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PostSubject: Re: Breaking Dawn   Breaking Dawn - Page 2 Icon_minitimeTue 05 Apr 2011, 8:42 pm

Oriena took a bit of time to collect her train of thought with all that was occurring in such a short amount of time. Simply smiling when Kamoku came and spoke to her of her appearance in the village, she didn't say anything. She looked around as all the Genin began to walk past and those that were trying to show there verification of entrance did what they assumed was correct. She questioned the disorganization of the event, at least as she saw it, but none the less, took it all in. But when another man came to the forefront, she had an awkward feeling about him, but chose to simply look at him. She wanted to say something to the Kazekage but chose otherwise, being that he seemed so on edge. When Kam turned from her and began to walk with the other man, she decided to speak up, "So whats your real name ANBU?" she asked.

She said it with a very light and playful tone, being that she had felt that everything was entirely too serious for the moment. Looking still at the other man however, she still felt some unease about him and decided to avoid words with him. She had no knowledge of him, his abilities, his temper, she had no understanding of the man at all to be frank. So with that, she simply awaited kamoku's response in silence.

(SHORT, sorry)
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PostSubject: Re: Breaking Dawn   Breaking Dawn - Page 2 Icon_minitimeTue 05 Apr 2011, 10:18 pm

Left and right, groups of Genin littered the large room as he was welcome with both warm smiles and judging eyes meeting him and his team. Saikoro took less time to prepare for the first leg of the exams, but now the wanted to go back and prepare some more.

Saikoro recognized one examinee in particular. She was the pretty lady that gave him extra attention a while back at the great Suna gates.

He noticed she seemed preoccupied with others and Saikoro decided not to break away from friendly, if not, familiar faces. Saikoro kept with the crowed with Konoha insignia on their forehead protectors. No reason to get in trouble at this time.

Seems there were boards at the back of the room where posts of sitting positions were listed. “Is the first leg a written exam?” Others murmured to each other as Saikoro tried to look for his name.

“No,” Saikoro heard another voice answer, “I believe this is just an orientation about the exams...”

Finally, Saikoro found his name and proceeded to his seat. A familiar face was already there.

(Someone wanna catch me?)

Kurowashi, Saikoro
Chunin Exams Orientation Room
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PostSubject: Re: Breaking Dawn   Breaking Dawn - Page 2 Icon_minitimeThu 07 Apr 2011, 4:09 pm


1) Blueyes
2) Yamura
3) Genkou
4) Shinichi
5) Kamoku
6) Oriena
7) Kurowashi
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PostSubject: Re: Breaking Dawn   Breaking Dawn - Page 2 Icon_minitimeFri 08 Apr 2011, 12:15 am

(ha, you forgot Netsuretsu.)
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PostSubject: Re: Breaking Dawn   Breaking Dawn - Page 2 Icon_minitimeFri 08 Apr 2011, 7:44 am

OOC: She didn't leave the topic?
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PostSubject: Re: Breaking Dawn   Breaking Dawn - Page 2 Icon_minitimeFri 08 Apr 2011, 11:45 am

The room was diffinitly filled with genin. Aka was moved b several kids his age and several more younger and older. He could tell by their head bands that they were spawned from the other villages. He saw Yamu, but Netsu wasn't anywhere in sight. I could have missed her, this chaos! Aka found a seat somewhere in the crammped room. So many genin, but how in the world are they all going to pass to chuunin? It can't be that they'll all survive the exams either. Someone will die. I won't be pushed around by a bunch of weaklings. Aka looked for some sort of proctor for the exam. Anyone to balance the order of the chaos would have been great for him.
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PostSubject: Re: Breaking Dawn   Breaking Dawn - Page 2 Icon_minitimeFri 08 Apr 2011, 1:56 pm

What a narrow hallway Atreya thought to herself as her footpads made light tapping sounds, walking upon the textiles laid before her on the ground. Looking at the room numbers, she was trying to determine just which door was the one that led to the Chuunin Exam practitioner. No matter, she flipped the bright silver and pink strand of hair that clouded her eyesight behind her ear, gently pushing it into place between the top of her ear, and her head, so that it would not fall out again and annoy her further. Ninjutsu 101...... Taijutsu 101.. Ichi-Ichi Novelist Fan Club?... She laughed to herself at the name of the room, a slight giggle escaping her lips. Ah, yes. Ichi-Ichi. What a novel.

