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Taking Sunagakure. Icon_minitimeFri 30 Jul 2021, 12:05 am by Nocturne

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Taking Sunagakure. Icon_minitimeSun 21 Oct 2018, 3:13 am by Nocturne

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Taking Sunagakure. Icon_minitimeThu 04 Jun 2015, 4:10 pm by Kai Fuuma

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Taking Sunagakure. Icon_minitimeMon 15 Jul 2013, 10:32 pm by Kai Fuuma

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Taking Sunagakure. Icon_minitimeThu 16 May 2013, 6:37 pm by Naizu Nimakee

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Taking Sunagakure. Icon_minitimeTue 16 Oct 2012, 2:46 pm by Revy Izumi

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Taking Sunagakure. Icon_minitimeMon 15 Oct 2012, 8:04 pm by Revy Izumi

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Taking Sunagakure. Icon_minitimeSat 25 Aug 2012, 1:44 pm by Naizu Nimakee

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 Taking Sunagakure.

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Oriena Nimakee
Gen Hyuuga
Ryusaki Toketsu
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Taking Sunagakure. Empty
PostSubject: Taking Sunagakure.   Taking Sunagakure. Icon_minitimeMon 05 Oct 2009, 1:15 pm

Artemis staggered through the dessert as the heat Wore down, he had became majorly dehydrated from the long journey him and his comrade had taken. As he walked his feet seemed to sink into the sand, as he had became tired each step he took was harder to pull back out of the deep treacherous sand. But the look on his face did not show his exhaustion, He kept his Reserve as it seemed a Nara trait. As they always appeared very calm and collected, Artemis walked along keeping up his pace not wanting fall behind. he looked over the large sand dune but just to get another glimpse of more sand, he sighed and walked down the large mound of sand. He kept his hands sunk down in his pockets, his right hand Balling into a fist. Which was strange cause he usually carried a large Sword with red Velvet linnning, around everywhere he went. But knowing their Visit To Sungakure was a Discreet one he wanted to keep a low profile, and they way he usually dressed was nothing less than a attention getter. Artemis brought his hands up out of his pockets slicking his hair back as he said to himselft, " looks like im almost there." He stated As his left eye gazed over the land. As the final word rolled of his tongue a gust of wind blew up the hill of sand blowing around his dar red cloak, and pitch black hair. As his bandana around his right eye became loose, he reached back quickly tightening it up. but as he stopped he brought his hands back down tucking them back into his pockets.

He Seemed to be a fashinoable young man being good looking and Muscular, Artemis slid down the sand mound making his cloak flapping wildly showing off three scrolls that where tightly strapped to his belt. Artemis peeked over once more seeing the large Village only a half mile away. He let out a sigh of relief as there walk wasn't much more, he hung his head down as he slid down the the mountain of sand.
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Village: Sunagakure

Taking Sunagakure. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Taking Sunagakure.   Taking Sunagakure. Icon_minitimeSun 18 Oct 2009, 1:37 pm

Tenshin was walking back to Sunagakure wearing a new look. His new attire consists of a white hakama and a black sash. His white jacket is ragged with an upturned collar. The inner lining is black, the sleeves are rolled up, and Tenshin wears it open, leaving a muscular chest revealed, Tenshin also wears white gloves. He walked by a kid on the floor. " Sad Kid after all these years you cant even protect yourself. " He says as he grabbed his hand and dragged him threw the sand and then when then arrived at the village he threw him over his shoulder and travel by running threw the village roof tops. He arrived at a small spot to get water he sat the kid down, and then took the water and threw it in his face. " Wake up kid." He said as he then threw some more water on him." Come, on i didnt leave you alone to train and get stronger to die to the dam desert. Wake up drink some water." He said as he then stood there drinken the water himself. Tenshin also just continued to throw watter on the kid tell he woke up.
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Taking Sunagakure. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Taking Sunagakure.   Taking Sunagakure. Icon_minitimeSun 18 Oct 2009, 2:24 pm

As the water splashed on his face The young missing nin he shook his head in distaste, As he turned he sunk his head in the Stall of water before them. Lifting his head up briefly he spoke to the person that had saved his life, "Thanks old man. . . i think i can take it from here. . ." The water that filled his thick gray hair slowly dripped down off the many strands, and some down in his face. Loosening up his old Sand head band he let if fall abruptly to the ground. Now being able to open both eyes he stood turning around to look over the man that had conveniently saved his life, As he gazed upon the man his pupils seemed to shrink almost instantly, The sharingan in his right eye looked as it were scanning over the man to make sure it was no illusion. "so its really you. . ." Artemis now stood toe to toe with tenshin being Seventeen he had seemed to become more mature and even became the same height as tenshin. But as Anger filled the shinobi He clinched his fists. Artemis Style of clothing had not changed much as he still wore a black Long sleaved shirt that was usualy worn under a chuunin vest with dark colored pants, His Kunasagi Sword Was straped loosely to his lower back. Turning back around he cupped a handful of water bringing up splashing it all upon his face, "So what have you returned for. . ."
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Village: Sunagakure

Taking Sunagakure. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Taking Sunagakure.   Taking Sunagakure. Icon_minitimeSun 18 Oct 2009, 2:34 pm

Tenshin laugh when he called him old because Tenshin didn't age a bit. Tenshin then Tenshin punched Arty in the head. " Call me old you little brat." He said laughing at his still little but youlder cousin. " Yes, its me what you thought i died, or something, Sad. Will i not, I been watching you since I first faked my death, I followed you everywhere, haven't you ever noticed someone watching you. " He asked in a calm voice. Tenshin then Look and seen The kid had a new sword. " Question what you do with the sword I gave you, the fake one that look like this." He said pulling out his sword, the sword hat was passed down to him as a child. He then stayed silent and awaited his answer.

