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Oshiroku vs. Hinata...Holiday Spar Empty
PostSubject: Oshiroku vs. Hinata...Holiday Spar   Oshiroku vs. Hinata...Holiday Spar Icon_minitimeFri 22 Aug 2008, 8:52 pm

Oshi stood on a small lake looking out around him. Hinata had been training and they had scheduled a spar so here he was. This was his favorite training yard in the whole Mist. In the center was the lake where he stood surrounded in a small area of tall grass, it reached to about his waist and made for interesting maneuvering and concealment. Outside of the plain was a sparse area of trees each about 20 feet apart these trees ended where a 6ft fence sprouted from the ground. This should be fun...he thought I have never battle with a Hyuuga before
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Naito Aburame
Naito Aburame

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Oshiroku vs. Hinata...Holiday Spar Empty
PostSubject: Re: Oshiroku vs. Hinata...Holiday Spar   Oshiroku vs. Hinata...Holiday Spar Icon_minitimeSat 23 Aug 2008, 5:36 am

Hinata arrived by walking slowly to the spot. She acted like she didn't see Oshi until she was distance of being heard.
"Hello, Oshiroku-san. Your country is very beautiful and very nice." Hinata bows slightly.
"I can see, why you wanted to spar here."
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Oshiroku vs. Hinata...Holiday Spar Empty
PostSubject: Re: Oshiroku vs. Hinata...Holiday Spar   Oshiroku vs. Hinata...Holiday Spar Icon_minitimeSat 23 Aug 2008, 1:13 pm

"Thank you Hinata" Oshi said still listening to his surroundings. "Lets begin" he said stepping back into a fighting stance.
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Naito Aburame
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Oshiroku vs. Hinata...Holiday Spar Empty
PostSubject: Re: Oshiroku vs. Hinata...Holiday Spar   Oshiroku vs. Hinata...Holiday Spar Icon_minitimeSat 23 Aug 2008, 1:38 pm

"Yes!" Hinata activates her Byakugan. "Byakugan!"
She sees that Oshiroku has a good amount of chakra. This won't be easy.
How well can he use jutsus without eyes anyway?
Hinata dashes toward Oshiroku. When she reaches to the water, still running,she focuses chakra to her feets, allowing her to run on the water.
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Oshiroku vs. Hinata...Holiday Spar Empty
PostSubject: Re: Oshiroku vs. Hinata...Holiday Spar   Oshiroku vs. Hinata...Holiday Spar Icon_minitimeSat 23 Aug 2008, 5:39 pm

Oshi spread his legs out lowering his body and plunging his hand into the water. The water around his hand rippled and churned as the water directly in front of Hinata exploded. Oshi's fingers wiggled and the churning around his hand continued "Don't assume I don't know where you are Hinata...I can "see" fine" Oshi said putting an emphasis on the "see".
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Naito Aburame
Naito Aburame

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Oshiroku vs. Hinata...Holiday Spar Empty
PostSubject: Re: Oshiroku vs. Hinata...Holiday Spar   Oshiroku vs. Hinata...Holiday Spar Icon_minitimeSat 23 Aug 2008, 5:58 pm

((You have brown eyes or no eyes at all?))
Hinata fell backwards.
" did he?" Hinata gets up and picks up 2 throwing stars and throws them at Oshiroku. To test how much is handicap affects him.
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Oshiroku vs. Hinata...Holiday Spar Empty
PostSubject: Re: Oshiroku vs. Hinata...Holiday Spar   Oshiroku vs. Hinata...Holiday Spar Icon_minitimeSat 23 Aug 2008, 6:04 pm

((no eyes at all))

Oshi stood up to his full height a cube of purple tinged water came up with him holding his left hand in water. Oshi chuckled and then whistled putting his right hand to his mouth. Two sound bullets shot out intercepting the stars and then disappearing with a pop. "Your testing my eyes aren't you" Oshi said smiling now "You see Hinata I don't need them...I have mastered sound...and now sound is how I see" He grinned now, being in his usual happy mood, and whistled again this time a purple tinge coming to his whole body.
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Naito Aburame
Naito Aburame

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Oshiroku vs. Hinata...Holiday Spar Empty
PostSubject: Re: Oshiroku vs. Hinata...Holiday Spar   Oshiroku vs. Hinata...Holiday Spar Icon_minitimeSun 24 Aug 2008, 6:02 am

I see..The loss of his eyes must have made his other sences execptionally high. Being able to locate the exact cordinations of the stars.
Hinata jumped backwards and bent down in the high grass to hide. She is following the basic rules of hide and conceal.
She changes her location, by crawling.
Lets see how good is your hearing, Hinata thought. She made hand seals and created a shadow clone.
The shadow clone dashes out of the grass, in order to attack.
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Oshiroku vs. Hinata...Holiday Spar Empty
PostSubject: Re: Oshiroku vs. Hinata...Holiday Spar   Oshiroku vs. Hinata...Holiday Spar Icon_minitimeSun 24 Aug 2008, 4:49 pm

