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Revy the Bijuu Punching Bag Icon_minitimeSun 21 Oct 2018, 3:13 am by Nocturne

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 Revy the Bijuu Punching Bag

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Revy the Bijuu Punching Bag Empty
PostSubject: Revy the Bijuu Punching Bag   Revy the Bijuu Punching Bag Icon_minitimeSun 12 Jul 2009, 4:26 am

Revy sits on a wide open grassy field waiting for her good friend she has fought meny times, Naizu
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Naizu Nimakee
Naizu Nimakee

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Revy the Bijuu Punching Bag Empty
PostSubject: Re: Revy the Bijuu Punching Bag   Revy the Bijuu Punching Bag Icon_minitimeSun 12 Jul 2009, 4:34 am

"One of these times I will kill you"says an omynous voive. In a cloud of steam, naizu appears with a special gleam in his eyes. "Either that, or defeat you, of which if defeats the case you're buying me dinner" he says with a smile.

Description:(Only availible during piercing mind or higher oakegan) Almost as if a gloss were
coated onto Naizus eyes, they become protecting mechanizms. Naizu's eyes reflect a genjutsu
cast instantly but becomes blind for 1 post following. This can only be used once per 4 post.
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Revy the Bijuu Punching Bag Empty
PostSubject: Re: Revy the Bijuu Punching Bag   Revy the Bijuu Punching Bag Icon_minitimeSun 12 Jul 2009, 4:37 am

Revy stands up and turns around, she looks directly at him and gets right in his face, "Well tough guy huh?" Revy sais to him, "Lets see if you can handle my full power" Revy sais as her chakra begins to turn white and raise like flames around her
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Naizu Nimakee
Naizu Nimakee

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Revy the Bijuu Punching Bag Empty
PostSubject: Re: Revy the Bijuu Punching Bag   Revy the Bijuu Punching Bag Icon_minitimeSun 12 Jul 2009, 4:52 am

"Really really wanna do this like this? hmm well then"Naizu takes a step back and forms rapid sets of seals and a massive amount of canine reations are at naizu's disposal. closes his eyes and speaks. "Lets go max on mine as well shall we?" Opening his eyes he goes to his third stage,instead of 5th for some reason still hoping to save a little time. Flipping through more hand seals, another mass number, this of clones comes running toward Revy, but images of tenshin come flooding in to her head, then her being stabbed.

Name Corupted Past
Description:This is activated by contact alone. Ones past is brought to ahead in a nightmarish
manner. Thoughts that would sooth ones mind are first brought to mind and are then destroyed in
a slow but brutal manner.

Name: Water Style: Wolf Pack explosion
Description: Utilizes wolves formed from water to seek out enemy and explode either at his

command or when within a 5 ft radius

Name: Oakegon
Rank: Ranges from B-S depending on stage (awakening sight:B Piercing Mind:A Heavens Vision:S)
Description: Oakegan: genjutsu(3 stages have been noted in the clans history but there is a
legend that 2 more exist. The possessors genjutsu is based on fear and elemental nature) 1st:
Awakening Sight 2nd: Piercing Mind and 3rd: Heavens Vision

Awakening Sight: The possesors genjutsu ustilzes smaller portion of chakra and is enhanced. But
most notably is one is able to gain premanitions of the opositions moves though only 50%
accurate at this stage.

Piercing Mind: The possesors genjutsu uses more a great deal more chakra but also inflicts
bodily wounds through genjutsu. the prior preminitions are enhanced 25% more and time seems at
a slowed pace

Heavens Vision: At this state, the possessor can cast genjutsu on up to a hundred enemies at
once for 10 min intervals. Determining the number of targets and time duration, the chakra
consumption varies. All attributes from the previous two stages are also aplied as well as the
priminitons accuracy increasing to upwards of 90%.

