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Nagare Returns Icon_minitimeMon 29 Jul 2024, 3:32 pm by Hirokai Hondo

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Nagare Returns Icon_minitimeSun 21 Oct 2018, 3:13 am by Nocturne

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 Nagare Returns

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Nagare Returns Empty
PostSubject: Nagare Returns   Nagare Returns Icon_minitimeMon 07 Jun 2010, 8:37 pm

Deep within the world there lies a species of being known as mortals. Deep within these mortals lie a metaphorical heart. Deep within this heart lies the insanity that most fear so intensely. That is, all except the few lucky ones to have finally seen the light. The few that could hold a candle to the most brilliant of the geniuses, the few who embrace the insanity and accept it into their hearts and their minds. These are not to be known as those with unsound minds or black hearts, but of dangerously sharp minds, and slightly grey hearts. Morals are only obstacles to those that know better. I rant like this not because I'm bored or insane myself, but because it pertains to the being I am about to describe. A woman, a young female, only just hitting the mortal age of eighteen-though her heart and her mind exceed that age by centuries- stands alone in front of the hidden sand.

The girl in question went by the name Nagare. She had slightly tanned flesh, unmarred by acne or scars despite her age. Standing at only five feet four inches, she was an average height for a woman. She was nearly twig-thin, with a flat-yet visibly unmuscular- stomach. Her arms didn't appear to carry that much muscle in them, because her muscles are compact and wire-like. This was a result of more acrobatics and such than actual combat training. Nagare had a heart shaped face with sharp, defined features. Set in her eye sockets were matching cyan-colored eyes, like the brilliant sky above her. These eyes were rimmed by black eye liner and eye shadow, bringing out the brilliant hue even further. Nagare's eyebrows were thin and arched, ebony in color just like her hair. Between those cyan eyes was a thin, bony nose, her lips also thin, and a light, rosy pink shade. She had high cheek bones, small round ears, and a regal air about her. Her smile was brilliant, revealing perfectly aligned, achromatic teeth. She wore her ebony hair down around the sides of her head, pushing the bangs to the sides to frame her face, while the back was pulled into a ponytail that spanned down half of her back. Moving on a bit lower, her neck was an average height, her shoulders not very wide. She had an average bust, which she had wrapped in a bikini top. Her favorite bikini top to wear is a white one with black pokadots, and that was exactly the one that she was wearing. Her arms were long and slender, her hands small with longer, bony fingers. Fingernails painted black, both middle fingers containing rings in the form of dragon heads. Even further down, she had wide, shapely hips. This was because of her feminine qualities, brought on by puberty. She was wearing jeans, black as her hair. Because she was so skinny, she had to wear a black studded belt, to keep her pants from falling down. Upon her feet were black converse sneakers, with red laces poking out and brilliant white toes.

Set in her right hand was a massive, mechanical bow with chains for strings and gears set so that drawing wouldn't be too difficult. In her left hand was an arrow the size of a lance. Standing in the scorching sunlight, the metallic objects glittering ominously. Her entire being was silhouetted, masking her appearance. She just stood there, staring.
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Ryusaki Toketsu
Ryusaki Toketsu

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Nagare Returns Empty
PostSubject: Re: Nagare Returns   Nagare Returns Icon_minitimeMon 07 Jun 2010, 10:04 pm

It doesn't take much to throws a place into frenzy. One thing out of the ordinary and people instantly begin to panic and throw things into chaos. It's usually what causes the initial confusion in a invasion. Where people and the enemy have that crucial moments or hours to launch their attack. Even in this heated desolate desert where a target could be spotted a long ways out before they even reached the village it still raised terrible alarms. The barrier up and running perfectly, making entrance difficult or impossible, they still worried about a malfunction. That a a few recent drop in ranks made things a slightly more horrible. Though there was an old saying, that the first thing you see is a mirage. The second thing you see is the real thing coming for you. The last thing you see is the actual attack hitting you like a bomb. Even so, Ryu was in charge of this end of the border. It was one of the few times he was in the village, so instead of watching people squirm about he took charge. Ordering ten teams to be sent out and spread throughout the village and the area. They were going to search for any other intruders while he went out with another group to deal with the disturbance. There was a large chance that it was a shinobi just off the angle of approach. They had not come towards any of the entrances, blocked off by mountains nothing seemed right as Ryu left the gates with a small squad of shinobi behind him. Half way towards them, he decided to scatter his personal team, sending them all out in separate directions and leaving them to themselves. He would, attempt to deal with this on his own, with his fighting style multiple people on one would only work to hinder him. He took the black hood that stemmed from his uniform and put it over his head to block the sunlight that was beating down on him. The target was still there, seemingly stopping moving. It would be as easy as getting to where they were, which despite growing up and living in this climate his whole life was harder than it sounded. More so in the terms of annoyances than anything serious, but still nobody likes annoyances none the less.

