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 Taking Sunagakure.

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Oriena Nimakee
Gen Hyuuga
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Oriena Nimakee
Oriena Nimakee

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Taking Sunagakure. - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Taking Sunagakure.   Taking Sunagakure. - Page 2 Icon_minitimeThu 22 Oct 2009, 9:17 pm

Oriena closed he eyes for a moment as she contemplating about her next move, thinking about what would be the best option and what would be the best outlet. "I have to do this...for him, and for me" she said to herself as she turned her butterfly towards the battlefield and raced down towards the water affinitied man as the mist began to clear from the area. The creation began to illuminate and heat up as it got closer to the ground, and as the mist cleared, it showed no one one the creature any longer. The creation slammed into the facinity of the water user and exploded, causing a huge uproar of fire from the impact zone and sending smoke, water and earth everywhere. Shortly after, a mass of ember assembled next to the shadow user and formed into a woman with her hand on his back, it was Oriena as she made an appearance to try to help her hurting comrade. "Ok, I have no clue what kind of damage I did to that man but I do have a strong hunch that he made be hurt but not dead by any means, so we need to get going" she said to him as she began to form hand seals. Another butterfly was formed and came over to the two kneeling combatants at Oriena's wish. "We need to get going, hop on, we'll meet your friend above and formulate a plan ok?"

Name: Firefly
Description:Creates a large butterfly composed of fire chakra. This can be flewn on as well as detonated by the user

Name: Elegant leave
Rank: B
Element: Fire
Description: Oriena's body turns to ember and ashes away. She may reappear anywhere withing a 50 foot radius and can use this jutsu 10 times per battle

Name: Butterfly
Rank: B
Element: Earth
Description: Using the earth affinity, a large butterfly is created from hard minerals from the earth. This butterfly is typically used to fly on but at the users request, can detonate and turn to large spikes aimed at the opponent.
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Taking Sunagakure. - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Taking Sunagakure.   Taking Sunagakure. - Page 2 Icon_minitimeThu 22 Oct 2009, 10:19 pm

As Everything around the jounin Started to change the rain came once again, Beating down on him it soaked him ever more than the mist could ever. The heavy beads of water seemed to float down on him splashing against his Fair complected skin, But keeping the Black Raiton Swelling around his hand he focused more and more. The attack From Above was swift and just, but it was quite surprising as oriena Landed behind him speaking out in his direction as the seconds past by rapidly he extended both palms out flat, clapping both of his hands together they collided together swiftly they sent a large ring of black lightning around them both circling his hands constantly, But as the lightning was changed into Shadow it started to grow from his hands forcing intself into his body by growing in his skin, as the shadow started to consume him it blanketed his skin and clothes making them turn black as well. Artemis spoke out as the last of the shadow grew up his neck reaching twords his mouth, " Oriena. . . You came. . ." the final bit of shadow consumed him leaving him almost plagued by it. He seemed to be almost as a statue fully black which was quite strange, But quickly Artemis started to split in half one side of his body heading left the other to the right. It split him down the middle dividing him into two new beings, As there bodies healed over there were now Two exact copies of Artemis but both still covered in black. And soon the shadow receded from the two leaving them anew and fresh, As they stepped apart from each other the clone on the right simply squatted forming a hand sign. The clone to the left Turned back looking at Oriena, " You shouldn't have come. . ." Taking a step closer to Oriena the clone boarded the the butterfly, as it waited it began to take precautions for a impending attack it pulled out Its Shadow slades the blades seemed as they would be able fit around his knuckles but he kept them at a position where they could easily be thrown. The clone left on the Ground Focused further into the area where the explosion had hit, with its sharingan it scanned through looking for any survivors, but quickly extending its shadow it sent a thick torrent of shadow across the ground into the dust attempting to catch the enemy off guard if they were still alive. " Be careful this is no ordinary opponent, he was once the Abnu captain of my village. . . He his Danzo Hoshigaki a S ranked missing Ninja."