((No thought Sorry))
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Taking Sunagakure. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Taking Sunagakure.   Taking Sunagakure. Icon_minitimeSun 18 Oct 2009, 3:03 pm

As The swift playful punch hit the back of Arty's Head it only infuriated him more, Seeing himself as Tenshin's Equal he was easily pushed to his limit. Artemis's Right eye seemed to grow Brighter as his sharingan drew power from hate it seemed, Pointing down to a scroll around his waist he spoke. "i keep it there now. . ." referring to his sword, Slicking his gray hair back he turned to look over his Former Senpai. As he did he spoke, " Many things have changed, nothing is as it once was." kneeling down Artemis picked up his head band strapping it back upon his head tightly, He slowly rose as he did he began to walk from tenshin. " Im heading back to Sungakure for good. . ."
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Village: Sunagakure

Taking Sunagakure. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Taking Sunagakure.   Taking Sunagakure. Icon_minitimeSun 18 Oct 2009, 3:13 pm

Tenshin signed. " You wonder why i came back, In reality i been here or a long time, I just happn to run into you right now, Hum. I come back to Suna to talk with my old friend Kitsuke Maru you know hhim asthe goryu Leader mostly as Sunagakure Legender Sannin." He said calmly. " I came across you in the desert half dead, and i thought it be time for me to tell you, that i am not dead." Tenshin said as he started to get serious. That eye of yours, Kinda sad. You gave yourself that eye for what exactly. " He then just sat down on the side of the fountain. He thought for a bit. Tenshin said nothing eles he just sat there and wanted to know if Arty would ask him anything eles if not there was no use for Tenshin to be here.
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Taking Sunagakure. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Taking Sunagakure.   Taking Sunagakure. Icon_minitimeSun 18 Oct 2009, 3:39 pm

As he began to walk away he paused listening to his old friend, A swift wind seemed to blow through as it did is wildly blew his hair around. " I went as far as to kill The hokage himself, for power. . . All of it was only to avenge you. . .And now you are alive i have no purpose. . ." Sinking his pockets deeper into his black pants he looked up into the sky, as a overwhelming feeling sunk deep down into his stomach he spoke once more, "i have made many enemies for the sake of revenge and now you stand here before me alive and well. . . Maybe you dont understand, You left a boy behind. A boy that idolized you i wanted to be you when i grew up, now i cant see reconize who i see in the mirror anymore. . ."
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Village: Sunagakure

Taking Sunagakure. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Taking Sunagakure.   Taking Sunagakure. Icon_minitimeSun 18 Oct 2009, 4:14 pm

"Hum, Purpose, you speak of, what is this purpose, To advenge my death you say, But i am not dead, You can't see me in the miror anymore, maybe because you never was to begin with. Hum, Kid as far as you know you grew up to be exactly like me, How you ask the man that trained me, the man i wanted to be like, was so called dead, yet when i turned 25, and i had a girl to call my own who i loved. He came back, Exactly like i came back to see you know. Hum, So from my point you are coping my life, only diffrent is i trained and got stronger, and killed many, making many enemies,i even tried to kill my own wife, witch lead her to an early death and me alone with no meany to live, yet I am here now and living. So kid before you think about giving your life away, find something eles to do with your life, o and one more thing, I tell you something, look out theres a bounty on your head now kid and they can strike at any moment." He said as he looked up into the sky and looked at a building that stood over them with the sun sitting on the edge of it. " I have a feeling there here right now." He said calmly. Tenshin then thought as he looked at the kid.
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Ryusaki Toketsu
Ryusaki Toketsu

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Taking Sunagakure. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Taking Sunagakure.   Taking Sunagakure. Icon_minitimeSun 18 Oct 2009, 5:09 pm

Ryusaki walked along the desert of the sand, it sank below his feet with every step. The wind kicked up a cloud of sand every now and then making his through scratch and his eyes burn. Nothing was more annoying than when unknown people were spotted near the village. It always seemed like he was the one that ended up dealing with it, like he never had anything else to do. Sand has begun to find its way into his sandals and had annoying pin feeling as he walked. He tried to keep his eyes closed as much as possible trying to minimize as much sand got into them as possible. The two figures in the distance got closer he felt just a slight level of excitement at the possiblity of having a fight. Things had calmed down just a little bit in the passing time but it looked like they were about to pick up again. The gourd was just held loosly on his back with each step it fell like it was going to fall right off. He was ging to have to pick it up, as heavy as it was and put it back on his back. Something he truly hated, even though it happened often. All he had to do was check ID or maybe just turn them away. Though the closer he got the more it seemed like two friends having a freindly conversation. He stopped just inside the view of both the people, trying to identify them.
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Taking Sunagakure. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Taking Sunagakure.   Taking Sunagakure. Icon_minitimeSun 18 Oct 2009, 5:38 pm

