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PostSubject: Waterfall of Truth! [Private]   Waterfall of Truth [Private] Icon_minitimeThu 24 Jun 2010, 11:42 am

Genkou, traveling on a boat for two straight days, finally saw a glimpse of the island. It served as a training ground for Kumogakure ninja and was considered to be the equivalent of Konoha's Forest of Death. Despite the fact the guide had described the island as a paradise, it was anything but, with signs of death and battle everywhere and large, ferocious animals populating the island. "Paradise?! As if..." Genkou thought to himself. The island had been protected by a giant squid, which attacks anything that approaches, and a high-level barrier technique. Genkou had sought the Waterfall of Truth in order to tame the One-Tails within him, which was located on the island. He stepped off the boat and followed his guide through the dangerously, immense forest. Peace was flooding the island, only the noise of the moving wind could be heard, rhythmically in the scene of pure serenity. The sun glittered on the clear blue crystilline water and as animals quietly sipped the fresh cold water. Genkou walked peacefully, arms folded across his chest, as the light windy breeze flowed through his clothes and hair. He was wearing weird colored garments and his Sunakagure metal affiliation plate hung attached to his right sash. A large sand gourd hung on his back, and since he was used to its weight, to him the gourd wasn't very heavy at all. He had dark red-brownish hair, and black lines around his eyes as if he hadn't slept in years. "Here it is, the Waterfall of Truth. It is the first step to conquering your Tailed Beast. If you make it out, I'll explain to you what you need to do as the final step." His guide said, as he sat down near the waterfall. "Very well." Genkou replied, as he took off his gourd and stepped into the waterfall. After a few minutes, a dark figure appeared from the other side of the waterfall. Genkou's eye widened, for he couldn't believe what he was seeing. "Who are you?!" Genkou asked, still shocked from what he was seeing. "I am the REAL you, from the dark side of your heart."

(( OOC: Ryusaki is RPing as the evil Genkou in this topic.))
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PostSubject: Re: Waterfall of Truth [Private]   Waterfall of Truth [Private] Icon_minitimeThu 24 Jun 2010, 1:23 pm

He had been suppressed in the mind of this man for too long. Watching him lie his way through life, make up things and never say the right thing. Why he tried to fit in makes sense. He was never wanted among these freaks that stayed here. It was like a boiling pot, eventually it would overflow and kill everything. It made no sense to act like you were civil when you had a caged lion inside and the power to use it. To contain a blast to a small area when you could unleash it and destroy entire countries. He had the power to make whatever he wanted happen and he just sat here. Acting like people had begun to accept him, acting as if people had begun to care about him in any way. This was unacceptable, everything had a fuse, it was just up to one specific person to light it. Walking towards someone he had grown to hate in every form. Someone who he would love to see drop dead and let the true him take over, he began to smile. This was a chance he wouldn't pass up, he would consume his very being. Make sure that he was unable to do anything about it. Unleash the weapon of mass destruction that was kept nicely locked up by the very people that feared it. When he was done, he would simply walk back to his home and make it so that nothing was every left. Period, oh how that would be wonderful to see, the mass of people that once mocked him all laid out on the ground in front of him. Knowing full well that he was the one who had something to do with the destruction. It would fill the hole that had formed in his heart after all these years, it would end the anger. It would start with his old village then eventually move onto the world. But first thing was first, he had to deal with one nuisance and then he could get back. The chains were off and he would be the one to stick them on this failure when it was all said and done. He had the support of all he needed himself, the games were to begin now. "You have to recognize me. You know who I am. I'm the hatred that dwells within you, the thing that makes you punch the walls at night. The reason you daydream of leaving a trail of bodies wherever you go. I'm the you that hasn't been suppressed. The one that refuses to roll over and each the crap that those people give us. This should be the part where I try to convince you. But that seems to be pointless, I lost all hope for you either way. So I will just have to do the general approach." Walking closer and closer, he made it clear that when they left he would be in control. The days of Genkou's reign were over, he did a bad enough job, the king was about to become the horse. He stopped about ten feet short of reaching his target, throwing his arm back and launching at Genkou it quickly turned into a miniature version of the shukaku's arm. Heading for him, it would rip him to shreds piece by piece.
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PostSubject: Re: Waterfall of Truth [Private]   Waterfall of Truth [Private] Icon_minitimeThu 24 Jun 2010, 1:49 pm