Name: Steam Style: Hound Jutsu
Description: chakra sensing steamed form hounds are created and dispatched to search for
opposition. Upon finding them, the disperse instanly giving the location to Naizu

Name: Hells Clones
Description: (Only During Oakegan-Piering Mind or higher) Naizu can create clones that are
walking flames. The clones have accelerated speed, can detatch and launch their arms at the
foe. Upon both arms bein detatched, the clone immediately takes chase insue of the enemey and
will explode upon contact or will detinate 10 seconds post sprint

Description:(Only availible during piercing mind or higher oakegan) Almost as if a gloss were
coated onto Naizus eyes, they become protecting mechanizms. Naizu's eyes reflect a genjutsu
cast instantly but becomes blind for 1 post following. This can only be used once per 4 post.

Name: Heat Hounds
Rank: B
Description: The user composes 5 hounds which are composed of fire and chakra. They sense body
heat and search for the foe. Upon sighting the hounds will sorround them and take consecutively
leap towards the toward the enemey, raining fire upon them
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Revy the Bijuu Punching Bag Empty
PostSubject: Re: Revy the Bijuu Punching Bag   Revy the Bijuu Punching Bag Icon_minitimeSun 12 Jul 2009, 5:06 am

Okaeshi broke then genjutsu in Revys mind easily, white flames rose up all around Revy destroying the clones once they came within 5 ft from her. Revy has used her 1st bijuu wing then activated the second one along with the 3rd wing directly after.

1 Wing: Turns Revys flames white, all flame jutsus will be a snowy white color, hot enough to burn through almost enything. Increased speed

2 Wings: Manipulate fire at will, fast flight speed, change the color of fire at will.

3 Wings: All abilitys from 1-2 Wings.


Wing 1: Revy will grow 2 horns out of the top of her forehead, they will bend back over the top of her head and point straight back, her hair will turn snowy white, there will be white aura comeing up around her, small fangs.

Wing 2: same appearence as Wing 1, Eyes turn completly white, grows dragon wings.

Wing 3: Same appearence as Wing 1-2, aura turns bloody red.
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Naizu Nimakee
Naizu Nimakee

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Village: Hidden in the Mist

Revy the Bijuu Punching Bag Empty
PostSubject: Re: Revy the Bijuu Punching Bag   Revy the Bijuu Punching Bag Icon_minitimeSun 12 Jul 2009, 5:23 am

"This is gonna get bad if i don't do something naizu said". He Summoned two exact replica clones that had the jounins abilities. Naizu himself summoned three more clones that sourronded the beasty female, then distanced himself. The replicas and Naizu all leapt high into the air with Naizu summoning a huge mass of boiling water from one side and the two others oposite each other did the same as the three clones trapped the wing woman with a seal.
Name: Tri-Elemental Seal
Element: Steam/Water/Fire
Description: Three Clones (Water,Fire,Steam) are made and sorround the the enemy instanly.
Placing their hand to the ground, they form a barrier around the foe. Entrances is only
permitted as escaping is near impossible, however once in place the clones won't move. Upon
establisment, every post (user), the barrier shrinks and within five post, This can only be
used twice in battle and takes 2 post to prepare.The barrier is unaffected by Ninjutsu or

Name: Dual Death Clones
Description: These are two exact replicated clones with 3/4 of the naizu's strength, along with
all his jutsu at 3/4 of its power (discluding jutsu of his oakegan). Can only be used twice in

Name:Heat Wave
Description:A massive wall of boiling water is sent toward the opponent and instantly floods
the battle field.This water is as hot as 600 degrees and will burn either caster or opponent
upon them landing in it. It receeds after 4 post.

Name:Heat Wave
Description:A massive wall of boiling water is sent toward the opponent and instantly floods
the battle field.This water is as hot as 600 degrees and will burn either caster or opponent
upon them landing in it. It receeds after 4 post.

