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PostSubject: a Jounin vs a kage (off rpg)   a Jounin vs a kage (off rpg) Icon_minitimeSun 03 Jan 2010, 9:51 pm

Zento walked into the mist village with two of his scrolls on his back. he loved having a good fight and he had a mask over the bottom half of his face and he looked at the sky. "I need something to do." As he said that the wind started to blow and the mask that was covering his face moved and his mouth looked like it was made out of wood. This was a fake Zento. The real one was in the trees. It was his puppet. He had the strings unseen so that they can't tell if it's him or not. He had on his big red hat and his red suit. Zento smiled. he wanted to have some fun. A ANBU of the mist went at him and he asked him to leave the village. He put his hand on the mans chest and then a blade shot out and was coming out from his back with blood dripping off of it. The man died and he fell to the ground. The puppet looked at his blade and it went back into it's arm. he smiled at this. He walked more into the mist and looked at the ANBU who found out about him killing the other one. All the ANBU that went after him were killed and then he started to get bored.the puppet made fake hand signs and shot fire out from it's mouth to make it look like he did a fire ball jutsu. But really he just had the tube in his mouth shoot out the fire like it should. The real one popped his neck and was hoping that the kage would show so that it would be more fun. He wanted to see how goo this kage was. He sighed and popped his wrists.

Zento wanted to get some fighting going on. He licked his lips and the doll looked at the scrolls on it's back.They were blank so that if it was destroyed they would not have his real puppets. it started to get more into town and then found a genin. He pulled out three kunai and shot one at him. The puppet Zento grabed the blade and shot it back at the kid. The kid shot one of the other kunai at the one zento puppet threw. he ran at him and the kid went to stab him in the gut but Zento puppet broke his arm. He put his hand on his head and slammed the kid into the ground. The kid's arms and legs jumped into the air and then the puppet took his hand off of the kids head. A hole was in the kids head right in between his eyes. He took a kunai and stabbed were the hole was so that it would look like the kunai was what killed him. He waits for the kage to show.

jutsu used

Name:Puppetry Technique
Description:Kugutsu no Jutsu is a Ninjutsu technique that allows a ninja to use a puppet to attack from afar. Using their body's chakra, the ninja emits strings of chakra that run from their fingers to the puppet. The puppet itself can be loaded with many weapons and tools, allowing the puppet master to remain hidden while the puppet moves and attacks the target.

puppet used

Name:Zento puppet

Rank: B

Owner: Zento


Length: just as tall as Zento

Width: just like Zento

Material: the skin of the puppet is made out of harden ruber and paint that Zento made makes it look 100% just like him. Under all that is metal for skin and the hair is fake but still looks real.he has on the same cloths as Zento and inside of him are over 50 paper bombs. It has blades made out of the strongest steel he could find and posion/smoke bombs inside of him as well.

Weight: 80 pounds

Abilities: inside of the puppet's arms are summoning plats so it can make more weapons to shoot out at the opponent and a toob in it's mouth that let's it shoot out fire.

Info:this puppet is in a scroll on Zento's back
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Naizu Nimakee
Naizu Nimakee

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PostSubject: Re: a Jounin vs a kage (off rpg)   a Jounin vs a kage (off rpg) Icon_minitimeMon 04 Jan 2010, 9:03 am

Naizu was on one of his natural strolls around the village and as usual, there were a good sized portion of clones about the village in case of someone doing something stupid. Today happened to be one of those days as a clone caught glimpse of two individuals maliciously murdering people for no apparent reason. Simply unprovoked attacks that showed absolute disregard for the village, the people in it and the Kage that protected it. At that time, the clone immediately disbursed alerting the Mizukage at once, placing a serious look of unforgiving anger across his face. At the time, Naizu was only about 50 yards away from the man, however he was placed around buildings and what not of which allowed the man to proceed as he did. That distance closed instantly as with a quick burst of flame, the Nimakee leader was in front of the man and separated by about 30 feet. "What are you doing here and what is this about?" Naizu said as he tremble with anger on the inside and ready to obliterate this fool for disrespecting the privacy of his village and removing lives of the innocent without care or remorse. A growl was heard from behind the two men as a nin-dog held a stance of attack, ready to commit with Naizu's word. "These aren't twins boy, one of em's a puppet judging from the smell I got as soon as I approached. Its been a minute since I got a chew toy" said the dog. "Figures...heartless, gutless, I oughta take you out right now but I wanna here your reasoning for being here" said Naizu.

Description:Naizu can change his body to fire at will allowing objects to pass through him as well as burn a target if holding him. Naizu can also flare up in this state, disipating and re-solidifying elsewhere. This can only be used 10 times per battle.

