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 The training begins,The first step to Revenge

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Mr. Snuggles
Mr. Snuggles

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The training begins,The first step to Revenge - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The training begins,The first step to Revenge   The training begins,The first step to Revenge - Page 4 Icon_minitimeWed 18 Nov 2009, 9:27 pm

ki smiled. " your not dragging anyone, its just a misunderstanding. not get some big rocks from the outside and ill tied them up while we study." ki then took some rope from under the bed and tied one of them to the bed post. he then tied the other one to a chair and the hand on oposite sides of the chair so prevent anyone to do jutsu. he then took all of their weapons and scrolls and set them in the other room. " where are those stones?" he asked
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The training begins,The first step to Revenge - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The training begins,The first step to Revenge   The training begins,The first step to Revenge - Page 4 Icon_minitimeWed 18 Nov 2009, 10:29 pm

He ran out and came back with the stones and placed them on the floor. Sensai listen not to sound wrong or whatever but i gotta take care of this I dont want to be concidered a traitor in the hidden leaf for something stupid like this i know you prolly dont understand but this village took me in i have to make this right please. he pleaded with Ki to let them go.please Sensai I have a plan i know i can clear my name he said bowwing.
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Mr. Snuggles
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The training begins,The first step to Revenge - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The training begins,The first step to Revenge   The training begins,The first step to Revenge - Page 4 Icon_minitimeWed 18 Nov 2009, 10:34 pm

ki shook his head. " no, we just need to explain to them. please read these sets of book i have laid out. its on henry the 8th and tell me what you learned from them. go upstairs and study please." ki put one big rock on top of one of the mens stomach and the other on the other mans lap.
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The training begins,The first step to Revenge - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The training begins,The first step to Revenge   The training begins,The first step to Revenge - Page 4 Icon_minitimeWed 18 Nov 2009, 10:43 pm

But...Yes sensa he said and ran upstairs with the book. Deciding it wasnt worth pushing the issue to far. I dont know if this is wrong but i have to believe in sensai but still. he started to read the book but found it hard to concentrate on the words.He kept picturing what must be going on at home and how the word of his betrayal had spread. he completly forgot about his status in the village untill the ambu showed up. Please dont hurt them sensai he said to himself.
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Mr. Snuggles
Mr. Snuggles

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The training begins,The first step to Revenge - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The training begins,The first step to Revenge   The training begins,The first step to Revenge - Page 4 Icon_minitimeWed 18 Nov 2009, 10:51 pm

kii had dragged another chair into the room and locked it but kept the window open for the fresh air wafting in. when the anbus rose, ki took a calming sip of tea beore them. " sorry to put you in this situation. you were about to take away my literature student." ki set the tea down and fondled a jagged knife in both his hands. the anbus watched as it flashed in the joyous sunlight. " now i dont want to use this at all, i just want to know why you are chasing a loyal gennin that killed a traitorous jounnin?" ki said calmly, a smile about his lips. his hgih voice as rediculous as a pink panda.
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The training begins,The first step to Revenge - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The training begins,The first step to Revenge   The training begins,The first step to Revenge - Page 4 Icon_minitimeWed 18 Nov 2009, 10:59 pm

The ambu responded noticing his mask wasnt removed so this must not be a agressive moment but the blade said differently.Ki he recognized the man before him and bowwed his head slightly.Traitor now that you mention it there has been a few moments where he was under suspission.But even so shion must be held responsible untill we can find out exacly what happened that night.As it stands a jonin has been murdered along with 2 jonnins and a ambu so are you telling me all of these men were traitors. he asked it didnt seem likely especially having a ambu with these intentions moving amonst them.Then again this is the same kind of tactic orochimaru used to kill the 3rd. he thought
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Mr. Snuggles
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PostSubject: Re: The training begins,The first step to Revenge   The training begins,The first step to Revenge - Page 4 Icon_minitimeWed 18 Nov 2009, 11:13 pm

ki smiled. " im sorry, my brother-in-law ate them. shion happens to have a cannibal as a sensei. i used to practice it myself but ive found that raw beef is quite delicouse. though press charges on my brother, not my student." ki stared at the dregs in the tea. " im glad you are cooperating with me. i will keep him within 1 mile of this teashop with at least one of my family looking over him day and night. is that reasonable, anbu?" ki asked, his voice getting lower.
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PostSubject: Re: The training begins,The first step to Revenge   The training begins,The first step to Revenge - Page 4 Icon_minitimeWed 18 Nov 2009, 11:22 pm

