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The Missing Meets the Sannin (Oshiroku) Icon_minitimeMon 29 Jul 2024, 3:32 pm by Hirokai Hondo

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The Missing Meets the Sannin (Oshiroku) Icon_minitimeSun 21 Oct 2018, 3:13 am by Nocturne

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The Missing Meets the Sannin (Oshiroku) Icon_minitimeThu 04 Jun 2015, 4:10 pm by Kai Fuuma

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The Missing Meets the Sannin (Oshiroku) Icon_minitimeMon 15 Jul 2013, 10:32 pm by Kai Fuuma

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The Missing Meets the Sannin (Oshiroku) Icon_minitimeThu 16 May 2013, 6:37 pm by Naizu Nimakee

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The Missing Meets the Sannin (Oshiroku) Icon_minitimeTue 16 Oct 2012, 2:46 pm by Revy Izumi

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The Missing Meets the Sannin (Oshiroku) Icon_minitimeMon 15 Oct 2012, 8:04 pm by Revy Izumi

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The Missing Meets the Sannin (Oshiroku) Icon_minitimeTue 28 Aug 2012, 11:53 am by Hirokai Hondo

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The Missing Meets the Sannin (Oshiroku) Icon_minitimeSat 25 Aug 2012, 1:44 pm by Naizu Nimakee

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 The Missing Meets the Sannin (Oshiroku)

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The Missing Meets the Sannin (Oshiroku) Empty
PostSubject: The Missing Meets the Sannin (Oshiroku)   The Missing Meets the Sannin (Oshiroku) Icon_minitimeMon 01 Sep 2008, 1:49 pm

((Oshiroku: I can't actually RP in this until the other threads I'm in are done with - or I'm done with them - so could I PM you when I'm free to fight once more? Sorry.))

Whoever his pursuer was, he knew enough about Satoshi to be chasing him. And it didn't seem like he was about to give up. Sighing wearily, Satoshi skidded to a halt in a clearing and turned to face his follower. The trees that lined the area were tall and covered in leaves. Good - I have an easy escape route if things get out of hand. The Missing-Nin thought to himself. He adjusted his blindfold and waited for the man to arrive.

Last edited by Satoshi Arata on Mon 01 Sep 2008, 3:04 pm; edited 1 time in total
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The Missing Meets the Sannin (Oshiroku) Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Missing Meets the Sannin (Oshiroku)   The Missing Meets the Sannin (Oshiroku) Icon_minitimeMon 01 Sep 2008, 2:32 pm

Oshi arrived coming to a halt a few yards from Satoshi planning his attack. This new missing ninja had arrived in town and was sturing up trouble. Oshi thought he better check it out and had been tailing the man until he was spotted. "Who are you" Oshi siad trying to asses his opponent.

((you can have three your alright))
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The Missing Meets the Sannin (Oshiroku) Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Missing Meets the Sannin (Oshiroku)   The Missing Meets the Sannin (Oshiroku) Icon_minitimeMon 01 Sep 2008, 3:15 pm

Satoshi listened as a branch broke not far from him, turning to face the direction the noise came from. A moment later, his pursuer arrived and spoke to him. "Like you don't know." Satoshi spat in reply. Immediately realizing he'd let this fool upset his calm demeanor, he took a deep breath and regained his composure. "My name is Satoshi Arata. I'm a mercenary and a wanted man. Though I'm sure you already knew that." He quipped, lazily fiddling with his blindfold.
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The Missing Meets the Sannin (Oshiroku) Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Missing Meets the Sannin (Oshiroku)   The Missing Meets the Sannin (Oshiroku) Icon_minitimeWed 03 Sep 2008, 5:32 pm

"I thought so" Oshi said "Although I wasn't sure...maybe if you hadn't been causing trouble you would have gotten away" he laughed at this "Now will you come quietly to a trial against you or shall I have to apprehend you with force" Oshi said suddenly becoming serious.
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The Missing Meets the Sannin (Oshiroku) Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Missing Meets the Sannin (Oshiroku)   The Missing Meets the Sannin (Oshiroku) Icon_minitimeFri 05 Sep 2008, 3:46 pm