Listening to the former Kazekage speak he became more doubtful as he could almost Read Tenshin's Thoughts, He knew soon there would come a battle as he could almost sense it in the thick air around him. Pulling down his old warn Sunagakure head band he covered his right eye keeping his Sharingan Enclosed In a attempt to conserve chakra, Tenshin's Constant Nagging Was a foul attempt to put the two on the same level trying to make Artemis feel compassion Twords His cousin. " I could almost guess that the yotobi would come after me soon, Seeing as i have become a threat." His Left eye Gazed over Tenshin, as Artemis's Feeling For his cousin had seemed to change in a matter of seconds, Clinching his fist he brought them from deep down in his pockets.

The presence of another became clear as his foot steps where heard by both the nara members, Turning his head to the left Artemis was able to Catch a glimpse of the man. As The man stood Artemis Slid back away from the water fountain, Tenshin still not gaining the full trust Of Arty, He turned to look at The Suna Nin. Artemis spoke to him much like they had been old friends, " Did Kostas Send you? " But still keeping his back Twords The Unknown shinobi he was fixated on The former Kazekage, As he awaited a answer from him he Shifted his head right to left letting his left eye get a good view of the area, Letting him form a strategic plan under a few seconds. He spoke once more to the man behind him, "he might be the former kazekage but he is not to be trusted. . ." As he spoke a foul wind from the south blew up Chattering Artemis's Clothes making them flap Wildly without a pattern or a method of control, his steady heart beat was the only sound that He missing nin heard. As it pounded away The trickling of the water fountain caught his attention.
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Taking Sunagakure. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Taking Sunagakure.   Taking Sunagakure. Icon_minitimeSun 18 Oct 2009, 6:28 pm

Tenshin Look at Arty and the words he spoke, as he had eyes on the ninjas that walked about as will. "Hum, I see no reason to stay here, anymore, i am off to visit Kostas, If you change your mind arty which i dont think you will, Then come visit me ill be around for only today then i am off to a meeting in the Iron Country." Tenshin sid as he stood up and thn jumped up on the build, He then ran way. Towards the Kazekage office.

((Short lame, i know but its an Exit.))
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Gen Hyuuga
Gen Hyuuga

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Taking Sunagakure. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Taking Sunagakure.   Taking Sunagakure. Icon_minitimeSun 18 Oct 2009, 6:41 pm

Slowly just after Tenshin left the dark gray/ black clouds started to come in covering the sky eventually starting to rain getting worse by the second. About 10 seconds after the rain had began little puddles of water started to form on the ground getting bigger and bigger as the rain came down more. Eventually one of the puddles got so big that it began to swaying side to side due to the winds actions, but immediately stopped as something large started to rise from the water. Quickly the figures head came out of the puddle of water, then his full body. The figure had on a weird like cloak brown cloak on like the color of the sand that sat on the ground before the rain hit, the figure also had something wrapped around his face but to were he could still see, but also to were no one could tell that it was Danzo besides the people that were in the Yotobi group. The figure also had a long white sword located on his side called Storm Shadow Katana. No one had ever seen it before or heard of it because it was the only sword in the world.

Once the figure was clear from the water he was faced the former sand shinobi and another sand shinobi. He looked at the two threw the eye whole that he had on his face and looked at the two with a smile under his mask. "Well...well...well what do we have here now..... Artemis missing ninja from the sand i have finally found you."
The figure said as he started to walk to the left but still keeping an eye on the two sand shinobi Now Artemis i know you know why im here because im sure that Tenshin you. and now i have to take you back with me so do u want to make it easy on your self or not. The figure said as he slightly laughed as he took a fighting stance grabbing onto his Storm Shadow Katana waiting to see what little Arty was going to do or say to him.
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Ryusaki Toketsu
Ryusaki Toketsu

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Location : Around the corner..beating up the homelss guy who robbed me

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Taking Sunagakure. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Taking Sunagakure.   Taking Sunagakure. Icon_minitimeSun 18 Oct 2009, 7:27 pm

Ryusaki watched the first figure begin to walk away. Strangley enough he just decided to leave him as he as, meddling didnt seem like the right thing to do at the moment. Still he watched him walk away just to make sure he didnt do something, still trying to find out who they were. All of a sudden though the clouds in the sky became dark. The once blistering heat was replaced with an ever more intensifying rain. Within a short time the rain only got worse. Ryusaki became annoyed "Of all the times in the world" the rain messed up his way of fighting. He hated it his entire life, alll it ever did was bring bad luck all the time. More or less when he and sand became wet it mainly made it worthless. It could still work but it was sluggish and weaker. It made almost all his jutsu's weak and his defence went from near unbreakable to just a pile of sand that would rise and try and protect him. He would never get out of the rain faster, but as he turned back to leave himself. Something began to rise from one of the many puddles forming in the desert of sand that stretched for miles. At first just its head came through but given time the entire body emerged. Like a moth to a light Ryu was drawn back into the situation. He hadnt known the person was there the entire time and he didnt like the way things were turning out. He stayed where he was and listened to everything he had to say before realizing things were about to get ugly. His eyes focused on the sword on the persons back, and the battle stance he began to take. He was ready to fight and the other person he was talking too might be ready too. He wasnt just going to let an all out battle happen just outside Sunakagura. He turned back and tried to lift some of the sand, only to see it clump and slow because of the rain. If he was about to be in a fight he would have to find away around one of his very few handicaps.
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Oriena Nimakee
Oriena Nimakee