"You have to recognize me. You know who I am. I'm the hatred that dwells within you, the thing that makes you punch the walls at night. The reason you daydream of leaving a trail of bodies wherever you go. I'm the you that hasn't been suppressed. The one that refuses to roll over and each the crap that those people give us. This should be the part where I try to convince you. But that seems to be pointless, I lost all hope for you either way. So I will just have to do the general approach." "I'll like to see you try." With that said, Genkou quickly leaped to the right and slid underneath his evil copy. As he did, he grabbed a hold of his evil copy's leg and hurled him into the side of the waterfall. He watched as water trickled on top of the evil Genkou, making his sand arm become wet and useless. "Ha! You forgot we are located inside a waterfall. Did you really expect such a useless charge would be enough to defeat me?" Genkou said, as he preformed a few handseals and spears of stone rose from underneath the evil copy.

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PostSubject: Re: Waterfall of Truth [Private]   Waterfall of Truth [Private] Icon_minitimeSat 23 Oct 2010, 8:52 pm

Easy enough, a simple attack to tear that pathetic little boy to shreds. It was a perfect plan, except for the part where his other half moved. Knowing that little harm would come from such an attack, he succumbed to it, allowing himself to be launched against the water. The sand came in contact with water, getting soggy and heavy, useless to him. Evil Genkou shrugged, stepping out the water and shaking his head. Droplets of water cascaded toward the ground, glistening in the soft light of the behind him. The sillhouetted figure smiled maliciously as he stepped forward and to the left, side-stepping the spear of earth he felt rising beneath him. Clicking his tongue like a teacher scolding a student for a wrong answer, Evil Genkou shook his head once more. Once more the soft pitter-patter of water droplets could be heard faintly beneath the roar of falling water. Evil Genkou rose one hand, sand forming another claw and flowing toward his counterpart at a frightening pace. His fingers moved quickly right away, forming the same pattern as Genkou before him, causing a spike of earth to rise beneath his counter-part's feet, leaving him only the options of left or right. Not yet.. Thought the masochistic soul, he doesn't die here, not now anyway. Toy with him... A fine plan indeed.
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PostSubject: Re: Waterfall of Truth [Private]   Waterfall of Truth [Private] Icon_minitimeMon 25 Oct 2010, 6:48 pm

Genkou fell for the bait and took the option of dodging right. He stared at the earth spikes that had risen to try and pierce him. "He seems to be following my attack pattern. But since he is my counter-part, the only difference is that he has Shukaku's assistance." He thought, trying to think of what to do next. While he thought of a strategy, Genkou sought to by himself some time. "Your pathetic. It seems to me, I am not the one who is lonely--you are. I have friends, who are willing to be there for me when I need them most. You have nothing, only Shukaku as company. This has nothing to do with physical strength, but mental strength and who has a stronger heart. I will prove to you who has the stronger heart, and I will mentally clean you out of my heart." With that, Genkou created two shadow clones and charged straight towards his evil counter-part.
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PostSubject: Re: Waterfall of Truth [Private]   Waterfall of Truth [Private] Icon_minitimeMon 25 Oct 2010, 8:35 pm

"Your pathetic. It seems to me, I am not the one who is lonely--you are. I have friends, who are willing to be there for me when I need them most. You have nothing, only Shukaku as company. This has nothing to do with physical strength, but mental strength and who has a stronger heart. I will prove to you who has the stronger heart, and I will mentally clean you out of my heart." Genkou said, as two more of him appeared out of thin air. Anti-Genkou, for lack of a better name, chuckled, the sound dripping with sadistic amusement. Suddenly, the sand which had exploded upon impact with the earth spear and covered the floor, rose up again beneath the feet of all three Genkou's, forming vague outlines of claws that snapped, scratched, and grasped at them.