Name:Heat Wave
Description:A massive wall of boiling water is sent toward the opponent and instantly floods
the battle field.This water is as hot as 600 degrees and will burn either caster or opponent
upon them landing in it. It receeds after 4 post.
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Revy the Bijuu Punching Bag Empty
PostSubject: Re: Revy the Bijuu Punching Bag   Revy the Bijuu Punching Bag Icon_minitimeSun 12 Jul 2009, 5:31 am

Revy giggled a bit with a female demonic voice in the background, "Smart move, but it wont work" Revy screamed to the sky realy loud, in the background a dragons roar was heard, flames rose up everywhere, inside and outside of the seal, destroying the clones and droping the seal, a red ball made of red aura and flames formed above revys mouth, it growed huge, it started to shoot down red beams everywhere that blew up on contact. the entire ball exploded putting flames everywhere surrounding Revy and Naizu, all that was left was a giant dragon 280,000ft big.

Boukyaku: Flames will rise up everywhere around revy, burning enything they touch instantly, Revys eyes will turn bloody red, she will start screaming to the sky, when she screams a dragons roar will be heard, a giant red ball will begin to form in the air above her made of flames and red aura, after about 20 seconds of forming the ball will explode igniteing the entire area in flames. (Doing this will cause the 4th wing to come)
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Naizu Nimakee
Naizu Nimakee

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Revy the Bijuu Punching Bag Empty
PostSubject: Re: Revy the Bijuu Punching Bag   Revy the Bijuu Punching Bag Icon_minitimeSun 12 Jul 2009, 5:52 am

The two clones once again summoned the large waves while Naizu closed his eyes. "Now we'll see how powerful these things are"Naizu said opening his eyes and the fifth stage of his oakegan as well. Too unleashed a massive wave but this was like no other. This was a crimson wave that ate flesh easily, the mammoth beast seemed to be covered, burried and tamed.

Name:Defined Apprehension
Element: Kinjutsu
Description:The Alphamega of the Oakegan. The holder of this increases their chakra, strength,
speed and wisdom 8 fold. Any genjutsu used while in this final stage will be near impossible to
break. But its said that the maximum time you can maintain this stage is 5 minutes. If one
tries to use this for more time, their chakra will start to drain rapidly or death can occurr.
(5 minutes is equal 10 post)

Name:Heat Wave
Description:A massive wall of boiling water is sent toward the opponent and instantly floods
the battle field.This water is as hot as 600 degrees and will burn either caster or opponent
upon them landing in it. It receeds after 4 post.

Name:Heat Wave
Description:A massive wall of boiling water is sent toward the opponent and instantly floods
the battle field.This water is as hot as 600 degrees and will burn either caster or opponent
upon them landing in it. It receeds after 4 post.

Name:Heat Wave
Description:A massive wall of boiling water is sent toward the opponent and instantly floods
the battle field.This water is as hot as 600 degrees and will burn either caster or opponent
upon them landing in it. It receeds after 4 post.

Name:Crimson Flood
Description:(Can only be used during Defined Apprehension) Chakra Based red water will flood
the souroundings the user can control the calm and fierceness of it. Beyond having the Defined
Apprehension,there is no way to protect yourself from this water for it is flesh eating.These
eyes alone protect the user from this water.(Therefore if times up with the Doujutsu, the user
is no longer safe from it anylonger either. If the foe is submergerged completely, he will die.
(The water will receed after 5 post)
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Revy the Bijuu Punching Bag Empty
PostSubject: Re: Revy the Bijuu Punching Bag   Revy the Bijuu Punching Bag Icon_minitimeSun 12 Jul 2009, 5:59 am

The giant dragon simply looked down at the small guy doing funny jutsus, it did absolutely no harm to the dragons rough scaley skin, the dragon put his head high in the air and clicked his mouth, a large flash of light that could blind almopst enything apeard from his mouth, it would temperarily blind Naizu for just a few seconds, when he comes to all he will see is a girl in dragon armor holding a 6ft long blade floating in the red water relaxing, "This water feels prety good" Revy said as she floated in the water completly un-affected by it from her huge almost limitless ammount of chakra and un-breakable armor.