She continued walking, passing one door.. Two doors, three doors and a fourth - Til' finally, she came across a door with a sign hanging over it that stated: Chuunin Exam Practitioner Office. "Finally.." She murmured, taking hold of the handle and opening it ajar. Putting one foot into the door, and following the other, she entered the room and looked around. A variety of childish-like individuals crowded the room. Paper balls were being thrown, paper planes were flying around the room like this was some type of airport. She sighed at the level of immaturity these "Genin" possessed.

As she began to walk, a paper ball heading straight to her head caught her eye, and she quickly extended her hand, seeming to try and catch or block it. Instead, from her fingertips, a gleaming shard was released, piercing the paper ball and driving it straight back to where it came from. Jamming itself into a nearby cabinet underneath the long desks that were inside of the room, an unfortunate Genin who threw the paper wall was wide-eyed, as the crystal and paper ball hung just about one inch from his eye. Blowing it off after giving him a quick glare, she began to look for a seat. She passed a boy with red hair and blue eyes. Odd combination.. She thought, sitting next to him. She stared out the window nearby, trying to ignore the chaotic behavior around her.
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PostSubject: Re: Breaking Dawn   Breaking Dawn - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSat 09 Apr 2011, 6:30 pm

It was a long walk from Konohagakure to Sunagakure, but Shin definatley reaped the benefits. If all went well, he would pass the exams, and become a chuunin of the village. After arriving at the village, it was a late night, so he spent the night at some cheap hotel. In the morning, he went for a jog around the villa, and saw some things. After he was content, he left the motel yet again, but this time suited up for the beggining of the exams.

He walked for what seemed an endless eternity, until he stumbled upon the building that apparantly held the beggining exam. Opening up the piece of paper with the directions scribbled on it, he waltzed inside, and was greeted by a great, active, and almost wild atmosphere. This was going to be fun.

Shin jumped into the action right away, throwing paper airplanes at people, paper basketballs, and even started to play a game of tag. After a while, the nonsense died down a bit, or rather, Shin didn't want to burn out his energy, and he took a seat, near the back, so he could ignore the teacher, and play some more games.

Shin had yet to meet his teammates, since entering the village.
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PostSubject: Re: Breaking Dawn   Breaking Dawn - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSat 09 Apr 2011, 10:55 pm

As Yamura lay in wait a man appeared behind him asking of his intentions. Yamura lowered his hands in order to prevent any accidental tag activation. Aka walked by oblivious to the bag thrown at him. Yamura on the other hand caught the bag and said nothing to the man. Another foreboding man came into their presence speaking somewhat rudely to the Kazekage. Much had happened within a few seconds. Suddenly a strange creature fell from the sky and began to speak to the two men. " I think I will be going now" Said Yamura as he jumped onto the roof. He leaped off the roof and landed near the orientation room. Within moments he could tell most of the genin were extremely immature compared to him. Though one caught he attention.

This one seemed different then the others. As a ball thrown by a rowdy genin flew towards her she shot some sort of crystal from her fingers and missed the boy's head by mere inches. The genin in his vacinity all stood wide-eyed as the girl sat down next to Aka. Deciding to sit near his team and to observe the girl he took his seat on the other side of Aka.

((No Inspiration))
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PostSubject: Re: Breaking Dawn   Breaking Dawn - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSat 09 Apr 2011, 11:20 pm

{{{Whats the Post order for this topic? Any?}}}
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PostSubject: Re: Breaking Dawn   Breaking Dawn - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSun 10 Apr 2011, 3:40 am

