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 Kida Kaito

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Revy Izumi
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PostSubject: Kida Kaito   Kida Kaito Icon_minitimeSat 24 Apr 2010, 6:50 pm

~General Information~

Name: Kida Kaito

Nickname/Alias: "Kai"

Weight: 145 lbs

Height: 5'9''

Age: 15

Gender: Male


Clothing: [Picture Above] A dark red and yellow top (Covers some of face and reaches down to legs) over a black shirt which runs down and around his hands like a glove. Long black shorts and black ninja boots.

Personality: Kida is a calm person, during a fight he would act serious but rarely gets angry. He acts as if he isn't afraid of anything even when he is and and can work well with other ninja, he mainly just likes either fight or hang around with others. He is hard working and chooses to use his Ninjutsu over his Kenjutsu. (More will be gained IC)

~Clan Information~

Clan Name: Kaito Clan

Kekei Genkai: Rikiddo Enkou (Liquid Flame) - Clan members are able to use Rikiddo Enkou Release due to bloodline and element affinity. By infusing the Katon element with Suiton a third element can be made, it make a sort of dark purple flame which burns like fire but can move like any other water jutsu. If the user wishes to and is skillful enough he can make it so the fire is just painless but cold, The fire can be more resistant to being put out espacially by water. The user cannot be affected by this flame and since it has the water element enfused within it is able to counter other fire moves if strong enough.

Clan Symbol: Kida Kaito 36872626

Clan History: This clan was formed by a group of the Kaito family members long ago. All members were born with the Water element affinity and after later being able to use their secondary Fire affinity the could use the clan jutsu. The clan is originated in the water village, it was created for protection for clan members. The clan elders realised long ago that there were more and more Bloodline users emerging and in order to be able to fight back just incase of trouble this KKG was made by experimenting. At first the elders were trying to just create some secret A Rank jutsu, they had tried infusing two different elements together over and over again with failure because the didn't know any other elements besides fire and water, but one time the Eldest and most wise of them all came up with something. He basically practiced everyday until he was able to fully manipulate his water element and fire, since infusing them wasn't working he could try to use them separately but at the same time.

During one of his training sessions with some disciples who also wanted to learn this an accident happend. As the elder shot two dragon one fire and the other water into the sky like a stream separately but for some reason the began to slowly move towards each other, He tried to separate them but instead the fused together and create a purple like fire dragon that moved liquid like swiftly. The elder stopped the jutsu as it went higher into the sky causing it to burst in rains of fire. As the rains of fire fell down onto him he could feel them cold on his skin but when he glanced to a nearby tree he could see that it was burning from the fire, He looked in amazement, he had finally found out the clan's KKG.

Years after the clan began to get well known in the mist village, clan members were easily known for they had darker tanned skin and purple coloured eyes. All clan member had the liquid flame ability but not all of them chose to be shinobi, some just lived normal quiet lives since their clan wasen't seen as a threat or anything but no one tried challenging them, everything seemed well until one day. It seem years after the clan was first created there were some ninja from the clan who chose to exploit their abilities. A small group within the clan arose. I appeared that the small group were learning how to further perfect the KKG and found out about the Rikiddo Enkou Hayato (Liquid Flame Falcon). This was a hereditary ability only known by 5 different families within the clan and one of those chose to use it against their own clan. The families intention was clear, to be the head branch of the clan and in trying to do so they killed many of the clan members. Their methods were completely unnecessary and useless, that branch of the clan ended up losing even with Rikiddo Enkou Hayato at their disposal. The battle lasted 10 years and was kept quiet from other villagers by higher ups in order not to create chaos. Due to this incident the Rikiddo Enkou Hayaro was classed as forbidden to those 4 remaining clan families that attained this.

Although it was the whole of the fifth family who chose to attack their own clan they had to pay the consequences of there own families misdeeds, they were all killed mercilessly in order to ensure that it would never happen again.

Ability Summary:
- Their skin is more resistant to fire burns than others
- Can use Liquid fire
- Can possibly use Rikiddo Enkou Hayato which is basically when they become completely engulf by the Rikiddo Enkou and are a walking ball of liquid fire. Able to easily manipulate the Rikiddo Enkou as they wish and can use momentum to fly at tremendous speeds hence the name Rikiddo Enkou Hayato (Liquid Flame Falcon)

~Rank/Village Information~

Classification: Genin

Letter Rank: C

Village: Kiri

~Skill Information~

Skill Specialty:

Elemental Affinity: Fire

Special Characteristics: Liquid Flame Element when second element is obtained.
Able to use Rikiddo Enkou Hayato at a higher than jounin level but is forbidden


Endan - Fireball
Element: Katon
Description: Endan is a Ninjutsu technique utilizing the Fire Element. This jutsu allows Jiraiya to emit a jet of fire from his mouth.

Housenka no Jutsu - Mythical Fire Phoenix Technique
Element: Katon
Description:Housenka no Jutsu is a Ninjutsu technique utilizing the Fire Element. The ninja does the necessary hand seals and then emits a series of small fire balls. The ninja can also hurl a projectile which is covered in these same flames. To the opponent the attack appears to be only the balls of flame, they do not see the hidden threat within the flames. Meaning that even if the flames are put out, the projectiles still converge on the target. The flames can be used to cover different projectiles like shuriken or kunai.

Ryuuka no Jutsu - Dragon Fire Technique
Element: Katon
Description:Ryuuka no Jutsu is a Ninjutsu technique utilizing the Fire Element. After binding the opponent, the ninja uses a guide wire to unleash a large torrential fire burst onto the target.

