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 Shame's path to akatsuki

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PostSubject: Shame's path to akatsuki   Shame's path to akatsuki Icon_minitimeThu 23 Jul 2009, 6:23 pm

Shame awaited his opponent in a quite calm part of the dark deep woods. the wind blows his cloak aside, as the cloak made a loud flapping noise that was almost irritating to the young ninja , casually he quickly grasped and tightly tucked the cloak back twords his body. his bright orange hair flailed wildly as the cold wind gave the lost Shinobi Chills. His Bright green eyes pierced the horizon as in hopes for his opponent to arrive soon. Shame's heart raced as thoughts of doubt and fear clouded his mind. He clinched his teeth and opened his mouth only for a brief moment to let out a cough.
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PostSubject: Re: Shame's path to akatsuki   Shame's path to akatsuki Icon_minitimeThu 23 Jul 2009, 7:57 pm

Revy appeard behind him instantly talking into his ear "Whats wrong? you look like your waiting for someone"
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PostSubject: Re: Shame's path to akatsuki   Shame's path to akatsuki Icon_minitimeThu 23 Jul 2009, 8:08 pm

shame Felt her cold breath on the back of his neck, he turned to face her looking deeply into her eyes. Shame's Bright green eyes flickered as he softly said " ive been waiting for you" He brushed his brightly colored orange hair out of his eyes
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PostSubject: Re: Shame's path to akatsuki   Shame's path to akatsuki Icon_minitimeThu 23 Jul 2009, 8:13 pm

"Looking for a battle?" Revy said, she backed up and stood there completly still, she was wearing a long Akatsuki robe, it went down to her ankles and up to the bottom of her eyes, she wore a straw hat with 2 ribbons hanging off the end, only her eyes, the front of her feet and her long black hair in the back is noticeable.
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PostSubject: Re: Shame's path to akatsuki   Shame's path to akatsuki Icon_minitimeThu 23 Jul 2009, 8:24 pm

He griped the inside of his cloak tighter bringing it closer to his body, as the wind howled. The cloak covered from his neck down to his shins it swiftly blew with the wind. Slowly with his right hand he brought out a kunai from under his cloak placing it in his mouth, his left hand raised out from his cloak showing off three shuricans in the slots between his fingers. His teeth clamed down on the cold sharp metal of the kunai. His eyes grew wider as he watched his opponent. Shame's hair blew uncontrollably as his grip tightened on the shuricans.
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PostSubject: Re: Shame's path to akatsuki   Shame's path to akatsuki Icon_minitimeThu 23 Jul 2009, 8:26 pm

Revy stood completly still waiting for him to make a move.
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PostSubject: Re: Shame's path to akatsuki   Shame's path to akatsuki Icon_minitimeThu 23 Jul 2009, 8:33 pm

Shame's leg shook as he stayed silent to his opponents comment, shame bolted upward rising high in the air above the akatsuki member. He launched only one shurican at his opponent, the shurrican blazzed down with amazing speed. Shame landed on a branch only a few feet away. keeping his calm he watched, he brought his free hand out of the cloak taking the kunai from his mouth. He thought to himself "i have to test her limits before i go all out"
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PostSubject: Re: Shame's path to akatsuki   Shame's path to akatsuki Icon_minitimeThu 23 Jul 2009, 8:37 pm

Revy steped to the side, the shuriken pierced the ground right next to her.
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PostSubject: Re: Shame's path to akatsuki   Shame's path to akatsuki Icon_minitimeThu 23 Jul 2009, 8:44 pm

Shame cocked his head back, he reached for another shurican. bringing his hand out once more he flung three shuricans at the akatsuki. The first shurican flew directly at her, the second flew a little to her right, and the third and final one spun a little to her left. Shame was Very accurate in his actions, before the shuricans could reach her he jumped above her throwing his final weapon the kunai blazed down. Shame was Almost certain he would land a blow.
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PostSubject: Re: Shame's path to akatsuki   Shame's path to akatsuki Icon_minitimeThu 23 Jul 2009, 8:55 pm

"Hm...." Revy watched as they sped torwards her, she did a singly handseal under her robe and pointed her finger up and looked at the ones speeding at her, they all instantly stoped in the air, she held her hand out and stacked the weapons on her hand, with a small twitch of her hand the weapons flew back at Shame with great speed and acuracy.