Tilting his head down a little, Satoshi smirked. "You really haven't done your homework on me, have you? I'm just a blacklisted name." He moved his head back to face Oshiroku. "By all means, you can try to apprehend me. It might just be fun." He waited for a moment, before smiling again, and turning to leave. He started to walk away, expecting - and half-hoping - that Oshiroku would at least try to catch him.
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The Missing Meets the Sannin (Oshiroku) Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Missing Meets the Sannin (Oshiroku)   The Missing Meets the Sannin (Oshiroku) Icon_minitimeFri 05 Sep 2008, 4:48 pm

Oshi made a few hand signs sinking into the ground as 100 Oshiroku's popped up around Satoshi. "Are you sure you don't want to surrender" they all said at once.
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The Missing Meets the Sannin (Oshiroku) Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Missing Meets the Sannin (Oshiroku)   The Missing Meets the Sannin (Oshiroku) Icon_minitimeFri 05 Sep 2008, 4:56 pm

Stopping where he was, Satoshi withdrew eight shuriken from his leg holster. He sighed, and released them in a circle around him, immediately making a hand sign afterwards. "Shuriken Kage Bunshin no Jutsu." He whispered, as the eight shuriken became a mass, spinning outwards in all directions, with Satoshi at the centre.

Name: Shuiken Kage Bunshin no Jutsu (Shuriken Shadow Clone Technique)
Rank: A
Description: A modification of the Shadow Clone Technique, the user throws one shuriken at the victim and then uses this jutsu to create multiple copies of the shuriken to make the attack more powerful.
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The Missing Meets the Sannin (Oshiroku) Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Missing Meets the Sannin (Oshiroku)   The Missing Meets the Sannin (Oshiroku) Icon_minitimeFri 05 Sep 2008, 4:59 pm

The clones all poof as a hand pops out of the ground grabbing Satoshi's leg for a second and then pulling down.

Name: Headhunter Jutsu
Rank: C
Effect: The user waits underground pulling on the opponents leg and switching places with them leaving the opponent with just there head above ground
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The Missing Meets the Sannin (Oshiroku) Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Missing Meets the Sannin (Oshiroku)   The Missing Meets the Sannin (Oshiroku) Icon_minitimeFri 05 Sep 2008, 5:06 pm

Making a single hand sign in response, Satoshi was pulled down to his neck. A moment later, there was a puff of smoke, and a branch was stuck where he had been. Hopping down from the tree and landing deftly on the ground, Satoshi turned to face Oshiroku, and grinned.

Name: Basic Academy Jutsu
Rank: E
Description: Kawarimi, Bunshin, Henge, Nawanuke (Substitution, Clone, Transformation, Rope Escape).
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The Missing Meets the Sannin (Oshiroku) Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Missing Meets the Sannin (Oshiroku)   The Missing Meets the Sannin (Oshiroku) Icon_minitimeSat 06 Sep 2008, 10:46 am

"Well I guess you aren't as week as I thought" Oshi said doing hand signs as he summoned 12 sound clones then doing more hand signs 20 more clones appeared circling Satoshi again. Two clones charge from either side both kicking, one towards the head and one towards the legs.

Sound Clones
Rank: C
Effect: The user summons clones that can not be smelled, seen, or felt they can only be heard. An Uchiha or Hyuuga would be able to see their chakra signature though.
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The Missing Meets the Sannin (Oshiroku) Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Missing Meets the Sannin (Oshiroku)   The Missing Meets the Sannin (Oshiroku) Icon_minitimeSun 07 Sep 2008, 9:16 pm

What is this? Satoshi thought. Having spent a good portion of his life blind, his hearing was quite acute. He was pretty certain that he was surrounded again. "Clones." He muttered. Listening carefully to their movements, he simultaneously activated the Genjutsu. What he thought would be an equal number (to Oshiroku's) of clones flickered into existence around Satoshi.The attacking clones' kicks sank into the Genjutsu-clones. A moment later, black sticky liquid appeared to reseal the wounds where their bodies had been kicked.

