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Maneki Neko
Maneki Neko

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PostSubject: Off rpg death match   Off rpg death match Icon_minitimeMon 21 Dec 2009, 12:08 am

Maneki was having a very dull day first the special guest ninja that he was gonna get to meet died on a mission then he decided to help a little girl out by climbing up a tree and getting her cat down but after he got it down it peed on him from fright.after several hours of walking maneki was at the training ground.Maneki loved to be at the training ground since it is a peaceful place.
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Kessen Kaitou
Kessen Kaitou

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PostSubject: Re: Off rpg death match   Off rpg death match Icon_minitimeTue 22 Dec 2009, 2:47 am

A man appeared, wearing a purple robe with red cloud designs on it. On his side is a hilt with a symbol of Sunagakure. Kessen was walking around trying to find someone to fight, but his a bit more lucky today as his acute sight caught a genin. " It seems to be my lucky day..." He murmured as he walked towards the unaware genin. As he got near he said, " Hey kid, wanna have some fun?..." After that Kessen laughed as if he was a mad man.

(Short, yeah I know..)
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Maneki Neko
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PostSubject: Re: Off rpg death match   Off rpg death match Icon_minitimeThu 24 Dec 2009, 1:58 am

Maneki saw someone walk up to him and said "Hey kid, wanna have some fun?..."and then started laughing.maneki thought that this could add excitement to his dull day.He replied back to the person "sure i like fun."He then with out warning jumped at the guy and launched a kick at his head.
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Kessen Kaitou
Kessen Kaitou

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PostSubject: Re: Off rpg death match   Off rpg death match Icon_minitimeThu 24 Dec 2009, 2:10 am

Kessen laughed with the futile attempt of the genin to kick him on his head. With less effort Kessen blocked the kick using only his wrist, but unaware of a hidden blade on the leg of the genin Kessen blocked it. But instead of a wound, a sound of metal tapping was heard. Kessen had a secret wristblade on both of his wrists that enable him to dodge the blade. The impact was strong enough to throw the genin of balance with Kessen's force. Launching the genin 20 meters away from Kessen. " Nice try kid, your smarter than I think..." Kessen smirked at the kid. " But you do know its a foolish attempt..." Kessen suddenly crouched on the ground and rolling backwards, and launching his trademark a dual tipped kunai, with a special metal that allows Kessen to conduct chakra on it. With force and the chakra conducted on it, the speed of the kunai can be detailed as fast as the wind heading towards the genin, Kessen aimed to pierce one of the leg of the genin.



Name: Wristblade

Rank: C

Owner: Kessen

Length: 9' cm

Width: 4' cm

Material: Chakra Conductive, Titanium

Weight: Weighs, weightless when chakra infused.

Abilities: There are nothing special with this wristblades except they are chakra conductive and can be used just like asuma's blades/

Info: Kessen being a weaponary specialist has various weapons upon his body, and one of them is this wristblades.


Length: 5'2 inches

Width: 2'0 inches

Material: Chakra Conductive Metal, Titanium

Weight: 0.4 kg

Abilities: Unlike any kunai, this kunai of Kessen has dual tip-points or arrow heads. Its chakra conductive metal allows Kessen to channel chakra unto it, for additional power and speed. If thrown from a long distance, it is said that this kunai could pierce through a sword with enough force when thrown over. Due to its length the kunai can also be used to block a sword smash without the kunai breaking. Although after 5-6 blocks, Kessen would have suffered if the opponent is bigger than him.

Info: Kessen being a weaponary specialist decided to make improvised kunai's rather than using normal kunai's. That's how he came up with " Dual Fang " Kunai's which he carries like a normal kunai.

Name: Dual Fang

Rank: B

Owner: Kessen
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Maneki Neko
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PostSubject: Re: Off rpg death match   Off rpg death match Icon_minitimeThu 24 Dec 2009, 2:25 am

Maneki was surprised when his attack was blocked and then he was sent flying.After regaining his balance he thought he was safe.He then saw a kunai speeding towards his leg.With its speed he knew that it was chakra infused.His only chance to stop it was with his own chakra weapon.He began to concentrate chakra into his legs chakra blade making it stronger.When the kunai hit it was deflected but it shattered the chakra blade on his left leg.He said to the guy "your pretty good."He then threw two kunais at the guy.The first one had a flash bomb on it.The 2ed one had an exploding tag.With the blinding flash from the first kunai maneki knew that the 2ed kunai should hit causing some good damage.
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Kessen Kaitou
Kessen Kaitou

