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 Dawn R. Hatake

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Dawn R. Hatake Empty
PostSubject: Dawn R. Hatake   Dawn R. Hatake Icon_minitimeSun 16 Aug 2009, 8:13 pm

General Information:
Name: Dawn R. Hatake

Nickname/Alias: Hidden Leafs White Fang

Weight: 26 Kgs

Height: 5,1

Age: 15

Gender: Male

Looks: Dawn R. Hatake Young_Kakashi__Naruto_244_by_demonoflight

Personality: Dawn is a calm and none tempered person. Dawn likes to sit down and watch the white soggy clouds in the sky wiggle and move like snakes, while not talking when watching the clouds. Dawn is also a shinigami that doesn’t like lots of work and lots of fighting and arguing when doing various things like Missions, Giving Missions and Training others. Dawn also likes things nice and quiet and peaceful all at the same time so if he don’t have any of those things or has too much work to do dawn puts his face on his arms and says ” What a drag”.

Rank Information:
Rank: Jounin

Village: Hidden Leaf Village

Skill Information:
Skill Specialty: Ninjutsu, Genjutsu

Elemental Affinity:Lightning and Water

Special Characteristics:Kekkei Genkai
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Dawn R. Hatake Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dawn R. Hatake   Dawn R. Hatake Icon_minitimeSun 16 Aug 2009, 8:13 pm

Name: Lightning Ball (雷球, Raikyū)
Type: Offensive, Short to mid range (0-10m)
User: Raiga Kurosuki
Rank: C
By gathering chakra between his twin swords, Raiga can create a ball of electrical energy and launch it at the enemy.

Name: Lightning Hound
Type: Offensive, All ranges
User: Kakashi Hatake
Rank: A
By manipulating lightning chakra into the dominant hand, the user can make the lightning expand to can create the form of a hound. The hound-shape remains connected to the user's hand with a bolt of lightning, allowing them to control it during its attack. Being a Lightning Release ninjutsu, it requires a large amount of chakra from the user to maintain and thus is a risk to use with a low chakra supply.

Name: Lightning Release Shadow Clone (雷遁影分身, Raiton Kage Bunshin)
Rank: A
Users: Kakashi Hatake
This technique allows the user to make a shadow clone infused with lightning. Because it is a shadow clone, it is able to perform jutsu and interact with the environment due to it having physical substance. If the clone is injured, it will revert to its natural lightning-state, at the same time electrocuting whatever it is touching

Name: Hidden Mist Technique (霧隠れの術, Kirigakure no Jutsu; Viz "Kirigakure Jutsu"", English TV "Ninja Art: Hidden Mist Jutsu"; Meaning (Viz) "Art of Hiding in the Mist")
Type: Supplementary[1]
Users: Most Kirigakure ninja, Kakashi Hatake
Rank: D
This jutsu envelops the surrounding area in a dense mist, reducing visibility within the affected area. The density can be controlled by the user, allowing them to create a mist so thick that even they can't see through it.

Name: Water Clone Technique (水分身の術, Mizu Bunshin no Jutsu "Water Clone Jutsu")
Type: Supplementary[1]
Users: Kisame Hoshigaki, Zabuza Momochi, Kakashi Hatake, Yoroi Akado, Kakuzu, Itachi Uchiha
Hand Seal: Tiger
Rank: C
The Water Clone Technique is similar to the Shadow Clone Technique except it creates clones out of water. Like other solid clone techniques, the clones can be used to perform tasks the user is unable or unwilling to do for themselves. The range of the clone is limited however, as it can not travel very far from the original body. Additionally, water clones only have one-tenth of the original person's power, as stated by Haku. Like other clone techniques, if the water clones are injured enough they will revert back to normal water.

