeSat 12 Sep 2009, 5:10 pm

Smiling faintly down at her as his energy was slowly beginning to drain from his body as he healed up her illness, making sure it would never happen to her again. Tears began to flow down his cheeks as he let down a light bit of a sniffle, "Don't worry, Ryu-chan...i won't die...I can't die.." he said within just a little bit of a light version of his dark voice. He was worried, that he wouldn't make it through the process, he'd only seen it, and tried it once. He was in the hospital for a few weeks, but had to recuperate for another 2 weeks. It was a scary process, but, it was something he just had to do. It was his fault she had Chakrazunas, and it was his time to cure her of it. His muscles began to weaken more as he sat down in a position where he was looking down at her, with his light smile. "I won't die...your my life, and, i love you..."

[Short, sorry..]
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