Saiyou: The dragon will roar loudly, a giant flash of light that can blind almost enything comes from the dragons mouth, once the flash is over Revy will be standing there instead of the dragon, except the dragon will still have full control (Until it is at harmony) Revy will be wearing beat up looking silverish dragon armor with a black and red ripped up cape, this is the legendary armor of the Dragon Gods, she will be holding a huge blade (6ft long), it is the legendary sword of the Dragon Gods, she will have all the power and strength of the dragons actualy form.

Revys Armor:
Revy the Bijuu Punching Bag DragonArmor

Revys Sword:
Revy the Bijuu Punching Bag Darksword-1
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Naizu Nimakee
Naizu Nimakee

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Revy the Bijuu Punching Bag Empty
PostSubject: Re: Revy the Bijuu Punching Bag   Revy the Bijuu Punching Bag Icon_minitimeSun 12 Jul 2009, 6:16 am

naizu and his clones stand there looking on."friggin armor" hes said with a chuckle. Naizu made a few hand signs and he along with the two clones decomposed with the wind. Just like that, they were gone.

Name: Mitify
Description: Naizu can turn his body to mist at will. This can only be used 10 times per
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Revy the Bijuu Punching Bag Empty
PostSubject: Re: Revy the Bijuu Punching Bag   Revy the Bijuu Punching Bag Icon_minitimeSun 12 Jul 2009, 6:29 am

Revy looked around for him, she quickly spotted the mist about a mile away away already, "well hes no fun" Revy snapped her fingers, instantly flames 10,000 ft tall coverd all the water, it quickly turned into steam and lifted into the air high to the sky, there was no water left in the area, as the watter dissapeard the flames did aswell, Revy stood there leaning on her sword in the ground, "Hm...well what should i do now" Revy sais, the top of her face is hidden by the headpiece of the armor set, only her mouth and lower can be seen
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Revy the Bijuu Punching Bag Empty
PostSubject: Re: Revy the Bijuu Punching Bag   Revy the Bijuu Punching Bag Icon_minitimeSun 12 Jul 2009, 6:45 am

A black flame hits the ground behind Revy and burns the ground in that one spot. A dark shaodw figure rises from the flmes wearing a black robe covering his face up.only thing visible on him his a sword and his mouth. He then grew a grin on his face. He began to walk forward then stoped. He looked at this lady in a armor. " Hum this ,must be the great bijuu going around town so i guess your Revy the Akatsuki Leader. " the man said in a Demonic like voice as if something was talking in the background with him. The man then started to glow white cause he chakra started to poor out of his body. He still had a grin he also had his hand in his robe like if he had something to hide.
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Revy the Bijuu Punching Bag Empty
PostSubject: Re: Revy the Bijuu Punching Bag   Revy the Bijuu Punching Bag Icon_minitimeSun 12 Jul 2009, 6:50 am

Revy turns around and looks at the man, "Well...its been a while Tenshin" Revy sais as she pulls the sword out of the ground and places it on her shoulder.
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Revy the Bijuu Punching Bag Empty
PostSubject: Re: Revy the Bijuu Punching Bag   Revy the Bijuu Punching Bag Icon_minitimeSun 12 Jul 2009, 7:02 am

Tenshin then miled and did some handsigns within his Robe then threw the robe off of him. Tenshin smiled. "How you know it was me Revy." Tenshin said as he looked at her and then thought. "Hows that scar of yours doing." Tenshin with a smirk. Tenshin hakra then grew one tailed Tenshin bijuu mode was activated. Tenshin had white chakra flowing now. Tenshin looked at Revy. " I never went one tailed this might bee fun i wanna try this out in a battle. Tenshin then took out a ball (Flash bomb) that is lit and ready to egnite, Tenshin the w it into the air and then a big flash happened behind him blinding everthing looking at Tenshin. Tenshin then did a single handsign and then shi shadow started to exstend towards Revy, Tenshin was aiming to grab and constrict her.