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Taking Sunagakure. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Taking Sunagakure.   Taking Sunagakure. Icon_minitimeSun 18 Oct 2009, 8:03 pm

A large butterfly flew overhead with a woman riding a top it, gazing down on those in the area in search of an individual she had began to grow accustomed to being around. The name...Artemis Nara, simply because the two were to begin training more in depth soon. Unfortunately, she ran into a rather uncomfortable situation that presented itself to her as a group of ninja were in the area interacting with him. As its accustomed with most of her clan, she was to not intervene with ones personal business. Oddly enough however, she chose to stick around in the area to observe the meeting as she caught everything from the hooded man leaving, on. "What have you gotten yourself into?" She asked in her head.
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Taking Sunagakure. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Taking Sunagakure.   Taking Sunagakure. Icon_minitimeSun 18 Oct 2009, 8:15 pm

As The words slipped from Tenshin's mouth he quickly Ran away which surprised Artemis, Clinching his fists he watched as The former Kazekage Ran from site slowly fading into the Horizon. Soon After The clouds seemed to Grow around the area Darkening The village, And as the rain started to pour from the heavens it fell in large amounts creating puddles as far as the eye could See. But keeping his left eye Scanning over the area he was well aware of the impending danger, And as The Shinobi formed from the water he seemed to be quite shocked. The rain keeping its down pour Artemis turned to look over his Teammate, As his attempts to use his sand jutsu had failed there was only one explanation The water seemed to be weakening his jutsu. " Could This Shinobi. . . Possess Shikaku?. . ." He thought as he Ran a few Plans through his head, Keeping his eye upon the suna ninja he spoke quickly and directly, " I will get rid of this water . . ." And As the unknown man spoke out of nowhere to Artemis he Looked him over well as he formed a attack Stance.

" So your after me. . . mmm Easy on myself you say. . ."

He paused after speaking directly to the Water Wielding shinobi, Artemis seemed to let there be a great deal of silence between the three but as soon as the silence came it was gone in a flash, Artemis spoke out to the Sand shinobi. " Just by what i see from him, He will attack using taijutsu and Kenjutsu posibly and from my assumptions he will use a great deal of water Ninjutsu, So stay sharp. i will fight him head on while you counter attack. Stay alert these guys never travel alone. . ." As the final word was cast from His lips he took a large breath in protruding his chest out. As he did he Flung his right hand up keeping his palm to the sky he stuck all four of his fingers up twords the air including his Thumb, As he blew the air out of his lungs it formed into a Ball of wind chakra in his palm, As it started to spin he released another wave from his mouth as it hit the spining ball it shot up into the air at Tremendous speeds. Hitting the clouds it created a Vortex of sorts sucking the clouds around into it, As it did it Exploded sending a large wave of wind in all directions Clearing up the sky letting the Bright sun shine once more on the Village. And as the final rain drops fell Arty quickly Threw both of his hands behind his back Grasping Two Weapons as he brought them up He clinched there soft cloth handles tightly, and As the sun flickered of the two hand held weapons they became clear to the opponent. They Where two highly uniquely-designed trench knives, the blades were worn much like Brass knuckles, but each one has a sharpened long blade over each knuckle, and a blade coming out of one end. Keeping his Defenses up he watched and waited for his opponent unaware of Oriena's Presence.

Jutsu Used:

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Gen Hyuuga
Gen Hyuuga

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Taking Sunagakure. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Taking Sunagakure.   Taking Sunagakure. Icon_minitimeMon 19 Oct 2009, 6:42 pm

Once Oriena came in reach of Danzos rain he knew right away that someone was above him flying on something but he didn't know if the person was a friend or foe. If the mystery person was a foe then it would just make it harder on his because for once he was already up against two people and adding another one would just be harder on him. But Danzo couldn't afford to take his eyes off of Artemis because Danzo knew that he was a sneaky one with his nara jutsus, so he just waited to see to see what the person above was going to do. But for some reason when Danzo sniffed out her chakra he could tell that she had no intentions of fighting danzo or anyone that was there, she was just there for her own enjoyment but she shouldn't have been there but danzo really didn't care all he cared about was not getting killed and to capture little Arty.

As Danzo stood in his little stance holding his Storm Shadow Katana looking at Arty, but making sure not to look directly into his right eye even if his Sharingan wasn't activated he wanted to make sure durning this whole battle that he didn't have to deal with his stupid Genjutsu. The figure that stood in front of the two shinobi looked at the little boy from the sand village but looked back at Arty and began to laugh " hope you guys are ready for this." The deep voice said as he began to chuckle a bit. As he watched Arty make a set of hand signs forming so weir shit in his hand throwing it into the air causing the dark gray clouds to be pushed away and stop raining.