As Ryu got closer he began to make out the person, no visibly from this distance a women that he saw. They were obviously armed to the teeth and held absolutely no markings of a suna ninja. They could easily be a scout or someone starting for an invasion. Even so the did not hold the markings of any village, within the five great nations. With no tell of a coming shinobi from another village and no, other tell that they were from this one, there was only thing one thing Ryu could bother to do. Ask. "What village are you from?" Ryu stood there for a couple seconds before understanding that he would get no answer. That meant that thy were only two things, they were a spy or a missing ninja. Neither mattered it would result in a total fight, either way. Jumping back Ryu was in no mood to ask the question a second time. He never was, he wasn't a large talker anyway. Jumping back and opening a quick distnace Ryu threw the robe off of him letting it flutter away in the dry heated wind of the desert. "It doesn't matter then.". Ryu uncovered some bandages on his arms, there were there to protect himself from sunburn. Just a second after that the newly uncovered seals on his wrists spawned three kunai in one hand and three shuriken in the other. He would end this before the group could get there, he had too. Getting low he threw the shuriken, all three of them, cutting towards the air towards their target. Moving off to the left he threw another kunai, towards the person from a different direction. Keeping his distance trying to get a feel for how they fought and what they did, before ending the combo with a short burst of fire from his hands.
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Nagare Returns Empty
PostSubject: Re: Nagare Returns   Nagare Returns Icon_minitimeTue 08 Jun 2010, 3:28 pm

Nagare's mood was brought up significantly when she heard the bustle of movement. It was definitely the movement of more than one shinobi, meaning that they had finally spotted her. However, as she watched a cloud of sand approach her, she would grow disappointed. She could only make out one figure in the cloud of dust. The figure approached her rather quickly, and would soon stop in front of her. He wore a hood over his head, at first, but would remove it. His words fell on deaf ears, it wasn't time for Nagare to be talking. Suddenly, he ripped bandages from his arms. Shuriken and kunai appeared, and Nagare grew excited once again.

One falls easy, few fall fast. She thought to herself, amused by a phrase that most likely made no sense at all. She threw the arrow she had been holding up into the air, twirling the massive metal bow around her like a staff. As the bow moved so did her torso, the bow deflecting both Kunai and Shuriken without any difficulty. It was the fire that was the issue. She caught the arrow as it fell back down, attempting to slash the flames in half, but it was less effective than she thought it would be. The flames split around the tip, singing either of her sides as it cleared past. It stung, but left no blisters or marks. However, she wasn't sure how many times she could escape injuries like that. Taking blows to her side would be bad, even for a masochist like her; she couldn't afford to limit the movement of her torso like that.

Either way, she had narrowly avoided his opening and now would start with her own. Instead of firing the arrow, she would simply throw it at the man. As it impacted with the ground, a foot short of him, it would shatter, covering an area of about two feet in a circle around the shaft, with flying shrapnel.
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Ryusaki Toketsu
Ryusaki Toketsu

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Nagare Returns Empty
PostSubject: Re: Nagare Returns   Nagare Returns Icon_minitimeTue 08 Jun 2010, 5:16 pm

As expected the Kunai and shuriken were easily dealt with. It was the lance like weapon and bow he was trying to get it too use. Ryu wanted to learn what his opponent could do at every range. From short to mid to close, and this was the mid range test. The lance seemed to be more of a more powerful weapon than expected. As the women caught it she managed to use it to slash through the fire that he sent. There was no obvious damage that was shown, but with something like that there had to be some form of damage. From now on it seemed Ryu would have to step up the flames, as if the place needed more heat. But the hotter the better in his situation. Ryu began to prove this saying as fire began radiate off his body, showing the blue fire that he had. Ryu got the chance to see if the lance had any special abilities , one it was thrown at him though, He waited for it to soar through the air as it arch became more obvious Ryu realized something. It caught him off guard, the instant thought of an accident almost made him laugh. But that was almost like a sexist comment, women aren't as strong as men, that someone could not throw something to meet his distance. The lance landed one total foot short of Ryu, unless it had a special ability there was no way it could do anything to him..unless... Unless it smashed like a glass bowl that had a flare in it. It shattered like glass, the sound itself could be heard, causing Ryu to instinctively jump back. Through the sand that was kicked up, while still moving he half expected an attack to come through at top speed through the smoke. Ryu put his hands out in a wide spread, firing a large blast of wind off in the direction of the lance. Unknowingly knocking away the shrapnel that was headed in his direction with the powerful and sudden gust of air working against it. Some of it fell harmlessly to the ground, some of it even moving off the side, moving so fast the wind only threw it slightly off course away from Ryu. The sand created a natural small smoke screen, right before it fell back to the ground, showing the women standing in her exact same position.