Unfortunatly not if what your saying is true I ask you allow me to put him under the back to the past jutsu then the truth can be reaveled and we can clear his name.Shions a nice kid I found it hard to believe myself that hes capable of something like that but this is our way hes no special case nobody above the law of the hokage.the only reason why he wouldnt allow this is if he had something to hide please shion dont be guilty. he thought Well how about it is it a deal.

Shion stood on the other side of the wall with his ear preesed up against the door as they discussed his fate.
It dosent sound like any blood is being shed he thought.I hope this will all workout.He knew ki was nice but he also seen his darkside when ki got angry the house would shake.He stood silent trying not to breathe.
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Mr. Snuggles
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The training begins,The first step to Revenge - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The training begins,The first step to Revenge   The training begins,The first step to Revenge - Page 4 Icon_minitimeWed 18 Nov 2009, 11:30 pm

ki looked to the door and giggled. " shh, lets freak him out first." he said, taking the knife by the blade. he then dipped it in his red tea, making it look like blood. " pretend to scream in pain, he'll freak out. when you do that, we have a deal." ki said, trying to suppress his laughter. he then stood next to the bed and said in a voice that shook the room. "WHERE DID YOU GET THAT INFORMATION??"
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PostSubject: Re: The training begins,The first step to Revenge   The training begins,The first step to Revenge - Page 4 Icon_minitimeWed 18 Nov 2009, 11:42 pm

The ambu laughed a little as the giant master proposed they play a prank on his student.Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!! he screamed he laughed under his breath as there grew a giant smile on Kis face showing his approval. He bent over in the chair he was tied in.slumped over looking dead.

The house shook. Shion got terified as the ear he had pressed up against the door went deaf and made him fall.No No He wouldnt He didnt really just kill a ambu in cold blood.He dived throught the door and seen the ambu slumped over in his chair. he seen Ki and what he was holding a knife covered in blood sensai why did you do that that guy was not our enemy oh no now my name will never be clear im gonna die a traitor ill have to flee the village and become a traveling ninja doing odd jobs to survive NOoooo.he kept yelling and rambling at his sadistic teacher whose smile just grew bigger and bigger. He screamed untill his voice left and was hurt. he tried to mouth words but nothing would come out he dropped to the floor and held his knees rocking back and forth.
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Mr. Snuggles
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The training begins,The first step to Revenge - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The training begins,The first step to Revenge   The training begins,The first step to Revenge - Page 4 Icon_minitimeWed 18 Nov 2009, 11:53 pm

ki licked the knife and smiled. " like being a trash compactor and flourist sweeper?" ki aksed, setting the knife in his teacup. " im afraid i have to have my lunch now, lest you want to bury it before you see me eat. im quite different in the form of the food. including my fettish with Necrophilia." ki looked torward the guy on the bed. " just make sure this guy is dead by touching his pulse.
ki walked out of the room, turning and winked at the fake-dead man. as soon as the boy walked forward and touch him, the anbu would jump forward with the loosend ties on the chair (which he did with the knife too) and do the genjutsu on him. the boy then would fall flat on the ground unconsiouse and the anbu would do one of two things. leave him there or capture him. either way, ki was staying in the hallway with one of his pupils looking through the walls to the bodies.
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The training begins,The first step to Revenge - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The training begins,The first step to Revenge   The training begins,The first step to Revenge - Page 4 Icon_minitimeThu 19 Nov 2009, 12:06 am

