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Sunari vs Enishi (spar) Icon_minitimeFri 30 Jul 2021, 12:05 am by Nocturne

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 Sunari vs Enishi (spar)

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Sunari Hikura

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PostSubject: Sunari vs Enishi (spar)   Sunari vs Enishi (spar) Icon_minitimeSun 22 Feb 2009, 11:15 pm

The woods were thick , an area often less traveled due to the thick foliage. The ground was laden with large tree roots in most places, shrubbery growing up wherever it could. Some of the fauna lessened by a nearby river where the rushing waters would bat at the roots until they were no more and the trees had learned to pull back. Here Sunari was was refilling a canteen for her travels after running out about a half hour ago. The rushing waters made it tough to listen for any noises, but Kumori was behind her, crimson eyes darting around and nose checking the air ever few minutes. They weren't on high alert but it often paid to be cautious.

The wolf growled a little and Sunari looked around, alert. "Damn I'm bored..." that earned him a conk to the head, though thankfully she was done.

"Next time growl if there's a disturbance, not from boredom." Kumori just huffed, as they'd been walking for days and if they were going to be alert he'd appreciate a little bit of excitement for a reward.
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PostSubject: Re: Sunari vs Enishi (spar)   Sunari vs Enishi (spar) Icon_minitimeSun 22 Feb 2009, 11:22 pm

Enishi was sound asleep, floating down the river on a rather poorly made raft. After a while of following the current, the small raft bumped against a rock jutting out of the water. It wasn't enough to cause any damage to the raft, but it was enough to wake up Enishi. Looking around, Enishi quickly began wondering how he had gotten on a raft in a river, or what river he was even in. After a moment, Enishi saw a small girl filling a canteen in the river and rolled over onto his stomach to put his hand into the water, causing to raft to turn, and push its way onto the river bank. Looking up at the girl from the raft, Enishi pointed to the canteen and said to her "You might not want to drink that, the water in these parts is full of nasty parasites that would make traveling rather difficult."
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Sunari Hikura

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PostSubject: Re: Sunari vs Enishi (spar)   Sunari vs Enishi (spar) Icon_minitimeSun 22 Feb 2009, 11:29 pm

Raising an eyebrow at the...eccentric man, she reached back into her bag and extracted a small pill, which she proceeded to drop into the water. Fizzling was heard as she replied "Thanks for the warning but I wasn't going to drink it pure." The fizzing sound soon quieted down and she put the cap on the canteen to save it for later. She couldn't help but wonder..."If I may ask...why are you on that raft?" It seemed like an obscure thing to do, and a strange way to travel. Though...she guessed one wouldn't expect to SEE him just floating on down so it was an interesting way to go. Kumori stared at the guy, not sure if he was pure crazy or just weird, but padded over to give the guy a sniff. For all either of them knew he'd been taking something strange and off the open market.
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PostSubject: Re: Sunari vs Enishi (spar)   Sunari vs Enishi (spar) Icon_minitimeSun 22 Feb 2009, 11:41 pm

Enishi just quietly smiled at them, and as the wolf slowly drew closer. "Nice dog you have." Knowing full well it wasn't a dog, but still, he reached out and rubbed the top of the wolf's head before reaching into his small pouch and pulling out a cold piece of already cooked rabbit and laying it in front of the wolf. "As for why i'm on this raft..." he paused for a moment and thought about it, "i can't quite remember why i was put on a raft, something about me passing out after losing a bet, than next ting i know, i wake up, floating down a river. I've got no idea where i am, i've been floating here for about 4 days, just hoping to find some town by the river." Enishi sat up, crossing his legs and remaining on the raft. "You wouldn't believe how boring it gets when you're alone with nothing to do."
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PostSubject: Re: Sunari vs Enishi (spar)   Sunari vs Enishi (spar) Icon_minitimeSun 22 Feb 2009, 11:56 pm

Kumori glared at him for being called a "dog" but Sunari had made him promise to stop biting people every time he was called such. The rabbit looked and smelled appetizing, but he gave it a few sniffs, unsure if it was all right. He chose to ignore the pats on the head as well, once again another rule of politeness or some junk. When the two heard 'passing out' they figured there was probably drinking going on during this bet...whatever it had been about. Probably safer not to ask.