1) Blueyes
5) Yamura
7) Genkou
8) Shinichi
9) Kamoku
10) Oriena
11) Kurowashi

Netsu followed her fellow team-mates, ignoring the fact that they decided to brush off her warnings; though it cheered her up that aka got hit with his bag of provisions. She jumped up from roof to roof and made it with them to the main room. She couldn't believe how crowded it was and how many gennins were misusing their power." How quaint of them." She thought, contempt coated her 'inner face'. Leaving her physical one as blank as always.
Instead of going into the room with her team, she stayed next to the doorway. Netsu didn't like a room that she couldn't easily get out of...So she leaned against the doorway, looking left and right down the hallway.
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PostSubject: Re: Breaking Dawn   Breaking Dawn - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSun 10 Apr 2011, 11:58 pm

1) Blueyes
5) Yamura
7) Shioon
8) Genkou
9) Shinichi
10) Kamoku
11) Oriena
12) Kurowashi

Shioon had been late to arrive to the start of the exams. He had just been able to put his name in for the actual testing, and now because of hold ups, he was about the be late to the start of the testing. Hurrying through the building, Shioon rushed to find them right room. Nearly sprinting down the hall, he glanced in each room as he passed them, muttering to himself between his gasping breaths. "Shit, shit, shit." As he came down one hallway, there was a girl standing next to one of the door ways. As he begin passing the door, he looked inside and saw a large gathering of ninja. Stopping as fast as possible, he came sliding to a halt almost 10 feet past the door. This has to be the right room, it's the only one with that many people in it! With a quick pace, he hurried in the door and kept to the wall, he had no idea if he were late, or if it was even the right room. All could tell was there were no shortage of ninja in the room. All he could hope for at this point that was either he could find his teammates, or that they would find him.
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PostSubject: Re: Breaking Dawn   Breaking Dawn - Page 2 Icon_minitimeTue 12 Apr 2011, 5:08 pm

OOC: It is my turn, correct?
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PostSubject: Re: Breaking Dawn   Breaking Dawn - Page 2 Icon_minitimeTue 12 Apr 2011, 6:20 pm

OOC: Yep
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PostSubject: Re: Breaking Dawn   Breaking Dawn - Page 2 Icon_minitimeWed 13 Apr 2011, 11:34 am

"Picking on boys now Kazekage. That's not befitting of a leader." Genkou didn't bother to turn his head when he heard Shinichi's voice from behind. He ignored Shinchi and turned to face him. "Long time no see, Shinichi." He could feel some of Shinichi's anger, despite having little clue who he was mad at, he started to realize the man obviously didn't like him...a lot. Kamoku jumped from somewhere and walked up next to him, then started rambling. Something about Shinichi and him wanting to fight, how they hated each other and stuff. Then he mentioned something about a nude man taking a bath in a public pond? Nope, that wasn't it. Something about a missing-nin in the hot springs? Yeah, that was probably it, he thought. "Deal with this suspicious missing-nin for us, Shinichi, unless you have anything else to do. Its time for the Exams to begin, so I will be leaving now." Genkou turned and walked off to begin the Exams. [Exit]
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PostSubject: Re: Breaking Dawn   Breaking Dawn - Page 2 Icon_minitimeWed 13 Apr 2011, 8:25 pm

(ignoring PO since it's an exit.)

Follow the suit of everyone else, Shin gathered up his unspent strength, and waddled along the path that would soon lead them to higher ranks.

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kurowashi saikoro
kurowashi saikoro

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PostSubject: Re: Breaking Dawn   Breaking Dawn - Page 2 Icon_minitimeThu 14 Apr 2011, 12:17 am

OOC: Just to suggest, since each team from the different villages aint complete, and we seem have an even number of participants, 12, might I suggest we have a lotter to mix up the Genin teams?

This would both make sense for completing the 3 team Genin, and foster better relations from Hidden Villages. Also, it would test how Genin interact and adapt to any situation.
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PostSubject: Re: Breaking Dawn   Breaking Dawn - Page 2 Icon_minitimeFri 15 Apr 2011, 11:05 am


Last edited by Vanessa on Fri 15 Apr 2011, 4:45 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostSubject: Re: Breaking Dawn   Breaking Dawn - Page 2 Icon_minitimeFri 15 Apr 2011, 3:20 pm

OOC: I was talking about the other topic. This one:

Sorry, I forgot to specify. :)
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PostSubject: Re: Breaking Dawn   Breaking Dawn - Page 2 Icon_minitimeFri 15 Apr 2011, 4:44 pm

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