The Missing-Nin then withdrew four kunai from another item pocket. These, however, had exploding tags attached to their handles. He hurled them to the ground just outside of the circle of illusion-clones. As he activated the tags, Satoshi used to explosions to cover his movements - towards and into the nearest tree. From there, he began to remove more kunai with tags from a different item pockets. My 'special' tags... He grinned at the thought. Controlling the illusion-clones to appear to throw a barrage of kunai, Satoshi hurled eight of his own into the ground, four outside and four inside the circle of illusion-clones. He guessed that the Genjutsu, though simplistic, should hide his own throws.

Name: Kasumi Jusha no Jutsu (Mist Servant Technique)
Rank: D
Description: This jutsu creates clones that phase in and out of the ground as if they were made of a blackish, oil-like liquid. When attacked, the clones regenerate themselves. The clones can be controlled to make it seem as if they're throwing kunai. The user can then time their attacks with those of the clones.
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The Missing Meets the Sannin (Oshiroku) Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Missing Meets the Sannin (Oshiroku)   The Missing Meets the Sannin (Oshiroku) Icon_minitimeMon 08 Sep 2008, 6:10 pm

Oshi grinned forming hand signs and three clones appeared forming a triangle around him. He and the three clones turned a shade of purple while sliding into the ground. Seconds later Satoshi heard from behind "I might not know anything about you Satoshi but you don't know anything about me"
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The Missing Meets the Sannin (Oshiroku) Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Missing Meets the Sannin (Oshiroku)   The Missing Meets the Sannin (Oshiroku) Icon_minitimeWed 10 Sep 2008, 7:21 pm

((Am having major PC issues. Could be away for a while. Typed this on friend's Wii.))
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The Missing Meets the Sannin (Oshiroku) Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Missing Meets the Sannin (Oshiroku)   The Missing Meets the Sannin (Oshiroku) Icon_minitimeWed 10 Sep 2008, 7:55 pm

((Thats cool. We all have that problem sometime. Don't worry about it.))
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The Missing Meets the Sannin (Oshiroku) Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Missing Meets the Sannin (Oshiroku)   The Missing Meets the Sannin (Oshiroku) Icon_minitimeWed 17 Sep 2008, 7:31 pm

((Fixed, got a new laptop. :P Oh, by the way - what was the jutsu you just used?))

Satoshi gave a start when he heard the voice in his ear. He spun around, nearly losing his footing on the branch. As he did so, his senses returned and he had an idea. Making sure to touch Oshiroku's head with his hand, he made a hand sign and ititiated the genjutsu.

He looked into his opponent's mind, finding a perfect memory. All the time he built up the illusion, so that Oshiroku would see that and not him. He created the illusion of Oshiroku's mother being killed, playing it over and over. Each time, Satoshi substituted Kabuto's face with Satoshi's own visage. In the genjutsu, Satoshi was grinning inanely as he killed her.

Name: Kyuusho Sesshu (Secret Theft)
Rank: B
Description: This Genjutsu allows the user to delve into the target's memories, find a particularly disturbing one, and re-enact it or find a happy memory and create their own twisted version. All the while, the target is suffering extreme distress, and the user can attack their now helpless form in reality.
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The Missing Meets the Sannin (Oshiroku) Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Missing Meets the Sannin (Oshiroku)   The Missing Meets the Sannin (Oshiroku) Icon_minitimeWed 17 Sep 2008, 9:30 pm

((Oh the purple...its just solid can find it in my app...i use it for armor))

The Jutsu Satoshi attempted to start did nothing as he turned finding no one there. Again in his ear Satoshi heard "Ahh two can play at that game" as Satoshi found himself unable to move. A few seconds later the land shimmered in and out a barren waste land appearing chains binding Satoshi's arms and legs as his flesh slowly melted off his bones.