"Well the next town isn't for another day or two I believe, and I can imagine it'd get boring." Speaking of boredom, both she and Kumori had been having much the same thought, and turned to stare at each other. A silent conversation took place, each bouncing ideas off of the other and weighing the decision before both turning back to the strange man. "Since you have been floating for some time and haven't likely moved much, want to spar and loosen up some stiff muscles? Kumori and I haven't had much to do for the past few days either. Couldn't hurt right, and then you can happily float on down the river to the next town." He would be amusing to fight, wanting to see how his style matched his personality.
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PostSubject: Re: Sunari vs Enishi (spar)   Sunari vs Enishi (spar) Icon_minitimeMon 23 Feb 2009, 12:03 am

Smiling, Enishi leaned forward, placing his palms flat on the ground. With a quick jerking motion of his body, he flipped forward, his legs flying up into the air above his body into a handstand. Unaware of what he actually did, Enishi accidentally pushed his raft back out into the river, causing it to go with the current down stream. Cursing under his breath, Enishi flipped back over again so that he was facing Sunari as he said to her "A spar sounds just delightful, but before we start, do you mind if i ask who you are, it would only be polite" not even realizing that he hadn't introduced himself yet.
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Sunari Hikura

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PostSubject: Re: Sunari vs Enishi (spar)   Sunari vs Enishi (spar) Icon_minitimeMon 23 Feb 2009, 12:26 am

For a moment she watched the raft happily drift away and held in the chuckle. Nice disembarking, but left something to be desired. Turning back to him she calmed herself and bowed her head slightly, "I am Sunari, and this is Kumori. And may I know the name of my sparring partner as well, since it is only polite? And after the spar we'll happily help you construct a new raft to continue your...river journey" a small smile couldn't be kept in at that, and even Kumori snickered. Besides it seemed fair, he'd help them relieve boredom via fight, and they'd help him continue his intriguing journey. Perhaps one of these days she'd try it out herself...maybe.
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PostSubject: Re: Sunari vs Enishi (spar)   Sunari vs Enishi (spar) Icon_minitimeMon 23 Feb 2009, 4:09 pm

Placing his arm at his waist, Enishi bowed slightly, as if bending over his arm and said "Forgive my rudeness, I am Enishi. Now that we have that out of the way, we can begin our little spar." Smiling, Enishi's body shot straight up, his back and legs forming a perfect line, making it seem as if he were a good 6 inches taller. His arms were bent, putting his hands right in front of his face and neck, his hands in a tightly curled ball, except for his thumbs and index fingers, which looked as if they were holding sake cups. After standing perfectly still for a brief moment, his body began to loosen up, causing him to sway from side to side and his arms to wobble around, but staying generally in front of his chest.
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Sunari Hikura

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PostSubject: Re: Sunari vs Enishi (spar)   Sunari vs Enishi (spar) Icon_minitimeMon 23 Feb 2009, 4:27 pm

A shine lit up in her eyes when he went ramrod straight, her own body falling into a hunched position so that her back curved forward slightly. Her legs shifted to a bit beyond shoulder length apart and her knees bent, hands coming up sit just below her jawline and keeping her elbows out. Her eyebrow arched down when he began to sway a bit, and her eyes quickly judged the way his hands were held...a drunken boxer? That would be her guess, as she'd heard of the oddity of the style, but that didn't detract her excitement in the least. If nothing else she'd see what appeared to be an excellent demonstration of the style. Unfortunately Kumori didn't seem to catch on as quick, thinking the man merely drunk or other, but that was all right. He was going to watch for the first few anyways.