Oshi frowned realizing he would need both of his hands and the box of water around his hand erupted the sound barrier around it released. His right foot sunk into the water and the water around it began to churn then it stopped as a huge gush of water shot out hitting the Hinata clone and it poofed as the water around his foot started to churn again. "Clones ehhh" Oshi smiled now his laps in character gone as he summoned two clones and then another doing four signs as they all ran toward Hinata her concealing technique futil. "You see Hinata as I'm sure you've realized my senses are acute but thats not all...I am a master of sound and I can hear every movement you make using the vibrations like a bat to traingulate your position" he said the clones simutaniasly throwing kunai in her direction.
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Naito Aburame
Naito Aburame

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Oshiroku vs. Hinata...Holiday Spar Empty
PostSubject: Re: Oshiroku vs. Hinata...Holiday Spar   Oshiroku vs. Hinata...Holiday Spar Icon_minitimeSun 24 Aug 2008, 5:14 pm

Even when my clone was extra careful of water attacks, it was very hard to avoid it. Luckily it was just a shadow clone and it gave me a lot of data of the jutsu.
What now? Oshi knows where I am? His sences competes with my seeing ability.

Hinata had changed her spot, once again, in the high grass but Oshiroku successfully found her without any problems.
Hinata picks up a kunai and starts deflecting the opponent's thrown kunais.
She gets up from her hide out, hiding is useless anyway. She waits up the Oshi clones,waiting for them to come in range for her taijutsu. She keeps deflecting the kunais until then.
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Oshiroku vs. Hinata...Holiday Spar Empty
PostSubject: Re: Oshiroku vs. Hinata...Holiday Spar   Oshiroku vs. Hinata...Holiday Spar Icon_minitimeMon 25 Aug 2008, 9:55 pm

The three clones spread out coming at her in a triangle formation with one in front. The outside clones throw two kunai each as the center one flips over the top aiming a downward kick at Hinata. Watching his clones Oshi looks at his foot and the water begins to rumble stronger his leg now moving slightly.
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Naito Aburame
Naito Aburame

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Oshiroku vs. Hinata...Holiday Spar Empty
PostSubject: Re: Oshiroku vs. Hinata...Holiday Spar   Oshiroku vs. Hinata...Holiday Spar Icon_minitimeTue 26 Aug 2008, 3:26 pm

((I will use a jutsu which haven't been approved yet.))

Hinata sees the flying Oshiroku clone and decides to evade him. She uses Rolling Snake Attack, by rolling over to one of the supporter clones, and launches a gentle fist strike toward his chest. She also pronounces: "Rolling snake attack!"

Rolling Snake Attack wrote:
Rank D - Taijutsu - Of a short distance, the user throws him/herself forward and turns a somersault toward the target. At the destination, the attacker throws a fist upwards, toward the target's throat. But a Hyuuga aims for the inner organs.

Last edited by Hinata on Wed 27 Aug 2008, 8:03 am; edited 1 time in total
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Oshiroku vs. Hinata...Holiday Spar Empty
PostSubject: Re: Oshiroku vs. Hinata...Holiday Spar   Oshiroku vs. Hinata...Holiday Spar Icon_minitimeTue 26 Aug 2008, 9:57 pm

((the Jutsu sounds fine. It really is just a technique so its alright for you to use it))

The clone poofed as the jumping clone landed and turned back running toward Hinata and jumping into the air kicking at her. The other clone stopped and did quick hand signs firing 50 small sound bullets at Hinata.
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Naito Aburame
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Oshiroku vs. Hinata...Holiday Spar Empty
PostSubject: Re: Oshiroku vs. Hinata...Holiday Spar   Oshiroku vs. Hinata...Holiday Spar Icon_minitimeWed 27 Aug 2008, 6:42 am

Hinata turns around and blocks the kick at the last second and grabs a grip of it. By the force of the kick, she falls down anyway. She doesn't let go of the leg and launches a kick toward Oshi's other leg.
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Oshiroku vs. Hinata...Holiday Spar Empty
PostSubject: Re: Oshiroku vs. Hinata...Holiday Spar   Oshiroku vs. Hinata...Holiday Spar Icon_minitimeFri 29 Aug 2008, 5:37 pm

The clone pops and water comes out the clone being a water clone. The bullets hit Hinata since she didn't dodge them and they pushed her back across the ground pummeling her.
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Naito Aburame
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Oshiroku vs. Hinata...Holiday Spar Empty
PostSubject: Re: Oshiroku vs. Hinata...Holiday Spar   Oshiroku vs. Hinata...Holiday Spar Icon_minitimeFri 29 Aug 2008, 5:46 pm

"Awh!" She yells during the pummeling.
"What was that?" Hinata gets up slowly.
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Oshiroku vs. Hinata...Holiday Spar Empty
PostSubject: Re: Oshiroku vs. Hinata...Holiday Spar   Oshiroku vs. Hinata...Holiday Spar Icon_minitimeFri 29 Aug 2008, 5:56 pm