He figured that was her tactic for the most part, surprise attacks that nobody would see coming. From here on out he would have to play it slightly more cautious. Ryu threw off the robe, that was guarding the rest of himself from the sun. Giving him, untouched mobility, but at the same time exposing him to the full heat. "They have to be an earth or fire time, probably wind, unlikely of lightning. A suiton user would never show up here." The wind began to swirl in Ryu's hands, it was no more than a half of a second before he smashed it into the ground. Kicking dirt high into the air, creating a natural smoke screen without the smoke. Soon after that, two clones in a single file line appeared through. One a shadow clone, the other illusion. The shadow clone went first, and always moved ahead, to hide he fact that there were no tells of a physical person. The illusion clone jumped into the air, the illusion spawning a fuma shuriken, and the shadow clone forming a white fire over his hands. All this time, Ryu continued to hide himself behind the just falling sand, when it got close to falling too far, it created a natural smoke screen again. The illusion clone would, throw a fuma shuriken, and once the shadow clone got first he would use Ikkotsu, on the chest of the women. While the smoke of the falling sand expanded, becoming thicker a better way to hide in. Ryu ran into it, performing two seals before stopping mid way. "Katon: Zukokku" From inside, coverned by a makeshift, sand smokescreen Ryu fired, the fire blast. Th only reason why he wouldn't be badly burned stemming form his natural immunity to fire.

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Nagare Returns Empty
PostSubject: Re: Nagare Returns   Nagare Returns Icon_minitimeTue 08 Jun 2010, 8:58 pm

Albatross couldn't see if her attack had made its mark, as a cloud of dust was kicked up when he leaped back. However, she could estimate the speed of his escape, and the speed of her shrapnel. Though she couldn't see it, she was sure her shrapnel would be able to make its mark. However, a blast of wind tore the smoke screen away, revealing the fact that the man was completely unharmed. Wind and fire... Damn.. She thought to herself, as wind began to swirl around his person once again. Suddenly, he discharged the blast of wind into the ground, creating a massive cloud of sand, acting like a smokescreen.

"Fuck.." She muttered to herself, as she stepped back a bit. She turned her gaze upon two of her enemy, both charging toward her. She could tell that at least one of them was a clone, since there was no other explanation. However, it was almost common-place these days for high ranked shinobi to use clones that could do physical damage, so she wasn't going to take any risks. As she shot through hand seals, one of them leaped into the sky. Suddenly, the sand in front of her turned into a roaring stream of mud, most likely sucking up and stopping the clone which would have assaulted her with white flames. She wasn't done, however, as the mud would then wrap around her, creating a dome about three feet wide all around. The dome of mud would solidify into a light-colored dome of stone, protecting her from any other incoming attacks. However, the dome wasn't exactly flawless. It would protect her from the final blast of flames, but as the smoke cleared it would crumble away. The pieces of rock fell to the ground around her, a few of them bouncing off of her shoulders and back.

She turned on the real Ryusaki, the one that stood a distance away, obviously having just released a powerful jutsu. Her eyes flashed crimson as the Albatross seal upon her left shoulder blade began to glow. Suddenly, her hands and feet turned a stony grey, though Ryusaki would only be able to see this in her hands. The speed of her next attack would be incredible. In an instant she had drawn another arrow, identical to the last, and fired it. The arrow, despite its massive size, shot from the metal bow like a bullet, aiming straight toward Ryusaki.

Jutsu Used~
Earth Dome
Earth Flow River

Kekkei Level Activated:

E- This level of the release allows the user to either change the property of their hands, feet, teeth, or eyes. This means that they can develop claws, fangs, or their eyes would change. If they develop claws the boon that they gain is rather obvious, being that they can scratch and slash at people and tear into their flesh. If they develop fangs the boon is, again, rather simple in that they are able to bite with more force and possibly tear flesh away. The morphing of the eyes is a bit more complex. The eyes are a gateway to chakra, and as such if they release the eyes they are able to produce a small amount more chakra than before, meaning that they can preform a maximum of one more D-rank jutsu or two more E-ranked justu.

D- In this level the features being changed remain the same, but they are able to choose two things to morph. Should they choose claws, they can morph both feet and hands while still being able to morph one more thing, unlike E-rank which only allows for either the feet or the hands. The boons remain the same.

