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 Dawn to Dusk ((Done))

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PostSubject: Dawn to Dusk ((Done))   Dawn to Dusk ((Done)) Icon_minitimeMon 03 Aug 2009, 9:00 pm

General Information:
Name: Keimei Tsubasa

Nickname/Alias: (What your character is known by, Only applies to Missing-Nin.)

Weight: 132lbs

Height: 5' 6"

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Looks: Dawn to Dusk ((Done)) Cool-1
Tsubasa has slightly tan skin, bleach-white hair, and dark blue eyes. His eyes are almond-shaped, his nose chiseled, and his lips thin. He wears an under-armor type shirt, navy blue in color and made of an extremely tough leather. This under armor snaps together with what appear to be loops and hooks made of a gold-like metal. Over this armor he wears a sleeveless, off-white shirt that goes down to about his knees. This shirt has two zippers, allowing it to have space at both the bottom and top left open for neck and leg movement. It is adorned with a black belt that is possibly used for holding weapons. On his right arm is a tight-fitting sleeve that ends in a thick metal bracelet, possibly an heirloom or just used for blocking weapons from hitting his wrist. His right arm has a more loose black sleeve, ending in a fingerless glove. He wears extremely baggy, brown pants that cover most of his black combat boots. Upon Tsubasa's back is a two-handed sword, the blade curved and ragged making it look almost ancient.

Personality: Tsubasa is a kind person, but he is very serious about his work. If he gets a job he finishes it, no ifs ands or buts about it. He is determined, stubborn, and strong-willed, nothing changes his mind. He will often seem hardened and harsh when instructing others or on missions, but this doesn't mean he has no soft side. Tsubasa is known for being a romantic, constantly searching for the right girl on the side of his real goal in life-to become as great a ninja as his father- and neither goal seems to clash with the other. He loves people, but he also has a difficult time showing his affection for them, and it will often come up as rough and harsh. However, everything he does is to make them stronger and better people. Tsubasa has an obsession with Onigiri, and is almost always eating it during his spare time. He spends most of his spare time sleeping, obviously tired from all of the missions he does.

Clan Information

Clan Name: Keimei

Kekei Genkai: Will be described further in clan creation.
The Keimei kekkei comes in five stages. The first stage has no visible change to the user. In this stage the user gains a boost in chakra as well as their speed and dexterity. Their reaction time will improve, and their reflexes will become much better; this stage is accessed at the age of eight. The second stage turns the user's eyes completely gray, as if clouds fogged them over. In this state the user can see the electric pluses sent through one's nerves that cause a person to move, this allows them to find a hiding enemy and also react to someone's movements seconds before they move; this stage occurs at age 12. In the third stage its as if a sun is rising behind the user's eyes, and the cloudy gray is splashed with reds, pinks, yellows, and oranges. While in this stage the real abilities of the blood come into play. The user is able to bend light at will, causing them to become invisible or blind an opponent; this stage occurs at age 16. The fourth stage comes about at about ANBU level, and takes to form of two blazing suns where the eye should have pupils. In this level the user is able to produce extreme amounts of heat from their body. The fifth and final stage takes to form of setting suns in either pupil. In this stage they can use any ability of the other stages, as well as changing weather patterns at will. This stage can only be used for about five minutes((five posts)), and is accessed at Kage level. Each stage after the first is called Iriaigan, though the first stage has no name.

Clan Symbol: Dawn to Dusk ((Done)) Celtic_tree

Clan History:
Will be described further in clan creation.

The bloodline is said to derive from the Rinnengan. According to many enchant myths, there are three main elements to creation. Space, Time, and life. The Rinnengan dictates space, and it seems that the Iriaigan has some relation to life. The sun, which is the main representation of the kekkei, is a symbol of life for many people. When this kekkei was developed, those who had it broke off from their own clan and formed a brand new clan. This clan took its station in the hidden village of grass, and since then has been helping the grass to become a strong shinobi village.