"Sounds bullets" Oshi said still on the lake. "My clone shot them at you" Oshi laughed "You need to pay more attention" he said.
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Naito Aburame
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Oshiroku vs. Hinata...Holiday Spar Empty
PostSubject: Re: Oshiroku vs. Hinata...Holiday Spar   Oshiroku vs. Hinata...Holiday Spar Icon_minitimeFri 29 Aug 2008, 6:19 pm

Hinata acknowledges the joke but only lets up a small smile. She takes the fighting stance again, watching over the battle field. She sees one Oshiroku at the water and one by the grass. What would be best choice of action be? To be honest, she doesn't know.
She decides to stand up against the original. She steps carefully over to the water, having a distance of 20meter (64feet) to her opponent.
"Byakugan!" If she can see the chakra in the water which is being release by Oshiroku, when he uses water techniques. She would be able to predict all the water movements of Oshis' techniques.
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Oshiroku vs. Hinata...Holiday Spar Empty
PostSubject: Re: Oshiroku vs. Hinata...Holiday Spar   Oshiroku vs. Hinata...Holiday Spar Icon_minitimeFri 29 Aug 2008, 6:39 pm

Oshi shot more water at Hinata. He was using his control over vibrations to shoot them through the water creating huge gushes. As he made more vibrations the water around his hand/foot churned and then when he shot it out the water calmed the vibrations farther away. Only to start again when he started forming more. Right before the gush came a small flow of chakra being used to control the vibrations appeared under hinata and then the water shot out.
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Naito Aburame
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Oshiroku vs. Hinata...Holiday Spar Empty
PostSubject: Re: Oshiroku vs. Hinata...Holiday Spar   Oshiroku vs. Hinata...Holiday Spar Icon_minitimeSat 30 Aug 2008, 6:53 am

Hinata didn't have a good reaction to be able to fully evade it and she was launched backwards by the force.
His speed is crucial, Hinata thought. But I have to try.
Hinata starts to dash on the water, toward Oshiroku. Trying to not to run only straight forward but taking some unpredicting directions now and then. Her eyes focuses on the water.
The water shots had good aim and speed, giving real trouble for Hinata to evade it. Slowing her down a lot, as she tryes to come closer to Oshiroku.
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Oshiroku vs. Hinata...Holiday Spar Empty
PostSubject: Re: Oshiroku vs. Hinata...Holiday Spar   Oshiroku vs. Hinata...Holiday Spar Icon_minitimeSat 30 Aug 2008, 8:47 am

Oshi focused his vibrations again and the water around his hand calmed as shot after shot appeared smaller because of their rapidity but still about 1ft wide.
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Naito Aburame
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Oshiroku vs. Hinata...Holiday Spar Empty
PostSubject: Re: Oshiroku vs. Hinata...Holiday Spar   Oshiroku vs. Hinata...Holiday Spar Icon_minitimeSat 30 Aug 2008, 4:48 pm

This is too hard, Hinata thought.
Hinata picks up a kunai and throws it at Oshiroku, to distract him from his jutsu usage.
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Oshiroku vs. Hinata...Holiday Spar Empty
PostSubject: Re: Oshiroku vs. Hinata...Holiday Spar   Oshiroku vs. Hinata...Holiday Spar Icon_minitimeSat 30 Aug 2008, 5:42 pm

Oshi sunk into the water hearing the weapon flying toward him. Sinking to the bottom of the lake Oshi does quick hand signs 4 clones materializing out of the water as Oshi's old clone fires 50 more sound bullets at Hinata.
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Naito Aburame
Naito Aburame

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Oshiroku vs. Hinata...Holiday Spar Empty
PostSubject: Re: Oshiroku vs. Hinata...Holiday Spar   Oshiroku vs. Hinata...Holiday Spar Icon_minitimeSat 30 Aug 2008, 5:58 pm

He went to the bottom? How can he breath down there?
Hinata not noticing the old clone. Gets hit by sound bullets. The impact was so hard that she flew 10meters (32feet) across the water.
"Those bullets are a real pain." Hinata feeling sore over her whole body. She notices soon that she is sinking in the water, and gets quickly up to prevent drowning.
"This is not good, now there are more of them." Hinata staring at the 5 clones.
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Oshiroku vs. Hinata...Holiday Spar Empty
PostSubject: Re: Oshiroku vs. Hinata...Holiday Spar   Oshiroku vs. Hinata...Holiday Spar Icon_minitimeSat 30 Aug 2008, 6:40 pm

The original clone walked onto the water and he and the other four surround Hinata as Oshi stood at the bottom of the lake his body shimmering purple. I don't have long...he thought I will have to get air eventually. Standing stock still to conserve air Oshi "watched" the battle progress above him planning his next move.
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