Weapons in use;
Name: Yumi - Literally, Bow.

Rank: A

Owner: Nagare


Length: 7'

Width: 5 inches

Material: Yumi is made out of an extremely durable metal. It can still bend thanks to its gear mechanism.

Weight: 60 lbs.

Abilities: Yumi has no real special abilities. However, thanks to its innovative technology it is able to release arrows at extreme speeds with very little effort on the part of the wielder. It also seems to be impervious to rusting and other forms of weathering.

Info: Yumi was crafted for Nagare shortly after she completed her training in the art of Kyudo.

Name: Wana - Snare

Rank: C

Owner: Nagare

Appearance: The arrows look exactly the same as Yajirushi, except that they are a bit more thin.

Length: 12 inches

Width: 4 inches

Material: Steel

Weight: 1/2 pound

Abilities: Like Yajirushi they are able to fly properly despite their material composition. Also, these arrows were crafted to splinter upon impact, tearing at the insides of the opponent should they land a strike. While Nagare carries only one Yajirushi per battle, she carries up to twenty of these.

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Ryusaki Toketsu
Ryusaki Toketsu

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Join date : 2009-09-03
Age : 31
Location : Around the corner..beating up the homelss guy who robbed me

Shinobi Info
Ninja Rank: S Rank
Village: Wanderer

Nagare Returns Empty
PostSubject: Re: Nagare Returns   Nagare Returns Icon_minitimeThu 10 Jun 2010, 6:01 pm

The plan seemed fool proof, enough to get things done. Most people wouldn't have thought of a way to deal with the explosion. Mostly because Ryu would have been hidden behind the sand. Untouchable from prying eyes of the shinobi he would have before fought. Basically saying he had the home field advantage, that once again should be enough. But with each passing moment up until Ryu actually set the attack lose on them they had devised something simple. A dome of earth steaming burned black just like the rest of the area around the explosion fell apart. On the other end, Ryu had smoke and steam rising off of him too, but the only damage was to his cloths. Which had been charred and burned in the explosion. Ryu wasn't ready to waste any time, he knew his opponent was an earth type easily. Staring at them like right before a hawk bears down on its prey. Ryu was getting ready to launch his first attack. That was of course right before his opponents arms changed into a grayish like make up. Almost as if a thick rock had covered them. It was probably to increase offensive power. Were they a taijutsu type as well, would this now turn into a close combat battle? All of these questions went unanswered before yet another lance was pulled out. Ryu could say that those things were easy to avoid at this point. Putting up his hands to blast it away like he did the debris of the last one. Though unlike before this one was thrown onto the bow she had. Confirming past suspicions that it was in fact a bow, but it was safe to assume that it did the same damage as the last one. While she strung it back, Ryu stayed frozen, not even bothering to move. He didn't want to try something early, then get caught mid action, that would probably prove deadly. The arrow was shot, aimed right as his chest, probably to impale him. The speed did catch Ryu off guard, if they had done this the first shot, there might have been nothing he could have done. Luckily this time, he was expecting it to be at least fast moving. He had already put himself in a position to counter as well, making the arrow useless. Sticking his hands out, as fast as he could, the moment he noticed it was moving towards him, a ball of air formed out in front of him. The arrow collided, having a small scale battle with it right before seeming to slow down in it's tracks. Taking advantage of the second he probably bought himself, Ryu jumped and propelled himself side ways using jets off fire from his feet. Just then, simply because he decided to stop focusing on the arrow itself, the ball of air that kept it from doing much left. The arrow which was shot with a considerable amount of energy behind it continued for a little bit, though much slower before falling and exploding like before. Only this time, Ryu was out of range from the shrapnel to be caught in it. It was now obvious, he needed to eliminate that bow from the equation. The ranged power it gave was ridiculous, that combined with the accuracy of course. He had already tried ranged attacks himself and they were carefull defended against them. The bow would be a challenge the entire battle, something had to be done about it. Ryu performed two quick hand seals, causing a seal to appear on his right hand. To his opponent because of how he hid it by not doing anything to show it after the fact, the seal would remain hidden. Ryu once again took the stance getting ready to move, he wouldn't give them time to stop him this time.