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PostSubject: Re: Off rpg death match   Off rpg death match Icon_minitimeThu 24 Dec 2009, 3:34 am

Kessen wasnt surprised that his dual tipped kunai was able to do that damage to the blade of the genin. " Heh,... I've told you so..." The genin was so predictable that Kessen was able to know that in the next few seconds his going to throw kunai's, but what he didnt expected was it had an explosive tag and a flash bomb. With an agile sight even from a far position Kessen was able to distuingish the objects placed on the kunai. Kessen quickly reacted throwing two dual tipped kunai's to intercept the genin's attacks. One of the kunai's pierced through the kunai with the explosive tag that is just halfway towards Kessen. It quickly exploded in the process not harming the genin or Kessen in any way. The other kunai still pierced the kunai with the flash bomb but its AOE or area of effect was so large Kessen still got blinded in the process. He knew its going to last for a few minutes (about 2-3 posts). Kessen chuckled instead of panicking, " Kid, I'll give you an upper hand lets fight with me blind!..." Kessen shouted to the direction of the genin. He then draw the samurai sword placed on the hilt on his right leg. And held it firmly on his hand awaiting the genin's next move. But just by drawing the sword from the hilt can activate the swords true ability. Setting up a 70 meters Oto (Sound) chakra field around Kessen. While the genin was about 30-35 meters away from Kessen. Its effects are yet to be revealed.


Name: Kazekage's Wrath

Rank: S

Owner: Kessen

Appearance: The samurai sword that the character in my avatar wields.

Length: 75 cm

Width: 7 cm

Material: Chakra Conductive, Onyx

Weight: Weightless

Abilities: With its sole name, the sword has been known to deliver the Kazekage's wrath. It can be in conjunction with the wielders element. As for Kessen's element, this sword works in harmony with Oto. A swing of this sword when infused with Kessen's Oto can cause massive destruction in a certain area. The massive destruction described causes Oto chakra to lurk around the battlefield. Acting with its natural effects, anything around that certain area can render the opponents senses useless. As far as the sword is concern, the opponent's eyesight becomes blurry, certain deafness, useless sense of taste,smell and touch. And the longer the enemy stays inside the AOE or Area of Effect, the longer the effects lasts even if they get out of the AOE. Also while inside the perimeter, the enemy constantly coughs blood, due to sound impact pounding they're bodies. Its other effect, includes the ability of the 3 Kazekage's who participated in the completion of this weapon. Imbued with Echiiro Ouya's blood drops, once the sword inflicts any damage to the opponent and gets blood stained. Kessen gets a vision of the target like a hungry predator. Imbued with Hakuben Wana's tears, Kessen is able to fire his elemental affinities like projectiles. And imbued with Seiyuuki Uindo's chakra, it is able to enhance the overall attributes of Kessen as long as he held the sword.

Info: A sword planned by the second Kazekage Eiichiro Ouya, upgraded by the third Kazekage Hakuben Wana and completed by the fourth Kazekage Seiyuuki Uindo.
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Maneki Neko
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PostSubject: Re: Off rpg death match   Off rpg death match Icon_minitimeThu 24 Dec 2009, 4:01 am

Maneki was happy to see that half his plan had worked.Maneki then saw the guy draw a sword from his leg.He was happy to see that he was a swordsmen.Maneki being a swordsmen loved a good sword fight.Maneki was unaware of how well his abilities were so to test them he threw a kunai with an exploding tag at that guy.If the guy could stop it well not being able to see maneki knew he had a low chance of winning.He then drew his sword and put a scroll on the ground and stepped on it causing a large amount of water to appear.

Name:Water field
Description:The user opens a scroll and lays it on the ground.He then preforms the required hand seals and then taps his foot on the scroll ,Which summons up a large amount of water which,with the right timing can be used against lightning release attacks.
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Kessen Kaitou
Kessen Kaitou

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PostSubject: Re: Off rpg death match   Off rpg death match Icon_minitimeThu 24 Dec 2009, 5:38 am