Mateki • Mugen Onsa - Demon Flute • Illusion Tune Chains
Character Use: Tayuya
Rank: B
Range: Close (0m ~ 5m), Mid (5m ~ 10m), Far (10m+)
Type: Supplementary
Effect: Mateki ~ Mugen Onsa is a Genjutsu technique utilized by the Sound ninja Tayuya. To use this illusion she needs to enter her cursed seal level two form. When she plays the music for this illusion on her flute, her opponent's mind enters a barren wasteland. While in this illusion the ninja feels retrained by chains which bind the user as their skin and muscle begins to melt off their bones. Because they feel restrained in the illusion, they are retrained in real life as well.

Shiin's Kanashibari Music (Unnamed)
Character Use: Shiin
Rank: -
Range: Close (0m ~ 5m), Mid (5m ~ 10m)
Type: Supplementary
Special Note: Anime Only
Effect: This unnamed Genjutsu technique is used by Rice Field Country ninja Shiin. Using his clan's well known musical abilities, Shiin will play a tune on his flute which will bind in place anyone he targets.
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The Missing Meets the Sannin (Oshiroku) Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Missing Meets the Sannin (Oshiroku)   The Missing Meets the Sannin (Oshiroku) Icon_minitimeThu 18 Sep 2008, 10:29 am

((Ah, ok. Cool!))

Though Satoshi identified the technique as a genjutsu, he still had to escape it. He shuddered as his flesh began to melt. Reacting quickly, he began to release himself. "Kai..." He tried to interrupt his flow of chakra, removing the illusion.

Trying to locate his opponent, Satoshi began a string of hand signs. A moment later, blue chakra surrounded his palms. He jumped back down to where his clones had been before and held his hands up in front of him. Turning slowly on the spot, he listened for his opponent.

Name: Kai (Release)
Rank: B
Description: Forming a single hand seal, the user is capable of avoiding the effects of or escaping from a Genjutsu. The more powerful the Genjutsu, the more difficult it is to avoid or escape from.
Name: Chakra no Mesu (Chakra Scalpel)
Rank: B
Description: After forming the needed hand seals, the ninja will focus chakra to their hands. When their charged hands reach the body of their target, they can extend the chakra internally into the targets body to cut and neatly slice their muscles and blood vessels without harming the surface skin. This technique can be used in battle, but because of its hectic nature, the fine precision required for an instant kill is not feasible. Damage can still be done to the vital organs, but the technique should be used carefully in battle.
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The Missing Meets the Sannin (Oshiroku) Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Missing Meets the Sannin (Oshiroku)   The Missing Meets the Sannin (Oshiroku) Icon_minitimeThu 18 Sep 2008, 9:17 pm

Again in his ear Satoshi heard Oshi speaking "It seems as if Genjutsu wont work on must really be a master...what about Ninjutsu then" on the "en" the ground began to rumble shaking strongly within a few seconds an Earthquake starting.

Earthquake Jutsu
Rank: C
Range: 50 yards
Description: Using vibrations Oshiroku creates a strong earthquake. This earthquake is powerful enough to uproot trees.
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The Missing Meets the Sannin (Oshiroku) Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Missing Meets the Sannin (Oshiroku)   The Missing Meets the Sannin (Oshiroku) Icon_minitimeFri 19 Sep 2008, 6:12 pm

Satoshi spun around when he heard the voice in his ear, but lost his footing as the ground began to tremble. Cracks appeared beneath his feet and his opponent was nowhere to be seen. He fell to the floor, breaking the fall with his palms. The ground now shaking violently, Satoshi ran away from the larger cracks, until they thinned out and eventually disappeared.

His hands still glowing blue with chakra, Satoshi pulled the blindfold down over one eye, revealing a pitch black eye with a tiny white pupil. He scanned the area and located his opponent. "Finally..." He muttered, pulling the blindfold back up. He darted towards Oshi, watching out for further quakes. When he reached him, he spun and sliced his palm at the shinobi's knee tendon.