A small burst was given by chakra as he ran off, the sunlight almost glinting off of him as he sped across the desert. On his way there, two kunai with smoke bombs attatched, and one without appeared. Ryu threw them one at a time. The first two landed way out of ways from the kunoichi. The smoke bombs exploded, creating yet again a smoke screen that Ryu would use to get clone. The third how ever, went over her head, landing slightly behind her. Nothing visibly special about it, not even a tag or smoke bomb, one could say that Ryu's vision was blocked by his bombs causing him to miss. It was a tactical mistake if someone was watching the match. Or maybe, just a distraction, the smoke clouds were just far enough for Ryu to get out and get close. Which is why as soon as he jumped out of the clouds of smoke he activated Shinsoku, causing a booming, static sound that if his "distraction" worked would certainly turn his opponents head. Where all they would see is a a little bit of kicked up sand. The sound was repeated as Ryu appeared already in the middle of a move, a rolling kick to the side of her head. Whether it hit or not was unknown, but it was more so to get into position. As Ryu stood up and got close on the way up his arms and legs were covered in a blue fire. Notorious through those who knew him for being the most explosive, and second hottest form he could create, used more for concussive force than burning. The same propelled his open right had forward towards the middle of the kunoichi's chest. Right between her breasts or more specifically aimed directly for the breast plate. The fire creating a jet from his elbow began, giving him a quicker boost, and as he got closer, the area exploded, in a inferno of blue fire and thick black smoke. More or so it would be three to five meters in every direction, kicking up sand even the air wave resulting from the explosion could do massive damage. The only reasons Ryu was one hundred percent sure he would leave the explosion unaffected was, his immunity to fire, and being the epicenter the shockwave was much weaker on him. His opponent had that to worry about, plus even if his had had grazed them, wherever, whatever, they would have to ditch the weapon, or fight with a much heavier body part. Most likely burned from the fire, Ryu's true taijutsu effectiveness was becoming obvious.

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Nagare Returns Empty
PostSubject: Re: Nagare Returns   Nagare Returns Icon_minitimeThu 10 Jun 2010, 8:02 pm

Nagare wasn't at all disappointed to find that her attack had failed miserably. In fact, she was counting on it. This meant that her opponent would bleed much more sweetly than she had expected. She was now very thrilled for what was to come next. The man threw three kunai at her, all well out of range; almost a ridiculous distance from her person. Because of this she knew that there was a different intent behind these knives; they weren't meant to hurt her. She stood calmly as her opponent's attack furthered itself. The bombs on the first two exploded forth, kicking up a massive amount of sand and smoke, creating a mixed cloud of dark grey and tan. It would almost be beautiful if one were into that kind of thing. As for Nagare, beauty was usually a bit more.. red.

Suddenly, an explosion erupted behind her, as a figure shot through the smoke. In an instant, Nagare reacted. Her limbs all turned stony grey, her eyes flashing an even brighter scarlet as onyx rock formed around her shoulder blades and spine. From this stone shot a pair of wings, sending a massive wave of air around her, pushing the smoke and sand back. With one powerful push of her wings she was in the air, and with each flap she flew higher. She was well out of the range of her opponent in seconds, arrow on the chain of her bow. The arrow fired forward at an even higher speed than before, more power behind it. She had shot into the air while her opponent was distracted by his own movements, giving her a slight chance at surprising him. However, this chance would soon be squandered, as he would notice that he hit air.

Not wanting to waste time, Nagare removed yet another arrow, this one the same as the others. However, she did something mildly odd to it. She spat out a wad of clay, which covered the entire arrow and hardened around it. This arrow was fired only a few seconds after the first, in the same direction.

Jutsu Used~
Name: Kyandoru no Jutsu - Candle Technique
Rank: C
Element: Wakkusuton
Clan: Warui
Description: Kyandoru is a simple Wakkusuton technique that allows the user to fire a wad of wax that size of a volleyball at maximum. The wax can either be liquid or solid, if it is in liquid form it will cause severe burns and can be hardened later through a separate technique, while if it is solid it will simply cause significant bruising and possibly lacerations if the orb shatters.

Kekkei Level~

A- This state allows the user to morph both sets of limbs, the eyes, and even sprout a demon-specific trait of their own; this meaning that they might sprout a tail, cat ears, wings, or possible a weapon that comes naturally with the demon release. The boons they gain in this state are obvious, as they have been stated before. Unlike the other states, this time the chakra boon does not increase with the eye release, but their Wakkusuton techniques will cost one-half less chakra outside of release state, and three-fourths less inside of release state.
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Ryusaki Toketsu
Ryusaki Toketsu

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Location : Around the corner..beating up the homelss guy who robbed me

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Village: Wanderer

Nagare Returns Empty
PostSubject: Re: Nagare Returns   Nagare Returns Icon_minitimeSat 12 Jun 2010, 12:18 am