Kessen laughed loud, and if the genin sees it, it seems like the akatsuki is crazy. But what he didn't know was Kessen was laughing at the foolishness of the genin. Just right after the genin had thrown a kunai Kessen said " If you think you can outsmart me while I'm blind well your wrong about that. " With his bloodline limit, the use of Oto chakra, and the ability to control at with its limitless powers gave Kessen the upperhand even though his blind. He is able to hear the " swish " of the kunai while it travels in mid air, and even the breathing of the genin even though they were 30 meters away. With a quick movement, Kessen swirled and opening his palm towards the direction of the kunai with the exploding tag. Moments later wind was redirected and caused the kunai to be returned to the genin and will explode any moment. The real purpose of the jutsu used by Kessen was to speed up his own projectiles, but using it vice versa, to redirect the opponents projectile was quite smart. While the samurai sword " Kazekage's Wrath " is taking effect. The genin's senses would start to fail by now. His eyes would become blurry, while his sense of touch, taste, and smell becomes useless, then he turns completely deaf while inside the 70 meters radius, and add the fact that the AOE or area of effect is not measurable. Plus the genin will start to spit blood due to the Oto Chakra. With the " Kazekage's Wrath " upon his hands, it gives Kessen large boost on his overall attributes (strength, speed etc.) Lastly with another swift movement Kessen turns, and pointing his sword towards the genin firing a huge fireball.

(Blindness - 2 posts remaining)


Fuuton - Projectile Push [ Tobidogou Maishin no Jutsu ]
Description: A skill imbueing wind chakra into a users projectiles. Activating the jutsu while the projectiles are in flight, a burst of wind flows from the projectile making them fly faster to increase their damage. Seeing as how they suddenly go faster, its also a surprise to the opponent.
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Maneki Neko
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PostSubject: Re: Off rpg death match   Off rpg death match Icon_minitimeFri 25 Dec 2009, 11:49 pm

Maneki was starting to feel sick.His eyes had started to become blurry and he coughed and their was blood.Maneki didn't know what was happening to him so he decided to attack but before he could do so their was a fireball speeding at him and his own exploding tag was going at him.To stop this he turned his sword backwards and spun the handle creating a vortex stopping the fire ball and sucking in the tag stopping the explosion.He turned his sword back around and with the attack stopped he decided to take this chance to attack.He charged at the guy swing his sword left to right causing a tidal wave to form in front of maneki and head towards the guy.

Name:Splashing Rain
Description: Yamamoto holds the sword backwards having the hilt face the target and spins it to create a whirlwind like shield stopping any attacks caught in it.

Name:Clash of the Swallow
Description: Yamamoto slashes his sword from left to right at great speed to cause a tidal wave to appear in front of him as he slashes the tidal wave hits stuns them momentarily well the sword hits them..
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Kessen Kaitou
Kessen Kaitou

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PostSubject: Re: Off rpg death match   Off rpg death match Icon_minitimeSat 26 Dec 2009, 5:53 am

Kessen laughed, he can hear the genin coughed hard, he knew the sword's effect is working. The genin must be deaf now, his eyes are blurry and his sense of taste, smell, and touch are useless at it is. Kessen chuckled again, hearing splashing water that's heading towards him. " Wow, you really dont get tired testing me arent you?..." Kessen started to inhale air, coverting and adding Oto Chakra on it on his lungs. And screaming in a split second. The impact of the scream was so strong that it disrupted the tidal wave, destroying its main form leaving it in a small puddle of water. After defending himself, Kessen added Fuuton chakra on his feet to increase his speed. Then charging right to the Genin without hesitation. As he neared right infront of the genin about 5 meters away. Kessen unleashed a series of fast moving blurry slashes with his samurai sword. Not only was he naturaly fast but with the aid of the " Kazekage's Wrath," it was quite doubled.


Kenjutsu - Kire Saikoro [ Slice N' Dice ]
Description: A simple kenjutsu attack using fast movements to overcome the target. Kessen would first focus chakra on his feet allowing him to have a short burst of speed, he will then rush to the target and unleashing a set of fast slashes to the limbs of his target, which can severe the limbs or just create large cuts to cause internal bleeding.

Oto - [ Voice of Chaos ]
Description: Kessen will first inhale as much chakra as he could, mixing it with sound chakra on his throat. Before releasing it with a strong yell in the direction of the target. The force of the scream can be compared into a small tornado, sending a massive wave and breaks anything on its path. If a human is directly hit by this attack, it would not only damage his internal body, but will disrupt his chakra system and 5 senses, lessening his ability on the battlefield.
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Maneki Neko
Maneki Neko

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PostSubject: Re: Off rpg death match   Off rpg death match Icon_minitimeTue 29 Dec 2009, 11:08 am

As he was battling maneki knew one thing.The guy he was fighting was to powerful.Then suddenly maneki was slashed five times from the guys sword.He was hit in his arms 3 times and his legs two times.Even thought the wounds were bad maneki wanted to keep fighting.So maneki activated the first and second gate healing him slihtly and getting him back to slightly over his average strength Maneki. Just as he was about to counter attack he realized that he was deaf and his eyes were blurry.Maneki could still make out the guys shape so he charged in front of him and slashed down at what looked like his arm that had the sword.