So once he began to send his ball of charka into the air the figure dresses in drown let go of his Storm Shadow Katana and quickly began to make a set of hand signs. Once he was finished with his hand signs what little water that was on the ground began to move like it did when this strange figure made his first appearance but just more this time but from different puddles. So now there were about 5 of Danzos three standing behind the Goryu ninja and the other two standing on each side of danzo with there swords already drawn. Using there amazing speed's the three clones all jumped towards the Goryu ninja swinging there Storm Shadow Katana towards his chest trying to get it to were the swords would go all the way threw his chest making it harder for the young ninja to breath. Mean while the other two began to run towards Arty doing to same thing As danzo ran behind them doing hand signs as a thick mist quickly began to cover the area making it hard for the two shinobi to see were the clones where located same with danzo.

Jutsu used
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Ryusaki Toketsu
Ryusaki Toketsu

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Taking Sunagakure. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Taking Sunagakure.   Taking Sunagakure. Icon_minitimeMon 19 Oct 2009, 8:07 pm

Ryusaki listened to Artemis's warnings about the person he would be fighting. He simply nodded to show that he heard him since talking during a fight wasn't something he liked to do. Though a nice wave of releif came over him as the clouds were blown away, instantly dealing with the problem he had of the rain. He heard a slight whisper, a whisper he always heard as a child. It sometimes seemed like the only friend he had though many told him it was simply the shukaku telling him to kill. Even so he tended to ignore when he felt needed and listen in fights. There was still the small issue that all the sand around was still slightly wet. Overall it would still mess up his fighting style just a little bit but overall its something he could fix easiily. After all as wet as the desert looked right now underneath it was still dry as bone. Pulling the hardened minerals and sand from the bottom of the sand could easily be done, though it would still take some time for him to collect it and he would find some rocks he would want to crush. He saw the other shinobi begin to form handsigns and begun to take action The small cork keeping the large amount of sand in his heavy began to come out slowly. Like a snake in a basket when someone begins to play the flute in a special tune. Suddenly the sand began to overrun the gourd, covering it so that almost nothing of it was visible. Ryu raised his hand about eye level and began to close his palm, the sound of wood creaking and snapping was made as the sand crushed it more and more. "Sabaku Sousou" The sand completly crushed the gourd into sand grains for him to use. Instantly some of the sand was sent other ground for further use and to gain dryer sand. By the time he saw that just barley any time after the gourd was crushed Danzo's three clones attacking him. Through pure suprise the sand came from his back and even some of the damp sand from the ground raised in a sphere to defend him. The blades made a dry thud as they connected with the sand. Only now did he realize that the area was covered in a thick mist, obstructing his vision. All this meant that the small window left by the sand to protect him was worthless, but luckily from what he could tell two of the close were still struggling with the sand. He raised his hands and made the needed signs "Sabaku Kyuu" The sand rushed from the ground, overtaking two of the clones that the blades were still in contact with the sand. He couldnt tell if they were caught but he held onto the hope, even blind he could tell that the sand was still elevating, "Sabaku Sasou" The sand began to rain some landing in his face. He held onto the hope that maybe he had just crushed the clones, now there was just the other shinobi, that was hidden in the mist. "Suna Shigure" Some of the sand protecting him raised into the air, high enough that he could not see it through the mist. It would be a total area attack and he hoped his "ally" would be able to dodge. The sand began to rain down over the area, even almost hitting him to the point that the Suna no Tate had to pretect him from his own jutsu

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Oriena Nimakee
Oriena Nimakee

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Taking Sunagakure. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Taking Sunagakure.   Taking Sunagakure. Icon_minitimeMon 19 Oct 2009, 8:35 pm

Being in this area at this time turned out to be one interesting move on Orienas behalf with everything going on as it did. With the attack coming her way, she quickly dipped underneath it as it created a vortex of which consumed the area she previously resided in momentarily. As she did so, another Attack came her way, this time via sand of which forced her to change her direction of movement back to the sky. This time she accelerated to an erratic pace, avoiding the sands accent, then decent. "This is becoming quite annoying and redundant now. I don't think this is gonna be quick, but this will give me adequate notation of all their abilities. Artemis, show me what else ya got" said the now leveling out Nimakee, slowing to halt in mid air.
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Taking Sunagakure. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Taking Sunagakure.   Taking Sunagakure. Icon_minitimeMon 19 Oct 2009, 9:32 pm

Keeping his head Cocked back Artemis was able to Catch his Fellow Sand shinobi's Nod, As he spun his head around he glared over at the man that stood from a afar. But as The young jounin seemed to shift his weight his light grayish hair shook and as it did it spun a few dribbles of water off, being form the previous rain the Drops hit the ground quickly falling thought the cracks of the Dry parched soil below. The opponent and his clones seemed to begin there strike and as the Mist started to spread through the area, it became apparent to Arty he would have to use his Sharingan, Pulling the Sand headband up over his whole forehead it revealed his right eye that carried in the socket a Sharingan from the Great uchiha Clan. As the Eye looked to be fully matured it was a general assumption that he had full use of all its powers, Being one of the most powerful dojutsu's Known the Eye let him see Straight threw the mist enabling Arty to Read the opponents chakra and see where he and the clones stood almost instantly. Lunging back The jounin Squatted flinging his hands behind his back quickly throwing his Two Hand held weapons back into there pouches where they once where. And As he looked at the three incoming opponents he formed a plan quickly, but Still being unaware of the Goryu's whereabouts Artemis was unable to complete the plan, " Dam where is he. . ." He thought.