The attack to some would be flawless. Catching somebody off guard to that level. All Ryu had to do was land a single hit, and he would have tipped the scales highly in his favor. But there was one thing people always had to be careful about. Before getting close to some degree you had to assess the damage your opponent could do. Speed attacks, strength, so many things. Ryu thought he had a good grasp on these things. The arrow seemed like they made this person a long ranged fighter. Closing the distance should have fixed the problem. Ryu didn't know they could spawn other things on other parts of their body. That was a defense against his explosion, the fire couldn't break through on such a low level. Ryu hadn't focused so much on the intensity of the attack but more so of getting a hit. He wanted to increase the weight of whatever he touched to make it so that the bow would be useless. The hope was that they would block with the bow, causing it to become nearly too heavy to use. With a need to throw it away, he could turn the battle into his kind. But that idea was thrown out the window in an instant. It's pretty obvious when you intend to connect with a human body and hit nothing but air. Even with an explosion going around you. The greatest second Ryu was vulnerable was when he missed engulfed in smoke. She should have attacked him then, simple estimation and guessing would say that he would have been in the same spot. There would have been know way to dodge, maybe they didn't think of that. Maybe their method of dodging made it so that, something like that was unavoidable but whatever the reason was, it saved Ryu his life. The first tell was, the smoke and sand being blown away. Knocked out, making a clear view, Ryu's first thought was pretty basic. He was fighting a wind type, used to his advantage it could end pretty nicely. Though when he continued to feel the gusts something wasn't right. Generally people move on with an attack after that. But there was a flapping sound coming from above. Naturally anybody would look up, when they were being hit by wind gusts and hearing the sound of flapping wings from above. That's when Ryu saw it, the kunoichi had gotten above him by flying. He almost couldn't believe it. Though it didn't take long for it to sink in, he could do it too afterall. Ryu's shock didn't last long when he once again saw the bow aimed at his head. In the short period of time it took them to quickly aim the weapon. Ryu began to swirl the air above him, launching it at the arrow that was speeding towards him. The pocket of air collided with the weapon, slowing it down, and throwing it off course just slightly above Ryu. The lag in time, allowed her to fire the second arrow. Obviously a different method had to be used this time. Ryu slashed into the air, the first arrow, was slashed in half at an angle, as the wave continued to move it cut through the second arrow as well. By the time it reached the kunoichi it would be a small gust of wind. A follow up of two more gusts blew the arrows off course. Causing them to land a safe distance from Ryusaki. The immediate threat had passed, so now he could begin thinking of something. His options were running low, he could only continue to fight for so long. Possibly stall until some help came, but stalling never went well in any instance. He needed, to think of a way to reach them, though as he bit his thumb and began to run through the thoughts there was only one option.

Ryu slammed his hand into the heated sand below, his hand sinking in and leaving an imprint before a puff of smoke. When it cleared there were two dogs, one was pure white. A prize champion that stood tall in the area. The second one was pure black, except it's ankle areas were red. Looking at the two summons Ryu only had one sentence to give them. "Make it so that she cannot land." Understanding what this meant the two dogs moved far from Ryu. Not wanting to be caught in the backlash of what he was about to do. His intentions became more obvious, as the curse seal on his arm began to spread across his entire body. The air around Ryusaki, began to heat up, almost a little bit of steam seemed to be coming off of him. Soon that evolved into orange flames, that began to recede and appear from his body quickly become wild. Ryusaki's chakra output increase dramatically, as the fire became, white hot, more explosive and much hotter. It began to take form around his body. The pheonix like features began to become more obvious as time went on. Talons appeared on his feet and hands, protective layers of fire, appeared all over his body. When it was final it was like a pheonix had enveloped Ryusaki, and turned into a body of armor. "Finikkusu" His clans ultimate jutsu was complete and on impulse Ryu collapsed the wings and flew into the air meeting the kunoichi in the air. The wings opened up sending a weak gust of wind with them. While this was happening more so as soon as he took off the dogs jumped into action. The pure bred white dog, jumped into the air, and water began to form in his mouth. Water gushed out from the dogs mouth, turning the sand into a thick clumpy, dark muck. It no longer in the general area held the same power it had before. On a good note, the not wet sand held an electric charge. It was the perfect way, to make sure the combat stayed airborne for the girl. If she ever tried to land on the ground, Shugsha, would shock the sand, the charge would travel and eventually lead back to her. The only option was to land outside the area of water, and well, Ryu had something planned for that. Whether this was done by the time Ryu decided to move the entire movement wasn't much. Ryusaki dove down and arced back up, opening and closing his wings along the way creating a web of intense explosive fire in front of him. Forces because of how fast he was moving while shotting the waves cause a few to arc up, causing the only escape routes to be down, and a abnormally large gap in the middle, basically a straight line directly between Ryu and the kunoichi. Stopping far short Ryusaki held out both hands as a white hot orb of flame charged in it. With immense power and speed a blast shot from Ryusaki's hands. It almost overtook the web of fire, catching up to it, but eventually keeping pace with it. Only a small bit actually went out beyond it. A mas increase of chakra levels, strength and Raw speed made this all possible, stemming from both his custom seal and his jutsu. Ryu and his allies would be on standby to follow up an attack, the lack of cost for fire jutsu was helping him.