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PostSubject: Re: a Jounin vs a kage (off rpg)   a Jounin vs a kage (off rpg) Icon_minitimeMon 04 Jan 2010, 8:56 pm

Zento puppet smiled at this dog. "Well i guess the cats out of the bag." He said. Then looked over at the real Zento. He jumped into the air and landed next to his puppet. "Hello. My name is Zento. What is your name?" Both Zento and his puppet said at the same time. He laughed at what he did and then pulled out the other two scrolls on his back. He rolled them out and put his hands together. "Over sized baby, Kirby." He said. Then smoke shot out from the scrolls and then as the smoke cleared there was two more puppets. He smiled. The first puppet he called out was the over sized baby and was four feet tall and he did not have eyes but leafs in were they should be. The skin of it was burned looking and it looked all cut up. He looked over at his other puppet and it was pink with fur over it. It's eyes were plastic and same with it's feet. He smiled at the man with his dog. He pointed at the dog. "No! You don't bite my puppets." He said in a playful voice. He then moved his hands around and the puppets moved there arms and then they all stopped moving there arms and at the same time all the puppets and Zento gave this man the finger. He laughed about it and the all high-fived. "Sorry i like to act like these guys are real." He said and patted there heads.

Now he was going to get serious about this fighting. He looked at pointed at the man again. "You... i still want to know your name but are you the kage of this village?" He asked. He popped his neck and then moved his hands around. The puppets went to the person and there dogs. He had then spin around the Kage and then the over sized baby opened it's mouth and out came a poison mist and then they jumped into the air and went around. They all started to rain down weapons from the air and then from the sides so that they had to eather hit the weapons or take the time to stop them and be poisoned.

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Naizu Nimakee
Naizu Nimakee

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PostSubject: Re: a Jounin vs a kage (off rpg)   a Jounin vs a kage (off rpg) Icon_minitimeWed 06 Jan 2010, 7:35 pm

"This guy is..." started Triagus before being abruptly interupted by Naizu, "I know, leave" as he snapped his fingers and closed his eyes as the puppets took to the air. Naizu remained where he was, though still but post the finger snap, the Dog vanished, returning to his land at the Mizukages request. The weapons rained down and hit the still shinobi, only to bouce off him with a clanking noise as they did so...all of them. "Are you done yet?" he said before his body turned to flames and disapeared once more, this time reappearing on a large building above the puppet master and his slaves. "Menace" he said to himself as he formed handseals quickly, creating a large realm of steam that produced a strong amount of clones that ran about. Naizu's body may have seemed normal, but as the man began to make his move, his body leaked steam that solidified quickly and ultimately created an iron like shell allowing him to basically just shrug off the weapon attack. The area had now been covered with the steam and clones of the Mizukages of which sought out the dispickable ninja that was attacking his village with out true reason. His left eye began to store chakra, but with his eyes closed, he still seemed to stair directly at the man and his minions. And seemingly in a show of disrespect, the Mizukage simply stood with his arms crossed and making no true move...but underneath those eye lids were different eyes than prior. The area had now been heated to a very unnerving 110 degrees and yet there was Naizu, unphased by the heat or humidity, though he knew who would be.

Name: Iron steam armor
Description:Through chakra and molucule manipulation of his body, Naizu can harden his body, strengthening it to be as solid as iron. With this though, his speed and reaction drop a fourth each. Steam is emitted through Naizu's pores and solidify with the combination of densified chakra and the elemental chakra. This armor last as long as Naizu allows and covers from head to toe.

Description:Naizu can change his body to fire at will allowing objects to pass through him as well as burn a target if holding him. Naizu can also flare up in this state, disipating and re-solidifying elsewhere. This can only be used 10 times per battle.

Heavens Vision: At this state, the possessor can cast genjutsu on up to a hundred enemies at once for 10 min intervals. Determining the number of targets and time duration, the chakra consumption varies. All attributes from the previous two stages are also aplied as well as the priminitons accuracy increasing to upwards of 90%.
a Jounin vs a kage (off rpg) J9391s

Name:Light in darkness
Description:Using the Oakegan, Naizu can see cells in peoples bodies and the movement is still slowed to him. This was awakened due to Naizu trying to use a jutsu to show his senpai (Ki) memories of his and touched him on the forehead. Ki, being a Willow, forced immediate side effects and knocked him out cold. Though unconcious, Naizu was able to see his own cells in his body and was able to do the same around him and with others from there on. This feat only occurs during darkness and includes cells on anything one has touched though Naizu is able to distinguish whats being held and whats not.