" ill have to do this on my own. " As the thoughts ran wild through his head he Formed a hand sign extending his shadow out in a darting formation, As it shot out it swerved and crinkled across the Desert floor. Artemis Targeted The Three Main opponents that lay ahead, but as the first sign of The Sand down pour The jounin looked up Noticing the Goryu's Chakra above. His sharingan read over him seeing the large amount of falling sand that was enhanced by the Goryu's Chakra, revising his plan Arty cut his shadow off immediately. As he still kept the same hand seal the shadow around his feet grew out and formed a large Shadow Square that lay under where he stood, by this time the sand seemed to be accumulating at a fast pace. And as Artemis's Shadow grew up off the ground it enclosed slamming the walls into each other forming a Medium sized Square around his body that kept him inside safe away from the impending attacks.

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Gen Hyuuga
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Taking Sunagakure. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Taking Sunagakure.   Taking Sunagakure. Icon_minitimeTue 20 Oct 2009, 6:50 pm

Right away Danzo knew that his clones weren't going to last a second against these ninja that he was fighting he also knew that by the time that they figured that out he would of been ready to begin his plan. So once Danzo ran behind his clones and began the mist his body was already disappeared and he was traveling threw the mist just as other people would do if they had this jutsu. Danzo could see both of the shinobi from an angle and just waited for the right time to strike, but once Goryu's sand smashed down on three of the clone that he sent towards him turned back into a small puddle eventual colliding making one big puddle once again getting his sand a little damp. But as Danzo wached the two vary carefully making sure not to look right into Artemis Sharingan or come in contact with his face Danzo noticed that the Goryu kid began to do hand signs, he watched him for a second but he could also see what art was doing but he noticed that sand was raising into the air hmm this cant be good Danzo thought to him self as he began to make a couple hand signs after flickering to the left side of the kid. Just as Danzo finished up his hand signs he saw all the sand start flying down as if it was raining sand needle like things. Quickly Danzo dropped to one knee as the ground around him began to crack a little but with in seconds there was an earth some covering him. Unfortunately just before the dome covered him one of the sand needles came across his face mask ripping it off. So now once he came in close contact of one of the two ninja they would know that it was Danzo him self because of his shark like features.

Now that Danzos face was revealed he had a better chance of sniffing out the two's Chakra, and also his clones to see if they were alive but really didn't care about them because they were useless to him. So as danzo sat on his knee he closed his eyes and began to sniff out the enemies Chakra. Danzo found both of there Chakra immediately and quickly began to do hand signs Ne,Tatsu, Mi,Tori,Inu, i Danzo said to him self as he did the hand signs. once he had finished them all around Artemis, and the Goryu kid began to turn into quick sand (about 5 feet around you guys). Quickly after that he began to do more hand signs I, Saru, Mi, Tora Danzo also said thinking that by now there whole leg was about in the quick sand. Quickly danzo picked up both hands then slammed them into the ground making all the quick sand to harden crushing what ever part of there body that was in the quick sand.
Danzo just wanted to make sure that he had gotten them so he stayed in the dome. Quickly he began to sniff out there Chakra trying to smell or hear if they were in any kind of pain at all, but if not then he hand another plan and it was just to go all out.

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Oriena Nimakee
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Taking Sunagakure. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Taking Sunagakure.   Taking Sunagakure. Icon_minitimeTue 20 Oct 2009, 8:25 pm

"Wow, this can not be good, earth and water can be quite tricky" said the observing Oriena from the skies above. From her angle, she could make out all of what was going on and make an analysis of what might happen to the combatants at the time. Not only were the four am interesting blend of elemental users, but judging by what was being done, only Artemis was holding an affinity unused by anyone else. One man holding the use of water and earth, one man using what seemed to be the power of a jinchuriki...shikaku possibly? The only thing being used this far by him was earth, sand to be precise. What a rarity for someone to know more than one bijuu holder without being a hunter, the kazekage in Kostas, and now this man...what was his name though? Regardless, this battle was becoming quite interesting, though now the young Nimakee was beginning to contemplate if she should get involved with the battle, she began to become concerned for her friend.
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Ryusaki Toketsu
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Taking Sunagakure. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Taking Sunagakure.   Taking Sunagakure. Icon_minitimeWed 21 Oct 2009, 6:52 pm