Sunari watched him sway for a moment more before deciding to make the first move, using the coil in her legs to propel herself forward. Before reaching him she bent forward, hands touching the ground and she brought her right over her left, using the momentum of her body and her hand's to twist her body around. One second her leg was going to come down on his head or shoulder, the next it was coming down low to strike him in the hip.
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PostSubject: Re: Sunari vs Enishi (spar)   Sunari vs Enishi (spar) Icon_minitimeMon 23 Feb 2009, 4:41 pm

Sunari's leg caught Enishi right on the back of the thigh, causing him to topple sideways, but because his body was so lose and relaxed, he was left with barely a bruise from the kick. Rolling about a foot, Enishi stopped when he was crouched down on his feet facing Sunari, than launched himself at her before she had a chance to set herself up for an attack or defense.As he got within arm's reach, he snapped his arm out at her side with the speed and power of a whip.
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Sunari Hikura

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PostSubject: Re: Sunari vs Enishi (spar)   Sunari vs Enishi (spar) Icon_minitimeMon 23 Feb 2009, 4:48 pm

There wasn't time to move out of the way, so Sunari let her arms go slack and had to allowed him to strike out at her side as she brought up one arm to use to push off of his. The strike hit, but at the same time she cushioned it with her own, letting his momentum help push her to the side where she rolled onto her feet and was crouched low. She charged, staying low and then touched a hand to the ground and flipped herself into the air and spun once to give herself more motion, moving to bring her heel down into his spine.
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PostSubject: Re: Sunari vs Enishi (spar)   Sunari vs Enishi (spar) Icon_minitimeMon 23 Feb 2009, 7:18 pm

Enishi quickly thrust his hands into the ground, stopping him in an instant, sending his legs flying forward over top of him and towards Sunari's face, making it difficult do dodge since she was in the air, while also causing his entire body to rotate, making it so that only heel of Sunari's foot scraped across his back, tearing off some of his shirt and cause a few minor injuries that were no more than a few superficial cuts that began to bleed just enough to eventually scab over.
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Sunari Hikura

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PostSubject: Re: Sunari vs Enishi (spar)   Sunari vs Enishi (spar) Icon_minitimeMon 23 Feb 2009, 7:32 pm

Sunari's hands shot out to catch his legs, arms bending as they came at her, while her other foot kicked out to touch on his butt. Using all three she pushed off of him, feeling his legs still bash against her shoulders and scrape against her arms. In air she leaned forward, allowing her feet to hit the ground and a gloved hand to help steady her balance as she skid backwards. The second she stopped skidding she shot forward and staying low she stuck out her elbow to strike him in a kidney, her hands clasped so as to add and keep the force behind the blow.
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PostSubject: Re: Sunari vs Enishi (spar)   Sunari vs Enishi (spar) Icon_minitimeMon 23 Feb 2009, 8:10 pm

Doing a handstand as he noticed Sunari rushing at him, Enishi walked towards her on his hands, placing his one palm on her head, pushing him up and over her attack, while also putting him in the perfect position to attack. Dropping down above Sunari, he attpemted to drop himself head first onto her back, while he also shot his arms forwards at Sunari's side, trying to use his powerful pincer-like grip to rip out two small chunks of Sunari's body.
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Sunari Hikura

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PostSubject: Re: Sunari vs Enishi (spar)   Sunari vs Enishi (spar) Icon_minitimeMon 23 Feb 2009, 9:02 pm

At this point Kumori couldn't contain himself, both out of a need to protect her and...because it looked too fun. He'd been off to the side idly watching but the moment Enishi's hand touched her head Kumori dashed forward and leapt into the air to ram into Enishi and throw him off balance. In the same motion Sunari's hands shot towards the ground while she lowered until she was only a few inches above the ground and pushed with both feet and both hands to propel herself out of the way in time. It wasn't until she was away and had righted herself somewhat that she saw a part of her shirt missing on both sides and frowned. The skin too had scraped and was bleeding but that would likely scab over pretty quickly.
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PostSubject: Re: Sunari vs Enishi (spar)   Sunari vs Enishi (spar) Icon_minitimeMon 23 Feb 2009, 9:42 pm