Name: Mushiatsui
Rank: A
Element: Water
Description: Revy will form a single handseal, this will allow her to move objects in the air useing the airs hydrogen, she can move objects to follow her eyes or her hand, the heavier the object the longer it will take to move, she will be able to move them as long as she likes eather until she drops it, or it gets to heavy.
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PostSubject: Re: Shame's path to akatsuki   Shame's path to akatsuki Icon_minitimeThu 23 Jul 2009, 9:09 pm

Landing swiftly shame watched as the weapons hurled at him, he kept his reserve. Dodging out of the way at the last second, he quickly launched up in a tree. Shame closed his eyes placing his hand over part of his face. "uhhh" He grunted in pain. Clinching his face trying to avoid the pain, glands in his mouth crackled as the formed. he stood tall from his slump, his eyes opened once more revealing his spider tomoe. Shame's eyes had become Dark green with only one white tear drop similar to the sharingan. He slowly took off his cloak reveling his white tee shirt. Two more arms grew below his already present ones, they ripped through his shirt.

Name: Spider tomoe 1 arms
Rank: A
Element: None
Description: When the hyatu member gains his tomoe 1 two new pairs of arms will grow below his regular arms, there able to perform all tasks regular arms can.
Seal: none Bloodline
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PostSubject: Re: Shame's path to akatsuki   Shame's path to akatsuki Icon_minitimeThu 23 Jul 2009, 9:11 pm

Revy does a single handseal and it begins to rain.

Name: Kouuton • Jinkoukouu (Rain Release • Artificial Rain)
Rank: B
Element: Water
Description: Simply put, this jutsu makes it rain. The rain is normal and not increased in any way. Thus, it costs an unnoticeable portion of chakra. Rains for thirty Posts.
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PostSubject: Re: Shame's path to akatsuki   Shame's path to akatsuki Icon_minitimeThu 23 Jul 2009, 9:19 pm

Shame closes his eyes and lets the rain come down on him, his head swayed back in forth aimlessly. Feeling the calm cool rain. He opened his eyes looking directly up his cheeks bulged out, and he made a loud sloshing noise in his mouth he chewed on the substance like bubble gum, then he spewed out a rather large web above him, it shot out of his mouth and attached to limbs above him stopping the rain from hitting him.

Name: Spider Web unrolling
Rank: c
Element: None
Description: Shame spews a ball of spider web and unrolls it into a giant web. Like all of his webbing, the threads cannot easily be cut.
Seal: none Bloodline
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PostSubject: Re: Shame's path to akatsuki   Shame's path to akatsuki Icon_minitimeThu 23 Jul 2009, 11:56 pm

Revy simply watches, "Throw everything youve got at me.."
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PostSubject: Re: Shame's path to akatsuki   Shame's path to akatsuki Icon_minitimeFri 24 Jul 2009, 1:00 am

Shame clinches his teeth. closing his eyes once more, he tightens his fists. Veins around his neck start to bulge, Shames eyes flicker showing off his second stage tomoe 2. A second White Teardrop shape appears around the pupil of his eye. "hm she wants to see my limit.. then ill show her" . Shame jumps onto the web he had previously made, he kneels as he watches his opponent with his dark Green eyes. His mouth fills with the sticky substance, he chews for just a moment letting out a regular sized web ball. The web launches in the air above the Forrest. he puts his hands together and concentrates on web. It Explodes Growing one hundred times it size, and covers a large part of the Forrest blocking it off for anyone trying to escape or enter. "hm" He thinks to himself. "should i.... " He launches up onto the Massive web now hanging upside down looking at his opponent. "i have to" He puts his hands together, Boar, Dragon, Hair. He quickly makes the hand signs, Shame bites his finger spreading the blood across the web. "Summoning jutsu" A Explosion of smoke consumes Shame and the area around the web. Slowly the smoke settles and There stands shame on a rather large spider. The spider blurts out to Shame "Kid what do you want now!" Shame clinches his fists "i need your help see her down there" Kyodaigumo Chuckles "kid ill help you this time" A web sack grows from Kyodaigumo, the sack grows to a massive size almost ready to burst. Shame Grabs a kunais throws it at the sac, it splits open and thousands of Dog sized spiders shoot down at The akatsuki member. while Shame Chews some more on the web substance in his mouth. He opens his mouth wide. Letting out hundreds of Deadly sharp Kunais.