Kasumi Enbu no Jutsu - Mist Waltz Technique
Rank: C
Element: Katon
Katon • Kasumi Enbu no Jutsu is a Ninjutsu technique utilizing the Fire Element. The ninja does a string of hand seals and then proceeds to blow a large combustible mist at the target. When the mist hits flame, it will ignite in an explosion of fire.

~History/RP Sample~

History/Background Story:
Pre-Academy Arc:
Kida was born straight into the Kaito clan. Sadly he was born during the great tragedy that got many of the Kaito clan members killed all because of one family within the clan that chose that the wanted to be the main branch of the clan. What made this worse was that Kida was part of the family that attacked the clan. There was a long battle going on within the clan, it began a few months before Kida was born and ended when he was the age of 9 and a half. The battle had raged on for ten years but it was finally coming to a finish, Kida’s family branch had fought long and hard in futile attempt to win and when it was over the elders from the other families were told to eliminate the remaining family members including Kida. The Jounin from the clan did so but there was one who hesitated to kill Kida, he had already seen his parent brutally murdered but he was just standing there looking up at the jounin sent to kill him almost unfazed. Kida still had the same serious look on his face even at this age, the man chose to keep Kida as his adoptive son, he couldn’t bring himself to kill innocent clan members. The clan council allowed this but the origins of Kida’s family would be kept secret, Kida didn’t care much nor act differently, he still treated his step dad as a stranger though.

Academy Arc:
Kida had been training hard, it seemed that he had forgotten all about his past with his original family but there wasn’t much good that would come out of remembering it anyway. He joined the academy in an attempt to become a ninja which would then lead on to becoming stronger. Nothing much worth mentioning happened during this time except Kida being one of the top ranking ninja in the academy at the time due to his hard work. During this time Kida found out that he had the fire element which was peculiar because all clan members always obtained the water element as primary element.

Genin Arc:
Kida is currently still training hard to get to chuunin, he has now already learned 4 fire jutsu thanks to his step-father but weak ones, He knows already of this clan abilities and aims to learn them. Although Kida still carries a bit of hatred towards the clan for killing his parents he still pretends like nothing’s wrong.

Roleplay Sample:
Kida was walking through the streets with his head down. He was wearing a red and yellow top which was now dump and wet due to the rain, water had accumulated into the fabric of his short trousers which made them feel heavier, like they were just hanging from his belt at his waist. Kida could be seen dragging along two katana in his hands and one smaller one in his mouth, he looked completely unenthusiastic and seemed like he was feeling down. You could tell by the expression on his face that he wasn’t bothered by the weather at all.

The reason for Kida’s mood was because he had just finished a long day of training, by training i mean really intensive non-stop but that’s just the way Kida was. He would work himself until the point of exhaustion, this time he had been training with his three style sword fighting technique nearly the whole day, even when the rain started he never stopped. The streets were almost clear; it seemed that nearly everyone had gone back into their homes for shelter. Kida’s feet now began to drag through the mud, his legs got heavier and he didn’t feel he would be able to reach his house so he walked over by a tree and just let himself down sliding on the went wood until he was sitting down after splashing in the mud.

Kida stabbed his swords into the ground seeing as he wasn’t bothered to sheath them, he slowly raised his hand onto his head and felt his hair. Each hair was curled up onto his head and had trapped some water within. He vigorously shook his hand into his hair and watched the entire water just fling out before he dropped his hands and more water just felt onto his head once more. He tilted his head back to lean onto the tree whilst his eyes were closed because the rain would have gotten in them. He barely opened his eyes still squinting a bit and saw a silhouette of something in the tree branches. “What’s that?” He said to himself curiously before getting up and looking up again. Even though he had only rested for a few minutes it was enough for him to get some of his energy back.

Last edited by Kida on Sun 25 Apr 2010, 10:20 am; edited 12 times in total
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Revy Izumi
Revy Izumi

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PostSubject: Re: Kida Kaito   Kida Kaito Icon_minitimeSat 24 Apr 2010, 6:55 pm


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PostSubject: Re: Kida Kaito   Kida Kaito Icon_minitimeSat 24 Apr 2010, 7:15 pm

....It isn't actually completed, genius.
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PostSubject: Re: Kida Kaito   Kida Kaito Icon_minitimeSat 24 Apr 2010, 8:10 pm

Yeah, I'm not Done yet :P
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Lord Vizer
Lord Vizer

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PostSubject: Re: Kida Kaito   Kida Kaito Icon_minitimeSun 25 Apr 2010, 12:38 am Lol
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Kamoku Willow

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PostSubject: Re: Kida Kaito   Kida Kaito Icon_minitimeSun 25 Apr 2010, 8:08 am

plus, gennins can only have one element (sorry for posting this during WIP i just had to get it out there.) btw, how did you obtain that picture? its awsome...
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PostSubject: Re: Kida Kaito   Kida Kaito Icon_minitimeSun 25 Apr 2010, 8:50 am

KK also i got it from here, He's the person who makes them, he has alot of sick ones :D

I'm Done Now
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The Mad Hatter
The Mad Hatter

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PostSubject: Re: Kida Kaito   Kida Kaito Icon_minitimeSun 25 Apr 2010, 10:56 am

I would like a written appearance, but since the app. is for such a low rank.

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PostSubject: Re: Kida Kaito   Kida Kaito Icon_minitimeMon 26 Apr 2010, 12:25 am

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PostSubject: Re: Kida Kaito   Kida Kaito Icon_minitime

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