Enishi was rammed right in his ribs by the wolf, causing the two of them to tumble to he ground. In the moment they were rolling, Enishi positioned his hand at the wolf's throat, he used his pincer like grip to grab the wind pipe of the wolf, but kept in mind that it was only a spar, he made sure to only apply enough pressure to cause the wolf to pass out after he held on for a about 4 seconds.
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Sunari Hikura

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PostSubject: Re: Sunari vs Enishi (spar)   Sunari vs Enishi (spar) Icon_minitimeMon 23 Feb 2009, 10:05 pm

Kumori still kicked his claws up at Enishi, scraping away at his legs and chest as he could but then went down softly, lying in the ground with a last thought of cursing his luck. Sunari would be sure to tease him about that later, for now it seemed she'd be the only one to have the fun then. At least until Kumori revived, damned thing didn't know when to stay down sometimes. Rather than risk harming Kumori, since Enishi still had his hand to his windpipe, Sunari instead took the time to ready herself for his next attack, positioning herself so that she was at a one-quarter view to him, both knees bent. One hand was curled, palm facing her and arm held out with her elbow partially bent. The other hand was also curled, but held behind her with her and elbow at a 45 degree angle.
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PostSubject: Re: Sunari vs Enishi (spar)   Sunari vs Enishi (spar) Icon_minitimeMon 23 Feb 2009, 10:12 pm

Placing the wolf gently on the ground beside him, Enishi patted his head and quietly said "sleep well now, you'll have one hell of a head ache when you wake up." Smiling, Enishi stood up and faced the now crouching Sunari and said "Now it seems we can continue this without interruption." Enishi pulled out his gourd and took a long sip from it, emptying the gourd. Tossing it to the side, Enishi spread his legs apart, bending his knees and held his arms out in front of him, his arms bent outward as if he were carrying a large pot, with his hands in his normal sake cup position.
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Sunari Hikura

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PostSubject: Re: Sunari vs Enishi (spar)   Sunari vs Enishi (spar) Icon_minitimeMon 23 Feb 2009, 10:50 pm

'Reinforcement then? Or he just likes to drink,' it was hard to guess which with this guy, but it more than likely went hand in hand and he was probably a master for all she knew. Since he wasn't moving Sunari took the time to analyze his stance, still curious about the position of his hands. A few different scenarios played out through her head and none of them seemed to end well with what she'd seen so far. It'd been all taijutsu until this moment, should she use ninjutsu, or continue the taijutsu chain? Well it was a spar, no need to get that least not yet. Her foot inched forward twice, and then she forced chakra into her muslces, leaping forward. The hand that had been in front of her reached out towards his middle to strike but was pulled back before reaching too far, mostly acting as a decoy, while the other one shot towards his thigh to hit at his femoral artery.
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PostSubject: Re: Sunari vs Enishi (spar)   Sunari vs Enishi (spar) Icon_minitimeFri 27 Feb 2009, 10:29 pm

Enishi seemed to glide backwards for a moment, when in an instant, he shot forward, spinning around, and ducking under Sunari. Using the spinning motion and the power in his arms, he shot both of his arms out with incredible power that would easily shatter stone straight for Sunari's chest.
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Sunari Hikura

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PostSubject: Re: Sunari vs Enishi (spar)   Sunari vs Enishi (spar) Icon_minitimeFri 27 Feb 2009, 11:28 pm

There was no way to completely dodge, not in her current position, so she put force into her leg to tilt herself to the side. The strike touched her sternum and her eyes widened at the force of the blow. She continued her descent to the ground, rolling a few feet away and finally stopping to gasp for air and from the pain. 'Damn it! That...was far too does he have such strength?' there was a lot to be said for his fighting style as if they were fighting seriously then likely she would've been dead already.

She pushed herself up, forced to hold her breath as the sudden movement caused tightening in her chest and stared at him, finally gasping for a breath. For a second she closed her right eye, wincing and glaring hazily before refocusing on him. She brought up her hands into loose fists in front of her, deciding to take on a more casual boxing stance and knees bent.
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