Shion woke up looking at the ambu and ki smiling. the last thing he remembered was the deadman fly at him,He fainted when he attacked.I think hell be allright the ambu said.I have to apologize to you ki shion I knew you couldnt have done something like that.There was absoloutl no way to lie your way out of that.Your name is cleared I will tell the village of what transpired here today.Oh here he produced a bag of stuff shion was wearing that was confiscated at the hospitol.His blades his weapons and his coat he loved. So wait my names clear what the how is that possible his voice started to come back.The last thing i remember was you were dead and Ki sensai ordered me to check your pulse how can my name be clear now. part of him really need to know but part was just so happy it was all over.
The ambu chuckled ill let your sensai fill you in on that i better get this information to the hokage if the stone has already made their move we might be in more trouble than we thought. Untill next time he disappeared in a cloud of smoke.
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Mr. Snuggles
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The training begins,The first step to Revenge - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The training begins,The first step to Revenge   The training begins,The first step to Revenge - Page 4 Icon_minitimeThu 19 Nov 2009, 12:11 am

ki sat on the chair and pulled out the knife. it was bloody red from the blood. " they did a jutsu on you to see if you were clear. can you concentrate on your studies now?" ki licked the knife and set it back in the tea. " it was quite fun seeing your face. there is no way you can be a murderer." ki giggled and coverd his mouth.
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The training begins,The first step to Revenge - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The training begins,The first step to Revenge   The training begins,The first step to Revenge - Page 4 Icon_minitimeThu 19 Nov 2009, 12:18 am

Yes sensai i knew you couldnt do something like that so what your telling me is that blood was really tea your sick sensai he laughed and ran upstairs happily he went through the bag and found all his things he smiled and started going through the book he was given. Oh i see what this is its a srategy book.He loved books about strategys.He read them often and his battle style was based around it.
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Mr. Snuggles
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PostSubject: Re: The training begins,The first step to Revenge   The training begins,The first step to Revenge - Page 4 Icon_minitimeThu 19 Nov 2009, 12:23 am

ki went upstairs and sighed. " no strategy books today. henry the 8th. people learn strategies from life. life gives you trouble and problems which make history. we learn history's problems and learn from the problems which make strategies. here is several morals. henry the 8th had married 7 wives one at a time. most of them were killed or divooced since they could not bear him a son. though most accounts say it was he who was the problem. the last time he had a son but only until he was 16 and the boy died. his sister, elizabeth ruled and made the kingdom to be a great nation. she then gave birth to another daughter and her husband ruled. the offspring of that daughter was elizabeth the second who rules overseas to this day." ki said with mirth. "what does this teach you at this moment?"
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PostSubject: Re: The training begins,The first step to Revenge   The training begins,The first step to Revenge - Page 4 Icon_minitimeThu 19 Nov 2009, 12:34 am

well the first moral i can see is dont concider others the problem right away when the problem can very easily be you

the fact that the boy died at 16 says to me that he was at the age to make the same mistake as his father and was stopped before he had the chance

that a woman made a great nation which i assume was wut henery was after a great nation i mean.It makes sence that a lesson would be women can be as valuable as men

whenb her daughter handed off her kingdom to a man i think that represents unity between two people that they must trust and rule together to be as effective as possible.

He thought about it somemore he found asignificance between the 8 and the 7 wives but he couldnt organize it well so he dismissed it.