Rank Information:
Rank: Jounin

Village: Kusagakure

Skill Information:
Skill Specialty: Ninjutsu/Kenjutsu

Elemental Affinity: Main; Doton Sub; Katon

Special Characteristics:Kekkei

Last edited by Bara "White Rose" on Tue 04 Aug 2009, 12:38 am; edited 4 times in total
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PostSubject: Re: Dawn to Dusk ((Done))   Dawn to Dusk ((Done)) Icon_minitimeMon 03 Aug 2009, 9:00 pm

History/RP Sample:

History/Background Story:
A brief encounter:
Tsubasa was born without any complications. While he had little hair, the amount of hair he did have was white, stained red due to the obvious blood that would soak his tiny body. Like all others he cried, and like all others he was fine. He spent some time in the nursery, and was taken home a week or two after. Though Tsubasa wouldn't know it, he would soon find that the stress of labor had caused his mother to sink into a deep depression. The strain on her body and mind slowly became too much on her, and she would die a few weeks into Tsubasa's life. His father never blamed Tsubasa, and only believed that it was what was best for my mother. She was miserable, there was no fixing that, it was best to move on.

Learning to live:
Tsubasa would spend most of his childhood with his father, learning of their clan and abilities, as well as the shinobi's path and skills. At the age of seven he joined the academy, already with basic knowledge of everything he would be taught. Because of this he was first or second of his class in every subject, always first in ninjutsu. It seemed he had a natural talent for ninjutsu, and he was labeled a ninjutsu genius. His father, ever proud of his son, took him out for celebration. At that celebration, Tsubasa was told of the family blade and its origins. He was promised the blade once he graduated from the academy.

Becoming a Man:
Tsubasa graduated from the academy exactly when everyone else his age did, though he had often been told he had the skill to graduated a year early. Tsubasa felt that it was best he got all of the training he could before jumping into the shinobi world. The day he was given his headband was a day that did something Tsubasa had never even dreamed of. It brought a tear to his father's eye. That night Tsubasa was given the family blade, though it was a tad too tall for him. He would be taught how to wield it, and how to further master his kekkei genkei. It was the day after that he was assigned his first mission. That mission, as well as the others he would complete in the first year or so of being a gennin, was a success. On the day of the hundreth mission he completed, Tsubasa was told by his father the secret to becoming a man. Tsubasa took this secret to heart, and began living his life around it much the same way that a shinobi often follows a nindo.

The Iriaiigan
Tsubasa became a chuunin at the age of fifteen, and began to lead squads. He was always successful during missions, and became a great leader. His father would always wait outside of their home and welcome Tsubasa with a hug and a ruffle of his hair. Eventually this turned into only a handshake and a 'welcome home'. Tsubasa was turning into a man. During his chuunin years he developed his kekkei genkei and began to span into even further levels of it. The first level, a nameless doujutsu, was the easiest to master and complete. It was only two months before entering the Jounin exams that he developed the second level, finally having a name for it. The Iriaiigan became a powerful tool as well as his trump card. Always hating to use the technique unless it was completely necessary, Tsubasa went to great lengths to stop himself from using it. Once, during an infiltration mission he was doing alone, he was caught. He had to fight his way out, which was not as easy as he had expected. Even when he was outnumbered thirty to one and injured he would not use the Iriaiigan. It took the entire armed force of guards that the place had to force him to use it. Even then he only used it for a minute and a half. When he came home, he would heal and rest. Once the resting was done and he was good as new, he jumped into the Jounin exams. Coming up on top, he joined the ranks of Kusagakure's Jounin with both humility and pride. It was shortly after this that he unlocked the third form of his kekkei genkei. Three days after developing to this point, he would watch his father die of an illness. He swore at the burial of his father that he would become an even greater man and shinobi than he had been, to make him proud.