Name: Water Prison Technique (水牢の術, Suirō no Jutsu; English TV "Water Prison Jutsu")
Type: Supplementary, Short range (0-5m)[1]
Users: Zabuza Momochi, Kisame Hoshigaki
Rank: C
This jutsu is used to trap a victim inside a virtually inescapable sphere of water. The only downside to this technique is that the user must keep at least one arm inside the sphere at all times in order for the victim to remain imprisoned. Clones can be used in place of the actual person, provided that the clone is the one that performed the technique. This jutsu can't be performed without a sufficiently large body of water to supply the water for it. Neji Hyuga has been able to use his ability to release chakra from all of his pressure points to disrupt the flow of chakra inside the prison and break free. Despite the fact that the prison is made up entirely out of water, and the target is unable to move while within it, the target is still able to speak. When this technique is used on Tenten, she indicates that she cannot breathe, though other characters have not reported the same problem.

Name: Water Release: Hand of Waves (Suiton: Suihachi)
Type: Offensive, Short range (0-5m)
User: Yamato
Rank: C
This jutsu will produce a fairly powerful jet of water from the user's hand.

Name: Water Release: Violent Water Wave (水遁・水乱波, Suiton: Mizurappa; Viz "Water Style: Raging Waves")
Type: Offensive, Short to mid range (0-10m)[1]
User: Yahiko
Rank: C
Water gushes out from the mouth like a waterfall and washes away the enemy. One can freely control the power of this technique with the amount chakra one releases. Having many variations, this is a basic Water Release technique.

Name: Water Release: Destructive Rapid Torrents (Suiton: Hahonryū)
Type: Defensive, Mid Range (0-5m)
User: Yamato
Rank: C
This technique lets the user summon a rapid river of water to attack their opponent.

History/RP Sample:

History/Background Story: Baby Arc: One late night a hard storm was heard not far, as a doorbell rang at a old brown house with a blue roof waiting for a response a figure stood there looking towards the door hearing a chuckle sound the figure ran from the door step which was infront of the house running as fast as he could leaving a strange box infront of the door, the door opened as another figure was seen looking around high above the box closing the door the figure sawn a brown box in the corner of his eye opening the door back up the figure walked towards the box taking one step at a time as slow as he could letting his blue robe hang on the ground getting wet from the storm the figure in the blue robe picked the brown box up in his eyes taking it inside and putting it on the couch the figure closed the door and ran to the kitchen grabbing a sharp knife and walking towards the box with his sharp knife raised high in the air opening it the figure could see a baby inside the box dropping the knife straight away and picking up the baby putting him/her in a blanket.

Growing Arc (A.S): The baby was found by a legendary ninja known as Kakashi Hatake naming the baby he found Dawn Raven Hatake and taking him in as a son. Kakashi rose Dawn until he was 4 years old and started to teach him the way of a ninja, teaching him all the rules and regulations of a ninja Kakashi also taught dawn the different kinds of weapons a ninja should always have on him when fighting or doing missions. Dawn grew by one more year and was now 5 years old learning the ninja way of fighting. Kakashi taught dawn how to run up trees, jump from wall to wall, and make his body as small as it can go and how to weld a katana at the age of 5. Then growing another five years old.

Becoming a Ninja Arc (Genin): One night Kakashi was called from by a hawk knowing who it was Kakashi ran towards the old brown house they lived in at high speeds opening the door dawn said “hi” as Kakashi ran straight past dawn with out saying anything opening the door of his room Kakashi grabbed a key which was hidden inside a bookshelf which was in his room, putting the key in a brown golden chest dawn walked into Kakashi’s room for the first time looking at Kakashi with a gaze Kakashi opened the chest pulling out a fully white katana with a full gold handle walking towards dawn with a gaze at him Kakashi bent down on his knees “Well Son we got our first mission” Kakashi said to dawn as dawn ran towards his room grabbing a normal katana putting it in a case which was located on his back running outside with his father. Kakashi and Dawn reached a village not far from there old brown house looking at it the village was gone it was just dust and burnt wood walking into the burnt dusty village step by step 4 kunai went flying at Kakashi and Dawn both jumping back dawn could see 2 figures in the distances looking at him making him scared Kakashi said to dawn “Do not be afraid son just remember what I told you and you should be fine” Kakashi said pulling out his katana and dashing at the two figures making the two figures move. The two figures pulled out two katana’s (Two in each hand) watching Kakashi run towards them the two figures put there swords together sending a purple wave towards Kakashi, moving kakashi threw two kunai infront of the two figures then jumping behind a tree while dawn ran up into the trap kakashi set.