Name: Steam Style: Stealth Clone Jutsu
Description: Steam covers and heats the battle grounds and hot fogish like clones of Naizu lurk, and seek the enemy. (Not a good choice against wind element users for obvious reasons). Upon finding their target, they heat to upwards of 500 degrees, mistify and burn the target, as well as notify Naizu of the enimies location.
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PostSubject: Re: a Jounin vs a kage (off rpg)   a Jounin vs a kage (off rpg) Icon_minitimeWed 06 Jan 2010, 8:28 pm

Zento looked at the attacks coming to him and smiled at this. "Is this all you can do?" He said and then started moving. It was getting hot he knows that but he did not care about that. He had his puppets next to him and then he was gone. He showed up behind the Kage and he head was next to the Kages. "You still did not tell me your name." He said and then had his over sized baby start crying. Sure it gave away his spot but he did not care. Then the baby went to the Kages back with it's hand and out from the hand was a dagger. The dagger had poison on the blade and this was a strong poison of Zentos. It can numb a person with just a small hit and also kill them at the same time The death takes time by how much got into the persons body and to make sure that the kage did not move he had his two puppets around the kage and was going to keep him from doing hand signs so that he can't turn into fire and even if they did not go after the hands the attack was to fast to make the signs to get out of the way. He waits.

(Sorry i'm having writers block or something.)
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Naizu Nimakee
Naizu Nimakee

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PostSubject: Re: a Jounin vs a kage (off rpg)   a Jounin vs a kage (off rpg) Icon_minitimeWed 06 Jan 2010, 9:16 pm

"You don't deserve the satisfaction of knowing my name boy, even death would be to simple for you" said the still calmly enraged Mizukage. Still at a stand still, Naizu's body turned to mist and scattered into the steam as a voice was heard throughout the area. "For what reason...what reason would one do as you have done to my people? Nobody has deserved this treatment with the exception of you" echoed the voice from all angles. The area began to change as the building the puppet master was on turned to an opening mouth of a wolf that snarled at him and his puppets. The surrounding buildings followed suit as they all slowly turned to angry wolves that looked to feed on these tiny dog treats known as Naizu's enemy. The mist got warmer and seemed to be as if it came from the mouths of wolves simply put, the area tuned into a den of hungry, rabie infested, attacking, giant wolves. Lastly, the puppets seemed to take on a life of their own as they dispatched themselves from chakra strings of the puppeteer and in a rage, cohesively attacked Zento. That was at least, in the mind Zento, for he was trapped the moment the steam came about in a genjutsu, it was just a matter of when it would take effect. When he and his puppets stood still for that moment awaiting Naizu's name, the reality slipped away and as did the Mizukage. Now, the Mist leader was elsewhere with an opportunity to take full advantage of this situation and he intended to fully. In the actual world, the Mizukage created ten of himself from steam chakra and scattered them about the area of the building, surrounding the opponents from distance. From there, simultaneously,5 of the clones slung there arms as if curling a dumb bell and the other 5 drove their fist to the ground as a mass of spikes came crashing together, meeting from above and below Zento and his freaks.

Name: Steam Style: Delusion Fog Jutsu
Element:Water/Fire (Genjutsu)
Description:(only availible during stealth clone jutsu) The steam creates an illusion Of the
land around the enemey becoming distorted and fellow alies become enemies in there mind.

Name:Steam clone
Description:Naizu creates a mirror image of himself with elemental steam chakra. The clone has a fifth of Naizu's strength.

Name: Iron Steam Spikes
Description:This is created with steam already in battle. The user can create 3 different types of dual spikes. Slinging their arms together, a set of squares holding 9 spikes will attempt to crush the opponent as they come from opposing directions, clashing together. Upon raising his arms in a curling manner, a large square holding 15 spikes (each 3 meters high and a meter in circumfrence) Shoot directly 3 consecutive times quickly. If they drive a fist to the ground a large square holding 15 spikes (each 3 meters high and a meter in circumfrence) slam into the ground from 5 ft above the opponent.
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PostSubject: Re: a Jounin vs a kage (off rpg)   a Jounin vs a kage (off rpg) Icon_minitimeThu 07 Jan 2010, 12:18 am