Rp Sample:
Bara sat in the shadow of an alleyway, his cloak wrapped around him causing him to blend in with the shadows that had become his home. He stared warily out into the empty streets of the small village that had been abandoned several years ago. A tip that he had gotten from his 'network' said that someone would come to this place, and that they would be worth Bara's time in killing. Bara didn't budge so much as a centimeter, staying completely still and completely silent. The feeling of anticipation for a new kill was a rush that had died a long time ago, now Bara was just plain impatient. Bloody shinobi, always making me wait... Bara growled in his thoughts angrily. Deciding to get a better vantage point, he ran directly up the wall of the alley and landed on the roof of the building. From there he could see the whole village, and was still cloaked in shadows due to the lateness of the hour. Tonight was a new moon, so the only form of light would be the stars, pinpricks of light that could barely illuminate a kunai. Confident in the setting's natural advantages, and feeling at home within the cramped spaces of a village in the dark of night, Bara began to relax as he waited for his target.
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PostSubject: Re: Dawn to Dusk ((Done))   Dawn to Dusk ((Done)) Icon_minitimeMon 03 Aug 2009, 11:56 pm

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Revy Izumi
Revy Izumi

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Village: N/A

Dawn to Dusk ((Done)) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dawn to Dusk ((Done))   Dawn to Dusk ((Done)) Icon_minitimeTue 04 Aug 2009, 12:27 am

Kamoku already has that look

your kekkei genkai dosnt say enything about what it does

Last edited by Revy Akirein on Tue 04 Aug 2009, 12:30 am; edited 1 time in total
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PostSubject: Re: Dawn to Dusk ((Done))   Dawn to Dusk ((Done)) Icon_minitimeTue 04 Aug 2009, 12:29 am

Did he describe it the exact same way?
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Dawn to Dusk ((Done)) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dawn to Dusk ((Done))   Dawn to Dusk ((Done)) Icon_minitimeTue 04 Aug 2009, 12:35 am

Bara "White Rose" wrote:

Kekei Genkai: Will be described further in clan creation.
The Keimei kekkei comes in five stages. The first stage has no visible change to the user. In this stage the user gains a boost in chakra as well as their speed and dexterity. Their reaction time will improve, and their reflexes will become much better; this stage is accessed at the age of eight. The second stage turns the user's eyes completely gray, as if clouds fogged them over. In this state the user can see the electric pluses sent through one's nerves that cause a person to move, this allows them to find a hiding enemy and also react to someone's movements seconds before they move; this stage occurs at age 12. In the third stage its as if a sun is rising behind the user's eyes, and the cloudy gray is splashed with reds, pinks, yellows, and oranges. While in this stage the real abilities of the blood come into play. The user is able to bend light at will, causing them to become invisible or blind an opponent; this stage occurs at age 16. The fourth stage comes about at about ANBU level, and takes to form of two blazing suns where the eye should have pupils. In this level the user is able to produce extreme amounts of heat from their body, as well as take advantage of the other stages of the bloodline's abilities. The fifth and final stage takes to form of setting suns in either pupil. In this stage they can use any ability of the other stages, as well as changing weather patterns at will. This stage can only be used for about five minutes((five posts)), and is accessed at Kage level. Each stage after the first is called Iriaigan, though the first stage has no name.
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Revy Izumi
Revy Izumi

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Dawn to Dusk ((Done)) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dawn to Dusk ((Done))   Dawn to Dusk ((Done)) Icon_minitimeTue 04 Aug 2009, 12:37 am

thats a bit big for a single Kekkei genkai, all that power
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Dawn to Dusk ((Done)) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dawn to Dusk ((Done))   Dawn to Dusk ((Done)) Icon_minitimeTue 04 Aug 2009, 12:40 am

Well. The only stage that can use all of them at once is the last one
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Revy Izumi
Revy Izumi

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Join date : 2009-07-27

Shinobi Info
Ninja Rank: X Rank
Village: N/A

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PostSubject: Re: Dawn to Dusk ((Done))   Dawn to Dusk ((Done)) Icon_minitimeTue 04 Aug 2009, 12:46 am

Dawn to Dusk ((Done)) GoodJob1
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PostSubject: Re: Dawn to Dusk ((Done))   Dawn to Dusk ((Done)) Icon_minitime

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