Jutsu Name: Kage Mane no Jutsu
Rank: C - B
Element: None
Description: Kage Mane no Jutsu is a Ninjutsu technique developed by the Nara clan. It's original purpose was as a skill to help delay any pursuers. After forming the needed hand seals, the clan member is able to manipulate their shadow along any surface. By using other nearby shadows they can further extend the reach of their shadow, however they are limited to the surface area of the original cast shadow. Once the clan members shadow reaches the target shadow, it will attach itself. While attached the target will be frozen, only able to replicate in mirror form the actions of the clan member. If the clan member is low on chakra, the Kage Mane will falter and the shadow will return to its normal form.
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Revy the Bijuu Punching Bag Empty
PostSubject: Re: Revy the Bijuu Punching Bag   Revy the Bijuu Punching Bag Icon_minitimeSun 12 Jul 2009, 7:05 am

Revy stabed her sword back into the ground and leaned on it, she watched as the shadow crawled to her shadow and conected, Revy continued to lean on her sword as if nothing was happening.
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Revy the Bijuu Punching Bag Empty
PostSubject: Re: Revy the Bijuu Punching Bag   Revy the Bijuu Punching Bag Icon_minitimeSun 12 Jul 2009, 7:17 am

Tenshin then smiled but knew something was up from the moment she stood there. Tenshin then did needed handsigns to initaite his next move. Tenshin uses his shadow to form a hand which will creep up Revy body to her neck. Tenshin then had the hand on the upper part of her chest before he stopped and looked at Revy. Tenshin then smiled. " Fight me. " Tenshin then moved the hand up a bit more making it closer to her neck, it was now get ready to choke her. " Hum thismight be over a bit faster then i thought. Tenshin said with the bijuu voice in the back ground.

Jutsu Name: Kage Kubi Shibari no Jutsu
Rank: A
Element: None
Description: Kage Kubi Shibari no Jutsu is a Ninjutsu technique developed by the Nara clan. To perform the technique the clan member will first bind their target using the Kage Mane no Jutsu technique. Once the target can no longer move, they form the needed hand seal to initiate this technique. The clan member uses their shadow to form a hand which will creep up their opponents body to their neck. Once the hand reaches the neck, it will constrict in such a manner so as to strangle the opponent. However, the clan member will need to be careful. If their target has a lot of chakra, they can turn back the shadow hand and prevent it from binding their neck.
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Revy the Bijuu Punching Bag Empty
PostSubject: Re: Revy the Bijuu Punching Bag   Revy the Bijuu Punching Bag Icon_minitimeSun 12 Jul 2009, 11:40 am

Revy took her sword out of the ground, she walked behind Tenshin as if the shadow never had control over her, she patted him on the shoulder and turned around as if she was walking away, she turned around and swung her sword up quickly where Tenshin was standing, it created a HUGE slash in the air tearing up the ground sending a trail of flame out covering the huge gap in the ground a mile long.
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Revy the Bijuu Punching Bag Empty
PostSubject: Re: Revy the Bijuu Punching Bag   Revy the Bijuu Punching Bag Icon_minitimeSun 12 Jul 2009, 5:36 pm

Tenshin smiled. Tenshin then turned around and let it hit him but it seem it was a shadow clone. A laugh broke out from all around Revy, then a sound of a Tornado and dragons roar broke out from behind Revy. A Tornado that took the form of a dragon with a lightning cloak, and Tenshin at the base of it. Tenshin then sent it towards her knowing she was stronger then him for now and might just alow it to hit her directly. "Tenshin i am ready when you are. " "Okay wit a bit then will jump up." Tenshin says in his head.

Name: Shadow Clone Tag
Rank: A
Element: None
Description: First the user has to perform the hand signs, At first it wont look like nothing happened but once the enemy trys to attack it will appear as a shadow clone and the real user would be somewhere in the area.