Jutsu Used:

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Gen Hyuuga
Gen Hyuuga

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Taking Sunagakure. - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Taking Sunagakure.   Taking Sunagakure. - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSat 24 Oct 2009, 1:12 pm

As Danzo stood on top of the dome he watched the two ninja and noticed that the Goryu Kid had began to start a jutsu, but at the same time he was trying to keep an eye on the nara guy. And what Danzo hadn't noticed was that his rain was being redirected. But once the tornado got closer he begin to tell because little pieces of sand were flying in the air and could tell that it was hitting his face more and more as the tornado got close to him. So he rapidly started to Do hand signs causing all puppets to do the same, Then they all waited for the right time to complete the jutsu. Just as the tornado got about a foot away from the puppets Danzo slammed his hands together which caused the puppets to do the same, and out of no were water appeared all around him and the 10 puppets like a water wall blocking the tornado making it useless since it was mostly sand and water makes sand weaker. Danzo chuckled as he looked all the way around him and saw nothing but water and his puppets with there hands clapped together. Slowly Danzo released his hands and so did the puppets and stopped the jutsu, now you could really see that water had been used because of the water ring that it left on the ground.

Just as Danzo was out of the water wall he could sense something coming towards his fast but couldn't tell were it was coming from, or what it was but the only thing that he could think of was that one ninja that was here watching the fight. All of a sudden he could now tell were it was coming from and jumpped down from the dome at the same time moving his hand causing one of the 10 puppets to quickly move in front of him taking the hit and exploding. Danzo was sent flying back a little from the impact and cut up his arm a little when he hit the ground What the hell was that. Danzo said to himself as he jumped up with the chakra strings still attached to the puppets and mover around on the ground trying to see if it was who he thought it was. Once Danzo could see clearly he saw that the one ninja that has been here for the whole time standing next to Art saying something to him but Danzo would figure out what the girl shinobi was saying to him.

Danzo watched Art begin to do hand signs slowly making two clones of him self. Damn this is getting harder and harder by the second, if only these two shinobi wouldn't have been in my way i would have been finished with this mission already but since they are here looks like im going to have to take them out one by one if i can do that. Danzo said to him self as he saw the Shadow coming towards him he quickly thought of what he was going to need to do. Damn it Danzo said to him self as he quickly jumped into the air so fast that only Art would be able to see him because of his Sharingan eye but still would take him a second to find him and his puppets. Once he was clear in the air he rapidly started to move his hands causing two of the puppets that had the katana, and long sword down at Oriena at quick speeds one attacking from the top and one at the bottom. Also the one that was holding the two big sword raced down at amazing speeds towards Art Slamming down one of his large swords trying to do some damage, then for the one with the big arms and the one with the scythe towards Ryu swinging there scythe and fists, but changing up making combos trying to make it harder for the Ryu to block. Danzo had also spotted a clone in the air and began to swing his hands around again which also caused one of the puppets with a mettle staff towards the clone in the air reaching back then slamming down trying to hit Arts clone.

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Taking Sunagakure. - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Taking Sunagakure.   Taking Sunagakure. - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSat 24 Oct 2009, 6:32 pm

Akumu arrived finally at the area of battle. It was a rather large area, and looked like it has been raining for a good while, Akumu smirked as he walked up to see the battle emerging. Akumu was there in aid of danzo, Akumu began looking around to see his opponents there were 3 people in his sight besides danzo, and what looked to be exact clones of them. He noticed one in particular, it was a girl and she was saddled apon a giant grey butterfly. Immediatley Akumu knew that she was a clay user and that her clay had explosive capabilities. Heh, mine as well begin this. Akumu stood a good20ft away from danzo as he saw oriena on the butterfly and knew that she was bound to take off and leave soon.

Akumu quickly jumped into the air flipping, and then his body was still as he raised his arms with all of his fingers pointed at Oriena. His fingers began to bulge as he softly spoke Bone bullets! His bulging fingertips finally emerged with bones from his finger tips as they fired with great spped bound to hit Oriena due to there barraging style of approach. Akumu landed as he turned to danzo, Heh you didn't think i was going to leave you by yourself forever did you. Akumu smiled as he reached to his back clasping his spinal chord. The tip of his spine stabbed right through his skin, a few blood drops streamed out as he ripped out his spine giving him no pain whatsoever. Another spine quickly filling in right after the first one left.
His spine was now at ready for attack, but thats not exactly what Akumu did. Akumu simply raised his sword into stance, and awaited for simple reactions of his opponent, and his ally.