Name: Karyuudo

Rank: A-rank

Element: Water

Personality: Kind, obedient, and tacticful


Weight: 130

Height: 4 feet (on all fours)

Specialty: Hunter/sensing, Taijutsu/Trapping

Family: Wolf

Description: The wolf is a capable fighter and trapper, as well as a hunter ninja with this it is agile and fast as well. It's element is the water element, so that it can sniff out and find it's targets with ease. The wolf can also, expel water from body parts and pores for jutsu. It can also become, and break down into water, though this cannot be used to avoid attacks. The dog can also shoot powerful orbs of water out at opponents or condensed streams. He is also very fast.

Jutsu: Suirō no Jutsu-
Rank: B
Description: This jutsu is used to trap a victim inside a virtually inescapable sphere of water. This jutsu can't be performed without a sufficiently large body of water to supply the water for it. Neji Hyūga has been able to use his ability to release chakra from all of his pressure points simultaneously to disrupt the flow of chakra inside the prison and break free.

Despite the fact that the prison is made up entirely out of water, it is stronger than steel as stated by Zabuza Momochi. Once trapped the target is unable to move while within it due to the heaviness of the water. Even so, the target is still able to speak. When this technique is used on Tenten, she indicates that she cannot breathe, though other characters have not reported the same problem.

Mizu no Tatsumaki-
Rank: B
Description: A technique that utilizes water to create a spinning water vortex around the user. The water vortex acts both as a barrier and an attack mechanism. The power of the vortex is enough to knock an opponent unconscious.

Suiton: Bakusui Shōha -
Rank: C
Description: After spitting out a great volume of water from his mouth, the enemy is swallowed up by this advancing surge and crushed. The user can ride the wave, allowing them to move at high speed, and attack the enemy, now swept off their feet, without fear of counter-attacks, the amount of water created is proportional to the amount of chakra used. When used with Kisame's enormous chakra, even dry wastelands will turn into an ocean. Afterwards, the excess water can presumably be used for additional water release jutsu.

Suiton: Daibakufu no Jutsu- Water Release:
Rank: B
Description: Great Waterfall Technique is a technique that forms a strong column of water to attack an opponent. Due to the force of the water, the target will be fully enveloped and at the mercy of the current as they are pulled away.

Chakra Suppression Technique-
Rank: B
Description: This ability allows the user to suppress their chakra until it is undetectable. This makes it impossible, or at least very difficult, for sensing-type shinobi to track them. The downside of this ability is that jutsu's cannot be used while it is in affect.

Name: Shugosha

Rank: A

Element: Lighting

Personality: Angry, aggressive, and always looking for a fight. Generally merciless


Weight: 120

Height: 4 feet (on all fours)

Specialty: Ninjutsu/Taijutsu

Family: Wolf

Description: The dog can use the lighting element to slightly increase it's resistance to attacks, and slightly increase it's lethality, power etc. It can also run electricity through itself to immobilize opponents, though this hurts the dog as well. It is incredibly fast and an adept fighter. He cal also fire balls of lightning and lightning streams at the enemy.

Jutsu: Raikyū-
Rank: C
Description: The wolf gathers, lighting chakra in it's mouth and fires it at the target.

Description: This is the ultimate fire jutsu for the clan. This is where often times people begin to doubt the stories between a pheonix and dragon features for the bloodline, though the look varies from person to person. The user coats themself in a fire armor, resembling either a pheonix or dragon based on the user, which sprouts wings, talons, claws, and other features. The wings can be used to fly/glide for a short amount of time, and the talons, claws and other features can be used to claw, slash burn and damage the opponent in several ways. The wings can also be used for defense against several physical and powerful/ninjutsu attacks. If somehow a powerful enough jutsu is used to put out the flames of the jutsu, they will just reignite, starting back the jutsu. Some users have managed to use this jutsu with such intensity the flames are white hot. Adding to the power, the flames can be used to protect already damaged spots, and can reinforce the body, increasing damage, and defensive abilities. A true master can use the jutsu to full effectiveness, only spawning parts of the mythical features in a split second as needed to minimize the jutsu cost. What supports this is the fact that the flames come from the body, much like through the chakra points on the body increasing their effectiveness. Thanks to this jutsu the person will also have a small immunity to the fire element while it is active. The wings and other parts of the bodies can be used to attack from a distance, increasing their distance and range with amazing speed. Firing fire blasts, creating whips, and firing shard like things from the wings along with other things.