Name: Rairyuu no Tatsumaki (Lightning Dragon Tornado)
Rank: B
Element: Lightning
Description:Ninpou: Rairyuu no Tatsumaki is a Ninjutsu technique used by Tenshin. One of Tenshin's many lightning based jutsu, this technique is used with his sword. Drawing his sword, Tenshin will raise it into the air and draw lightning down upon his body. The current will be contained within and around Tenshin's form. He will then begin to spin in place forming a whirling vortex of wind and electricity. The vortex will take on the form of a dragon and strike out against his opponent. Even if the attack doesn't directly connect with his foe, the lightning can jump from the vortex to hit a nearby target.
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Revy the Bijuu Punching Bag Empty
PostSubject: Re: Revy the Bijuu Punching Bag   Revy the Bijuu Punching Bag Icon_minitimeSun 12 Jul 2009, 9:24 pm

Revy let the tornadoe hit her, she got sent back a few feet and tumbled on the ground, she stood up and claped at Tenshins attack, "Well done Tenshin" Revy said, a more evilish voice echoed behind her voice as she talked.
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Revy the Bijuu Punching Bag Empty
PostSubject: Re: Revy the Bijuu Punching Bag   Revy the Bijuu Punching Bag Icon_minitimeSun 12 Jul 2009, 9:46 pm

Tenshin Smiled. Tenshin then grew 3 new tails "jumping" up to a four tailed bijuu form now like he said he would in his head. Tenshin then looked at Revy and the tapped his foot three times on the ground and vanshined to what is seem undergound. Tenshin then jumped up out of the ground on the side of Revy, Tenshin threw a punch at Revy straight to her Face if it hit it would open a combo of hits apon her face. This was the third deadly jutsu he had.(I think it is)

Name: Head Hunters Assault
Rank: B
Element: N/A
Description: The user would gather chakra throughout his body. He would tap the ground with his foot three times, as he does this he will disappear under ground. While under ground he would send a chakra wave through the ground so he could locate the enemy. Once located he would grab the users legs and pull them underground to the point where there heads would be the only thing visible above ground, but sometimes Tenshin uses it to sneak up on people.

Jutsu Name: 100 Punches
Rank: A - S
Element: None
Description: Tenshin well first need to borrow some of the Bijuus Chakra. Tenshin well then use the bijuus chakra and his own chakra to make his strength and speed 5x stronger then normal. Tenshin well then move so fast it as if he just used space time jutsu to get from one place to the other. Tenshin then we hit his enemy so fast it is almost as if he got his enemy in the uchihas Tsukuyomi state. Tenshin well hit his enemy 98 times in the face then the last two well be the most power full blows by hitting the enemy in the stomach then hitting him one last time in the face to make them fly far away from him as possible. (Sometimes this move kills people afther the last 2 hits.)
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Revy the Bijuu Punching Bag Empty
PostSubject: Re: Revy the Bijuu Punching Bag   Revy the Bijuu Punching Bag Icon_minitimeSun 12 Jul 2009, 9:53 pm

Revy simply leaned to the side a little, his fist and arm went right past revy, Revy leaned forward and kissed Tenshin, right after she spun around as Tenshin flew right past her.
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Revy the Bijuu Punching Bag Empty
PostSubject: Re: Revy the Bijuu Punching Bag   Revy the Bijuu Punching Bag Icon_minitimeSun 12 Jul 2009, 10:09 pm

Tenshin then fliped and looked at REvy, Tenshin mind then became clouded by the kiss Revy just gave him. Tenshin then remember all the things he did with her it somehow just flooded his head. "AWWW!! " Tenshin feel to his knee and grabbed his head and started to see all the diffrent things he did with her. Tenshin then picked up his blade and pointd it t Revy. Tenshin stood up, and then seem to had tears going down his face but it cleaed up fast from how hot his body was. Tenshin then looked at Revy emotionless he became confused again.