The mist was so think that Ryusaki couldn't even see his own attack hit the ground. He could only hear the sand rain down on everything around him like bullets. He heard the sand explode and the distinct sound of some of the sand blowing by him. The ground started to shake as sand around him raised up to defend himself from his own attack. After the attack had run its course, and things queited down the sand stayed as it was for a few seconds before receding back into the desert around. Refraining from making to much sound as to not give away his position more than it was possibly already he looked around. He could barely see more than a few feet ahead of him. The other shinobi's warning replayed itself in his head that these people didn't travel alone. To him the situation went from bad to worse as the thought that there could be another person lurking in the mist. Above all he wasn't sure if his attack had hit the other shinobi, he was possibly injured on the ground. Though it was the first time he met the person and he didn't even know his name, the worry stemmed from a two on one fight. Through nothing but pure instinct he one again began to look around, knowing that no matter what direction he looked he would only find thick mist. Then something didn't seem right, like he was sinking into the sand, he tried to move for his own sanity but noticed he went nowhere. More like the step he took just slid back down into a pit, Ryu stuck his hand out to touch the sand. When he did it just sand right into the desert. He had been falling victum to a jutsu this entire time and had no idea when it started. "Hitsuji" Ryusaki whispered the hand sign as he performed it. "Sabaku Fuyū" The sand around Ryusaki began to raise him than harden him as he use it to lift himself off the ground. Even in the air the mist was thick restricting his vision once again to just a few feet. After a little bit of thinking it seemed he was restrained to no other option. He thought about trying to get above the mist but it wouldnt make a difference cause then the battlefeild might be invisible. The thought of a second person made him take precautions for himself once again. As he made the signs he stopped himself due to the strain on his body the jutsu took, only if he got hit he would use it. Though that was such a rarity slight arrogance made him think he would never need it. He just assumed since the mist was still there that the shinobi was still alive, though since he couldnt see much less have an area to attack. "Suna Shigure" Sand once again began to raise from the ground and from his platform. Some adding onto the platfrom and some gathering just above him. Ryusaki focused on the sand one more time as it split apart and hardened, then shot out towards the ground once again. Some of the sand from the platform was again forced to seperate to protect him, leaving just enough to keep him eleavated. The sound of bullets whisteling by rang through his ears and could almost feel the sand striking his sheild. This time he hoped it would either injure his opponent or at least give him a general place to attack. At least then he could use a different jutsu.
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Taking Sunagakure. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Taking Sunagakure.   Taking Sunagakure. Icon_minitimeWed 21 Oct 2009, 8:42 pm

Oblivious to what was happening just outside Artemis held his hand sign keeping the outer attacks as far as possible seeing as three dimensional Shadow square kept out most techniques it had a weakness, Being able to take a attack from any direction it wasnt trained in taking attacks from all directions needless to say the pressure from the sand quickly began to crack the square. And as it started to split Artemis started to wise up as he felt the force of the earth pulling him and his defense under, Using the remaining shadow underneath his feet he was able to push off darting above the overwhelming earth below. Making it out just in time the shadow that once protected him dispersed into nothing as the sand bubble over, Artemis Shot down through the air landing on the ground awkwardly rolling and finally catching himself a good Hundred Yards from his opponent. As he stood the mist was still thick in the air all around him and even over head, Gazing over his opponent he instantly saw that the attacking Shinobi had burrowed deep into the earth. He was puzzled as to why but thinking no more of it Artemis's kept his locked gaze at the ground Reading his opponents chakra, Even thought there was a ample amount of Ground separating the two The sharingan could still read chakra color.

But a little late to notice the continual Raining sand Artemis was hit by the first wave, As the sand was splashed onto his back it split his jounin Vest slicing his back Minorly. Quickly looking up Artemis Glared into the sky above seeing His Fellow Suna Ninja attacking, he thought " Dam." Even more sand seemed to make its way down but it hit in particular waves The jounin used his sharingan to attempt and out maneuver one of the most powerful Techniques known in the Sand village. Darting back he avoided a few sand bullets but his bleeding back hurting he knew he would have to defend, As he took a deep breath he started to spin and as he did a Spherical Barrier of wind formed around his body Flowing a large ball of wind around his body. Letting the the waves of Sand bullets fall as they hit the wind Sphere they seemed to disperse into there original small grains falling around on the ground, The sphere still spun with Artemis inside keeping the technique going was odd but From the obvious reason the wind barrier was put up to absorb the Dreadful mist. And slowly bit by bit the Mist around the area slowly receded into the the wind technique, seeing as the fight happened in a village surrounded by a dessert the mist technique dint fair so well as the already overwhelming heat and almost no humidity was a negative factor.

As the final bit of Mist was drug in and sucked away wildly it cleared the views for all the opponents leaving the goryu high above and the Unknown shinobi below, But quickly the Ball dispersed letting Artemis fall to the ground. Landing abruptly he seemed to be soaked with water and adding to that a great deal of steam was rising from his body, Along with those things he appeared exhausted breathing heavily and keeping his head down he let the water that soaked in his air drip. As he took the last deep breath he stood straight up pointing to the place where his enemy was underground. " Hes there " He shouted out to his Teammate in the air in attempt to aid him in his attack, speaking once more he spoke with stern intentions. " I will be your Eye's..." Ripping off his tattered jounin Vest he threw it to the ground, the wind technique of his seemed as it took a tole on the user as well, Keeping His guard high He formed block lightning in and around his left hand waiting for The sand user to draw him out so he could strike accordingly.