Name:Kaimon (Opening Gate)
Description: Releases the brains restraints allowing full power usage of the body's muscles. This is opened to prepare the body to use Omote Renge. This gate is located in the head. lasts 4 posts
side affect muscle become very strained

Name:Kyuumon (Rest Gate)
Raises stamina and assists in recovery after being weakened. This gate is located in the head.lasts 4 posts
side affect extreme strain on muscle

Name:Super clean slice technique
Description:This move was developed to make a literal clean kill with a quick slash this move makes a cut without spilling a drop of blood even if it cuts off an entire arm.This move was originally made for cooking but has been adapted for combat also.
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Kessen Kaitou
Kessen Kaitou

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PostSubject: Re: Off rpg death match   Off rpg death match Icon_minitimeThu 31 Dec 2009, 6:51 am

Kessen chuckled, he knew that sooner the genin would fall. His 5 senses are already useless, but he still had the power to charge right at him. Kessen prepared himself placing his sword right infront of his chest. And at the right moment blocking the slash of the genin with his own sword. Unlike the Genin's attack which was a normal slash, Kessen's attack was imbued with Oto Chakra meaning it was enchanced. A invisible lining of Oto Chakra was released when Kessen made the slash. The jutsu can normally crack weapons when hit, so it would have destroyed the genin's weapon as they made contact. Also it would cause numbness as sound impact was conducted from the sword to the body of the genin. But its real strength comes when the attack was really made with contact it will quickly knock the target out. Giving Kessen the upperhand.


Kenjutsu - Oto Shindou [ Sound Impact ]
Description: Kessen will first place his sword infront of his chest, and with full force makes a forwards slash. The slash would look like a normal slash, but it really releases an invisible outline of sound chakra, capable of shattering armors, crack metal weapons. And cause numbness to the whole body of the target if hit, deafness, nausea and dizziness, and crumble their 5 senses for 5 posts. The technique is also known to knock an enemy out if the attack was made near.
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Maneki Neko
Maneki Neko

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PostSubject: Re: Off rpg death match   Off rpg death match Icon_minitimeFri 08 Jan 2010, 9:15 pm

Manekis attack was easily stopped and he had no energy left and his sword arm went numb. Maneki knew he was not going to win but he could at least he could take out the guy he was fighting. Then suddenly he heard his sword crack and with that gone maneki had one drastic move left. Maneki started to attack wires to the trees and attached to the wires were exploding tags and flash bombs. He and the guy were now had no where to go. Even though maneki could no longer see he was able to do this thanks to all his training he was able to memorize the trees position. Maneki then set off all thirty exploding tags and all twenty flash bombs.
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Kessen Kaitou
Kessen Kaitou

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PostSubject: Re: Off rpg death match   Off rpg death match Icon_minitimeMon 11 Jan 2010, 9:28 am

Kessen knew that the end his near, his last attack caused a lot of defects on the genin. But for the last time, the genin had one last drastic move... suicide. While the genin was starting to attach strings upon the trees, Kessen was already spunning handseals. And before the genin can even command all exploding tags and smoke bombs, Kessen already sat up an invisible sound shield infront of him. As the explosion took place, Kessen was safe inside his sound shield. " Ahmmm, I never thought its going to end like this..." Kessen murmured as a series of explosion happened just right infront of him. He knew with the radius of the explosion is was impossible for the genin to evade his own attack, an attack that can be termed as suicide attack. As the explosion ended, Kessen eliminated the shield, smoke filled the battlefield, he focused upon his hearing. He didnt heard any breathing no more or even sounds of pale movements. It signalized for Kessen that the genin was already died. " What a waste...." Kessen murmured to himself.


Oto - [ Sounds of Shield ]
Type: Ninjutsu
Description: A set of short handseals must first be completed, after that Kessen will spread his hands in a circling motion. There a violet colored shield will form made out of sounds physical form mixed with chakra. The shield can withstand A-Rank Taijutsu attacks, anyone that attacks it will get stunned or at least dizzy/nausea for 3posts. While it can be moderately penetrated by a elemental attack of a higher rank.
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Maneki Neko
Maneki Neko

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PostSubject: Re: Off rpg death match   Off rpg death match Icon_minitimeMon 18 Jan 2010, 6:49 pm

Maneki blew up and died.
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PostSubject: Re: Off rpg death match   Off rpg death match Icon_minitimeMon 18 Jan 2010, 6:51 pm


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