Kekkei Genkai, Yuuyamime (Yuu-yah-mee-may, Dusk Eye). This bloodline ability is rare, even within the Arata clan that it belongs to. The bearer's eyes are always obsidian black, with a tiny white pupil in the centre. It allows the user to see in any conditions (fog, darkness etc.), through most objects (walls, boxes etc.), and for up to one thousand metres into the distance. When the eyes are covered (closed or blindfolded), the user is able to see the outlines of everything. This doesn't put any strain on the eyes. However, everthing appears in black and white (eyes open or closed). The eyes also appear to grant the user certain Genjutsu techniques, and increase the power of any Genjutsu the bearer uses. Using them in this way can put stress on the eyes.
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The Missing Meets the Sannin (Oshiroku) Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Missing Meets the Sannin (Oshiroku)   The Missing Meets the Sannin (Oshiroku) Icon_minitimeFri 19 Sep 2008, 6:23 pm

The Oshi stood letting the weak strike hit him. Not having put much power on the attack because of his jutsu Satoshi's hit did little and neither did the jutsu, the Oshi's purple layer keeping the chakra out. Having bent down to strike Oshi Satoshi's head was lower and the Oshi drove his own palm into the back of Satoshi's head the strike strengthened by Sound Strike Jutsu. Satoshi fell downwards and saw a fist sprout from the ground growing out toward his face.

Sound Strike Jutsu
Rank: B
Range: -
Description: Focusing solid sound and sound waves to a body part or object Oshi strikes an opponent the sound on the object making the strike hugely more powerful.
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The Missing Meets the Sannin (Oshiroku) Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Missing Meets the Sannin (Oshiroku)   The Missing Meets the Sannin (Oshiroku) Icon_minitimeFri 19 Sep 2008, 6:59 pm

Reeling from the two strikes, Satoshi tumbled backwards, eventually coming to a halt when he hit a tree. "Ouch." He groaned, getting to his feet and brushing himself down. You die now." He stated, first pulling down his blindfold completely, revealing his frightening jet black, white pupiled eyes, then forming hand signs as he spoke. "Daikokuten." He muttered, his body turning jet black. He disappeared, and in a flash, re-appeared in front of Oshiroku, a black kunai slashing straight across the shinobi's eyes. A moment later, Satoshi appeared back where he had begun, the black aura gone. To his opponent, it would seem as if he had been completely blinded. This best bit... Satoshi thought, grinning. Is that it's very hard to defeat this genjutsu. His grin widened as he watched Oshiroku's reaction.

Name: Daikokuten (God of Great Darkness)
Rank: A
Description: This genjutsu technique makes the target imagine a blow to his or her eyes, which causes the target's vision to fail, inducing utter darkness. The target then believes themselves to have been blinded. Only by striking the user can they end the effect.
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The Missing Meets the Sannin (Oshiroku) Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Missing Meets the Sannin (Oshiroku)   The Missing Meets the Sannin (Oshiroku) Icon_minitimeFri 19 Sep 2008, 9:05 pm

The Oshi smiles as the other one slides out from under the ground chuckling to himself. Both of the ninja make a series of hand signs one firing Earth Bullets at Satoshi the other Firing Sound Bullets. Putting their final hand sign up to there mouth both Oshi's whistle and 100 bullets of the two kinds fire out at Satoshi from each Oshi. While the Oshi's are forming their jutus Oshi's voice is heared in Satoshi's ear "Ahhh you really know nothing about me do you...I'm already blind my friend...that jutsu won't effect me or my clones"

Name: Sound Bullet Jutsu
Rank: C
Range: 0-50 yards
Effect: This jutsu creates bullets out of sound. The creating sound must be sharp and a whistle is the best. These bullets can be anywhere from half an inch in diameter to 2 feet and can puncture weaker metals in a small form.

Name: Elemental Bullet Jutus
Rank: C
Range: 0-200 yards
Description: Similiar to the Sound Bullet Jutsu created by Oshiroku this jutsu fires bullets of a certain element at the opponent. These bullets can vary in size and the element of choice must be nearby to use.
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PostSubject: Re: The Missing Meets the Sannin (Oshiroku)   The Missing Meets the Sannin (Oshiroku) Icon_minitime

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