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Gen Hyuuga
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Taking Sunagakure. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Taking Sunagakure.   Taking Sunagakure. Icon_minitimeWed 21 Oct 2009, 10:23 pm

Since Danzo was being covered by the dome the sand bullets weren't doing much to him, but he also knew that this Dome wasn't going to last to much longer. He had to find a plan or something to do once he got out of this dome because one is up top and will probably be sending more sand bullets down at him once he knew that i was out of the dome, the other was on the ground with his Sharingan so its going to be harder to fight them if they aren't on the same level. Danzo sat there for a second thinking about what he should do tell he thought of something so they want it 2 on 1 now....but things will change....and very soon. Danzo said to him self as he sat fully on the ground and began to meditate because he was going to have to use a little of the Isonade chakra. Just as he finished meditating he could feel a strong chakra as if someone on the outside of this dome was making a power full jutsu, so he knew that he had to get out of his dome and quick.

Danzo quickly started to make a set of hand signs causing the dark gray clouds to come back and begin to rain. Danzo then rose to his feet and punched the dome over and over tell it punched a whole in it big enough to where he could get out of it. Once he stepped out of the dome he became very wet because of his bard it was raining. For some reason he knew that the rain was diffrent in some weird way maby it was because he used some of the power full Isonade's chakra? But all he knew was that it was diffrent. Danzo reached into his back pocket holder thing and pulled out a scroll, he quickly opened it making sure to keep it under his body so that it didn't get wet. Danzo sat it on the ground, made a couple of hand sings, then but his finger causing blood. Quickly he slammed his hand onto the ground and caused a very thick cloud of smoke to appear all around him. But once it cleared up more chakra strings were attached to his fingers slightly moving around, Also once the cloud of smoke cleared up everyone on the battle field could see ten weird looking puppets flying in the sky just slightly over the dome. They were all wearing long white cloaks with sand symbols on there heads, the first one had hands made of katanas with slightly long black hair, the second on carried two large Serenity Fantasy Swords, third had another large sword but only one that looked alot like the Decapitating Carving Knife that Zabuza had, and the fourth one was big had short white hair but no weapon.(i really dont want to explain them but when i use them ill tell you every thing that it had or something like that)

Danzo Stepped onto the dome as he looked at the two shinobi Jikki Chikamatsu no Shuu. Danzo said to him self as he began to move his whole hand around causing the all the puppets to form into a circle around him to make it look like they were look at all sided. The puppets were kind of close to danzo but to were the point that he could have them attack if someone get really close to him. What they two sand shinobi didn't know was that he was a master at these puppets so it wasn't going to be easy on them, he had used these puppets all his like and knew them vary well. Danzo wasn't going to attack he was just going to wait to see what there reaction was and was move they were going to make. He keep an close eye on the one above but also really kept an eye on Art because of his great Sharingan power.

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Ryusaki Toketsu
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Taking Sunagakure. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Taking Sunagakure.   Taking Sunagakure. Icon_minitimeThu 22 Oct 2009, 7:51 pm

Ryusaki, heard the second bombardment of the sand hit the ground again. He figured that maybe, just maybe he had hit the other shinobi and give him a nice area to focus on. Suddenly things became a little clearer, and bit by bit it seemed like the mist was disappearing. Ryusaki suddenly felt his heart rate skip, only because he knew it was an incredibly lucky blow. More than likely he had hit and possibly killed the shinobi. As the last of the mist receded the victory felt bitter sweet at first. Yes the mist was gone but instead of the other shinobi being hit, his ally had drawn away the mist. At least now it would be a fair fight he thought, he wouldnt have to wonder about suprise attacks from the mist. But when the other suna shinobi finished his jutsu, it seemed like there was no victory to be won. He dropped to the ground immediatly, steam rising from his body. He was breathing heavy obviously very tired from what he had done. Then before scanning the battlefield he noticed a red glint on his allies vest. Ryusaki, assumed that he had been struck by the other shinobi, while the mist was still up. But as he scanned the area he saw him post at the ground. "He's there" After being told that Artemis would be his eyes he thought something was up but couldnt pin point what. How could he figure out how he would know where the other shinobi was hiding. Then it hit him, if he knew where he was this whole time he doubted that he would have been hit by an attack. When two and two was put together he was the one who had hit the shinobi. All his injuries was his faullt, but that was to be honest not really on his min around. More or less the last thing, he would apologize later. Then all of a sudden a black chakra began to form in the shinobi's hand, even on the floor he was performing what seemed like a high ranked jutsu. With this he managed to gain an idea, and was to begin a jutsu, then suddenly it began to rain again. This time harder than before in an even shorter time. The sand platform he was standing on, got wet and began to crumple away a little bit. Seeing this he quickly brought himself onto the ground, only to see ten puppets in fron the shinobi. Only now could he see his shark like features but still couldnt recognize him. The puppets stood a little bit ahead of them, showing possibly that the fire had become serious. The rain had only gotten worse most of his jutsu's would be severly weakened, and the constant rain was only working to annoy him. "Sāburusu" Ryusaki, a tornado appeared right in front of him and began to move towards the puppets. Kicking up sand and redirecting rain as it went, to begin to attack better he had to rely on the other ninja to blow the coulds away again.
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