"Tenshin do it do head hunter." Tenshin didnt lisen he had a combo jutsu to pull off. Tenshin then created three clones that appeared at his side. One clone started to tap his foot three times on the ground doing the head hunter assault jutsu, the other two clones did the needed handsgn and then there hands started to me submerged in a black flame. They then charged at Revy as the third clone grabed Revy's leg and then was getting ready to pull her down till the point where only her head was visible. Tenshin then saw and awaited for the combo to connect it was only a second before it could only thing left to do was ull Revy down and then burn her.

Name: Dragon Assault Head Formation
Rank: S
Element: N/A
Description:The user makes three clones that appear at his sides. One clone performs a Head Hunters Jutsu and disappears under the earth. They send a chakra wave to find an enemy. The other two clones would do the needed handseals and then do Black Flame Strike. They would charge at the enemy and about to strike when the third clone comes out of the ground and pulls the enemy under till the point where there heads are visable. Then they are open to attack from Black Flame Stike. ( only uses this one time a day)

Name: Head Hunters Assault
Rank: B
Element: N/A
Description: The user would gather chakra throughout his body. He would tap the ground with his foot three times, as he does this he will disappear under ground. While under ground he would send a chakra wave through the ground so he could locate the enemy. Once located he would grab the users legs and pull them underground to the point where there heads would be the only thing visible above ground, but sometimes Tenshin uses it to sneak up on people.

Jutsu Name: Black Flame Strike
Rank: S
Element: Fire
Description: Black Flame Strike is a Ninjutsu and Taijutsu technique utilizing the Fire Element. Tenshin well first do the needed Handseals and then concentrate some of his chakra to his fist/hand. Tenshin then then use the chakra to gather black flames around his fist/hand. If Tenshin was to hit/or touch some one while this jutsu is in progress the oppenent well catch on fire and burn to death. (This Jutsu stays in progress for 2 post)
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Revy the Bijuu Punching Bag Empty
PostSubject: Re: Revy the Bijuu Punching Bag   Revy the Bijuu Punching Bag Icon_minitimeSun 12 Jul 2009, 10:13 pm

Revy rose 10,000 ft tall flames up around her instantly, burning every clone, she then calmed down the flames, "You are pretty good huh Tenshin?" Revy said with a more girlish vouce then her normal voice.
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Posts : 557
Points : 985
Join date : 2008-12-16
Age : 30
Location : In my mind

Shinobi Info
Ninja Rank: X Rank
Village: Sunagakure

Revy the Bijuu Punching Bag Empty
PostSubject: Re: Revy the Bijuu Punching Bag   Revy the Bijuu Punching Bag Icon_minitimeSun 12 Jul 2009, 10:27 pm

Tenshin then walked up to Revy. Tenshin stood right in her face now Tenshin then kissed Revy on the lips. After words he jumped back. Tenshin then looked at her. " REvy you are mine." Tenshin meant that in a loving kinda way but Evy took that in a ill killyou kinda way. Tenshin sayed that so he could talk about thislater on to her. Tenshin then threw his sword at Revy and then let it hit the floor infront of her. Tenshin did a few hand signs and then a large wall of fire emerged around her. Tenshin then watched and waited for her to make a move.

Justu Name: Sword Of Fire
Rank: C
Element: Fire
Description: After the user does a string of hand signs and thrusts a sword into the ground a large wall of fire will emerge around an opponent. The fire can not be frozen or destroyed by water.
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Revy the Bijuu Punching Bag Empty
PostSubject: Re: Revy the Bijuu Punching Bag   Revy the Bijuu Punching Bag Icon_minitimeSun 12 Jul 2009, 10:37 pm

Revy lowerd the fire easily, she has full minipulation of fire, she walked over to Tenshin and rubed up on him and looked up at him, her eyes were still un-seeable from her helmet, only her mouth and chin were showing. "Whats wront Tenshin, is that all you gut?" Revy said as she rubberd her plated and cloth armor hand on his cheak, she got up on her toes wich only made her hidden eyes only up to Tenshins nose.
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Revy the Bijuu Punching Bag Empty
PostSubject: Re: Revy the Bijuu Punching Bag   Revy the Bijuu Punching Bag Icon_minitime

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