In Order:

name: Spider Web unrolling
Rank: c
Element: None
Description: Shame spews a ball of spider web and unrolls it into a giant web. Like all of his webbing, the threads cannot easily be cut.
Seal: none Bloodline

Name: Kyodaigumo
Rank: A
Element: Summoning
Description: Kyodaigumo (巨大蜘蛛; Literally meaning "Giant Spider") is a giant spider and the personal summon of Shame. Once summoned, Kyodigumo can quickly release an egg sac full of baby spiders roughly the size of a small dog. To perform Rain of Spiders,Shame then cuts open the sac, causing the rapidly hatched spiders to rain down on his opponent. The spiders will spin a strand of webbing as they fall, circling the opponent in webbing and sticking them to the ground. These spiders converge on their victim's location, ensnaring their victims in spiderwebs, cutting off the victim's exits and restricting their movements until the victim is completely encased in a cocoon. Kyodaigumo can also explode into webbing if hit.
Seal: Boar, Dragon, Hair.

Name: Rain of spyders
Rank: A
Element: None
Description: After Shame summons Kyodaigumo, it will release an egg sac full of baby spiders roughly the size of a small dog. Shame then cuts open the sac, causing the spiders to rain down on his opponent. The spiders will spin a strand of webbing as they fall, circling the opponent in webbing and sticking them to the ground.
Seal: none

Name: Sticky gold
Rank: A
Element: None
Description: This technique allows Shame release a form of golden liquid from his mouth and sweat glands. When this liquid hits the air it can harden to be as strong as steel depending on how much chakra he adds to it.Shame can use this technique to form deadly spikes, powerful arrows, kunai, or other projectile weapons.
Seal: none Bloodline
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PostSubject: Re: Shame's path to akatsuki   Shame's path to akatsuki Icon_minitimeFri 24 Jul 2009, 3:18 am

Revy simply watched as the spiders and kunai flew torwards her, she held her hands in the air and water began to spin around fast makeing a huge thpyoon in her hands, she grabbed the tip of it and swung it it like a bat around her in every direction, it sucked in the spider, the kunai and the entire web in the area, considering Shame was traped in the area aswell he would have a very high chance of getting sucked in to, she slammed the typhoon on the floor makeing it explode into water everywhere soaking everything along with the rain falling still.

Name: Typhoon Whip
Rank: C
Element: Water
Description: Revy will hold her hands in the air, if there is some type of mist or water around, a typhoon will begin to form in her hand and grow bigger and bigger, she will then be able to grab ahold of the bottom of the Typhoon and swing it around, if a enemy gets hit with this will be sucked into a twisting tornado of water, unable to breath or swim theyre way out, the longer Revy hold it the heavier it gets. The only way to get out of this Jutsu is to wait for Revy to drop it, wich will cause it to stop spining and splash on the floor, or to somehow get Revy to move her hand.
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PostSubject: Re: Shame's path to akatsuki   Shame's path to akatsuki Icon_minitimeFri 24 Jul 2009, 3:47 am

The typhoon sucked him in, he shoot webs aimlessly hoping to latch on to any object. but typhoon was to strong it quickly sucked him in, After the dust settled a round Dark Gold Sphere lay a few feet away from The akasuki member, it Looked almost untouched Compared to the Surroundings. The sphere slowly cracked and emerging out of it Was Shame. He blankly looked at his opponent His mouth quickly opened letting out a long sharp object, it shot out of his mouth at amazing speed and darted right at Her giving his opponent almost no time to react.

Name: Armor of the sticky Gold
Rank: A
Element: None
Description: By excreting his Sticky Gold from his pores, Shame can quickly create a temporary armor that is capable of blocking chakra once exposed to oxygen and even blocks the Hyuga clan's special taijutsu style, the Gentle Fist.

Name: Sticky gold
Rank: A
Element: None
Description: This technique allows Shame release a form of golden liquid from his mouth and sweat glands. When this liquid hits the air it can harden to be as strong as steel depending on how much chakra he adds to it.Shame can use this technique to form deadly spikes, powerful arrows, kunai, or other projectile weapons.
Seal: none Bloodline
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PostSubject: Re: Shame's path to akatsuki   Shame's path to akatsuki Icon_minitimeFri 24 Jul 2009, 7:01 pm

Revy stepped to the side easily avoiding the spike. "I guess your prety good.."
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PostSubject: Re: Shame's path to akatsuki   Shame's path to akatsuki Icon_minitimeFri 24 Jul 2009, 7:08 pm

Shame catches his breath, his lower arms ball into fists while his top arms press together palm to palm. "Is That A good enough demonstration?" He asks still keeping his reserve.
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