First Mission Arc(Chunin): Kakashi noticed dawn running into a trap that he set as kakashi jumped at dawn moving him out of range as the two kunai kakashi set earlier blew up into a massive explosion kakashi got up from the ground sweeping his hand and walking out into the open thinking the two figures were dead kakashi looked at dawn with a disappointed look in his eye walking towards the old brown house two kunai flew at kakashi hitting him in the back dawn screamed running towards kakashi dawn picked kakashi up and ran towards the house as fast as he could making it out alive.

Dawn placed kakashi on the couch healing the back of kakashi with basic ninja healing skills putting a bandage on kakashi’s back dawn walked towards the kitchen grabbing a knife to but the bandage dawn walked back towards kakashi looking at him injured dawn cut the bandage and tied I up around kakashi sitting down watching to see what happens. Ten hours later dawn wakes up and sees kakashi sitting up doing something with his hands, noticing kakashi with one red eye dawn gazed scared watching kakashi, kakashi’s red eye turned back to his normal eye feeling a pain in his left eye dawn grabbed a mirror and looked at his eye but nothing was wrong looking back at kakashi, kakashi gave his white blade to him standing up hitting the neck of dawn knocking him out “I’m sorry my son” dawn heard before he passed out.

Dead Beats(Jounin): Dawn woke up as it was raining hard walking outside dawn remembered getting knocked out from his father, looking around dawn started to cry “NO FATHER” dawn said running as fast as he could over the two hills that separated the house and the village apart seeing new marks on the buildings dawn ran into the burnt village looking around while rain piled on his head seeing a leg dawn walked closer and closer step by step as slow as he could knowing who it was dawn screamed in pain “NO…NO…NO…WH…WHY FATHER…WHY DID YOU HAVE TO GO ALONE…” dawn said crying and looking into the sky feeling a sore pain in his left eye dawn grabbed it while crying looking at the reflection from the water dawn saw his left eye was now red just like kakashi’s before he died pulling the white katana out that kakashi gave him and screaming while looking at the sky.

Rp Sample: Becoming a Ninja Arc (Genin): One night Kakashi was called from by a hawk knowing who it was Kakashi ran towards the old brown house they lived in at high speeds opening the door dawn said “hi” as Kakashi ran straight past dawn with out saying anything opening the door of his room Kakashi grabbed a key which was hidden inside a bookshelf which was in his room, putting the key in a brown golden chest dawn walked into Kakashi’s room for the first time looking at Kakashi with a gaze Kakashi opened the chest pulling out a fully white katana with a full gold handle walking towards dawn with a gaze at him Kakashi bent down on his knees “Well Son we got our first mission” Kakashi said to dawn as dawn ran towards his room grabbing a normal katana putting it in a case which was located on his back running outside with his father. Kakashi and Dawn reached a village not far from there old brown house looking at it the village was gone it was just dust and burnt wood walking into the burnt dusty village step by step 4 kunai went flying at Kakashi and Dawn both jumping back dawn could see 2 figures in the distances looking at him making him scared Kakashi said to dawn “Do not be afraid son just remember what I told you and you should be fine” Kakashi said pulling out his katana and dashing at the two figures making the two figures move. The two figures pulled out two katana’s (Two in each hand) watching Kakashi run towards them the two figures put there swords together sending a purple wave towards Kakashi, moving kakashi threw two kunai infront of the two figures then jumping behind a tree while dawn ran up into the trap kakashi set.