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Gen Hyuuga
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Taking Sunagakure. - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Taking Sunagakure.   Taking Sunagakure. - Page 2 Icon_minitimeThu 29 Oct 2009, 9:30 am

(ok what the hell its been at least 4 days now we should keep this fight going
so Oriena its your turn to post then Art, me, and Akumu)
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Oriena Nimakee
Oriena Nimakee

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Taking Sunagakure. - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Taking Sunagakure.   Taking Sunagakure. - Page 2 Icon_minitimeFri 30 Oct 2009, 10:05 pm

Oriena saw the attackers coming towards her and activated her 2nd stage of her Oakegan, allowing her to see them with relative ease and form a plan quickly. Immediately, she leaped high into the air as she whipped open a scroll and seemingly nothing came out to the naked eye. The scroll though, actually dispatched a large web of wire towards the would be attacking puppets as she flipped over the foes. As this happened, she avoided a good portion of the awkward looking projectiles, of which the rest were intercepted by the large butterfly as it caught the airborne kinochi. "What is that attack and where did that guy come from?" she said to her self. Noticing some very small objects in the base of her butterfly and identified them,"Bone? Is this a Kaguya aiding this man?" she said as she flew opposite the puppets as the wire would catch them if all went well as she slung forth her arms in an attempt to encase the them.

Piercing Mind: The possesors genjutsu uses more a great deal more chakra but also inflicts bodily wounds through genjutsu. the prior preminitions are enhanced 25% more and time seems at a slowed pace

Name:Web of wire
Rank: B
Description: Oriena has a large portion or extremeley thin metal wire sealed into a scroll that will be flung open towards the opponent upon the scrolls use. The wire, upon being released, begins to weave like a web and is not easily cut nor seen. Typically, this would be used during the times of little sun to avoid being given away and used as means of a surprise attack. The kicker to this is that along with along with being hard to see, Oriena also holds a portion of the wire in each hand, controlling its movements as she sees fit.
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Taking Sunagakure. - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Taking Sunagakure.   Taking Sunagakure. - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMon 02 Nov 2009, 8:46 pm

Artemis watched as the chuunin was able to defend from the highly skilled Ninja, which made The jounin aware how intense the battle had become. Still ridding on the butterfly The first clone grasped tighter onto the two Trench knives he held, as he focused he sent a mass amount of shadow chakra into them making them start to glow black. Jumping high up into the air he threw the first trench knife, as it hurled down it wasn't targeted directly at danzo but a few feet behind him where his shadow lay. As the knife came only a few inches away from the ground it dint give danzo much time to escape. The other Clone that was left below formed a single hand sign, his shadow grew up off the ground forming snake like tendrils that moved and slithered across the ground. As they raced over towards danzo they avoided the puppets easily slipping underneath the wooden enemies, as they started to spread they forced there way up creeping steadily. The first few tendrils stretched out darting straight at his front side, But soon they grew in number striking out attacking both sides of the opponent leaving only a few ways to escape the forceful attack. As The airborne clone was still soaring down he clutched the final black chakra enanced knife, flinging it down swiftly at danzo he formed a hand sign it soon split up turning the single weapon into one hundred soon three hundred as all the blades buzzed down they spun with great speed.

Jutsu Used:

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Taking Sunagakure. - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Taking Sunagakure.   Taking Sunagakure. - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMon 09 Nov 2009, 8:25 pm

(We need a mod suggestion, Danzo hasn't posted within the reasonable time limit.)

Last edited by Artemis on Wed 25 Nov 2009, 3:46 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Taking Sunagakure. - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Taking Sunagakure.   Taking Sunagakure. - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMon 09 Nov 2009, 8:31 pm

(should we make exit posts)
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Taking Sunagakure. - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Taking Sunagakure.   Taking Sunagakure. - Page 2 Icon_minitimeWed 25 Nov 2009, 3:46 pm

(Um Mod or admin look at this fight, danzo has not posted..)
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Naizu Nimakee
Naizu Nimakee

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Taking Sunagakure. - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Taking Sunagakure.   Taking Sunagakure. - Page 2 Icon_minitimeWed 25 Nov 2009, 6:37 pm

((Danzo should be dead due to the length of time of delay.))
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Naiko Aburame
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Taking Sunagakure. - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Taking Sunagakure.   Taking Sunagakure. - Page 2 Icon_minitimeFri 27 Nov 2009, 6:57 am


Right, I say too.
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Taking Sunagakure. - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Taking Sunagakure.   Taking Sunagakure. - Page 2 Icon_minitimeThu 03 Dec 2009, 6:04 pm

((Ask Danzo why he hasn't posted yet. Something important in his life could have come up.))
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Naizu Nimakee
Naizu Nimakee

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Taking Sunagakure. - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Taking Sunagakure.   Taking Sunagakure. - Page 2 Icon_minitimeThu 03 Dec 2009, 8:05 pm

((he's concentrating on another site, he sent me a pm asking me to join like a day or two ago))
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