Weell was i close he asked
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Mr. Snuggles
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PostSubject: Re: The training begins,The first step to Revenge   The training begins,The first step to Revenge - Page 4 Icon_minitimeThu 19 Nov 2009, 12:40 am

ki sighed. " elizabeth was the oldest daughter. the rest were killed. the fact that henry only wanted male heirs and would stop at nothing to aquire it just means this. just because he is male doesnt mean he rules. or if she is a woman and she has to be weak. you cannot judge a book by its cover, you cannot say anything is unuseful and you cannot say that certain objects in battle is unusable. if your slingshot breaks, swing the string part around and use it as tripwire to tie around feet or necks. if your arrow bends, use it as a boomerang. ye kin? if you cnnot find a way out, you are looking at it differently. there is more than one way to get out. usually there are more."
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PostSubject: Re: The training begins,The first step to Revenge   The training begins,The first step to Revenge - Page 4 Icon_minitimeThu 19 Nov 2009, 12:43 am

oh i see i was thinking of it as a bunch of little lessons its actually one big lesson.And it all comes back to battle.I think i understand now Ki sensai. is this how all the lessons will be he wondered as one big lesson hmm.
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Mr. Snuggles
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PostSubject: Re: The training begins,The first step to Revenge   The training begins,The first step to Revenge - Page 4 Icon_minitimeThu 19 Nov 2009, 1:17 am

ki smiled as he heard the door open on the 1st floor. " your jutsu teacher is here. tell reiki i wont be able to see her untill im done with my studying." ki went back to a different book
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PostSubject: Re: The training begins,The first step to Revenge   The training begins,The first step to Revenge - Page 4 Icon_minitimeThu 19 Nov 2009, 1:22 am

Shes here the suspence was killing him.he went to the window to see if he could get a glimse of her
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Reiki Willow
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PostSubject: Re: The training begins,The first step to Revenge   The training begins,The first step to Revenge - Page 4 Icon_minitimeThu 19 Nov 2009, 1:28 am

reiki smelled the bread and tea that had distict smell of the oils of ki's skin. she touched a witherd flower and smiled. she felt the traces of claws and no prints. willows were here. she was helped up the stairs by a couple that was traveling with her. she was wearing a dark green cloak over her outfit. her pale skin showing in the sunlight. as reiki's pure blue eyes looked up, sensing the smell of a boy about 11 to 15 years old and had a heavy scent of lilacs. she smiled at him, her blue eyes reflecting off of the sun and sending blue dots all over the ground. she then walked in and disapeard from his sight.
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PostSubject: Re: The training begins,The first step to Revenge   The training begins,The first step to Revenge - Page 4 Icon_minitimeThu 19 Nov 2009, 1:32 am

was that her he wondered her eyes wee open and she navigated herself well he attempted to follow her to find out his question
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Reiki Willow
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PostSubject: Re: The training begins,The first step to Revenge   The training begins,The first step to Revenge - Page 4 Icon_minitimeThu 19 Nov 2009, 1:37 am

reiki nhad walked straight to the back of the shop into the large garden that ki owned. she then cut accross from it, recognizing every blade of grass, plants and the fish in the pond. she then sat by the koi fish and stuck her finger in the water. the fish started to dance around it. remembering how their comrades died and stayed well enough away not to get killed. though her eyes remained black and looking straight ahead. her other hand supporting her weight. instead of claws, her fingers were encased in a thick film. making them harmless.
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PostSubject: Re: The training begins,The first step to Revenge   The training begins,The first step to Revenge - Page 4 Icon_minitimeThu 19 Nov 2009, 1:48 am

ki had left the room in search of another book I dont think hell mind too much if i stretch my legs for a minute.
he laughed deviously as he ran to the back following the scent of the girl.He had no problem chasing her to the garden. he should have noticed how nice it was earlier but he was in too much pain.Hi he said im shion coming up behind her.He noticed she was playing with a fish in the pond.It ran away when he came too close oooh sorry about that he laughed nervosly that had become somewhat of a trademark.
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Reiki Willow
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PostSubject: Re: The training begins,The first step to Revenge   The training begins,The first step to Revenge - Page 4 Icon_minitimeThu 19 Nov 2009, 1:57 am

reiki smiled. she had smelled the scent of lilacs and the thudding of his heavy feet. " its okay." she stood up and walked next to the boy. she was quite short and her white hair made her face look even more young. " so your the one sendo-kuun told me about." a flash of light and her sword came from underneath her robe and to the boys neck. wondering how he would react.
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