Zento smiled at this. He could not help but see that the Kage did not like him. He saw the attacks and did one hand sign. Then his puppets left and a could of dust formed. He jumped back and then the dust cleared and he was gone. All that was left was a hole in the ground. Zento was crawling in the ground and was using his underground jutsu. He put a paper bomb all over the place and then he popped up from the ground. He landed on the ground and then shot a kunai at the ground. The ground fell from the weight and then he pulled a string. Then all of the paper bombs went off. A big explotion happend and he was smiling. he put his hands together and changed his chakra around so he could break the genjutsu "Do you want to know wly i did this?" He asked. He sighed. "To get you out of your place and see what you could do." He said and smiled. "Now that i know you like to turn your body into things to get out of attacks like a punk who can't fight, lets end this. Shinobi battle form number one, Taijutsu." He said and put his hands up. He ran at the clones and killed all that was left. He was back at the place he once was and sighed. "come out and fight me like a man no gen or ninjutsu." He said.
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Naizu Nimakee
Naizu Nimakee

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PostSubject: Re: a Jounin vs a kage (off rpg)   a Jounin vs a kage (off rpg) Icon_minitimeFri 08 Jan 2010, 9:42 pm

(will post when I get home, I'm sorry for the delay )
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Naizu Nimakee
Naizu Nimakee

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PostSubject: Re: a Jounin vs a kage (off rpg)   a Jounin vs a kage (off rpg) Icon_minitimeSun 10 Jan 2010, 6:25 pm

"Awww, you feel frustrated that you can't do as you pleas with someone whom can actually defend themselves huh? You can't get the easy kill that you've been accustomed to with whatever is in that twisted mind of yours right? You make me sick boy, preying on the weak and looking to draw someone out using awkward and sadistic ways instead of challenging someone face to face" said the Mizukage as he began to stir around the steam quickly. Suddenly, a huge mass off figures created a huge shadow throughout the steam and began to collapse on the puppet user quite quickly. Naizu's eyes had once again shifted, though the opposition wouldn't be able to see that due to Naizu's ability in being illusive and blending into the steamy environment. "Any plans you may have had when you first got here, anything that you may still be planning, anything that you may have already started won't work and ends here" said the Nimakee leader and Mizukage as the figures took form of a human shadow with flames and sprinted towards the intruder.

Name:Refined Perception
Description:The fourth stage of the Oakegan thought to be but a legend. Its said to give the holder unfathomed wisdome and 3 fold over The Heavens Vision power.It is unknown how many jutsu this stage of the clans doujutsu hold but its said there are atleast two. Along with increasing the strength of the nin and genjutsus of the holder 3 fold its sad that the holders chakra is is Doubled
a Jounin vs a kage (off rpg) 34zzhjn

Name: Chaos Hunt
Rank: A
Description: (Refine Perception or higher) Naizu summons a mass of 100 hell clones that will search for the enemy and amongst one finding the enemy, the others will rush to the location. Upon the gathering of the hell clones. They will build up energy and let off a tremendous explosion, this of which is amplified by the number clones that are in the area as they may still deploy their arms in persuit and can explode either in singles or in groups of clones, the largest is obviously if all are in the same spot.
(Hell clone understanding)
Name: Hells Clones
Description: (Only During Oakegan-Piering Mind or higher) Naizu can create clones that are
walking flames. The clones have accelerated speed, can detatch and launch their arms at the
foe. Upon both arms bein detatched, the clone immediately takes chase insue of the enemey and
will explode upon contact or will detinate 10 seconds post sprint
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PostSubject: Re: a Jounin vs a kage (off rpg)   a Jounin vs a kage (off rpg) Icon_minitimeMon 11 Jan 2010, 8:51 pm

Zento smiled at the man. "I guess you should be happy. No one has ever made me go into this form in a long long time." He said and then he started tochange. Zento had a tail and his skin turned black. He had a white armor on him and then his eyes turned red. He laughed at this. He was out of the way of the attacks in no time. Zento was on a house and then he popped his neck. "In this state i'm like a persone in the 5th gate. You can't hit me. But i'm done. You want to know why i'm here, doing all this? Well this is for doing what i was hoping." He said. "I was here for you, i was sent here to find out what you can do. We mite see eachother later." He said and then was gone.
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Naizu Nimakee
Naizu Nimakee

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PostSubject: Re: a Jounin vs a kage (off rpg)   a Jounin vs a kage (off rpg) Icon_minitimeThu 14 Jan 2010, 3:49 am

(Just to remind you, this is orp so you wont have this info to go to Kaze with)
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PostSubject: Re: a Jounin vs a kage (off rpg)   a Jounin vs a kage (off rpg) Icon_minitimeThu 14 Jan 2010, 9:51 am

OOC: I believe your right Naizu, there's no point on telling in his post that his going to get away with info's about you. Incase you and I see one void it right away.
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PostSubject: Re: a Jounin vs a kage (off rpg)   a Jounin vs a kage (off rpg) Icon_minitime

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