"Right good thing, too, that it isn't a contest of physical strength, since we have the same body and all." He commented, obviously ignoring the part about Anti-Genkou being lonely. The word didn't compute with him, though he knew what it meant. He just didn't grasp the concept of someone feeling miserable about being alone. It was a great thing, the silence, especially the soft silence of a field of corpses. Ah how he loved that sight, how he yearned to experience it. All in due time...
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PostSubject: Re: Waterfall of Truth [Private]   Waterfall of Truth [Private] Icon_minitimeWed 27 Oct 2010, 8:34 am

"Right good thing, too, that it isn't a contest of physical strength, since we have the same body and all." Genkou manipulated the sand around his feet, trying to break free. "You know what, anti-Genkou? You are nothing without Shukaku. Without him, you would be weaker and less confident in your power. If you show any sign of weakness, Shukaku will leave you. He is all you have, and ever will. But I am stronger than you. Take a look into these random flashbacks that seem to appear out of nowhere. When I fall, my friends were always there to help me up. They are confident I will conquer the One-Tails and are waiting for my return. They believe in me, and I am confident that I will come out as the winner--not you." His confidence gave him the endurance to keep fighting. Genkou gained the strength to break free of the sand, and slowly walked his way towards anti-Genkou. "You...are...NOTHING. Your hatred is weak, but the light is stronger on the bright side of this world." He made his way closer, not showing any sign of weakness.
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PostSubject: Re: Waterfall of Truth [Private]   Waterfall of Truth [Private] Icon_minitimeFri 29 Oct 2010, 3:32 pm

"You know what, anti-Genkou? You are nothing without Shukaku. Without him, you would be weaker and less confident in your power. If you show any sign of weakness, Shukaku will leave you. He is all you have, and ever will. But I am stronger than you. Take a look into these random flashbacks that seem to appear out of nowhere. When I fall, my friends were always there to help me up. They are confident I will conquer the One-Tails and are waiting for my return. They believe in me, and I am confident that I will come out as the winner--not you." Genkou said, showing a new kind of will, a fire in his eyes. With this new strength he broke free form the restrictions of the sand, and as his clones were turned to smoke he began to approach Anti-Genkou at a slow pace. "You...are...NOTHING. Your hatred is weak, but the light is stronger on the bright side of this world."

Anti-Genkou snorted, then chuckled, then outright cackled. The sand floated through the air around Genkou, having been tossed around as he broke out, and as the forms restraining the clones had imploded. They now formed two walls, long enough to reach from right in front of Anti-Genkou to the back of the wall, and moved in toward Genkou, forming spikes slowly as they moved. "What utter shit." Anti-Genkou muttered, the laughter coming to an end as he focused his power into the attack. "Who fed you that line?"
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PostSubject: Re: Waterfall of Truth [Private]   Waterfall of Truth [Private] Icon_minitimeFri 29 Oct 2010, 4:31 pm

"What utter shit? Who fed you that line?" "That line was from within me, I, the REAL Genkou. Unlike you, I don't need Shukaku to help me win every single battle. You are weak, you are nothing but a sham. A worthless being created by the tiny wisps of hatred within me, fed by Shukaku's own hatred and bloodlust. You were created the day I had fallen asleep. Yes, I remember everything now." His pace increased as his confidence grew. Just as he made contact with the wall, he stood up and slapped his palms onto the wall. It seemed as if he was trying to stop the sand wall's movement, but Genkou had something else in mind. As the wall moved, he dug his fingers into the wall and tried to rip it apart with his bare hands. His hands bled as the growing spikes penetrated his skin. Despite the pain he felt, Genkou didn't give up. After some time, he finally managed to rip the barrier of sand apart. This accomplishment only fed his growing will. Not taking even a minute to rest, Genkou continued to march his way closer to Anti-Genkou. "Your existence ends here..."
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