Suiton: Bakusui Shōha -
Rank: C
Description: After spitting out a great volume of water from his mouth, the enemy is swallowed up by this advancing surge and crushed. The user can ride the wave, allowing them to move at high speed, and attack the enemy, now swept off their feet, without fear of counter-attacks, the amount of water created is proportional to the amount of chakra used. When used with Kisame's enormous chakra, even dry wastelands will turn into an ocean. Afterwards, the excess water can presumably be used for additional water release jutsu. (Used by Summon)

Fire Resistance: Members of this clan, have a limited immunity to the fire element, though they are able to absorb chakra based flames shot at them, and convert it into their own energy, they cannot absorb their own flames, only ones caused by chakra.

Flame Intensity: Members can control the intensity of their Fire, reflected in the color of the flames. These blue flames are more efficient than the standard yellow and orange flames produced by lesser forms of Fire, channeling more energy into the attack and likely traveling further without dissipating. White flames, are the most hottest of all three types, which the most destructive force.

Charged Attacks:: Members has been shown charging their attacks before releasing them, allowing them to create enormous blasts of fire.

Fire Augmentation:: Members can also control the size and intensity of any nearby flames and can draw them in and manipulate them at will. This can be used for Defense.

Alot of these things are innate and Just auto activate with Wrath of the Pheonix Jutsu, thats why it seems that way. Raw Speed and Strength are also added by this jutsu, I chose to use the explanation off of my Kekei Genkai app, because it was more detailed, though if you want some more info it is also in my jutsu update. (bottom of the first page in creation)

Curse Seal Name: Infernal Curse seal

Description: (dragon on the left) The looks remians on his right for arm, usually hidden from view. When the seal spreads around his body the tattoo spreads around his body, it is usually the tail and claws visible as the curse seal.

Abilities: Increase chakra pools by 20%, increases Ryu's speed, strength, and reflex time by 15%, also increases the intensity of all fire based jutsu and attacks he uses.

Physical Body Strain: Everytime this seal is used, Ryu's body is put under great strain. When the seal is used up, he will be extremely tired for a certain amount of time.

Chakra Loss: Everytime this seal is used, Ryu gains an immense amount of chakra. However, when it retracts, the seal takes away the same amount he used. This cannot be countered by any seal.
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Nagare Returns Empty
PostSubject: Re: Nagare Returns   Nagare Returns Icon_minitimeSun 13 Jun 2010, 9:45 pm

[[There's no way I'm winning this.. And Ryu has important things to do. So I'm forfeiting the match, and my life. I would make a death post, but I'm far too busy at the moment. Ryusaki wins, and took the head of Albatross(metaphorically or literally, that's his choice). If he wants to post a kill post, he can. Otherwise you might as well close the topic]]
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Ryusaki Toketsu
Ryusaki Toketsu

Posts : 133
Points : 133
Join date : 2009-09-03
Age : 31
Location : Around the corner..beating up the homelss guy who robbed me

Shinobi Info
Ninja Rank: S Rank
Village: Wanderer

Nagare Returns Empty
PostSubject: Re: Nagare Returns   Nagare Returns Icon_minitimeTue 15 Jun 2010, 9:09 pm

Guess I win post)

Ryu thought that the battle had just hit the climax. That he was in for the fight of his life, that more or less he would have to wait for the help of the other people in order to get anything done. He was wrong, and never before has he been so happy about being wrong in his life. They must not have wanted to take the chance by diving down into the wave he had created. So with that, Ryu's attacks ran threw the person, lighting them on fire. Their screams ran through the area, as they fell to the soggy sand. A loud thud hitting the ground, as they burned. Their bow had landed slightly beside then, somehow catching Ryu's attention. Both of Ryu's summons stared at the body before they stopped squirming, their body charring. Maybe they thought she would begin to move again. Most people would feel bad about killing a young women, but years of doing it meant Ryu had no real reaction. Keeping his jutsu going Ryu simply lowered the the ground, his eyes remaining on the bow wondering about a prize. Right before his summons disappeared he flared the body, an incredible heat searing the area until the body was nothing but ash. Taking the bow Ryu began to turn around towards the sand village as a member, possibly for the last time.
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