First Mission Arc(Chunin): Kakashi noticed dawn running into a trap that he set as kakashi jumped at dawn moving him out of range as the two kunai kakashi set earlier blew up into a massive explosion kakashi got up from the ground sweeping his hand and walking out into the open thinking the two figures were dead kakashi looked at dawn with a disappointed look in his eye walking towards the old brown house two kunai flew at kakashi hitting him in the back dawn screamed running towards kakashi dawn picked kakashi up and ran towards the house as fast as he could making it out alive.

Dawn placed kakashi on the couch healing the back of kakashi with basic ninja healing skills putting a bandage on kakashi’s back dawn walked towards the kitchen grabbing a knife to but the bandage dawn walked back towards kakashi looking at him injured dawn cut the bandage and tied I up around kakashi sitting down watching to see what happens. Ten hours later dawn wakes up and sees kakashi sitting up doing something with his hands, noticing kakashi with one red eye dawn gazed scared watching kakashi, kakashi’s red eye turned back to his normal eye feeling a pain in his left eye dawn grabbed a mirror and looked at his eye but nothing was wrong looking back at kakashi, kakashi gave his white blade to him standing up hitting the neck of dawn knocking him out “I’m sorry my son” dawn heard before he passed out.

Dead Beats(Jounin): Dawn woke up as it was raining hard walking outside dawn remembered getting knocked out from his father, looking around dawn started to cry “NO FATHER” dawn said running as fast as he could over the two hills that separated the house and the village apart seeing new marks on the buildings dawn ran into the burnt village looking around while rain piled on his head seeing a leg dawn walked closer and closer step by step as slow as he could knowing who it was dawn screamed in pain “NO…NO…NO…WH…WHY FATHER…WHY DID YOU HAVE TO GO ALONE…” dawn said crying and looking into the sky feeling a sore pain in his left eye dawn grabbed it while crying looking at the reflection from the water dawn saw his left eye was now red just like kakashi’s before he died pulling the white katana out that kakashi gave him and screaming while looking at the sky.

Last edited by Dawn on Sun 16 Aug 2009, 9:14 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Dawn R. Hatake Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dawn R. Hatake   Dawn R. Hatake Icon_minitimeSun 16 Aug 2009, 9:12 pm

Name: Lightning Blade (雷切, Raikiri; Literally meaning "Lightning Cutter")
Type: Offensive, Short range (0-5m)[1]
User: Kakashi Hatake, Hiruko
Rank: A
The Lightning Blade is an enhanced form of the Chidori with the same effects and drawbacks, but more concentrated. It is said to have gained its name after Kakashi split a bolt of lightning with it. Because the Chidori is already powerful on its own, the Lightning Blade requires better chakra control, which is exemplified in its appearance. The Chidori appears as simply a mass of white electrical chakra in the user's hand, while the Lightning Blade is more focused and blue. In Part I he is limited to using it four times a day, but by Part II he can use it at least six times.
[I think this technique is site banned unless you learn it in rp]

Otherwise I think its all good
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Dawn R. Hatake Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dawn R. Hatake   Dawn R. Hatake Icon_minitimeSun 16 Aug 2009, 9:16 pm

all right Its...

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Shishika no Hyuuga
Shishika no Hyuuga

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Dawn R. Hatake Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dawn R. Hatake   Dawn R. Hatake Icon_minitimeWed 19 Aug 2009, 4:03 pm

Yeah.. Theres just a slight problem with this. Kakashi aint dead.. ? So.. Uhm.. Wtf?
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Dawn R. Hatake Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dawn R. Hatake   Dawn R. Hatake Icon_minitimeWed 19 Aug 2009, 4:14 pm

I don't think you can start out as Jounin either, only like Academy Student or Genin for beginners. >.>

Yeah, Kakashi didn't die.......

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Revy Izumi
Revy Izumi

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Dawn R. Hatake Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dawn R. Hatake   Dawn R. Hatake Icon_minitimeWed 19 Aug 2009, 7:12 pm

he can stay a jounim, he made his app before the rule was official, and honestly he isnt even allowed to be related to Kakashi, its agenst the rules to be related that close to characters
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PostSubject: Re: Dawn R. Hatake   Dawn R. Hatake Icon_minitime

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